Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain Retreat ❯ Damn you Schu! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any components of Weiß Kreuz, I just borrow them. (Actually I've cloned them so I have my bishies close by. :D [But don't tell Persia]) I don't own Wicked or the songs from it either.


A/N: this chapter got away from me and Schuldig popped his head in again and altered what I'd planned but what can ya do? The chapter has actually become necessary in this story so I'm posting it. That and the boys are completely OOC.




Yohji followed (was being dragged by) Aya back toward the cabin watching his ass the whole time. He couldn't stand it any more; Yohji gave in to his frustration and reached forward with his free hand and touched, well caressed anyway. Aya released Yohji's hand, took a few quick steps forward, and turned to look at Yohji.

"Are we even going to make it back to the cabin, Yohji? Or are we going to lose all traces of our civility by making it like monkeys in the woods?" Yohji couldn't help but chuckle at Aya's choice of words.

"C'mon Ayan, where's your sense of adventure? And since when do you use phrases like `make like monkeys'? I guess you always had a sense of humor but buried it under your Glares of Death(c)." Yohji slowly moved toward Aya while he said this and happily Aya didn't move away. When he reached Aya he grabbed Aya and kissed him, rather forcefully, but Aya quickly gained control of the kiss. Of course Aya didn't let Yohji off that easily for starting it here. While Yohji was distracted by Aya's tongue Aya reached down between their bodies and grabbed at the growing bulge in Yohji's pants.

Yohji gasped into their kiss and tried to regain control of the kiss but Aya would not relinquish control. Aya worked Yohji into a fevered pitch then released him and started toward the cabin again.

Yohji gaped; mouth wide open he watched as Aya walked away from him. Was the man truly able to switch his emotions on an off like that? Yohji felt like crying, here he was fired up, hot and ready and there was still quite a ways to walk before they reached the clearing the cabin was in. And Aya was getting away from him.

He yelped and hurried after Aya. Putting a pout on his face he settled for watching Aya's ass until they got closer to the cabin. To appease himself he started singing to himself one of the songs from his current favorite Broadway musical, Wicked! He'd left off last time at the end of Popular which meant he was going to pick up with I'm Not That Girl. He thought about how his situation had resolved and how happy he was. Then he compared it to how sad the song was and came up with the result that he was glad that he wasn't in the same situation as Elphaba.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Schuldig was depressed. HIS Yotan didn't share his feelings; instead he liked that other redhead, Abyssinian. He wanted to cry but of course he couldn't because little Nagi was with him and Nagi would go tell Bradley; which wouldn't be a good thing. He consoled himself by thinking back to his and Yohji's first meeting that didn't occur while "on the job". That had been… interesting.


///Hands touch, eyes meet

Sudden silence, sudden heat

Hearts leap in a giddy whirl

He could be that boy

But I'm not that girl///


Schuldig nearly started balling his eyes out. It had been exactly like that, a startling flash of awareness that had never been there before during their conflicting missions. He blinked, where had that song come from?


///Don't dream too far

Don't lose sight of who you are

Don't remember that rush of joy

He could be that boy

But I'm not that girl///


Schuldig stretched his mind to locate the person who was broadcasting the song. It was relatively loud so the person had to be within ten miles. He touched on every mind he could find while avoiding the Weiß minds. When that produced no results he gingerly touched on the most likely Broadway addict and was… wrong. Fujimiya's mind was focused on Yohji and what they were going to do once they reached the cabin. If Fujimiya wasn't into Broadway that left Yohji or Nagi and Schuldig already knew that all Nagi owned was J-Pop.


///Ev'ry so often we long to steal

To the land of "What-might-have-been"

But that doesn't soften that ache we feel

When reality sets back in…///


Schuldig blinked again. Kudou? Kudou is a closet Broadway freak? How apropos it was that this was the song that Kudou chose to broadcast. It didn't represent Yohji's situation but it portrayed Schuldig's to near perfection.


///Blithe smile, lithe limb

She who's winsome, she wins him

Gold hair with a gentle curl

That's the girl he chose

And heaven knows

I'm not that girl///

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yohji thought about that; Aya didn't smile very often but when he did - Yohji practically melted every time, and even though the smile was never carefree or cheerful (indeed how could it be?) there was something special in that smile. And how could you define those limbs as anything but lithe? Aya's limbs should be outlawed, so supple yet disguising the strength that Yohji knew Aya possessed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Schuldig growled out loud as he wrenched his mind from Yohji's. Ignoring Nagi's questioning look he got in his car; Nagi hopped in as well. When Schuldig looked at him Nagi shrugged. "I hid in the trunk on the way out here so… I need a ride back."


