Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What is Mine ❯ Beansprucht ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I had originally planned on this being the final chapter to my story, but some of my reviewers have caused me to have a change-of-heart about that decision. So I thought I might prolong it a bit more. See it really does pay to review.

PS: I haven't taken out any chapters either, I just combined a few.

Keep in mind that Schuldich's name means `guilty'

What is Mine

I do not own Weiß Kreuz or any of its characters.

Warning contains: Spoilers from episode 12, adult language, torture, BDSM, Limish-NCS, Violence


Inner Thoughts


Chapter 10: Beansprucht

"How many fucking times do I have to say I'm sorry dammit?!" The telepath flinched as the stun gun was pressed on his body again.

Crawford leaned over to the bound man, "When I know you mean it."

Schuldich gritted his teeth as the precog pressed the on button. Crawford had been doing this to him, nonstop, for almost an hour straight. He pulled on the handcuffs again. God, he knew he made the precog mad, but this really was taking it to far- even for Crawford. He jerked as 100,000 volts of electricity shocked him again, "I'M FUCKING SORRY ALREADY!!" He shouted.

The precog grabbed the telepath by his chin staring dangerously into his sapphire eyes. "Watch your tone with me or I assure you this will be `much' more worse."

Schuldich sucked in a mouthful of air then blew in out slowly. "I'm sorry."

"Are you?"

"Yes." Schuldich replied callously.

"Humph, you're pathetic." The precog removed the device from the telepath placing it in his pocket. "If you EVER disobey my orders again, I assure you, Hell will seem like long lost paradise to you."

Since that was a statement that the precog had not intended for him to answer, Schuldich remained silent waiting to see what Crawford was planning on doing to him next.

After a few moments, the precog bent down and removed the handcuffs on the telepath. "Get out of my sight." He said in a threatening tone.

Schuldich gave an inward sigh ^finally. . .^ He quickly left the precog's office heading toward the corridor leading to room- where his pet was waiting for him.

*************************************************************** *********

"How is he?" Omi asked looking at the Yohji through the glass window, he grimaced over the sight he saw. The blonde assassin was hooked up to an IV, even though the electrocardiogram showed that Yohji had a normal heart rate, Yohji still looked like he was dead. Something had caused him more pain than even the bullet wound itself, Omi could tell by looking at his face.

Manx read the medical report she had in her hand. "The amount of blood loss caused him to go into Hypovolemic shock. However you two got him here in enough time to prevent any vital organs from being permanently damaged. He still is unconscious. . . but he can breathe on his own again."

"What?!" Ken exclaimed. "Are you trying to say that he's in a coma?!"

Manx looked away from him, ". . .I'm afraid so."

The brunette punched the wall, "Dammit! I swear I'll get them for this!!"

{Begin Flashback}

Ken contracted both of his bugnuks revealing the sharp steel claws. His emerald eyes were intently fixed on the Schwarz psychopath that was heading in his and Omi's direction.

Farfarello held out his knives, "Angels die tonight," He whispered. Without warning, he charged at the two Weiß assassins.

Ken extended his bugnuks ready for Farfarello's assault. The Irishman raised his knives ready to take on Ken's challenge. Metal clashed against metal as Ken used his bugnuks to defend against Farfarello's deadly strike.

Knowing that the Irishman was distracted, Omi tried one of his arrows again. He wasn't surprised when the psychopath acted like he hadn't felt a thing even though it had become embedded in his thigh. Farfarello looked at him grinning. Suddenly pushing downward, he knocked Ken off balance causing him to stumble. The Irishman kneed the brunette into a nearby tree. He licked his lips as he saw Ken slide downwards.

"Ken!" Omi shouted, he fired the last of his arrows at Farfarello.

Crawford watched the two assassins as they fought Farfarello, if everything went according to plan; the two Weiß assassin's fates were sealed tonight.


The precog grinned, that was the second part of his vision, only two more to go.

Ken winced at the sound in the gunshot. For some odd reason a hole formed in the pit of his stomach but he didn't know why. Yohji had faced Schuldich before but. . . something just didn't feel right. Schuldich usually fired all of his bullets at one time- not only that, but there was also another person with the telepath, Beansprucht- And he had not idea of how powerful this new Schwarz member was, maybe they should have gone with him after all. . .

The Irishman let the tiny spear pierce his scarred skin. "I still feel no pain. . ." He murmured. His attention turned to the young assassin that had wounded him. He slowly walked over to him, "A kitten without claws is a useless toy to play with."

