Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What is Mine ❯ Trapped ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What is Mine

I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters.

Warning contains: Adult language, Violence


Inner Thoughts


Chapter 11: Trapped

Aya eye's widened, ^My. . .sister. . .^

Schuldich pushed off the black covers on the redhead. "Come-on Ran, you want to see how your sister is doing, don't you?" He walked over to a closet fishing for a jacket that Aya could wear. "Maybe if you're lucky, she might have pulled out of her coma."

Aya sat up on the bed, why was Schuldich so concerned about his sister? He looked at the window outside, it was almost dark ^Why so late?^ Then again, he was a bit worried about how she was doing and he also needed to pay for her bill this month.

The telepath came stepped out of the closet with a black windbreaker jacket and some jeans. "You know how to move your sister to another hospital right?"

Aya's mouth twitched, "Yeah, Why?"

He threw the jacket to the redhead, "Don't you want her to be closer to you?"

"She'll be closer to you as well," The redhead said callously.

Schuldich couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. "I'm not interested in her Ran, just you." He looked at his watch, "Hurry-up, we don't have all day."

When Aya had his new clothes on, they quickly went to Schuldich's car driving off. Aya stared out of the window looking at the stars. He was so confused, he didn't know what to believe anymore.

Schuldich would've gladly played with the redhead's mind, but right now, he was too distracted. Crawford had vaguely given him any information on what to expect when he got to Magicbus. It almost made him feel like he was being thrown into a lion's den. He knew it was useless to try to ask the precog. One, because Crawford was still pissed off at him for the screw-ups that happened the previous night, and two, he had obviously knew something was going to happen tonight to cause him much amusement. That was the only logical reason that the telepath could think off for Crawford not telling him the whole vision he had had. The thought of that made his stomach churn- he knew all too well that the precog had twisted sense of humor. But then again. . . he was Bradley Crawford.

**************************************************************** ********

The two Weiß assassins waited for Yohji to say something again, but the blonde uttered no other sound.

Omi shrugged, "Maybe he was having a nightmare."

"How many nightmares have had when you actually cry in your sleep?" Ken looked at Yohji, "Something's wrong."

"Hmm. . .Well, he did say something about a sister."

^A sister. . .^ "Hey, doesn't Aya has a sister?"

"Come to think of it. . . he does." Omi remembered that night when he followed the Weiß leader here. That's when he found out that he had a sister, and why he had so much bitter hatred for the Takatori family. "You think Yohji was talking about her?"

"Possibly, but why would he be thinking of her." ^The only thing he's interested in is Aya. . .^ "Do you remember which room she was in? I wanna go check on her to make sure everything's alright.

"No, but I can hack into the security system and find out."

"Nah, it will be easier if I just asked someone." He got up and headed for the front desk.

"Wait, let me come too."

"I'll be right back Omi, besides, someone's gotta stay with Yohji." Ken grinned, "You're not scared to be by yourself are you?"

Omi's face flushed, "O-of course not!"

"Heh, just checking. . ."

Manx came back from downstairs to see Ken walking towards the elevator. She turned to Omi, "Where is he going?"

"He said he wanted to check on Aya's sister."

She raised an eyebrow at the young assassin's response. "I see. . ."

**************************************************************** ********

"Ah, Hello Mr. Fujimiya," She said, "How may I help you today?"

He presented his ID card to the clerk. "I want to check out my sister of here tonight."

She smiled, "Of course, but it will take me a while to get the paperwork ready. Check with me again in about thirty minutes okay."

Schuldich sighed, good, just thirty minutes and he didn't sense Weiß anywhere.

Aya nodded, "Thank you." He turned to go toward the elevator with Schuldich closely behind him.

As their elevator ascended, another one beside them descended to the first floor. Ken walked out of it and headed over to the clerk, "Excuse me, I need to find out what room my friend's sister in."

She smiled at him, "Of course sir, may I have the patient's name."

"Fujimiya Aya."

"Fujimiya Aya? Wow, she's a very lucky person, is it her birthday or something?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"You're the third person requesting to visit her today."

