Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When I Fall ❯ Falling Down ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Again, thanks to all the people who took the time to review and/or read my story. It's a short chapter, but a good one. The reason behind Aya's and Yohji's nasty attitudes is revealed! (Sorry no lemon in this one J )

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Pulling on his mission gear, he went to join the other members of his team. The air was thick with tension. The others were ignoring him for their own reasons. Omi had not told the rest of the team about Farfarello, but they had other issues to deal with.

Ken wanted to scream. He did not know how to respond to Omi. The younger assassin must surely hate him now. Maybe he just needed some time to get over the shock.

The group tromped down to the debriefing room where Omi handed each a file and started to explain the mission. "Our job is going to be to hit the network data base, retrieve file information and blow up the computer system after uploading a virus to wipe out the international system hub. We are going to be working on the 20th floor. Schwarz is going in on a related mission. They are going to be assassinating the company board of directors that is scheduled for a monthly meeting on floor 27. Their targets are higher risk than ours and should draw more problems. However, we will be acting as the distraction while they carry out their mission. For that reason, only Yohji and I are needed to sabotage the computers. Aya will be staging a distraction at the front entrance and Ken is to go up to the 30th floor and start a large fire. Ken, you will be using plastic explosives, so be careful with the detonators and watch your timing. Do not hit the elevator or stair area as Schwarz and us are going to need those to get out."

"Aya and Ken should also be aware that we will be using plastic explosives on our floor as well when we finish with the computer systems. All of our hits need to be timed precisely. The fire on the 30th floor must start as soon as I hack into the system and disable the sprinklers. As soon as the explosion and fire starts on the 30th floor, Schwarz will go into action and take out their targets. By the time Schwarz finishes its targets and leaves, Yohji and I should also be finishing up and leaving. Ken you need to be the first out."

"Got it. When do we start?" Ken shuffled studying the layout provided.

"Exactly at 9 p.m., I have an office cleaners uniform you can wear to gain access into the building and avoid security while you are setting up. It's in the box on the kitchen table. So are your explosives and headset."

"Fine." Ken looked around; the members of Weis were still pointedly ignoring him. "Yeah, I'll see you later then." He left the briefing room and grabbed his gear and went to his bike.

"Damn them all. I can't take this silent treatment anymore; I am talking to Birman first chance I get. This is a seriously messed up situation. Maybe it's just coincidence that I pulled the worst part of this job. Just because I was the only one Kritker gave in-depth training to on explosives. But it seems suspicious. I doubt Omi would set me up, but what the hell is going on?"

The mission was going well. The com relayed the two teams' actions at various times and Omi gave the go ahead to start the fireworks. Ken had carefully set up the detonators and was just waiting for the signal. He had placed them in various areas with flammable material piled high around them. He had measured each bit of plastic down to the smallest gram so that the blast would start fires instead of the shockwave forcing them out. Running to the back stairs he pushed the button to fire the detonators. The building shook from the combined explosions going off. He made it down several flights of stairs without incident and was preparing to go onto the 23rd floor when a guard with a gun drawn swung around the stairs and fired. The bullet hit Ken in the thigh; the second bullet hit him on the torso. The assassin kept moving on pure adrenaline alone and tore through the man's throat with his claws.

"I'm hit." He announced to his team on the com.

"What's your location?" Omi asked.

"Stair well of the 23rd floor. Hit on the upper leg and left of the stomach, nothing critical, losing lots of blood."

"You need to keep moving, you have less than two minutes before the detonators on the 20th floor are fired and security has shut off the elevators. Back up is not possible at this point."

"Understood." Ken took off the com and threw it against the wall. "How the hell am I getting out of this one?" He pulled himself up on the handrail and considered something he had not done since he was a little kid. He pulled himself up on the rail and slid down. He was able to hobble around the landing and slide down most of the rails. He was on the 17th floor when the explosion went off, blowing up the computer system. "Damn, Yohji used too much explosive. The whole damn building is going to fall."

Another explosion rocked the building, throwing Ken to the ground onto his wounded leg. "Shit!" He struggled to pull himself back up and leaned against the rail panting heavily. "Okay, let's focus, this doesn't hurt anymore than when Farfarello was pouring wax across cuts on your back, get it together Ken." He mumbled to himself. "True, but I wasn't losing buckets of blood at the time either." Ken made it down one more floor before he blacked out from the blood loss.

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"Damn, it I can't raise him on the com!" Omi yelled to Yohji as the raced out a service entrance and into an alley.

"Fuck it, the police are on the way. We have to get out of here." Yohji grabbed Omi around the wrist and pulled him to the waiting car. Aya was behind the driver's wheel.

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"Farfarello, Schuldich is going with you. He's somewhere between the 15th and 18th floor. You will bring him back to our safe house and Kritker is sending out a medical team. Birman has been dispatched to deal with Weis." Crawford relayed the directions that he had received from Kritker to Farfarello via cell phone.

"We're on it."

Schuldich found the guard with the elevator keys in the lobby dazed in the chaos. He was easily able to get the man to hand them over. The two men waited with strained breath. Running out the door on the 15th floor and rushing to the stairs. They found Ken unconscious on the 16th floor landing and carried him to the back service elevator and quickly out of the building.

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Birman walked into the mission room and looked at the assembled members of Weis. Her eyes silently condemning. "I want an explanation and I want it now. You abandoned a teammate that could have been backed up by either Omi or Yohji and I want to know why. If the answer is not forthcoming immediately, you will all be disciplined and the reassigned to units with no contact between each other."

Aya pulled himself up, away from the wall. "We received information from another Kritker agent that Ken has been trading secret information to an outside source." Omi gasped.

"Yohji and I knew about it but we hid it from Omi." Aya looked sternly at Birman daring her to contradict his reason.

"I see. So you were taken in by this person. We had Schwarz working on a leak for the past several weeks; they discovered the source late yesterday. The man was known as Snake. Bald guy, wears sunglasses, sound familiar? He had a high-level security clearance and was planting information in various cells as to one of the members being a traitor. Schwarz became suspicious when he contacted them and Nagi had run background checks. Once they had the hard evidence of large amounts of money in various accounts, they confronted him and Schuldich got the rest of the information out. That is the reason behind the hit that you carried out today. That board of directors was trying to take down Kritker from the inside to cover up their illegal activities."

"As of this moment, you are on suspension." Birman started to leave.

"Wait. How is Ken?" Omi asked clearly upset about the events that had transpired and finding out that the others had thought he was a traitor.

"I don't know that information as of yet." She walked up the stairs and left without a backward glance.

Aya bent his head, looking at the ground in defeat. Suddenly he lunged and punched a hole in the wall.

"We fucked this one up good. Huh?" Yohji leaned back into the couch staring at the ceiling, a far away look on his face.


Omi left the other two behind and ran up to his room slamming the door behind him.