Schuldig had just started the car when the singing started again.


///Don't wish, don't start

Wishing only wounds the heart

I wasn't born for the rose and pearl

There's a girl I know

He loves her so

I'm not that girl///


Nagi didn't ask why they hadn't left yet; Crawford had told him that Schuldig would have a hard tome dealing with this, even though he hadn't said why.


`Kudou, what is that song from?'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yohji urped and stopped so Aya stopped and looked back at him, noticing the unfocused look in his eyes.

`Schuldig leave him alone!' Aya mentally yelled.

`Relax Abyssinian, I'm just asking him a question about music. No harm, no foul.'

`What song Schuldig?' {Please don't find out I'm secretly addicted to Broadway musicals.}

Yohji heard a mental chuckle. `Kudou, telepath remember? The song you were just singing, what was it?'

Yohji sighed mentally, `It was I'm Not That Girl from Wicked!. Schuldig? Don't tell anyone, ok? I would be the laughing stock of the koneko and assassins everywhere.'

`Don't worry Kudou; your secret is safe with me. Enjoy your redhead. Auf wiedersehen for now.' As Schuldig cut the connection Yohji swore he could feel arms go around him.


"He was just asking a question?" Aya asked, wondering about the confused look on Yohji's face.

"Yeah, nothing serious. He did tell me to enjoy my redhead though." He grinned and suddenly the perfect plan for revenged popped into his head. He mentally thanked Schuldig for the idea and proceeded to act it out.

Yohji walked toward Aya, grin on his face; when he reached Aya he put his hand on the redhead's chest and started stroking. As Aya's eyes drifted closed Yohji leaned down and kissed him gently. When Aya moved to take over the kiss Yohji reached up and tweaked one of Aya's nipples, effectively distracting him.

Each time Aya over came the distraction Yohji would distract him again, never changing his methods. Then, with some helpful prodding from Schuldig he broke off from the kiss and turned back toward the cabin and forced himself to walk. After a few moments he felt a breeze, looked down, and realized that during his oral duel with Aya his shirt had been removed. Glancing back he saw that (1) Aya's shirt had also been removed, (2) Aya's waist was very narrow, and (3) he was the recipient of a glare that was rapidly reaching Takatori Shi-Ne (tm) levels.

Yohji glanced around and located their discarded shirts. Aya followed Yohji's gaze and his eyes widened as he looked down. He had never been so distracted that he didn't notice when he was being disrobed. Aya calmed himself down as he walked over to the shirts, picked them up, and walked over to Yohji. When he reached Yohji he turned him around and pushed the blond playboy ahead of him all the way to the cabin.


A/N: I know, I know; I promised yaoi goodness but did not deliver. Do not lose faith my wonderful readers, I shall work on it. In fact Yohji demands it. School work is demanding, sorry bout not giving bishie goodness or any of that jazz. Sad thing is I pushed off studying for a quiz and a test to write this, bad karebear bad. K well hope youn's enjoyed... feel free to review. :D


>KareBear turns around and is met by three angry bishies>

KB: >gulp> c-can I help you?

Y: I STILL haven't gotten any? What is wrong with you? All I asked from you was Aya and I'M STILL WAITING!

KB: >twitches nervously> yes, well, you have plans, and I have all the ideas in my head it's just a matter of getting the phrasing right and getting it out of my head and onto the computer. I'm working on it, honestly. >Looks toward two redhead bishies> don't hurt me.

A: >eye brow twitching in suppressed anger> you left me unfulfilled? >Breaks out takatori shi-ne glare and starts muttering> what did I do with my katana? >Starts searching>

S: I -am -going -to -let -Farfarello -out -of -his -room -and -I'm -going -to -sic -him -on -you. Then I will take over the story and write it my way.

KB: NAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, keep Schu from letting Farf outta his cage... erm... room. Schu the readers are expecting the story to stay in my writing style, they expect Y/A pairing not Y/S. I originally planned for y/a pairing and it's gonna stay this way. 'specially since I've gotten this far. Now go away, all of you, I need to study pharmacology and diagnostics. Get!