Ken's eyes narrowed The third. . . who else could know about her? "Do you remember who asked about her?"

"Well, let's see. I believe it was her brother. . . and someone else was with him."

The brunette's eyes widened ^Aya was here?!^ "When did he come here?"

"Oh, you just missed him, it was like three or five minutes ago."

"-Please tell me, what room is she in?"

The clerk punched in a few numbers on the computer in front of her. "She's in room eight-four."

"Thank you." Ken said hurriedly heading for the elevator. He was surprised to see a redheaded woman in a red dress was inside. "Manx."

She grinned at him, "What's your hurry?"

"It's Aya- he might be here."

Her eyes widened. "What?! Who told you that?!"

"A clerk told me that he stopped by her desk almost three minutes ago. But she also mentioned that there's another person with him."


"She couldn't remember."

"Really?. . ." She didn't know why, but this mystery person didn't sound like good news at all, ". . .Do you have your bugnuks with you?"

Ken was a little shocked she would ask something like that. "Yeah, why?"

"Take them with you, just in case. . ."

"But why?"

". . .Call it a women's tuition. . ."

Ken shrugged, "If you say so." He didn't know why Manx wanted him to take them with him, he was just going to check on her. . .what could possibly happen?

*********************************************************** *************

Aya entered his sister's room. He was relieved that Aya was just like he had left her, but. . .he wanted to see her open her eyes. He looked on her dresser and realized that the red roses that he had placed there eight days ago were dying.

As Schuldich stepped inside the room, he tensed. He was picking up a familiar brain pattern. He focused closely on it to see if it was who he thought it was. An elevator stopped on the floor he was on.

Ken stepped out of the elevator, his head turned to a figure standing in the middle of the hallway. He was horrified to realize who is was, "Schuldich!!" God, he was so glad that he did listen to Manx now.

Schuldich eyes widened ^FUCK! Why the hell didn't I sense him earlier?!^

As Aya was about to join the telepath, he pushed him back in the room. ^What the hell?^

Schuldich knew it was useless, but he shut and locked the door to Aya- chan's room. He reached in his pocket looking for his pistol.

Ken burst through the door then, the first thing he saw was Schuldich staring at him, and angry expression on his face. Then his eyes fell on the person behind him, "Aya. . ." So, the clerk was right after all. He extended the bugnuks ready to fight the Schwarz intruder.

Aya froze when he recognized the voice that called out his name. His amethyst eyes looked at the door towards Ken. But he had thought that Schwarz had killed him?

The telepath brought his gun up at the brunette, "Don't move." He said threateningly. So much for his plan, who knew that the brunette would be hard to detect? He snorted, now he know that there was a slim chance he wouldn't leave with both of the Fujimiya's but. . . he could still make sure that his pet came back home. His gaze shifted to the comatose girl on the bed.

Aya followed the telepath's gaze, his eyes widened when he realized what Schuldich was thinking. "No!! Aya!!" He ran over to his sister blocking his path.

/Get out of the way!/ Schuldich commanded.


Seeing that the telepath was distracted, Ken charged him. "Go to hell you son-of-a-bitch!" Blood began to seep through his bandaged shoulder from the stress he was putting on it, but that didn't matter to him anymore. His only thought was to slaughter the man who had nearly killed Yohji.

Schuldich turned his attention back to Ken dodging the blades. Unlike all the other times that he had encountered the brunette, he noticed that he was unusually focused on what he was doing- even his mental wall was unusually stronger. The Weiß assassin slashed at him again, the blades aimed at his chest. He backed away, from Ken his gaze always watching the brunette's movements. Schuldich was shocked to discover that the Weiß assassin had managed to drive him away from where Aya-chan was. ^Great, just fucking great^ He had found this amusing at first, but enough was enough. He pulled out his pistol pointing at his head, "I've had enough of your games. Now die!"

"No!" Aya rushed him as the telepath pulled the trigger. The bullet he fired shot upwards lodging itself into the ceiling. They tumbled on the ground Aya on top of him.

