Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mountain Retreat ❯ Yohjis Plan in Motion ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yohji spent the next several days setting his plan in motion. He didn't let anyone in on his plans but he knew that Omi had an idea that something was up. After everything was ready he waited for the perfect moment to get Aya (abduct, really).

When the last delivery was ready to go Yohji actually volunteered to deliver it. Ken's jaw dropped (practically to the floor) and Omi just gave him a funny look. Aya just stood there and looked at him, no emotion crossing his face or entering his eyes. {Now} Yohji thought, {to get the target to come with me.}

"Is there anything we need from the store Aya?" Yohji asked `innocently.'

Aya's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, whether in irritation or concentration Yohji wasn't sure. "Although there are things we need from the store I will go get them later. You can't be trusted to remember to stop at the store, let alone to get the correct items." Yohji cringed, although Aya did have a point.

"Well… Instead of running two vehicles today why don't you play navigator on this run and we can stop at the store on the way back?" By the looks on Ken and Omi's faces Yohji knew he wasn't being subtle enough to fool them. He was surprised when Aya agreed to go with him.

"This is the house Yohji, the brick one on the left." Yohji pulled into the driveway and retrieved the order from Aya's hands and approached the front door. An old woman answered the door.

"Aah, Yohji-sama, have you come to borrow the keys to the mountain house? Please, come in for a minute while I retrieve the keys." Yohji signaled to Aya that it would be a minute or two and followed the old woman into the house.

"Miss Ryun, I really appreciate your letting me use your vacation house. I have developed a desperate need to get away from the city for awhile." Yohji said as he put the order of flowers on the hall table.

"It's no problem, we don't use it much anymore but my son was up there two weeks ago so it should be in good shape. OH! Those flowers are for me? You didn't have to bring flowers Yohji, but thank you; they're beautiful. Well, here's the keys, just return them when you get back to town. Enjoy your time in the mountain, Yohji." With that she let Yohji back out the door and closed it.

"Did she have to search for her checkbook? And why did you go into her house? You know we're not supposed to." Aya didn't seem to expect an answer so Yohji didn't say anything. About that.

"Aya, Miss Ryun asked me to run up the mountain to her family's vacation home to make sure that everything is ok. She'd just gotten a call from one of the local residents about some abnormal activity out there. You don't mind, do you?" Yohji didn't care one way or the other if Aya minded, and from the look on his face Aya seemed to know that he had no choice.


"What is Yohji up to?" Ken asked Omi the moment Yohji and Aya left the driveway. "First, he's very secretive for a week, then he actually volunteers to work, and then he offers to go to the store with Aya. No one wants to shop with Aya."

"I don't know what he's doing but I suspect that he and Aya won't be back for a few days. I hope Manx doesn't show up with a mission for us; I don't think Yohji wants to be disturbed." Omi knew that Yohji had left contact information somewhere; he would just have to find it.

They finished closing and cleaning the koneko and went about their separate business. Ken left for his tri-weekly five mile jog and Omi went to his room to retrieve a book he was reading. There, tucked in with his bookmark was a note from Yohji:


Taking Aya into mountains to get away from the city for a couple of days. If we get a mission call my cellphone or 341-713-####, it's the number where we'll be. Have fun, keep Ken out of trouble, and don't do anything I would do.


Omi smiled, tucked the note into his pocket, wished Yohji good luck, and went downstairs to read his book.


"You do realize that by the time we get back to the city the stores will be closed right? So my coming with you was completely pointless." Aya propped his head against the headrest and looked out the window; just slightly irritated. He had things to do but it had been a while since he and Yohji had spent time together.

"I hadn't meant to be gone this long Aya, but the last delivery was to a sweet old lady and she asked me to do her a favor. I promised, Aya." Yohji's eyes didn't leave the road.

"You could have driven up here some other day, Yohji. You didn't have to go today; the whole weekend is ahead of you."

"I guess you think I should have dropped you off at the koneko before I headed up here huh? I'm sorry Aya but I was in a hurry to get it over with. Oop, here's the driveway." Yohji drove up the driveway and parked the car in front of the cottage.

"Ok since I have the keys I'll check the inside of the cabin, you can check the woods and out buildings, Aya. When we're done we'll meet back up here. They both got out of the car and Aya watched as Yohji entered the house; then he turned and began his examination of the property and out buildings.


