Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



As Omi walked to the coffee shop, he thought back on how he met Nagi. The wonderful boy he began to feel strongly attached to.

Omi ran down the long corridor, trying to find the control room to take the information he needed. Aya at his side, running along with him.

"Bombay. How much further is the control room?" the red-head asked.

"Not much further, Abbysnian."

"Good, We're being followed."

~And How long have you known that you and the Chibi were? ya know, bein' followed.~ Yohji's voice called over in the headpeice.

"About ten minutes ago, Bombay there is the control room, you go on in."

"What about you? Are you going to wait for the guards?"Omi asked, as soon as he recieved the solomn nod from his older teammate, he ran into the room.

Faced by an unexpected surprise, Prodigy was already typing away at the computer. He probably doesn't know I'm here...Maybe if I use a dart, I can knock him out and take the information he's already gotten...

But before he finished his thought Prodigy was already standing infront of him, poised to attack the young Weiss assassin.

"What do you want, Bombay?" asked the smoothe monotone voice that he would come to love.

"Why should I tell you?" That's good answer a question with a question, and maybe he'll leave!

Omi took one step forward. "Then nevermind, stay were you are while I collect this data..."

Nagi said turning his back on Omi, "And if you make one more step towards me with that dart in your hand, I will simply blow it off."

Nagi walked back over to the computer to finish compiling all of his data, possibly not expecting Omi to fire at him with his other weapon, the crossbow.

Blood gushed from Nagi's arm, dripping onto the floor.

"H-how dare you..."

Omi instantly felt guilty, hurting a young boy probably not even older than himself. Only doing his job. A horrid job of, kill or be killed.

So Omi ran over to Nagi dropping his weapon, and tore a piece of his pantleg and wrapped Nagi's arm as to stop the bleeding.

"You'll be fine, Prodigy. No need to worry, I wont hurt you." Omi said smiling as he wiped his blood soaked hands on his pants, or what was left of them.

"Why? Why would you help the enemy?" Nagi asked trying to back away, smearing blood on the floor.

"Because you and I are the same. Children, only doing the job they were told to do... But we were unfortunate in getting such horrible jobs..." Omi reached up and put his arms around Nagi being very mindful about his wound, "When all of this is over, I'd love to see you outside of battle."

"B-but... We're enemys...!!" Nagi looked up and grabbed the disc, " I have to go Schul-Mastermind has called me back." He said getting up, and heading for the door Omi had just recently came in from.

"Wait!" Omi called out, "Will we be able to meet somewhere else?"

"I'd like that..." Nagi said with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Prodigy..." Nagi turned back around, "Don't go that way, Abbysian is guarding the door..."

"Nagi...Nagi Naoe..."Nagi said walking over to the window.

"Nagi...okay, my name is Tsukiyono Omi..." He said as Nagi jumped out the window as if he wasn't harmed in anyway.

"Omi! Where are you going? The coffee shop is this way!" Nagi's voice called Omi out of his little daydream.

"Oops! I was in my own little world for a sec." Omi said turning around with a big smile on his face.

"Come on, Let's go get some coffee." Nagi said with a faint smile on his lips.

"Okay, I was getting a little thristy." Omi said not realizing Yohji's car pull up to the same coffee shop that he and Nagi were just entering.


A/N: you see that button down there? use it.

Omi : Please Review! The more reviews she gets the faster she types!

A. O. : That's not true...oh wait...maybe it is...

Nagi : ...finally she writes the stroy she has been planning in her mind since...well for a while......

A. O. : How did you know?!

Nagi : ^^; Schu told me...

A. O. : oh he did, did he??

Nagi : He also said you wanted it to be a lemon...

A. O. : ;!_!; so? you wouldn't argue! you like him after all!

Omi : ::BLUSH::

Nagi : Oh now look what you've gone and done!

A. O. : yea? so? he looks cute!

Nagi : I agree with you there...

Omi : The world is coming to an end, they actually agreed on something....

All : Please review!