Schuldich was shocked to find Aya trying to get the pistol away from him, "Get off!" He unintentionally pulled the trigger again and bullet shattered a window.

"Leave him alone!"

The telepath's eyes narrowed, "You fucking shit!" He used the handle of his gun hitting Aya in his head.

White spots danced in the back of the redhead's eyes, he felt himself being literally thrown off of Schuldich.

Schuldich quickly turned around facing the other Weiß assassin, much to his horror, his gun made a clicking noise. ^Damn! Out of bullets. . .^ A thought occurred to him then- had he forgot to reload his weapon from the previous mission. Great, he was out of ammunition and he had a very enraged Weiß assassin to deal with. ^Come-on, think Schuldich, think. . .^ Aya groaned behind him still in obvious pain. He grinned, well if he couldn't get to Aya-chan by brute force he still had another ace up his sleeve. He jerked the redhead up holding his pistol to his head. "I suggest you move Siberian!" He snarled. "Or do you want to lose your precious Weiß leader?" God, he was getting so desperate that he was using a bluff. But for the moment, that didn't matter to him. If there was one thing he hated most, it was losing, and he didn't plan on doing that anytime soon.

Aya squirmed feebly trying to get out of Schuldich's grip. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that the telepath wouldn't shoot him no matter what the circumstances. His gaze focused on the brunette, "Ken. . .don't." He whispered.

"Shut-up Ran!" Schuldich snapped. He pressed the gun into Aya's forehead still looking at Ken. "Last chance, move or I'll shoot him!"

Ken gave him a dark smile, "I don't think so. . ."

^What!^ The telepath couldn't stop his eyes from widening. He had always thought that the Weiß assassins would do anything to protect each other. "Siberian, that's rather cruel of you, letting your leader die because you're being stubborn. . ."

Ken gave him a malevolent stare. "Call it whatever you want, you're not getting out of here alive Schuldich."

Fuck, now what am I going do?^ Maybe if he bluffed a little bit more. . . He gave Ken a wicked grin, "Well, have it your way."


Schuldich gasped, sharp stings of pain were traveling through his right arm. The gun he was holding crashed on the floor. He dimly realized that he couldn't feel his left hand anymore. He looked down at it and was shocked to see that blood was flowing out of it. What the hell just happened?! Ken didn't have a gun, Aya didn't have a gun. . .who the hell just shot him?!

"I suggest that you don't move."

The telepath's eyes shot up toward the voice, he was surprised to see a redheaded female holding a gun straight at his head. What the hell! Why hadn't he sensed her? Was he distracted that much? Schuldich gritted his teeth, "You BITCH!!"

Manx ignored the telepath's comment, she calmly stepped little closer him the barrel of the gun still fixed on the telepath. "Move away from him."

Schuldich pressed his lips together as he moved backward away from Aya- and his pistol. God, this wasn't supposed to happen. He was going to lose Aya. He tried probing into Manx's mind. He was surprised to find that she too had a mental barrier; clearly this was no ordinary woman he was dealing with. His eyes seethed with rage as he glared at her ^I need a plan. . .^ Maybe he could confuse her wit his speed and steal her gun. Without a second thought, he charged her.

"I said don't move!" Manx fired the gun again, but this time Schuldich was ready for it, his dodged the bullet from the side still headed straight for her. His mind was so bent on trying to kill Manx that he didn't realize Ken had come behind him until it was too late. Schuldich gave a choked scream as the sharp blades tore through his green coat cutting into his back. Blood flowed from the deep gash onto the floor. He dodged the bugnuks as they came downward towards his throat. He stumbled to another corner of the small room wearily keeping an eye on the two people trying to kill him.

Manx fired her gun again and Schuldich barely evaded it, losing at few locks of hair in the process. Sweat fell down his face and he panted heavily; he finally came to the realization that there was no way he could win against the two. Seeing the broken windowsill, he ran toward it. Cold sapphire eyes glared at Aya as he past him. /No matter how hard you try, you can't escape me anymore!/

Aya watched as the telepath leapt out the window escaping deadly claws and bullets coming at him.

