Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What a mess ❯ In the church... ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wuhu! Thank you all for reading and reviewing... Here commmeeessss: another chapter of "what a mess"!!! There doesn't really happen anything THAT interesting... The new-introduced-character from the last chapter doesn't appear, nor do you get to know the character's name.. ^^° But you people are really clever... I only gave away the eye colour and already some people wrote the right answer.. well.. I hope you enjoy this chapter, ne...

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Chapter 11: In the church...

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Schuldig watched the other guests leave. After the priest had left, too, he sneaked into the big hall and searched for the crossdressed girl. His hunger for revenge had faded a little, since it has been his own fault, that he had been slapped with a book. He heard a supressed sound and focused on it. He turned left and walked directly into Aya's direction.

"Found you!" his grin widened. "And now you're unarmed and there's no way to escape m-" Every thought of revenge fled from his mind. Aya was sitting on the church's stone floor, her arms wrapped around her knees, and crying.

Schuldig was confused. Slowly he approached and kneed down next to the sobbing girl. Uncertain what to do, he searched for a handkerchief. When he finally found one, he lifted her chin up to wipe away some of the tears, but Aya pushed his hands away.

"Go away", she sobbed, "go away and leave me alone. I don't want to see you.. I don't want to see anybody..."

Schuldig still didn't know, what to do; so he did what seemed to be the best, to him.

Aya stopped sobbing, when she felt strong arms being wrapped around her.

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Finnaly they came to a stop in front of a luxurious hotel. Ran made the attempt to leave the carriage, but Youji stopped him.

"Not today... Today I'm gonna carry you in my arms..." and with that the noble got out and reached for his wife's waist. When they finally entered the hotel, Ran's wedding dress was already really crumbled.

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"Let me go! Take your hands off me! Let me go!!!"

Schuldig pulled the screaming and kicking girl closer to him.

"Schhhhhhh... don't worry.... Why are you crying here alone in a dark corner of a church, when you should be happy, since your brother has married a very rich man, today?"

Aya stared at him in schock.

"Y-you mean my sister...!"

"Yeah, your "sister", whatever... you still haven't answered my question..."

Aya looked away. "Sir, I'd appreciate it very much, if you'd let me go now and would take care of your own problems; I'm not in the mood for your little games, right now, so would you PLEASE TAKE YOUR ARMS OFF ME!?!"

"Tststs... not very polite... I won't let you go, till I know, what's wrong with you..."

The girl's bottom lip started to quiver and new tears appeared in her eyes.

"let me go..." she started sobbing. Schuldig pulled her into an embrace, so her head came to rest on his chest. Soon his suit was soaked from tears. Slowly he stroked her face and her back, while she tried to form a complete sentence.

"They left *sob* but I'm really happy for them *sob* but now all the people I care for are far away *sob* and I'm left here alone and unprotected and *SOB*"

"Schhhh...calm down a little... everything will be fine..." he shifted her like a little baby in his arms.

"It's just... I'm so afraid! I fear that someone might find out and-" , she sobbed again. Then she looked up into Schuldig's eyes.

"I-I mean... You won't tell anyone... right?", she asked, her eyes filled with fear.

Schuldig grinned at the angsting girl. "Depends..."

Aya was shocked, once again.

"W-what do you mean by that? What does it depend on?"

The man's grin sent a shiver down her spine.

The orange-haired stood up and pulled her with him.

"Why don't we talk about that somewhere more comfortable?", he grinned.

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"Wow! That's a really big bed..." Ran stared in amazement on the giant mattress, he was sitting on. The blonde sat down, next to him and grinned.

"Wait till you've seen my... our bed at home! This is nothing!"

Slowly he took the redhead's hand into his.

"Any suggestions, what we could do, till dinnertime, cutie?"

The younger man blushed.

"No... what would you like to do, Sir?"

"Hmmmmmm... I want to have you naked beneath me, panting and sweating, while I..."

"SIR! Please try to be serious!"

Ran found himself captured between the mattress and the Lord of Kudoh's body, that somehow had managed to lie on top of him. Emerald eyes were looking directly into his.

"But cutie, I AM serious; it's really a pity, I made that stupid promise..." Youji sighed and let go off his cutie, who quickly crawled onto the other side of the bed. The blonde watched him with a slighlty depressed expression.

"This is really mean... We're married, but I still can't get my hands on my cutie's body.."

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Already over ^^°... Sooooo.... write me a review? Please? *falls on knees* pllllleeeeaaasssee!

Oy, and I've been told, that some of my charas are kinda ooc ^^°... well... I wanted to write Ran the shy, friendly little boy, he's in the flashback scenes (tv series aswell as manga...) uhm.. yeah... well, this is an alternate universe fic.... oh well, I'll just go and start to write the next chapter, ne.. *runs off, sweatdropping*