Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Trick of the Heart ❯ Rejection ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz or the idea or the characters in the show. However I do own this fanfiction idea and the characters Saberu, Toran, Walter, Mary and her little followers Sue-Ann and Beth. Don't take them, they're mine that would just be mean. :p I'll find some way to sue you!

Warnings: Yaoi, strong language, and lime. Implied KenxOmi and OCxOmi. Lots of stuff to do with original characters, don't like that stuff, than you probably wouldn't like this.

Chapter 5: Rejection

Omi awoke with a horrible pain in his head. He knew he was awake but he kept his eyes closed. The pain hurt so much all he wanted was to be unconscious again.

"Omi... Hey, are you waking up?" a voice asked gently.

The voice alerted him immediately. He remembered that voice from some where.

Omi forced his eyes opened. He ached all over. His vision was blurred, he could just barely make out a shape kneeled in front of him, looking up at him. Those eyes could only belong to one person.

Omi blinked a few times and eventually his eyesight began to return. It confirmed to him who was with him.


Saberu smiled at him softly, happy Omi hadn't had another reaction to his presence.

"You must be in some pain," Saberu stated the obvious. That's when it all came flooding back to Omi, what had happened that day and how he had gotten there.

"You...you told them to kidnap me," he looked hurt. He hated that word and here he was again in the same position. He pulled at his arms but they couldn't move. He realized his wrists were bound to one another and he was roped tightly to a chair, preventing him from standing.

"No, Omi, never!" Saberu gasped. "I didn't want them to do this but they did it anyways..."

He reached over into a bowl filled with ice and cold water. He stood up with a rag now in hand and placed it back onto Omi's head where the vase had hit him. Omi shivered from the cold, but at the same time it began to numb the pain there.

"They went too far... I'm sorry," Saberu apologized. "They were just trying to make me happy."

There was no way a simple apology was going to help. "They took me from my home and hurt my friends!" Omi cried. "How could you let them do that?!" Ken had been thrown into a table. He hoped he was all right.

"I didn't!" Saberu protested. "I didn't want them to do anything to you!" Saberu looked angry as he held the cloth to Omi's head. "Those idiots, I even told them that...they never listen to anything I tell them."

"Why did they kidnap me? Why would having me make you happy?" Omi questioned. He wanted answers.

Saberu pulled back, his face turning crimson. He didn't want to answer him. He went back to the bowl and dipped the towel back into the ice water. "I don't know," he lied.

"Don't! I know you're the one who sent me those flowers!" Omi informed him. He wasn't going to just settle for that.

Saberu tensed at his words. "I-I didn't send you any flowers!" he denied. It reminded him of a young 1st grader with a crush that was now confronted. It made he feel so immature.

"You're lying, I know you did!" Omi refused to drop the subject. "Tell me, I want to know the truth!" it was an order.

Saberu gulped... This was what he wanted, right? The chance to be with Omi and to tell him how he felt. Giving in to the younger boy, he left the towel in the water as he walked back over to Omi, kneeling in front of him once again. Omi didn't once take his eyes from his.

Saberu reached up towards his face. Omi flinched immediately, shutting his eyes tightly, afraid that he was going to hurt him. Saberu frowned, the last thing he wanted was Omi to fear him. He softly ran the back of his hand over Omi's soft skin, showing that there was no need to be afraid. Omi opened his eyes a bit hesitantly. He was confused now. The tension began drift from him and as Saberu felt it fade he continued and cupped Omi's face affectionately

"Don't be afraid, I would never hurt you," Saberu said gently with a smile on his face. "We're a lot alike," he chuckled.

"What?" Omi's eyes grew a bit wide. He was now more confused than ever.

"My parents..." Saberu frowned a little. "My Father didn't care about me either, just like yours didn't," he began to stroke Omi's face tenderly. "My Mom didn't care either. I know what rejection from your parents is like, I know how much it hurts and then to be lied to..." his voice lowered as he said his name. "Omi..." Saberu did something Omi didn't expect. He stood up only to wrap his arms around him tightly. "Omi, I want to make it all better."

Omi, astonished and blushing furiously. He was no longer sure what to do or what to say. "Ma-make it b-better?!" he squeaked.

"Yeah!" he beamed. There must have been a chance of hope, otherwise Omi would have yelled at him by now. His hopes were beginning to raises as the seconds passed and a rejection wasn't said. "What we both want more than anything in the world...is to be loved," he told him, caressing his face again. "We've been through so much, we can take away the pain from each other... We can be happy together...Omi..." he leaned forward, kissing Omi like he had been dreaming about.