/-You belong to ME Ran!/ Schuldich said angrily /Nothing will EVER change that!!/

"Fuck!!" Ken exclaimed as the telepath disappeared into the streets. He was so close to killing Schuldich but he managed to get away from him. ^I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!!^

Schuldich stumbled into the nearest alleyway he came across. Using his shoulder, he leaned against one of the narrow walls. He winced, his back and right hand still screamed with searing pain as blood continued to ooze from the open wounds. He noticed that Ken was unusually aggressive, almost like Farfarello, but he didn't try to figure out the reason why. He was too angry with himself for being so distracted that he didn't see the danger that he put himself in.

^Dammit!!^ He cursed kicking a nearby garbage can to relieve some of his frustration. Aya had slipped out of his reach and Weiß had his sister now- "DAMMIT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Bitter hatred filled his sapphire eyes as he stared at Magicbus. ^I will NOT lose you that easily. . .^ He searched for Aya's mind, there was one last trick he had up his sleeve, but he had to make sure that the redhead was weakened properly first.

Ken ran over to the Weiß leader, "Aya, where have you-" He stopped when he looked in the redhead's face, it was riddled with many bruises, some old, some new. He also noticed that Aya looked a lot paler than normal. "What happened to you?"

Aya met the brunette's gaze but his mouth refused to work for him.

Ken didn't bother of pressing the issue when he saw Aya reaction. But he needed to tell him about the mission. "Aya we had a mission last night- it was to kill Takatori Reiji, but Schwarz was there. We split up and let Yohji go after him but. . . Something went wrong and. . ."

Aya shut his eyes; he didn't want to hear anymore.

"He was shot and. . ." He lowered his head, "-He fell into a coma."

Aya's eye's widened, "A. . .coma. . ."

"Yeah, that bastard Schuldich. . . I think that he shot him. Omi and I managed to get him here in enough time but. . ." His voice dropped to a mere whisper, "He's barely hanging on."

Aya tore his gaze away from him. Yohji was in a coma because of him. ^It's all my fault^ But he should be relived right, he didn't kill him but. . .being in a coma was sitting on the line between life and death. And what made it even more unbearable was that it could last for days, weeks, months, or years- just like his sister was.

Ken noticed that the Weiß leader's eyes glazed over. "Aya?"

Aya didn't hear the brunette call his name; he just stared into an unconscious oblivion as if time itself had suddenly stopped. ^I'm just like him. . . Takatori Reiji^

Ken bent down to where Aya was gently shaking him, "Aya, snap out of it. It's me." He wondered if it was a bad idea to tell the redhead about Yohji so soon, but he felt it was something that the Weiß leader needed to know.

"Where is he?" The redhead choked out.

The brunette was a little relieved to hear Aya speak again. "He's in room ninety-two. . .You know, he really missed you," He whispered. ". . .He always went out looking for you when you disappeared."

Aya's heart was heavy with regret. you loved me so much. . .

"He was talking in his sleep, he mentioned you and your sister. Omi and I got a little suspicious so I decided to check on her." He gave a half smile, "Heh, guess even when he's sleeping, he can't stop thinking about you."

^So Ken wouldn't have come if it wasn't for Yohji. And if I hadn't seen Ken, I would still believe that they were all dead. And Schuldich would've had his way with me^ Aya trembled slightly ^God, how could I have done this to him?^ He slowly got off of the floor, he had to see the blonde now. He turned to Ken, "Can you take care of my sister?"

The brunette smiled, "Don't worry, we'll take care of everything."

"Thank you. . ." He murmured, walking towards the stairs.


Aya stopped when he heard Manx voice.

"Where have you been at for the last eight days?"

Aya's body went stiff at the question. His head turned enough to meet Manx's gaze "Hell," He said callously.

Manx was shocked at his response; she had never heard the Weiß leader speak like that before.

Aya took her silence that she wouldn't ask him any more questions. He continued up the stairs not looking back at the two.