^Damn. . .^ Omi cursed, he had used all his ammunition and to make things worse, Ken was hurt.

"Die God's Angel." Farfarello charged the young assassin slamming him into a tree, Omi gasped under the impact, he felt his ribs rub against the rough surface of the bark. Grinning, Farfarello raised one of his knives over his head aiming at the young assassin's heart.

"OMI!" Ken screamed as saw the young assassin about to be stabbed. He managed to pull himself up bracing himself against the tree. He had to get the psychopath away from Omi. He saw an arrow on the ground next to him and picked it up.

As Farfarello was about to stab Omi he felt something hit him in his head. His golden eye fell on Ken who was standing a few feet away. He grinned, "So, you still want to play little Weiß kitten?" He liked to play with the brunette, he was much more fun than the other three Weiß members.

The brunette braced himself; he had gotten Omi out of danger now he had to get himself out of it. Farfarello charged him again this time with both knives in front of him like a spear. Ken still was sluggish from the impact he had taken; he didn't pull up his bugnuks in enough time for him to guard against the Irishman's assault. He gave a choked scream as the knife ripped through the flesh in his shoulder. Blood spattered over Farfarello's face, it seemed to make him even more excited- and dangerous.

The precog looked at his watch It's almost over for you Weiß He mentally found Schuldich and contacted him. /Schu, that's enough, you've had your fun/ He waiting for a moment to see if the telepath responded. He was surprised to discover that the telepath was ignoring him- this wasn't something that he had predicted.

/SCHULDICH!!!/ He screamed, but it was too late, the telepath had severed the link he had with him. "Fool," Crawford said through gritted teeth. Another vision came into view within his mind, one that he hadn't predicted the following night. Dammit! He cursed, fate had managed to catch him off guard- something he wasn't used have happen to him. He retrieved his revolver from his tuxedo pocket.

Farfarello licked the bloody knife in his hands still grinning. He bent over the injured Weiß assassin who had fallen on his side. "Now you die. . ." He said callously.

Ken tensed as the knife was lowered to his neck. The metal edge grazed his soft flesh he looked up at the psychopath.

"God cries tonight-" He whispered softly, pressing his knife into Weiß assassin's throat.


The psychopath stopped what he was doing and looked up. His eyes fell on a body that Crawford had just shot- It was one of the bodyguards that Henker was in charge of.

"Farf, let's go." Crawford said as he put his revolver away.

The Irishman frowned, "No hurting God?" He said with a little disappointment in his tone.

"You've hurt Him enough," The precog replied. Without saying a word he ran in the direction that he had seen Schuldich go in.

Farfarello's golden eye stared down at the brunette, "Later Weiß Angel," He whispered. He retracted his knife and followed Crawford.

Ken listened to other gunshot in the distance Shit! Yohji What the hell was going on? He turned to look at Omi. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," The young assassin replied holding a hand to his bruised rib.

Ken slowly got up using his good arm, "We've gotta find Yohji."

They both ran to where they had seen Schuldich take Reiji. Ken noticed that there were a few dead bodies along the forest path- they had been mutilated beyond recognition. No doubt about it, this was the work of Farfarello. He panicked even more now; there would be no way Yohji could fight against all four Schwarz members by himself. That's when he heard it- laughing. Schuldich The brunette ran a little faster now Please. . .Yohji "Come- on Omi, hurry." They shifted directions heading toward the maniacal voice. In seconds, the two found themselves in a clearing. Ken panted as he scanned the area. His gaze shifted to a fallen body in the moonlight- he recognized the white cross on the trench coat. "Oh no. . ."

"YOHJI!" Omi ran over to the Weiß assassin with Ken behind him. "Yohji," He turned him over on his back; he felt sticky residue come on his hands, when he looked down, he saw that they were stained with the blood coming from the blonde's body. "Ken, I think he's been shot."

The brunette bent down to where was Yohji lie and checked for a pulse- Shit He didn't have one, he turned to Omi, "You know how to do CPR right?"

The young assassin blushed, "But Ken. . ." He knew that Aya and Yohji were lovers, it would seem kinda awkward to him to even think of putting his mouth on Yohji like that.

