Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


"Partying?" Nagi mimicked. "Where?"

"At 'my' club. It's a bit... different from Yohji's though." Aya said with a grin. "Oh, and wear something tight, black and leather!"

"Why those?" Ken asked the red-head.

"You're in my group." Aya said making fast hand movements. He looked at the four of the other seven. Ken, Omi, Nagi and Farfello. "SchuuuuSchuuuuuu?"

"Yes, Aaaaayaaaaaaa?"

"Help, Craw-daddy." he said happily, "My clothes won't fit him... He's too big."

"Fine by me... come on, Crawddy." Schuldig said pulling Crawford out of the room by his tie.

Crawford sent a look of despair at everyone else but Schuldig, and mouthed, "Help me!!!!!!"

Aya walked back towards his closet and pulled out two smaller outfits identical to his, and tossed them to Omi and Nagi. The only difference was that the colors were aqua and midnight blue. He roughly grabbed Omi by his chin and pulled out a tube of blue (matching his outfit: aqua) color, and smeared it onto his hands and ran them through Omi's hair, creating streaks. He did the same for Nagi.

"Go get dressed." He ordered. "Hidaka, Farfello, come over here."

Aya looked at Farfello, "Farfie-sweetie, if you want to go with us, you cannot harm anybody. At all. So, I'm confiscating your knives."


"No buts. Hand 'em over." he said out-stretching his hand.

After about fifteen minutes of holding his hand out, and Farfello still removing knives from various places he said to put them on his dresser when he had them all gone.

"Ken, you get a outfit with flare." he said with a grin. "Treat it nicely and it will make you go far."

"What?" Ken asked as a bundle of clothes were shoved at him. It had a maroon crop-top, tight musky colored leather jeans with holes strategically placed, and combat boots.

"I'll do your hair in a minute sweetie, get dressed. Kudoh, you too." he looked back at Farfello, "Okay, this is my favorite one. So be kind to it." he placed a black spandex full body outfit, with long sleeves and pants that went just above his knees; lace up greyish-black combat boots; and several clamps and chains to go around it.

"I'll be nice." he said moving to leave the room with it, "I'll show ye when I'm done."

"Okay, Farfie." he said with a smile.

As Farfello left, Ken came back in, shyly. "What are you going to do to my hair?"

"Cut it all off and then make a wig out of it." Aya said in a monotone voice. "I'm just kidding, Ken! I'm only going to put in some washout blonde highlights. Nothing to big. Okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's fine." Ken said with a smile.

When Crawford came back into the room, he was wearing a fishnet shirt and torn jeans with on of the pant legs torn off, and hooker style stockings underneath.

He and Schuldig were a matching set. "Aren't we adorable??"

"Very." Ken muttered shaking his head.


Yohji looked at the club, the logo had a male with neko ears and tail on his hands and feet in a slutty pose. The bar's name was 'Kitten Club'.

"Oh, I'm not going to say anything about his one." Schuldig muttered shaking his head sadly, "There's just too much to name."

Aya made his way up to the bouncer. "Hey, sweetheart. Let us in, will you?" He leaned over the railing that separate him and the bouncer.

"Ayan?!" the bouncer shreiked. "I thought we lost you to the rivals!" He pulled Aya over the railing and caught him in a vice-like death grip. "Anyone with Ayan gets in free of charge. You gonna dance for us sweetie?" he asked leaving his arms wrapped around the red-head's waist.

"I have business, but I will afterwards." he said happily.

"I'll be sure to stick around." he said moving aside so they could enter.

"I'll be here." Aya said moving into the bar.

When he did, everything but the music stopped. Everyone turned and looked at him. A few whispers of "is that him?" and "omigawd! we've hit the jackpot!'

"Is this how I'm greeted on my arrival back here after six months away?" he asked innocently.

"AYAN!!!!" came a few shreeches and yells. "You're back!"

"Carry on." he stated.

The people waited a few minutes before dancing again. "A-ah! Yo-tan help!" came Ken's strangled cry.

Aya turned around like a crocodile aiming for its prey. His whip lashed out around the guy's neck who was molesting Ken, and he pulled hard enough to topple the guy face down into the tile. He slammed his heeled foot down on the poor guy's back, cramming his face harder into the tile. "

"You. Do. Not. Touch. What. Belongs. To. Me." He said accenting every word with another slam.

"I-I'm sorry, Ayan!" the man shouted. "I didn't know that they were with you!"

"Let this be a warning to you all. Do not ever touch my stuff. Especially people." He said with a grin and stepped on the guy as he passed again, "Stay with me this time."

