Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain Retreat ❯ Yay! Action ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any components of Weiss Kreuz. But my clones are thriving (lol).
A/N: It's been a loooooooong time. I hope people are still gonna pay attention. My computer was down for quite awhile but its functional now with about half of its memory. Yohji and Aya did leave me alone for awhile and I've been working on some other unrelated anime fics. But I finally got motivated to work on this again and I must say that Yohji and Aya (but especially Yohji) are happy to finally get the ball rollin. Hope every one enjoys. Taa. YohjisKareBear
“Open the door Yohji and walk through it; don't stop walking until you reach the bedroom. I will take care of closing the doors.” During the walk back to the cabin Aya had had to make a full-time effort to keep Yohji ahead of him. The playboy had been making a concerted effort to antagonize Aya and so the redhead was exceedingly horny.
“Ay-a, you don't want me to go to the bedroom all by myself do you?” Yohji was ready to blow and was in major begging mode; he didn't want to wait the little bit of time it would take Aya to close the doors. Damn the doors anyway. They were up in the mountains, miles away from civilization, and assassins, what could happen?
Aya gave Yohji an exasperated look then proceeded to close the screen door and the main door, making sure to lock it. Yohji gave a mental snort; trust Aya to always take precautions. For that reason alone it was amazing that Yohji managed to get Aya up here in the first place.
While Yohji was reflecting on this Aya went into the bedroom expecting Yohji to follow - eventually. While waiting for Yohji to notice that he was missing, Aya heard a buzzing noise but assumed that it was some unknown electronic in the cabin. So he proceeded to ignore it and daydreamed about what he was going to do to Yohji.
Yohji, after coming out of his revere, walked into the bedroom and Aya was instantly on him. In a matter of seconds they had their tongues half way down the other's throat; Yohji's hands went to Aya's hair while Aya's hands went to the fly of Yohji's pants. With quick movements Aya got Yohji's pants around his ankles leaving Yohji in all his glory. With another quick movement he pushed Yohji backward onto the bed and stood back to survey the landscape revealed to him, with one eyebrow slightly raised.
Yohji toed off his shoes and socks and kicked his pants the rest of the way off. Then he looked at Aya's face and noticed the raised eyebrow. He assumed that the raised eyebrow meant Aya was surprised that Yohji didn't wear underwear. In truth Aya was surprised but also appreciative; that meant Yohji had been stripped all that much sooner. Then Yohji turned his head abruptly, having noticed the buzzing sound.
“Omi must have called and left a voice mail.” Yohji then proceeded to stretch his arms over his head to reach his phone on the far bedside table. Upon reaching it he verified that Omi had indeed called and Yohji was getting ready to check his voice mail when the phone was removed from his hand. Aya quickly checked the caller id then placed the now silent phone on the bedside table.
“We can check that later since he only called once. We have other matters to attend to.” Aya slid his hand down Yohji's chest and grabbed his member, causing the older man to arc his back and gasp in excitement. Aya smiled and stroked Yohji until the older man was a mass of overheated, squirming male.
“Aya! No-No fair!” Yohji gasped. He was nearly out of his mind but he still knew what he desperately wanted and made his wishes known to Aya. He squirmed as Aya's hand moved in steady, fluid motions. He groaned as he moved to stop Aya for a moment; he wanted to be able to speak coherently. His movement caused a nice sort of friction that he was reluctant to stop; but he stopped it anyway. “Aya - (pant, pant, pant) - there's a problem here.”
Aya glanced down at Yohji's hand around his wrist and frowned. “Yes, there is: you stopped me.” He tried to remove Yohji's fingers from his wrist but they wouldn't be moved.
Yohji flopped backward while maintaining a hold on Aya's wrist. Bad idea. Yohji practically squealed and nearly flew off the bed from the sudden pressure and friction. “(gasp, gasp) NO! Not that problem! You still have clothes on. That's not fair!”
Aya grunted in disgust. Here they were, finally doing what they'd both wanted to do for a long time and the cowboy was in a hurry. There was only one thing for Aya to do; accommodate the cowboy without his knowledge. Aya grinned. Evilly.
Aya straddled Yohji and started kissing him ferociously. He also worked on the fastening of his pants with the occasional rub of Yohji's penis. Once his pants were loosened he had to make a decision: stop kissing Yohji or stop playing with him for a moment.
So he stopped kissing Yohji in order to stand up and remove his shoes, socks, pants, and tighty whiteys. He refused to let go of Yohji for this process since he'd already noticed that the easiest way to keep Yohji distracted was to keep him in hand. Which Aya was completely content to do. All Yohji did while Aya undressed was squirm and moan. Aya smiled, very pleased with himself, but it was time to get down to business.
Aya again straddled Yohji but this time he didn't kiss him. Continuing the rhythmic motions of his one hand Aya moved his free hand to play with Yohji's puckered hole. He didn't penetrate it, not yet, because stroking the sensitized area was more fun. Yohji practically lifted them both off the bed and his eyes rolled back. Definitely more fun.
Knowing that Yohji wouldn't be able to think under the double torture Aya asked a simple, very simple question. “Yohji, where did you put the lube?” Yohji just shook his head so Aya stopped stroking Yohji's hole. Yohji whimpered. “The lube Yohji. Where is it?”