Omi's eyes grew the size of plates. The only person he had ever kissed in his life was Ouka. It startled him that this tasted just equally as sweet, coming from a man. It made his heart pound.

Saberu was glad as he didn't feel Omi trying to get away. He decided that it was safe to take things a step further. He opened his mouth, pushing his tongue between Omi's slightly parted lips and running it against his own. He tasted so sweet, so delicious. It was nothing like the dreams, better than the dreams, it was so much more intense and wonderful!

Omi suddenly began to squirm furiously, if his arms hadn't been bound he would have shoved him away. Saberu was a bit confused by his sudden change in behavior. He pulled back, looking into Omi's eyes.

"What's wrong, Omi?"

"Don't!" Omi gasped, his whole face red and panting like he had just run in the 50-yard dash. "Don't ever do that again!" he snapped.

Saberu gulped, deciding that Omi must have not been ready for such intimate kisses just yet, thinking that the advance in the kiss must have startled him.

"I'm sorry," Saberu apologized. "I won't take it that far next time..."

"Next time?" Omi blushed. That was not what he meant. He shook his head. "No, I mean don't ever kiss me again!"

Saberu became extremely confused at that point. He could have sworn Omi had been enjoying it.

Omi wasn't going to even consider it, he felt stupid for not stopping Saberu from the beginning. No matter how much he claimed to care, it didn't change what Saberu did, he helped criminals. Omi could never be with someone like that nor did he want to.

"Never," Omi growled. "You help horrible people get away with things they should be punished for! That's wrong!"

Saberu gulped. Suddenly he smiled softly with a small sigh. Omi was so brave and courageous and he stood so firmly on what he believed.

"You're so good, Omi..." Saberu whispered to him. "You care about everyone," he admired him for that, he knew he could never do it. He had been treated too cruelly. He reached down, grasping Omi's shoulders tightly and he looked him in the eyes as he spoke. "Omi, what have they done for you? They let you be hurt, they let you be kidnapped, then they lied to you until you remembered! People can be so horrible, we both know that."

It sounded like a contradiction. He helped the criminals but claimed he didn't like them. Omi didn't understand. "So...why are you helping them?" he looked at him angrily.

"Because I don't care, don't you see? Why should we care about those who don't care about us?" Saberu's grip on his shoulders tightened. "I care about YOU, Omi... We can care about each other..." he leaned close to capture those soft-as-rose-petal lips again but Omi immediately looked away, not allowing him to do so.

Saberu frowned and pulled back. "Omi..."

"I care about the innocent, you care about NO ONE... No one but yourself!" Omi accused as he faced him again. Saberu shook his head.

"No, that's not true!"

"I can never love someone who allows horrible people to get away with what they do! Those same horrible people hurt me!" he was taking it personally. Victims like him were never getting justice because of Saberu. "You just hate everyone because of what happened to you... That's selfish!" his voice was so full of emotion and he spoke so truthfully. "I could never love someone like that, regardless of gender."

That hurt worse. It was he personally, completely. Omi hated him. Just seeing the disgust in his eyes stung horribly.

"Omi...please, don't!" Saberu reached out to touch his face, "I..." he had not wanted this, he had wanted so desperately for the look in Omi's eyes to be one of love. He couldn't take another rejection. As he was about to caress him again Omi growled.

"Don't touch me," he said tersely. "Don't you DARE touch me ever again... What you do is no better than the acts the criminals commit!"

Saberu pulled his hand back instantly, anguish hitting every nerve in his body with each rejection Omi gave.

"Omi... I love you..." he gave him one last chance.

The words meant nothing to Omi. Omi looked at him, dead in the eyes as he spoke again, his words cruel and full of hatred. "Do you even know how...?"

It stung like fire. That did it. Saberu couldn't take this any longer. He turned quickly and rushed out the door slamming it hard behind him. He could have hit himself for being so stupid and thinking that for one moment Omi would actually go with what he was saying. It was his own fault for getting his hopes up.

On the other side of the door were Walter and Toran, obviously waiting to hear how it had gone. They really didn't need to ask, from the tears in Saberu's eyes it was obvious.

"Saberu... You're--" Toran's eyes widened. He had never seen his young friend so pained. Saberu was never one to get so emotional, let alone cry.