Omi sat in the hallway that led to Yohji's room. He heard footsteps coming toward him and he turned his head them. He was expecting it to be Ken but his breath hitched when he realized who it was. "Aya!" He said half shocked, half relieved.

Whether the redhead hadn't heard the young assassin call his name or he was too consumed in his own thoughts he brushed past him and entered Yohji's room.

As Omi turned to go after him a voice called his name. He turned around to see Ken coming toward him. Dried blood covered the brunette's front shirt, pants, and bugnuks. "Ken what happened to you? I just saw Aya."

"Yeah, we kinda bumped into each other when I went in his sister's room."

"-His sister's room?" The young assassin chimed. "How long was he in there?"

"I didn't bother asking him but. . .Schuldich was with him."

Omi's eyes narrowed, "Why would Aya be with him?"

"I don't know. He did try to kidnap Aya-chan, but Manx and I stopped him."

Omi smiled, "Well that's a relief, where is she now?"

"Manx is getting her ready to move to the Beleben Kritiker hospital. I think Schwarz must've figured out Aya was keeping her here."

Omi's gaze followed to the brunette's bloody clothes, "Are you hurt?"

"My shoulder wound is open again, but I'm okay. I almost managed to kill Schuldich but he escaped. . . Listen, I know it's soon, but we need to get out of here. I'm sure that the police are on their way to investigate the gunshots. We don't need to draw attention to ourselves right now."

"But what about Yohji? We can't just leave him in here."

"He's in no condition to be moved right now, we'll kill him if he's taken off the life-support so soon."

"But what if they find out who he is?!"

"-We have no choice Omi!"

Young assassin looked through the window to Yohji's room. The Weiß leader had disappeared in the white curtain surrounding the blonde's bed. "It's not fair," He whispered, "Why did this happen?"

Ken sighed, "All things happen for a reason . . We just don't realize fate's true intentions until it's too late."

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Aya slowly walked in the white room, spotting Yohji on a small bed. Many instruments were surrounding the blonde monitoring his condition. The Weiß leader amethyst eyes stared deeply at his face looking over the delicate features. "Yohji. . ." He murmured. He'd hoped that somehow the blonde would open his eyes and smile at him telling one of his jokes or tease him- But he just lay there, the only signs of life was his shallow breathing. He leaned over Yohji brushing some of his hair from his face.

/Hiya Ran/

Aya's eyes widened when he recognized the voice inside his head.

Schuldich `saw' the room that the redhead was in and the person that he was bent over. /I see you've discovered that Balinese isn't dead, what a shame, I was hoping to keep you in the dark about that/

/You fucking bastard!/ So the damn telepath knew along that Yohji and the others were alive the whole time.

The telepath chucked /You're not mad at me are you? It was such a meaningless thing. I didn't think that you needed to know. . ./

/The only thing that's meaningless to me is you!/

Schuldich clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white /How DARE you speak to me like that!/

/You won't control me anymore! And neither will Schwarz/ Aya snapped.

/So. . .you're telling me that you plan become a Weiß assassin again?/

/I do/ Aya said callously.

/We don't tolerate betrayers Ran/

/I was never Schwarz, you forced me to be one of you! The next time I see you I will kill you/

/Heh, a little testy aren't you my pet. So you want to go back to your home do you? That's really bold of you since you're the reason that Balinese in Magicbus/

Aya tensed at that comment. As hard as he tried to deny it, in his mind, he couldn't escape the truth that he did it.

/You couldn't even tell Siberian that you're the one that shot him could you? What would they say if I told them it was you?/

/-They wouldn't believe you/

Schuldich chuckled /You ma be right but. . .what if they questioned you about it? Would you lie to them? Or. . .would you tell them?/

Aya didn't respond to him, instead, he just looked at Yohji.

/Ah, and what would Kudou say? He knows that you work for us; you've already proven to him that you would kill them if necessary. What if he wakes up and tells everyone what you did? They will turn on you- treat you like a traitor, they'll never look at you the same way again/

/Shut up!/

/-They might even decide to kill you because they see you as a threat to their safety/

^It's not my fault^

/It is. . .you belong to Schwarz- you belong to me. . . / Schuldich filled Aya's mind with erotic images of himself against the redhead. /Kudou will never want you after what you've done/

Aya chest tightened, Yohji couldn't hate him, it wasn't his fault. He tried to fight the telepath, but he had raped him anyway.