Yohji opened his eyes to look at Aya. “The drawer of the nightstand.” Yohji squirmed again; he was over sensitized and knew it was going to get worse. Aya just grinned and reached over to open the drawer. He never stopped the motion of his hand over Yohji's member.
Then he stopped for a brief moment to put some lube on his hands. He started both hand motions back up. When he figured Yohji's nerves were tightened enough Aya inserted one finger. Once Yohji was content with that he added another, and a bit later a third. Finally Yohji was stretched enough; Aya added a bit more lube to his hand and applied that to himself.
“Yohji, open your eyes.” When Yohji was looking at Aya, Aya entered him. Yohji stiffened for just a moment before his body went completely lax. Aya relinquished his hold on Yohji's penis and leaned forward to engage Yohji in a steamy kiss.
Aya began a rhythmic in and out motion with his hips and Yohji rose to meet him. With a little bit of effort Aya found Yohji's sweet spot and made sure to land there every time. That, in addition to Yohji's penis being stroked by their two bodies, quickly rose Yohji to a pitch that he'd never been to before. He was frantic but Aya wasn't in the mood to go fast. The problem was Yohji wasn't in the mood to go slow so while Aya couldn't really slow Yohji down, Yohji could speed Aya up.
Yohji reached down and ran one finger along Aya's sac and Aya froze. Yohji didn't like that so he instead stroked the patch of skin between Aya's anus and his sac. Apparently this was going to work, Yohji felt Aya swell up a bit more. Yohji grinned. He'd found one of Aya's buttons, but he needed to find one that he'd be able to utilize during daily interactions. This button was only for certain situations.
Unfortunately for Yohji Aya found one of his easily accessible triggers: running a finger along Yohji's side. Yohji rolled them both over and impaled himself more firmly on Aya's cock. After a little while Aya took control of the situation again by rolling them back over so Yohji was on the bottom again. Yohji, once he'd calmed ever so slightly, began searching for an Aya spot again. Finally he found it.
It turned out that Aya's spot was quite similar to Yohji's except that it was across his lower back not along his side. While still paying attention to Aya's motions and the heightening tension, Yohji started planning out all the ways he could get to the spot with out customers noticing. The options were many, the risks few.
Since he still wanted to go faster he went back to the hidden sweet spot. Again Aya tensed then swelled. Aya lifted his head and glared lightly at Yohji. When Yohji didn't stop stroking Aya reached down between them and grasped Yohji's penis again, stroking it in time with the motion of his hips. Yohji squirmed and twisted but Aya wouldn't relinquish.
“Finish it, please! Aya-a!” Yohji was close to screaming, he was desperate for release. Aya just grinned and placed his lips on the side of Yohji's neck. Now Yohji was under triple torture: penetration, his cock being stroked, and his neck being sucked on. All in unison, he wanted to cry because there was so much stimulation.
When Aya moved down to Yohji's nipples he knew that Yohji wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. He flicked his tongue against Yohji's left nipple and Yohji lifted them off the bed. Yohji's breaths started coming faster and faster.
“Shi-it, Aya, I don't think I'm gonna last much longer.” Yohji was beyond frantic now. He was grasping at any part of Aya he could get a hold of, hoping to make the red-head go a bit faster. Within three hard thrusts Yohji was coating his stomach and Aya's hand with his seed. Yohji's cry of release sent Aya over the edge as well. Yohji gave a shuddering sigh when he felt Aya empty himself into him. Aya collapsed on top of Yohji and they lay like that for a while.
When the glow of lovemaking finally dissipated they disengaged and slept together, Yohji curled around Aya.
Hours later Yohji woke up feeling pleasantly sated. Aya had been up for a few minutes already, watching Yohji gradually wake up. Yohji stretched and turned his head to look at Aya. It was a pleasant view; Aya's hair was all tousled and he looked softer than he probably had in years. He smiled, maybe Omi and Ken wouldn't notice.
Aya just watched Yohji, wondering if he was dreaming. And if he wasn't dreaming then Yohji had surpassed his dreams by far. While Aya thought of how he didn't have to have any more frustrating nights Yohji ran a hand through Aya's messy hair and leaned over to suckle one of his nipples. Aya let his head drop back and let out a groan. He shouldn't have been surprised that Yohji wanted a wake-up screw. Not that he minded, oh - no, he definitely didn't mind, but he was (for some unknown reason) a little surprised.
Yohji pushed Aya out of his leaning position and onto his back and straddled him. Their eyes met and held as Yohji reached a hand down to stroke Aya and Aya mimicked the motion on Yohji. As Yohji's head dropped back Aya sat up to suck on Yohji's neck, marking him as his.
“Mmmm, Aya. Want more.” Yohji reached for the lube this time and applied it to Aya's throbbing cock. Once it was lubed enough he angled his hips just right and impaled himself on Aya. Then they lost themselves in sensation again.
Quite a while later Yohji was stretching again when he sniffed the air; he sat up, sniffed again, and then frowned. Something smelled rank. He thought about it for a moment then sighed. He smelled rank, definitely in need of a shower.