The pain Saberu felt right then was something he couldn't describe. It was like something eating away at his heart each time the words replayed in his mind, Omi's words of hatred towards him and the look in his eyes...

"Couldn't convince him?" Walter asked flatly. Saberu gave a scoff.

"Just do what you want with him... I don't care," it was a lie but for the moment he was too hurt to care or think of what he had said. He rushed off to his room, slamming the door behind him.

"That bastard!" Toran growled through his gritted teeth, staring at the door Omi was on the other side of. He couldn't remember the last time he had been so furious. "I'm going to kill him for rejecting Saberu like that!" he grasped the doorknob only to be stopped by Walter's hand on his shoulder.

"Now, now, don't act so hastily."

Toran was shocked. "You heard Saberu, he said he doesn't care what we do to him now!" he reminded Walter of Saberu's words.

"He was lying, he's just hurt," Walter told him. He knew Saberu too well. "If we were to kill him now Saberu would never forgive himself for letting us, for giving us permission. He loves that brat, as much as I hate to admit it and I want Saberu to be happy. He deserves that."

Toran let out a sardonic chuckle. He could not think of any other way out of this for obvious reasons. "Good God, Walter, what are you suggesting? Leave him locked up in there forever? Let him go? His friends will attack us before we know what hit us, he refuses to be with Saberu so the only thing we CAN do is kill him."

"Not so," Walter's eyes seemed to have a gleam to it. "You see Toran, there are different kinds of love in this world... Mutual love, unrequited love... And love by force."

Toran sighed. "You heard Saberu, he doesn't want that."

"It's the only way," Walter said. "I know he could never bring himself to let Omi be killed...so it has to be this way."


"...you'll...always be here to protect me?"

"Of course I'll always protect you."


"Yeah, of course I promise that."

'I promised... A promise I couldn't keep.'

Ken stood outside the 'Kitty in the House' flower shop. Bandaged from his injuries, which were nothing compared to the pain he was feeling in his heart and the guilt.


'I should have... I should have been able to protect him! I PROMISED him!'

His eyes were beginning to burn with tears. They had taken Omi away, he had watched the whole thing and had not been able to do a thing. He watched them come, cruelly knock him unconscious and carry him out. He couldn't believe he had been so helpless. If the positions were switched he knew Omi would have fought harder, he would have fought until they killed him.

Killed him... He didn't even know if Omi was still alive, he had no idea how cruel those people could be. If Saberu had some kind of sick obsession with him, for all he knew he had raped him and tortured him to death.

"Omi..." he covered his face with his hand as tears began to over-flow. "I'm so...I'm so sorry I couldn't keep my promise!"

He immediately straightened up as he heard the door open.

"Yoji," he said as he tried to hide the fact that he was crying. "I thought you were sleeping."

"Please, you think I can? Who knows what those bastards are doing to Omi right now," he pulled out a cigarette and began to flip his lighter, trying to get the little flame to come out. "Damn," he cursed. Finally on nearly his 20th attempt the flame produced and Ken could have sworn he sighed in relief.

"Aya's sleeping soundly from what I can tell, he's so heartless..." Ken scoffed. Aya's comment to the whole thing was, "Omi can take care of himself." He didn't have his crossbow and was dealing with three guys apparently with telekinetic powers. Ken didn't understand how Aya could say something like that.

"I think he cares," Yoji sighed. "I just don't think he knows how to deal with it," he said while putting his arms behind his head and puffing smoke out the side of his mouth.

"Maybe that's it, I've given up on trying to figure that guy out," Ken replied, and continued. "Omi was like that, I never understood him..." he said softly. "He seemed so naive even though all he had been through, and then... Then he blows you away with stuff like he said today and--" he scoffed. "You know what he asked me?"

Yoji looked at him, a bit puzzled and yet curious at the same time.

"He asked me if I would always protect him, just like when I went running to make sure he was alright," Ken told him. "I'm so stupid, not only am I totally messed up but I couldn't even protect him," gave a sarcastic laugh and it was getting hard not to let tears flow again. "I promised him, Yoji. God, I really am fucked up."

Yoji was stunned to hear him say that. He was used to Ken bashing himself, he always did during stressful times but this...

"Alright, that's enough," Yoji told him sternly. "You know, Omi would smack you right upside the head if he ever heard you talk about yourself like that."

Ken just chuckled, it almost a deranged edge to it. "He probably would."

He could hear his voice in his head. "Ken-kun, how dare you! Don't talk about yourself that way, you're a good person!"