/Raped?/ The telepath said sardonically /You gave yourself to me willingly Ran/

/I didn't!!/

Schuldich chuckled /Quit lying to yourself/

/You manipulated me!/

/Did I? . . .You still refuse to acknowledge what you've done, but you can't escape the truth of the matter. You feel guilty because you've let another person take you/

Aya held his hands to the temple of his head, a headache was starting to form there. /Shut the hell up!/

Schuldich smirked, his plan was working. /You're trembling you know. . ./ He closed his eyes focusing on the Weiß assassin's mind link. /Come back to me Ran-/ After finding it, he viscously entered the redhead's mind. /-Come back to your Master/

The redhead shivered uncontrollably as he felt Schuldich tear into his mind. A numbing sensation traveled through his entire body, he had felt like this before when Schuldich had. . . His eyes widened /-NO!! Not again!! I won't let you!!/ He used all of his self-control to force his mind to go blank. He wouldn't let himself be manipulated by the telepath again.

Schuldich winced when the redhead's mental barrier hit him with full force ^Fuck!^ Aya should've easily giving in to his control, but he hadn't. ^Looks like I underestimated you^ Exhausted, mentally and physically, his knees finally buckled under him and he collapsed on the ground. In the state he was in now, there was no possible way he could get Aya back tonight. The only thing that he could do for now is wait until he had the Weiß assassin by himself again, but who knew that opportunity would arise. His head rested against the back wall, ^Ch' some Devil I turned out to be. . .^

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Aya gasped when he felt the telepath withdraw from his mind. His headache was getting a lot worse. He shoved his hands to his temples and rubbed them trying to relive the pressure. He had no idea if Schuldich would try to get in his mind again, but if he did, he knew there would be no way he would be able to put up his shields again. He shivered; the thought of him going back to Schwarz sickened him.

Time passed and he realized that Schuldich had not attempted to control him again. Had the telepath lost interest in him? No, not Schuldich, was he planning something again? Was he just toying with him? Chaotic thoughts were running through his mind of what the sadistic bastard was planning, god, he probably was putting the others in danger by staying here.

His eyes lifted to Yohji's still face still remembering how he looked at him when he was shot. I don't want to hurt you like that again He wanted to leave, to disappear away from Japan, Schwarz, Weiß, all the pain and suffering he had endured, but could he really do it? Could he leave Yohji and the others like that?

{-What if he wakes up and tells everyone what you did to him}

{-He really misses you}

{-They will turn on you, treat you like a traitor}

Aya shoved his hands into his hair letting his body slid down against Yohji's bed ^What am I going do. . .^

Suddenly, another thought dawned on him, what would happen to Aya-chan? He needed the money for her expensive hospital bills. There were very few jobs that offered that kind of money for the `talents' he possessed. ^God, I can leave. . .^ No matter how badly he wanted to, he couldn't for his sister's sake. He had to keep taking missions until she woke from her coma and didn't need the life-support machines, if not, she would die. His knees folded toward his chest and he rested his aching head against them. He couldn't run away from his fate- it had him at its mercy, unwilling to let him go, he was trapped. . . truly trapped.

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After what seemed like hours, Schuldich used all of his strength and forced himself to get up. He made his way to his car to head back to the Schwarz hideout. He fumbled with the keys in his left hand trying to get the key in the ignition, which was turning out to be a real pain in the ass since it was on his right side. After some tricky maneuvering, he managed to start the car up. In the back of his mind, he didn't want to go home right away- he could only imagine what Crawford would do to him when he told the precog that he had lost Aya. But his wounds were hurting like hell and he needed medical treatment. He gave a harsh chuckle as he drove off into the night, "You win for now Ran, but rest assured, I'll be back for you."

To be continued. . .