Aya just sat there watching Yohji sniff the air. Then he frowned as Yohji spoke. Yohji really needed to learn to temper his words.
“Ok, I'm really dirty. I need a shower.” Yohji sighed again then looked back at Aya. “What???”
Aya growled and started up the first level of his Glares of Death(c). Yohji is dirty? He needs a shower? Is he implying that what we did was wrong? If he is I'll kill him, slowly.
“Aya? What's wrong? Why are you angry?” Yohji was concerned. Is Aya now not happy with what we did? Am I a poor lover in his eyes?
“Why do you say that you're dirty now?” Aya glared a bit harder, moving in to the second level of his Glares of Death(c).
“Is THAT what got you riled? I said that because in the two days that we've been here I've been engaged in fighting you to keep you from taking the keys, running in the woods to save you from Mastermind, then twice engaging in some hot sex with you. I stink worse than a pile of rotting flesh. That's all I meant by that statement Aya.” Yohji smiled when Aya's eyes softened again. Then he leered at Aya, making Aya's eyes open wide and become cautious. “Ya know, we could share that shower.”
Aya sighed. He wanted to but had better not. If he let Yohji indulge much more here then Yohji would expect to be able to indulge when they were back at the koneko with Omi and Ken. “You take a shower Yo-tan. I'll make us a meal. Just make sure you don't use all the hot water. You're not the only one who needs a shower.”
Yohji whistled as he walked into the bathroom and nearly jumped through the ceiling as Aya's cell phone started ringing. Of course Aya hadn't put his phone on vibrate.
“Fujimiya.” Aya answered the phone as he began taking out the fixings for a meal.”
“Aya, its Omi. I called Yohji's phone hours ago but he hasn't gotten back in touch with me. Manx gave us a mission but its one that could easily be handled by me and Ken. But we will need you and/or Yohji here to deal with the shop. Surprisingly enough it's going to be a daytime mission. Will you and Yohji make it back on time? Or should we close the shop tomorrow? Or I could call Momoe in to work it, but I'd rather not do that since one of her grandchildren is in the hospital. What do you think?” Omi finally stopped for breath.
Aya didn't really want to leave yet but he didn't want to make Momoe work when she had family troubles. He sighed audibly into the phone. “We'll be there later tonight Omi.”
“Ok, I'll leave the light on for you guys. So……………. How has your weekend been?” Aya flushed even though there was no one to gauge his reaction to the seemingly innocent question.
“It - it's been good. We had a little incident with Mastermind and Prodigy but we survived with little fuss. Yohji and I fought for the keys to the Seven but obviously he won that round.” And we had some awesome sex. Of course he wouldn't tell Omi that, he was too young to know about that aspect of his and Yohji's new relationship.
“Good. Ken did the grocery shopping and he got everything that was on Yohji's list, and I added some specific brands that you always buy. All the fan-girls are disappointed that you and Yohji were missing. A bunch of them were talking about something being `kawaii' but neither Ken nor I really heard what exactly they were talking about. Well I need to get back to the store. I'll talk to you and Yohji tonight. Later.” The phone went dead, Omi had hung up. Aya sighed again. If they were going to get back to the koneko tonight they were going to have to get going in about four hours and they still needed to clean up the cabin.
“YOHJI! Hurry up! I want a chance in the shower.” Aya quickly went back to the kitchen and finished making their meal. Five minutes later, as he was setting the meal on the table he felt lips on the back of his neck.
“Mmmm, smells good. I'll eat and you can take a shower.” Yohji grinned at Aya. He was hungry.
“No. We're going to eat, and then I'm going to take a shower. While I'm taking a shower you'll do the dishes. Once I'm done we're going to clean the house. Any questions?” Finished with his demands Aya looked at Yohji expectantly. When Yohji just blinked at him he explained why things were going to happen so quickly. “Omi called when you went into the shower. He and Ken have a mission tomorrow and we're going to work the koneko. Momoe can't do it because she has a grandchild in the hospital.”
Yohji sighed; he didn't want to leave yet. “So when are we gonna have to leave?”
“As soon as possible. Once we're finished cleaning we can go.” They talked about varying topics over dinner, touching on everything from politics to favorite movies and music. Not surprisingly they didn't have too much in common but their likes didn't clash with the other's likes.
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Man guys that was hard to write. Took forever and still probably isn't the greatest. *pouts* the boys abandoned me for the sex scenes. Had to figure it out for myself. But now they're back and ken is asking for a little bit more attention. Apparently he's bored with my friend that he usually houses with. Hopefully I'll get the next chapter out soon but don't keep your hopes up. It took me a year for this one. Hope everyones doing great and still willing to read.
Y: *yawn* Bear you're still up?
KB: yah Yo-tan, still up. Finally got the chapter done without any help from you and Aya. Do you think you could give me any help with the next one? Pls?
Y: I'll talk to aya about it. But I'm sure that I'll help a bit. Now come on turn off the computer and go to bed. Aya gets cranky when people are up all night with the computer. It messes with how the household runs.
KB: Yah, my parents don't like it much either. Well I'll just save this and take off then. Night.