Ken realized what was going through the Omi's mind. "Aya will understand." He stood up; they had to get the blonde to a hospital- and quick. He ran to Yohji's green jeep hidden in the brush behind the parking lot. He contemplated on which hospital to go to. The nearest one was Magicbus, which was only five minutes away, but Manx had warned them never to go to a public hospital because it could jeopardize their lives as well as Kritiker and Persia's. But the nearest Kritiker hospital was almost thirty minutes away- Yohji wouldn't last that long. He wouldn't let Yohji die; forget what Manx said- he was going to Magicbus. Starting the car up, he drove to the spot where Omi was. "Come-on Omi, help me get him up."

Omi gave one last breath to Yohji before getting up. The two loaded him in the backseat of his jeep, the blonde wasn't going be happy when he saw blood on the leather interior.

They sped towards Magicbus, Ken looked in the rearview mirror at the blonde assassin. Don't you dare die Yohji, you still have to find Aya

{End Flashback}

Omi clenched his fist so hard that his fingernails dug into his skin. "Can we see him?"

Manx shook her head, "No, let him rest. I promise I'll call you when he gets better."

"But Manx-" He stopped when he felt a hand clamp over his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Ken looking at him; his emerald eyes full of sympathy.

"Let's go." The brunette whispered. "If we're not at the flower shop tomorrow people might get suspicious."

Omi looked away from him, "They are already are getting suspicious. You saw how they are reacting when Aya disappeared. They wouldn't stop asking where he was or if he was okay, and when they notice Yohji gone-"

A cell phone rung from Manx's pocket, she reached into it and grabbed the device. "Yes. . .yes. . . I understand." She turned off the cell phone, "You two get to stay with Yohji after all."

"Why? What's going on?"

She didn't answer them, instead she moved to a nearby TV turning it on.

[-In other news, Takatori Reiji has won the elections and was named Prime Minister of Japan. His inauguration is set to begin at 1:00pm today. When we talked to Mr. Takatori he had this to say.

"My fellow countrymen, in the past few months, there have been a string of assassinations with high state officials." He reached in his tuxedo pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, "After some research, I've discovered who the these terrorist are. They call themselves Weiß. I haven't found out the identities of them, but I do know who their ringleader is- former police commissioner Takatori Shuuchi"]

Omi gasped, ^Oh no, Persia^

["Though we are brothers, I cannot allow his crimes to unnoticed. These assassins are a threat to the peace and prosperity of Japan. As of today, I am deploying the Public Peace Special Forces to hunt down and eradicate these terrorists."]

Ken's fist clenched at his sides, ^Shit. . .^

#Begin Dream Sequence#

"You think killing me will stop my work?"

"Your work has killed many innocent lives. Your nothing but a murderer."

"How can you have the nerve to call me a fucking murderer?! What do you call what your doing?"


"Justice?! You're doing the same thing that I'm doing. The only difference is that you and I are working for different people and have different goals."

Aya slowly drew his blade up to the man's chest. "We are nothing alike."

The man felt the katana bite into his skin, "Go head, kill me. You're nothing but a damn hypocrite! I hope that you burn in hell! I will haunt you in your dreams until the day you die- I curse you!"

Growing tired of the man's insistent babbling, the Weiß leader stabbed him in his chest. His blood spattered over the redhead's trench coat and face. When Aya felt the body go limp he pulled his katana out of his target's body. He looked at the man's glazed eyes, "I've already been cursed. . ." He whispered.

"Daddy. . ."

Aya turned around ready to strike down anyone who was there. He saw a small girl about seven or eight looking at him and the fallen body.

"Daddy. . ." He girl whispered as she ran to the man. She clutched onto the dead man's neck gently rocking him. Her teary eyes stared at Aya. "Why. . ."

The Weiß leader tore his gaze away from her walking away from the crying child. He knew was supposed to kill anyone that saw him on a mission, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to do it. ^It was a mission. . . I followed my orders. . . . I'm not a murderer. . .^

#End Dream Sequence#

Aya jumped up, waking up from the dream he just had. A thin coat of sweat covered his entire body. He rubbed the temple of his head That dream again. . . He had been having that same dream ever since he had completed that mission almost two month's ago. He didn't know why he kept having them or why it bothered his so much. He brushed off that unknown feeling that was inside of him. Looking around, he realized that he was in a room lying down on a bed under black silk sheets and covers. Shivers began to crawl up his back when he discovered that his tuxedo top and undershirt was gone revealing his bare chest. He rubbed his head again ^What happened to me?^ The thought's came back to him in terrible sequence- the meeting with Reiji, the party, the explosion, Weiß. . . Yohji. . . Shivers traveled through his entire body, he remembered how Yohji was looking at him brokenhearted as he blood poured from his chest {A. . . Aya. . .W. . .hy?!} The blonde's words echoed painfully in his heart, eating away at his very soul.

