Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Omi's Gift ❯ the gift arises ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Aya-kun, Omi-kun, Nagi-kun, schu, kenken, yohji-kun, brad, farfie and any other characters you recongnise, DO NOT belong to me. (starts crying " but mummy, I want the little bishounens!!! Continues to cry and scream.)

Authors note: it's the first time I am attempting a ficcy. Don't be too hard on me… reviews will be appreciated and flames used to cook a grand dinner for my mummy. Pouts like Omi.

The Gift arises

"Abyssinian, are you all right?" asked Omi over the static. `is Aya-kun out, or is there something wrong with him?' Omi thought to himself.

"Bombay, Balinese here, currently engaging in combat with Schwarz.over." reported the slightly slurred voice over the headset. `Okay at least that wiped out the possibility of MY headset having a problem…' the blond boy thought wiry, before sent flying to the wall. `Shit, Nagi.'

"My, my… what's this little kitten doing alone?" sneered a fairly nasal voice coming from behind Nagi. "Double shit! Schuldig!"

"Come on. What's with the vulgarities flowing over little katzchen's tongue." Continued the flame-haired German.

"You're just upset that you cannot read me as well as the others." Stated Omi. It was true. The German had a difficult time trying to read the youngest kitten. That's why he avoided fighting Omi.

Schuldig looked uninterested as Nagi began to slam Omi's lithe body into the walls. `I wonder how long is it going to take for my injuries to heal this time' wondered Bombay as bits of debris began to rise. Omi and Nagi were obviously too busy to notice, but Schuldig did.

As Omi slumped to the floor unconscious, the bits of cement landed gently on the floor. `Thank you very much sucker…' was Omi's lingering thought before landing on the floor.

"Nagi, I… nevermind. I'll project it straight to your mind." Murmured the German in a worried voice. Nagi knew then, that something was incredibly wrong.

Omi, glowing with a very faint blue hue that only Schuldig could see, pieces of cement rising and hover around Nagi and falling to the ground gracefully like sakura petals, as Omi fell unconscious with the single unshielded thought `thank you very much sucker…' there was a deeper hidden meaning behind those words attached. `you have brought all my efforts to waste. All those years for locking my power up…wasted…'

Nagi was clearly shocked. He never knew that Omi is a psychic.

"Now what? Schuldig. I think we better tell Crawford." Murmured the telekinetic in an equally frightened tone. Schuldig nodded in silent agreement. `Bradly, Brad. Trouble, Mr anal-one.'

`What's the problem, Schuldig, I didn't think you'd have problem with just one kitten, leave me alone. I have enough problems on my hands.' Crawford sounded really irritatable that day.

`Bombay happened, oh Anal-one, take a look.' And Schuldig shoved the memory clip into brad's mind before he could protest. `Oh, my god, Schuldig, retreat and bring Bombay back with us. Now!' commanded the oracle.

"Nagikins, retreat, oh, and would you be so kind as to carry the kitten home…" Schuldig said in a sappy tone. Nagi scowled in displeasure before floating Omi out of the building. The four Schwarz members met up in their limousine and rushed back to their apartment.

Placing Bombay in Farfie's room, they went to the living room for a talk.

"Okay, let's see, we've just found out that Bombay is a Telekinetic. Is that right? Schuldig?" asked the oracle.

"Damn right, brad. Saw him using his powers just now. And not only does he have powers, he knows that he has this power from that little slip of his shields; this is what I found out. Out little kitten here managed to escape Rosenkreuz. How lucky. Even though he did so, the little kiddo had secluded himself from mankind, unwilling to hurt anyone with his powers. That was until before Persia found him. After that, he practically locked the power away. You know, how the psychic ability in children have been crushed away. The only reason it resurfaced was because of the reflex to protect himself. Meaning that he is an untrained telekinetic." Schuldig explained.

" So the problem now is how do we deal with him." Asked Brad.

"I don't want to hand him over the Rosenkreuz, it's too cruel." Voiced Nagi.

" Being cruel hurts god." Stated the Irish man.

"No, it doesn't. Bombay's one of us. Hurting him will make god happy." Explained Nagi.

"Brad, I think that we should wait and see. What do you think?" suggested Schuldig.

"I agree, maybe, Bombay is not really gifted. But if he is, we are handing him to Estet to train. An untrained telekinetic is dangerous." Said the oracle.

"Oh, and … shit, the kitten's awake." Muttered the redhead. There was a wince at the vulgar language.

`where am I? Definitely not home. Padded walls… maybe, I've finally gone mad, that's a good sign, at least there won't be any killing anymore.' Omi thought before drifting off back to dreamland.


Author's note: not too shabby eh? Really sorry if it's not up to expectations. And please send in reviews… otherwise, I'm going to cry. And if I don't receive even 1 review, I'm going the ficcy. C'mon, give the guy a little encouragement ne?