Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain Retreat ❯ Intruder ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Weiß. The plot (if it exists) on the other hand is mine. I decided to add the trademarks as humor. If someone else has already done this I apologize for using your idea.

Let's rejoin the story where we left off shall we?


"Aya… that's not the keys."

Aya froze but he didn't remove his hand. He was too stunned to move; Yohji quickly gotten over his shock since he'd been in a similar position many times but he couldn't help his reaction to where Aya's hand was. The result of which was something Aya couldn't miss but he remained in shock.

Yohji groaned, he was hard and getting harder and the fact that Aya wasn't letting go wasn't helping. He started banging his head against the floor; he hadn't meant for Aya to find things out this way. They were supposed to sit down and talk then get it on, not start out like this; there was no way that Aya was ready for this.

That is what Yohji thought; Aya's thought process was a little different. All Aya could think of was the possibility of Yohji having the same sexual preferences as he did. Then he decided that that couldn't possibly be true because Yohji was the `Great Womanizer' of the group so he would never want to be with a man. Right? Come to think of it Yohji hadn't been going out clubbing or on his usually one-night stands too often anymore.

Yohji watched Aya's face go from stunned, a look rarely seen on the face of the stoic leader of Weiß, to the Arctic Chill (tm); a look that few people have ever lived to tell about. Aya let go, removed his hand from Yohji's pocket, jumped off Yohji, walked rigidly to the window and stood there looking out, not really seeing anything. His thoughts were already chaotic; then Yohji made a remark that sent Aya's thoughts out of control.

"What, Aya? You don't think that that position triggers some wonderful memories for me?" Yohji could have smacked, kicked, and all around pummeled himself. Stupid Kudou, real stupid. That's not going to help you soften Aya up and show him the potential for a relationship between the two of us. Yohji slowly stood up, utilizing all of his feline grace, just in case Aya happened to turn around.

Aya's back stiffened even more at Yohji's comment, then, after about a minute had passed, he turned around. Yohji had to fight not to take a step (or several steps) back, Aya had released his Liquid Nitrogen (tm) glare, one of his lesser known Glares of Death(c). It was the coldest known look Aya could dish out.

Aya just looked at Yohji for several minutes then he turned and walked out the door. Yohji followed him to the door and stood there watching Aya disappear into the woods. Then Yohji turned, faced the door jamb and proceeded to bang his head against it repeatedly (in truth it was several dozen times). After awhile he started to clean up last nights wasted dinner; about an hour later he heard a voice intrude into his mind… again.

{What's the matter kitten? Can't you get your Abyssinian to play? You know I could help you but of course that would mean absolutely no fun for me. I would much rather just watch you two blunder your way through this.} Even though he suspected that Mastermind was not close by Yohji glowered, as he would if he was standing face to face with the man.

{So if you're not going to help why are you bugging me? I have more important things to do.}

{Because it fun, that's why. Oiy, kitten you should look out the window, the fall colors on these leaves make a mighty fine view.} Yohji all of a sudden had an image in his head of the fall leaves on the trees and he almost fell over; Mastermind must be near by!

{Schuldig where are you?!?!}

{Now Balinese, why would I tell you that when I haven't even started playing yet?}

{What do you mean playing?!?!? SCHULDIG!!!!!} Yohji could tell that Schuldig wasn't paying attention because he didn't respond to Yohji's question; instead he asked a question of his own.

{Do you think the Abyssinian kitten would be willing to play with the Mastermind?} Yohji was getting ready to respond, with threats of disembowelment and dismemberment and beheading accompanied by all around destruction should his Abyssinian be harmed, when he felt Schuldig cut the connection.

Yohji panicked. He was a well trained, ready for anything assassin and he panicked. He grabbed a couple of knives from the kitchen for Aya and ran out the door, almost running through the screen door. He was glad his weapon was also a functional watch, so he always had it on him.


Damn Yohji for dragging him up here anyways. Then he instigated that fight over the keys… Aya flushed even though he was the only on in the vicinity. He did not want to think of the result of that fight. As he continued to walk around the acreage surrounding the cabin he tried to analyze why Yohji brought him up here and he could only reach one conclusion but it was impossible. It couldn't be logical because Yohji chased after women he wasn't interested in men.

After a half hour of walking Aya happened upon a bench that faced a small lake; a perfect spot to sit and reflect on/analyze recent events. When Aya heard footsteps approaching from behind him he didn't make a move to acknowledge whoever was approaching. Well, he didn't until he heard the voice of the approaching person, then he couldn't move fast enough.

"Tell me kitten, is that lake answering your questions?" Aya whirled around and wished that he had his katana; but who brought katanas along on flower deliveries?

"Schwartz!" Aya looked around for the other three members of Schwartz but could not see anyone. He then tried to look around subtly for a weapon; there was nothing he could use. There were a few branches here and there but nothing that would injure the hard-headed German.

{I am the only one here Abyssinian, and you don't need a weapon today. Oh and don't worry about Yohji, he's wandering around in the woods looking for you but being mislead by me.} Aya watched the grin that he heard in the voice wash across Mastermind's face.

"Stay out of my mind Schwartz. You were born with a voice, use it. Why are you here?" Schuldig just looked at Aya, then he jerked and his head snapped over toward the cabin. Schuldig couldn't understand it; there was no way that Yohji should have been able to break through Schuldig's illusion. Yet Yohji was coming toward the lake, and rapidly too.

Before Schuldig could turn back to Aya, Yohji burst into the clearing. He ran to Aya's side and gave him the two knives.