Schuldich opened the door to his room, his gaze shifted to the redhead who was sitting up on the bed. He grinned, "Ah, hello Beansprucht, I see you're up." He sensed that the redhead's mind was still in turmoil. The telepath slowly walked over to Aya watching his face intently, "What's wrong? You don't seem happy to see your Master."

Aya lifted the sheets up to cover his partially nude body. "What did you do to me?!"

Schuldich grinned, "Nothing. . .for now." He said coolly.

Aya felt relieved that Schuldich hadn't done anything to him while he was knocked out, but at the same time nervous- the telepath was staring at him with lusty eyes again.

"You know, you've got such a beautiful body." The telepath murmured.

"Leave me alone Schuldich."

"Now why would Master want to do that?" Schuldich purred. He made his way to the bed never taking his eyes off the redhead. "Besides, I said I would reward you for doing such a good job on your first mission."

Aya moved in the opposite side of the bed, "No! Stay away from me!" As he was about to step off the bed he saw the telepath staring him in the face- damn him and his speed.

Schuldich pushed him back on the bed, not to gently, straddling him. "Ran, are you trying to run away from me?"

Aya struggled as Schuldich pulled him closer to his body, "Stop!"

The telepath ignored him; his hands moved around the redhead's lean waist pressing onto the firm flesh. "You need to calm down kitten." He was getting painfully hard seeing the redhead's half-naked body. He licked his lips /You look `so' deliciously fuckable/

Aya's eyes widened; he knew where this would lead. He bucked "GET OFF!!" Without warning the telepath's lip's crashed into his own. Schuldich's tongue forced his lips and teeth apart, demanding entry into his hot mouth. Aya groaned at the invasion, this seemed to electrify the telepath to force himself deeper into the redhead, making it harder for him to breathe. Fear gripped Aya's insides as found himself starved of much needed air, growing weaker in the telepath's grip.

Schuldich noticed the redhead's behavior and quickly pulled away from him; he wouldn't let Aya pass out on him this time. Knowing that the redhead was still somewhat dazed, he released his hands from Aya's face leaning down to his exposed neck. His lips pressed against the redhead's throat sucking hard at the tender skin until a pale reddish mark appeared. He leaned back admiring his work. Ah at last, he finally marked his beautiful pet.

Aya squeezed his eyes shut. "Yohji. . ." He whispered.

The telepath snorted at the redhead's comment. How dare he be thinking about that Weiß assassin, he should be thinking of him! Schuldich grinned, "I almost forgot to tell you- he died." As soon as he uttered those words, a pair of hands grasped his neck trying to constrict his airway. When he looked at Aya, his amethyst eyes reflected rage, heartbreak, and revenge- all those emotions were all aimed straight at him. He couldn't help but chuckle, whether Aya knew it or not, the redhead trembling so bad that he couldn't tighten the grip that he had on him. The telepath easily prodded his head away from him, punching the redhead in the face.

Aya's head snapped to the side as his body was thrown back on the bed.

Schuldich grabbed a handful of Aya's hair jerking him up. "You dare bare your fangs at me again?!" He squeezed the red locks tightly in his grip. "Apologize." He commanded.

Aya squirmed, pressing himself deeper into the mattress.

"Now. . ." Schuldich said in a threatening tone.

Aya stopped struggling, squeezing his eyes shut, "I'm sorry," He whispered. Why fight him? Schwarz probably killed Ken and Omi and. . . Yohji was dead. That was probably what they were planning from the beginning, to destroy all of Weiß. He was the last one left, and no one would help him- and when Schuldich got tired of him, he would be killed as well. But he didn't want to die, he didn't fear it, but there would be no one else to take care of his sister if he died. He had promised himself that he would always be there for her, that's why he continued to live, to fight. . . to kill.

The telepath smirked when he saw the redhead's thoughts. "Don't worry Ran, I'm not going to kill you, I would never do that to what is mine. Besides, you and I are too much alike, I would never let you go that easily."

"I am nothing like you." Aya said callously.

"Oh?" Schuldich said amused. "You may not realize it, but I do. I've been inside your mind- I've found a very interesting nightmare that you seem to have."