Yoji sighed and raked his hand through his hair. Taking the cigarette from between his lips he pressed it between Ken's own. Ken gave him a strange look although it had not been the first time the blonde had done it. "I think you need this more than I do," he replied to the look Ken had given him. "Try to get some sleep, alright? We're going to find Omi and he's going to be fine," Yoji walked back over to the door, taking one look back over to Ken. He was already smoking the cigarette he had given him. Yoji shook his head as he walked into the shop. 'Damnit, Ken... We'd better get Omi back soon, you're a wreck without him.'

If it was one thing Omi was best at it was keeping the spirits high on the team. Even Aya seemed to become more gruff and cold when he wasn't around if that was even possible. And Ken... Ken just fell apart. If Omi were to die... Yoji knew it was almost certain that Ken would die with him.


Omi tried fanatically to get loose of the rope bounding him to the chair. Who ever had tied him up had done a swell job of it.

"Damn!" he cursed. "I should have just played along..." he could have gotten Saberu to untie him, if anything maybe sneak away in the middle of the night. "What was I thinking?" he groaned in exasperation, this was hopeless.

Suddenly the door opened wide, maybe it was Saberu, and if it was maybe he could say he changed his mind and wanted to give things a shot.

To his disappointment, it was Toran and Walter.

"That wasn't very nice of you to reject Saberu like that," Walter teased as he and Toran approached him.

"I-I changed my mind," Omi gulped. He would have hit himself for blurting it out so fact but his hands were tied so it was impossible.

"Oh?" Walter's eyebrows raised.

"Yes... I decided to give it a shot. With all I've been through what have I got to lose?" he hoped it sounded convincing.

For a moment it looked like they believed him.

Toran walked over to him and brought his face to his. He eyed Omi suspiciously.

"So... You decided you want to try it?" Toran asked. Omi tried his best to act natural as much as he hated acting like he was giving in.

"That's right."

Toran pulled back, smirking.

He abruptly clutched his hand into a fist and slammed it into Omi's face.


"You bitch!" Toran's eyes gleamed as his fist shook. "Oooh, you have no idea how much I want to kill you for that, you little liar!"

"Toran, stop," Walter ordered. "You don't want to bruise Saberu's present, now do you?" he chuckled in amusement of his own comment.

At that moment Toran wanted nothing more than to hit Omi over and over again. He wanted to be able to bring Omi even slightly close to the pain he had caused Saberu, he wanted to beat him for the pain he had caused him.

Omi winced in pain as his eyes remained shut tightly. The punch had been so hard his lip had been cut open instantly. Omi forced himself to ignore it, he had to be strong.

"Let...let me go!" he demanded angrily as he looked at the two hypnotists once again.

"That only way you're getting out of here is if we kill you and send you to hell," the words were meant to cause fear in the boy. Toran reached forward and grabbed Omi by his shirt collar. "Saberu may get on my nerves sometimes but I love him just like a brother, you twit, and I don't appreciate you hurting him!"

Omi immediately spat in his face.

"AUG! Why you--" Toran pulled back to punch him again and Omi braced himself for the punch, but Walter stopped him.

"Toran, enough!" Walter ordered. "We don't want to have to explain those bruises to him when we brainwash him!"

"When you...WHAT?!" Omi yelled.

Seeing his fear pleased Toran and he wiped the mix of blood and saliva from his face.

"That's right... You're going to love Saberu, we're going to force you to," he laughed as he noticed the terror growing in Omi's eyes. "You'll do what ever he wants, you'll even be his little whore if that's what pleases him..."

"NO!" Omi yelled, again trying to pull from the ropes and failing as he had done before. He knew they weren't bluffing. Omi had never felt so afraid, not since his kidnapping. "You can't make me...!" his voice trailed off, it sounded so small and pathetic.

"That's the beauty of it," Walter grinned, pulling his pendant from his neck. "We can."

"NO!" Omi protested and he shut his eyes. If he couldn't see the pendant they couldn't hypnotize him.

"That isn't going to do a thing for you," Walter informed him. Omi felt a force making his eyes open. He tried desperately to fight against it but to no avail. Toran was using his powers, forcing him to look. Omi felt the tears beginning to fill his eyes as he realized how completely helpless he was. He could do nothing. "Now then, let's continue," he chucked as he began to swing the pendant back and forth. "Your eyelids are getting heavy now..."

"NO!" Omi shouted. He was trying desperately to close his eyes but the force was too much. If he could just not see it...