"Not your katana but it should be sufficient. Schuldig you had no right to follow us. Go back to Tokyo." Yohji, after handing the knives to Aya, stood at attention and had his weapon ready to use if necessary. He knew that Aya already had an idea of how to attack the German but one couldn't plan an attack against this one; when fighting a telepath you had to improvise.

Aya moved off to Schuldig's left and Yohji move more to his right for they knew that powerful as the German was, he couldn't be facing two directions at once. Yohji was pulling wire as he went and when Aya distracted Schuldig Yohji threw the wire; effectively tying up the feet of the Mastermind. Unexpectedly Schuldig did not fight the entrapment of his feet and allowed himself to fall; before Aya could reach him though he freed his feet and jumped back up.

{You didn't think I'd come prepared for your attack, Balinese?} Schuldig said into Yohji's mind, and then he waved a small knife. Yohji groaned; his wire was supposed to be practically indestructible and a puny little knife was able to break it, he felt like crying.

Aya gave Yohji a look that said pull yourself together and we'll attack as one so Yohji pulled another length of wire and got ready for Aya's movement; when it came he was ready. Aya ran forward knives at the ready, no plan in his mind for the telepath to read. Yohji waited until Aya was a few feet from the telepath before throwing his wire towards Schuldig's feet, but before the wire could reach his feet it stopped as if running into a wall. Schuldig watched, mildly amused, as Yohji and Aya flew backward and each hit a tree.

{Decided to join me, Nagi?} Schuldig asked in Nagi's mind as the youth walked out of the trees.

"No Schuldig, Crawford sent me to aid you. Why weren't you defending yourself against them? Hasn't Crawford told you not to play with the enemy?" Nagi barely spared a glance for the two Weiß pinned up against the trees. Schuldig looked at how everyone was situated and turned to Nagi.

"Could you move them closer together? Just to make things a little easier?" Schuldig didn't feel like stretching his mind any more than absolutely necessary. Nagi complied and the two members of Weiß slowly floated towards each other until they were only feet apart, then they were set down a bit roughly. Aya glared at Nagi then turned his glare on Schuldig.

"What do you want with us?" Aya was not happy about being moved with out his permission. Yohji was still a little stunned from hitting the tree so he just sat there and looked at the Mastermind.

"Believe it or not Abyssinian, we are not here for violence. Bradley sent me here, apparently you two need a little help, so here I am. Now let's talk about why we decided to rent a cabin in the mountains for a couple of days." When nobody volunteered any information, Schuldig took matters into his own hands.

Schuldig decided to make this all go faster by looping all their minds together, letting the two Weiß realize that what they felt for each other was mutual. He chose to do this instead of following what Brad had told him to do. While he was linking their minds he also thought back to what Brad had said. /Schuldig, you're going to have to sit down with Aya and Yohji and get them to, shall we say, reveal themselves to each other. They need to open up and realize their mutual affection, it is necessary for my plans. Now go do it./ Brad had then gone on to ignore Schuldig, which annoyed the telepath to no end.

Schuldig finished the link and noted that Yohji and Aya were already looking at each other as they heard the others thoughts. Schuldig had his shields up so the two Weiß could only hear Schuldig's projected thoughts.

{Now, lets get this over with. Yohji, please think of your plans for this weekend and what you had hoped would happen.} Schuldig and Aya were flooded with images of Yohji and Aya seated at the table with a fancy dinner in front of them, Yohji and Aya sitting on the couch talking, and then the two of them engaged in a tender kiss. The images stopped there and when Schuldig looked at Yohji he saw that Yohji was staring at Aya. Aya's face was flushed and his eyes were locked with Yohji's.

"Aya, I ---." Yohji didn't know what to say to explain himself to Aya.

{Aya I'm going to rummage around in your mind for a minute and try to pull out some images that will -hm- simplify this matter.} Even though Schuldig wasn't asking permission, Aya gave a nod to show that he was willing. Schuldig didn't have to dig down very far, Aya's thoughts of Yohji were close to the surface; Schuldig sure did love easy jobs.

As Schuldig brought out images and scenes Yohji's eyes grew bigger and bigger. "Aya, you're really been thinking that for some time, haven't you? Too bad we both didn't bring our feelings to the fore earlier." Yohji forgot about Schuldig's presence as he took the four steps required to reach Aya. Then he raised his hand to cup Aya's cheek and pressed his lips to Aya's. The kiss started out gentle and as an acknowledgement of mutual love but soon became a kiss in which the two bishounen tried to establish who would be the more dominant one.

Schuldig gave a mental snort. {You two have a cabin up here for another day, you might as well go there or else you'll end up having sex in the woods with who knows what crawling all over you.} Aya and Yohji broke apart and watched as Schuldig turned and walked away.

"He's right you know. We have that cabin for another day and I don't really feel like having bugs crawling all over me. Let's go." Aya grabbed Yohji's hand and started pulling him back toward the cabin; Yohji teased him the whole way back by telling him what they were going to do and where.


A/N: Well i added a fight scene in this chapter when i revised it. i've discovered my Weiss & Schwarz clones have decided to reside in Michigan when i go to Illinois to visit my parents (little brats). Also I'm back in school (whoopee) and the homework for my vet tech classes kinda takes up all my time. Yohji and Aya are giving me ideas for the next chapter (which should solely involve them and the cabin {snickers} i hope to get working on it soon but i dont know if i'll be able to work on it much before thanksgiving. Hope everyone bears with me and my college schedule. I'll see ya when i get the next chapter done. Bye!