"My mind is a dangerous place to be in."

"Ah, but that's what I like about it. Unconsciously you are as much as a devil as myself."

"I am `nothing' like you," He repeated.

"I never could figure out why someone like you could be so cool, calm, and collective even while you killed, but now I think I know why you are-"

Aya's entire body tensed.

"Though you won't tell anybody, you actually `want' to keep killing- it's more than just the fact that you punish those that the law cannot touch or that you need the money- it's something else. . . If I didn't know any better, I'd say you `like' killing people."


"No?. . . Then what do you call it? You keep killing people despite the fact that you have the same nightmare over and over again. If it bothers you so much, why do you continue to do it? Is it that you love the thrill of the kill, to see your targets run away from you? Thinking that they can get away from the death that is upon them. The terror in their eyes when you approach them- knowing that you hold their fate in your hands." He caught the redhead's gaze, the redhead was staring at him- but this time it wasn't bitter hatred or resentment- more like confusion- that what the he was saying was true.

No that wasn't true, Aya became of Weiß Hunter because. . .because. . . he didn't want other people to go what he had to go through. But, in his mind, he saw the image of the little girl kneeling down toward her dead father again- just like he had once did to his sister.

"You like that don't you- as much as a cat does to a mouse." Schuldich smirked, "Heh, kinda ironic your codename happens to be named after a cat." He noticed how Aya flinched, "You feel guilt when you kill, and I am guilty of the killing that I've done. The only real difference between us is I don't dwell on people's lives. You think that the more people you kill will repent for previous sins, but in actuality, the more you kill, the guiltier you become. You murdered that little girl's father in front of her. Every time she thinks of him, she sees you- you and that code of justice that you abide by. You destroyed her life when you killed her father." He placed a gentle kiss along the redhead's neck, "In a way Ran that kinda makes you like Takatori Reiji himself. . ."

Aya was completely still under the telepath. The reasons why he did what he did. . .weren't they justified? That's what he had always told himself when he killed his targets. But if that was the case, why `did' he have nightmares about it? He closed his eyes; reality was beginning to set in- Schuldich. . . was right.

Schuldich smirked, "You and I really aren't so different after all are we?" He gently cupped the redhead's face in his hands, "You once asked me before what Beansprucht meant." His looked intently on the reddish mark that he had made a few moments before on Aya's neck. "Do you want to know what it truly means?" He whispered. Leaning forward, the telepath's lips brushed over the redhead's before he found entrance into the redhead's unresisting mouth. For some odd reason, he thought Aya tasted especially sweeter this time. /It means claimed. . ./

Crawford sat at his desk watching the news broadcast. Takatori had become Prime Minister just as he had predicted. He picked up the wine bottle that lay on the top of the desk. Unscrewing it, he poured the liquid in a v- shaped glass. ^I hope Estet is happy now^ He hated those three decrypted old hags that told him what to do and he hated taking orders from Takatori Reiji even more. When the opportunity arose, he would make sure that all of them were taken care of- permanently.

As he got up he started to have a headache again ^Damn these visions^ The wine glass he held in his hand slipped out and shattered on the wooden floor. Images bombarded him with full force. He leaned against the wall hoping to gain his support, but he ended up crashing onto the floor anyway. He looked closely at the vision, blurred and distorted, they show showed images of Schuldich, Aya, and. . .What?!

After his vision subsided, he groggily rose from the floor. "Dammit!" He cursed, "How?!. . ."

*************************************************************** ********

"What could've gone wrong?" Omi said as the TV broadcast went off.

"Looks like Schuldich and that other guy were more than he could handle." Ken looked at the blonde, ^Yohji, want happened to you?^

"We've got to finish this mission."

"Easier said than done, Takatori not only will be looking for us, but he's also got all of Japan's military forces at his disposal."

"I wish Aya was here. . ." Omi whispered.

". . .no. . .A-ya. . ."

Both assassins looked at each other, then to Yohji. He was talking to himself.

". . .s-sis- ter. . ."

"Sister?" Omi said questioningly. ". . .What do you think he means?"

Ken looked at the blonde again; he was surprised to see a tear fall down his face. What was going on here? Why was Yohji crying? Now he knew something was up. ^Aya, where are you? ^

*************************************************************** *********

Schuldich forced Aya's chin up staring into his amethyst eyes. "You are mine now, I have claimed you and now your mind and body belong to me, and me alone. I am your Master and you are my pet, I own you. . .and you belong to Schwarz- If you ever forget that, just look at you arm- it is all the proof you need."