Omi looked up as a freshly showered Ken walked into the living room holding a piece of paper in his hand and looking completely confused. The confusion wasn't all that surprising but the piece of paper ended up being entertaining.

"Omi, I found a… I guess you could call it a `grocery list' in my underwear drawer. I'm assuming it's from Yohji but it's not like any grocery list Aya has ever made. Do you think you could make heads or tails of it?"

Omi accepted the piece of paper from Ken and looked at it, and then he rotated it, rotated it again, rotated it yet again, and rotated it one more time until it was in its original position. "Well, what makes it even more difficult is that Yohji's handwriting is hard enough to read, he put no structure to his list, and he was in a hurry. It will take me a bit but I've had to read enough orders that Yohji has written down I've learned to decipher what he writes."

Omi moved over toward his desk where he had paper readily available. Ken smiled as Omi set to work, and then went into the kitchen to fix himself an after-run snack-ants on a log. Ten minutes later Omi walked into the kitchen holding the `revised' grocery list. "Here you go Ken, I may have missed some things but I did my best. I even wrote down the brands Aya prefers to get. I have to run to the library but I should be back by the time you get back to help you put stuff away."

"But Omi… Omi! Arrgh, damn. I guess I get to take Aya's car." Ken grabbed the keys from in Aya's room and left for the store.


Thirty minutes later Aya headed back to the car, and surprise of all surprises Yohji wasn't ready to go yet. Aya looked toward the cabin and noted that every light was on. He sighed; Yohji knew that the best way to perform a safe search was to not draw attention to yourself. Aya walked into the cabin, intending to scold Yohji, but when he located him he stopped dead. Yohji was standing at the stove, in the middle of making supper.

"What are you doing, Yohji? We're here to check the cabin, not to use the place." Yohji whipped around, a startled look on his face. Then his face turned red; and it kept getting redder.

"A-Aya! You startled me. Um… are you hungry? Supper should be done soon." Yohji tried to smile before turning back to the stove but it ended up being more of a baring of his teeth.

Even though Yohji had his back to Aya he could feel Aya's eyes narrow on his back. He couldn't help but feel grateful that he didn't have anything else to cut up because he wasn't feeling too steady. Then Yohji felt Aya's eyes narrow even more.

"Yohji, what are we actually doing here? Obviously you went straight to cooking and had me look around outside so I wouldn't notice you had no intention to search. What is going on?" Aya's voice was completely calm, Yohji's nervousness increased markedly.

"Um. Actually, Aya, I was offered the use of the cabin this weekend since I would be up here anyway. You don't mind do you? Please don't be angry; a few days away from the flower shop could be nice." Although Yohji didn't turn from the stove he knew that Aya's expression was becoming harder with every moment.

"Yohji - give - me - the - keys - to - your - car. Did you forget about Weiß? What if a mission comes up? And you know that Ken and Omi can't handle the koneko themselves, they don't know my system! The koneko and the apartment will be a mess and I will have to spend all day putting everything back in order. Now give me the keys." Aya took a few steps forward and stopped just three feet from Yohji.

Luckily the food was done. Yohji turned off the stove and turned back to Aya. "I'm not giving you the keys because then you'll leave me stranded here while you go rushing back to the koneko. And since the keys will not leave my pocket you will not be able to leave with my car."

Aya continued to glare at Yohji, and Yohji began to glare back. A minute passed; then two; then three, and the assassins continued to glare at each other. Just when Yohji figured that Aya had relented and accepted the idea to stay at the cabin for awhile, Aya lunged at him with the hope of knocking the other assassin unconscious.

Yohji jumped to the side just in time. Then they engaged in a `game' of keep Aya's hand's away from Yohji's pocket. Being that they were both assassins well trained in offense and defense this `game' lasted quite a long time. When dinner got cold they were still fighting; midnight came and went, they were still fighting. Finally at around nine a.m. the next day Yohji made a mistake. He was getting tired and when Aya faked a left Yohji followed that move and Aya hit him from the right.

Yohji fell and would have gotten back up but Aya sat on his legs. "I win. Now give me the keys." Yohji just shook his head no. then Aya did something he never would have done if he wasn't so tired; he grabbed at Yohji's pocket, inserted his hand, and felt around. Suddenly Yohji stiffened.

"Aya… that's not the keys."