"Okay, Aya." Ken mumbled rubbing his neck.

Aya led them to a small part in the club that had a small alcove with a iron door guarding the way up the stairs. "Let me in."

"Ayan?" came a voice.

"Yes, It's me." he said sighing.


"Move out of the fucking way, and let me in." he growled.

"Password accepted!" the guy on the other side of the door shouted, hastily unlocking the door. "Here you go, Ayan. Abriel and Gabriel are waiting upstairs. They have visitors, though."

"Like I care." He muttered angrily, walking up the stairs into the other room. "Ab, Gab, it's me."

"Ah! Ran-chan!" Abriel shouted happily, "Meet Rhelex and Hacker. Our cousins. I believe we've mentioned them before?"

"Yes, you have. Many times." Aya said walking over to the other pair of twins in the room. "It's a pleasure to meet you, finally. I was starting to think that they were holding you hostage, and were never going to let me meet you."

The wavy haired one, Rhelex, smiled happily and stood up to kiss Aya on the cheek. "Hello, Ayan. How are you this evening?"

"Fine. How about you, Hacker?" Aya asked the other twin, his smile still intact.

"Good. Who are your friends?" Hacker asked Aya, looking at the other Weiß and Schwartz members.

"Ah, they are Yohji, Ken, Omi and his boyfriend, Nagi, and Schuldig and Crawford." he said pointing to every one in a line. "And that there is Farfello."

"Interesting group you have there, little orchid." Gabriel said, his smile widening. He stood to shake hands with the others in the room that he wasn't acquainted with personally. "I am Gabriel, and this is my twin brother, Abriel. Cute, neh?"

"Very." Schuldig said, making a face.

"Aya, you haven't been here in a long while...." Abriel pouted, "Didn't you miss us?"

"Like I do cigarettes." he muttered.

"Oh, yeah that's right. You quit!" Gabriel said clapping his hands. "That good for you. Never did take a liking to those cancer sticks."

Aya laughed. "But, now I'm trying to get Schuldig and Yohji to stop, it's driving me crazy!"

"Really now?" Rhelex said.

Hacker and Rhelex had pulled Aya down to sit in between them sometime in their conversation.

"Yes. They just won't stop!" Aya said throwing his hands in the air.

"Did you try burning every carton of 'em that they own?" Abriel said with a malicious grin, "it'll waste alot of money, so then they would have to stop buying the nasty things..."

"I can't talk about their nasty habbits, I came here to know about Aya-chan." he said looking at the two twins sitting at the desk. "Where is she?"

"With the Queen." Hacker answered.

Everyone turned their heads to face the boy, "How do you know that?" Crawford asked.

"Because, we are her slaves." Rhelex said. "We are the only ones left that have the key to her castle." Rhelex's face turned solemn; he shook his head and smiled again. "But, at least she let's us go visit our cousins!"

"How nice." Aya mumbled. "This is wonderful."

"I knew that you would come sometime, Ran-chan." Abriel said with a smile. "So we've organized a plan, to rescue your sister, and to free our family as well."

"How many does she have?" Nagi asked.

"We've been working underground so that she doesn't find us, but she found everyone else that's has helped us in the past. Except Ran. They've taken our entire clan." Gabriel said venomously.

"Enough of that sop story! Let's go out and par-tay!" Rhelex said jumping up and grabbing Crawford and Schuldig by their arms and pulling them out the door.

And so, two by two they piled out of the small crowded room and into the club.


A/N: don't hurt me! i've stretched this idea out so long.... it's like i'm the creator of beyblade, making those episodes go on for so long, when they could put it all in one... well aya'll dance. but, the thing is...

...he pole dances!!! whooooo hooooo~!!! go aya! show your sex-kitten self!

Aya: 0.o

Everyone else: 0.0

A.O.: calm down. he'll only strip down until... a little before his *ahem* i won't give the plot away to the readers just yet! i'm planning this story to go up into it's 30s or 40s!! and it will happen, after so many plot twists! it will.... **cackles**

All: 0.0

Schuldig: Great, she's going farfie on us...

Aya: Hey!!

everyone else: 0.0

A.O. : your face'll freeze like that y'know.

**long silence**

A.O.: Now what do we say?

All: Please review, it'll make her write faster. and the sooner she does, the sooner we can leave.

A.O.: oh nooo, my pretties, you can't leave just yet. i have big plans for you..... **Cackles**

everyone else: 0.0 **meep!!**