"Yes... You just want to sleep, it's been a very rough day..."

"No..." Omi felt himself slipping. 'Hang on, Omi, don't fall for this!' he was begging himself.

"Go to sleep, Omi... It'll all be fine...just sleep..." his voice was so soothing, the way he spoke, it was making him sleepy. "Just sleep now..."

"No..." tears began to fall from his eyes as his eyelids slowly began to fall. "...no..."

His mind went blank as his eyelids felt half shut and his eyes went lifeless. He was dreaming. He could see nothing, he was in a black void as a voice talked to him.

"You love Saberu, Omi... You love him more than anything, since he took you in after your horrible kidnapping...you've been with him all this time and you love him more than anything, you would do anything for him..."

Walter listened to his reply. "Anything...anything at all..." he moaned softly. He grinned.

"That's right, Omi... And you would never hurt him, not ever..."


"You would never abandon him no matter what..."

"...no matter what..." Omi repeated his every word.

Walter grinned. It was always so easy.

"Who would you do this for, Omi... Tell me, who is it you would do this for?"

Omi looked disturbed as he shook slightly. Suddenly he muttered something neither Walter nor Toran could understand.

"What was that, Omi?"

He spoke louder this time, saying the one then that Walter and Toran never would have expected. "...Ken..."

Walter jumped back in shock. There should have been no problem with this, Omi should have fallen under the hypnosis with ease just as all of their pervious victims.

"No, you don't know anyone by that name, Omi," he hissed. "You know no one by that name!"

"Yes...Ken... I would...do anything for him..." he was shaking horribly all over. "He would...do anything for me."

"No, Omi, you know no one by that name!"

"I would... He's the one I care about most..." Omi murmured. "And Yoji...Aya...they're my family..."

Walter yelled. "NO!" There was no way that Omi should be able to fight this.

"...yes..." Omi continued to insist as he remained in a trance. "They're going to save me," he began to sob. "Ken-kun promised."

Omi saw them clearly, standing there in their flower shop clothes. Smiling... He was convinced he would never lose them, that he could always count on them, they were going to save him from this mess. He began to walk over to them, all he wanted was to hear their voices again.

Then that horrible voice shouted at him again.


In an instant the picture shattered, like pieces of glass, they all broke. The pieces began to fall into the void, falling deep into the endless black pit.

"No!" Omi protested and ran after them reaching out his hand in desperation, to jump after them and grab them. "Please, don't! I don't want to be alone!" he burst into sobs as he fell to his knees. "KEN! AYA! YOJI! Don't leave me alone!!"

He sat on his knees, covering his face and sobbing. He felt as though he was a child again, completely lost and hopeless. This time, no one was going to save him. "...Please..." his voice echoed into the air.

Suddenly he felt very comforting, he felt warm arms wrapped around him. Uncovering his face he looked up, Saberu was holding him tightly.

"Why are you crying?" he asked. "Don't cry, I'll never leave you..."

"Ken...Aya...Yoji... But--"

"They were a dream," Saberu whispered, kissing him softly. "Just a dream. When you were alone, they were your imaginary friends. But you don't have to pretend anymore, I'm here now. Just forget them, I'm here to protect you now, you'll never be alone again, Omi..."

Omi smiled. He believed the words instantly. "Saberu, I'm not alone anymore," he whispered softly and he was no longer afraid. "I have you now.... Saberu..."

He returned the embrace as his tears began to dry.

"Saberu..." he said gently. "I love you."


Omi's eyes fluttered opened. He groaned slightly. He was lying on the cold hard floor.

"Mmm...how did I get here?" he asked groggily as he sat up, rubbing his face and trying to grasp what had happened. "I fell asleep?" he questioned.

"Hey, you alright?"

Omi looked up. "Toran!" he gasped. "I--" he looked horrified as he remembered the situation at hand. "Oh no..."

"Omi?" Toran asked, leaning over closer to him.

"Oh, no!" he cried, hastily jumping to his feet. "Saberu... I got mad..." he sputtered. "I was so mean, I said... I told him not to touch me ever again! Damn it, what was wrong with me?" he grasped his head before shaking it. He clenched his hands in determination. "I have to make things right! I just hope he can forgive me..." with those last words Omi rushed out of the room.

Toran grinned, chuckling slightly as he stood up. "Well, I say that was a success..."

Walter emerged from the shadows, pendent in hand. "Yes, I believe it was."