Aya stared blankly at him, for some reason he couldn't speak, he couldn't move. The telepath wasn't using any of his power on him so why wasn't he fighting back, why hadn't he denied anything Schuldich said to him? He saw the telepath bend down toward his chest rubbing over the toned muscles. He flinched /. . .stop/

"Let me hear how I make my pretty kitty purr." Schuldich said huskily.

/Schu, come to my office now/

Schuldich cursed inwardly as he stopped what he was doing, he wondered if the precog was doing this on purpose just as part of his `punishment.' He looked at the redhead, "I'll be back, don't go anywhere while I'm gone." His kissed Aya on his forehead before leaving to see what the precog wanted.

After Aya heard the door shut behind him, he curled into a ball under the covers. {. . .You and I really are alike. . .you are like Reiji Takatori himself} His eyes shut tightly as his entire body trembled.

Schuldich walked down to Crawford's office. When he reached it, he knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Schuldich causally walked in the precog's office. He noted the broken wine glass on the floor- it had almost dried up. Now he knew something was up, the precog was a real stickler when it came to his office being clean, and since Crawford hadn't cleaned it up by now, it was obvious that something was seriously bothering him.

"-What did you tell Kudou?" Crawford asked suddenly. In his mind he knew what the answer would be but he wanted to be sure.

Schuldich jumped at the question, "What do you mean?"

"-Did you tell him that we had Fujimiya's sister?"

What difference did it make that he told Yohji- He had made sure that the Weiß assassin was gone for good and would never interfere with Schwarz again. Schuldich didn't understand why Crawford would ask such a question. "Yeah, I did, why would that matter?"


The telepath flinched, what the hell was going on?

Crawford removed his glasses, "You didn't kill him. . ."

Schuldich's eyes widened, "Wh- What did you say?!"

"You didn't kill him!"

"That's impossible! I saw him die!-"

"-You saw him become unconscious, that doesn't mean he died."

"But. . . how?"

"How else? -The other Weiß kittens came to his rescue."

". . .I thought that Farf killed them."

"Farf would've killed them if you had withdrew when I told you to- In a way Schuldich, Weiß being alive is all `your' fault."

"What are you talking about?"

"Had you had left Kudou alone when I told you to, his fate would've been sealed last night."

"-He would have survived if I hadn't jumped in."

"-You are a telepath not a precog!" Crawford snapped. "Henker was on his way to find out what had caused that explosion, had you left when I told you to, he would've saw Kudou injured, recognized him, and ordered back-up troops to kill him. As for the other two, Farf would've taken care of them. Instead we had to take care of some snipers that all had their sight's set on you- you where too caught up in what you where doing to even notice them. Relatively speaking Schuldich, instead of killing all of Weiß, you may have just saved their lives."

The telepath's fist clenched at his side as he took in what Crawford had just told him. He had saved them, all of them! Dammit He cursed, if Henker was watching him right now, he sure was laughing his ass off at the telepath. After all the careful planning Schwarz did to crush Weiß- to crush Yohji- he ended up saving them because of one lousy order!

"Somehow Siberian and Bombay will find out that we have Fujimiya's sister. You know she is the only leverage that we have to control to him, if you don't stop Weiß from reaching her, he will turn on us."

"Did you see anything else?"

"Whatever else I saw is not of your concern, but as you know I only see glimpses of the future. You may change the future, you may not, whatever happens, will happen."

Schuldich turned around to leave. He HAD to change fate- no matter what it took.

"-One more thing," Crawford said as Schuldich turned the doorknob to leave, "I want you to take Fujimiya with you."

"Is it necessary? Why don't I go get her by myself."

"Did you forget how Magicbus operates, only relatives of the patients are allowed to check them out. Besides, Farf might decide to get to `know' him a little better while your gone and I don't plan on having to baby-sit him, he's your responsibility not mine."

Schuldich left the precog's room storming down the hall. Still cursing to himself, he headed toward his room. He would NOT lose Aya- not to Weiß, and especially not to Yohji- he worked too hard to get him, to possess him- to break him. All the work that he did would not be for just the hell of it.

Schuldich casually walked into his room and saw that Aya was under the covers blankly staring at the walls. Trying to cover up the anger and frustration on his face, he put on one of his smirks on before speaking, "Come on, we're gonna visit your sister."

To be continued. . .