Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ When I Fall ❯ Confrontation, Apologies and Psychology ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The blood loss had been far more severe then anyone suspected at first. Ken was in a coma for 48 hours before his body started to recover from the shock. Slowly, his consciousness began to register and he came closer to the surface of reality.

"The kitten is finally awake I see." A grating, nasal voice announced. Ken's eyelid were heavy, his body stiff, he was afraid to move even the smallest muscle for fear that it wouldn't work. 'I feel so dry.' He thought.

"Farfarello, your pet is waking up and he would like some water." Schuldich yelled into the hallway.

"Don't yell Schuldich, it's irritating." A soft voice spoke.

"Master?" Ken whispered in surprise.

"Shh. You are safe. Here I have some water for you to drink." Farfarello lifted Ken up into a sitting position and helped him steady the glass.

"This sucks."

The master slid in behind his slave and leaned against the headboard pulling Ken down to lean on his chest. "You lost a lot of blood. Do you remember anything?"

"Yes, my team left me behind. They didn't even care if I died or not." Tears dripped from the corners of his eyes. "We have been through so much shit together and they just fucking left me!" Ken slammed his fist into the bed in pain and anger at the betrayal.

"I know it hurts, but to be fair they were given some very incriminating evidence by another Kritker agent that made you look like you were selling them out." Farfarello started to stroke his hair gently.

"They believed it? They didn't even question it? God, Aya is so paranoid. I thought he got over that after Omi found out he was related to Takatori." He laughed weakly. "I would expect Omi to have more loyalty."

"Omi wasn't told about the accusations. I think he was upset with you because of me."

"I was hoping he would get over that in a couple of days, instead he left me to either die or get picked up by the cops. Sweet huh? Such strong bonds of friendship." Ken paused collecting his thoughts.

"I won't go back there. I want to be in a different team. There is nothing left for me there."

Birman walked into the room; she had been on her way in to talk with Siberian when she heard him make that last statement. Her eyes took in the broken figure of one of the strongest assassins Kritker had. And it wasn't an enemy that broke him. "Although, I believe that you could still salvage your position in your team. I sincerely doubt that the dynamics would ever be the same. For the time being you will be staying here and working with Schwarz. If Crawford feels that you are a useful person to him then he will accept you as a member of his team on a permanent basis. If you don't gel then we will probably send you to a sweeper unit for awhile until we can find a better match for you. We also have some overseas missions we could offer you, but I don't know if that would work out well as most of them are solo and you work better with a team."

The room was silent as the members absorbed this arrangement. Birman pulled up a chair and handed a file to Ken. "This is the information that the Snake fed your teammates. He did this to three of our other teams as well, yours was the only one that took the bait."

He flipped through the folders, there were pictures showing him with a high level Mafia head and some others that he didn't recognize. As well as, transcripts of conversations that he supposedly had. "These pictures are so bogus. I never met any of the people in them and I certainly never talked to them. I can't believe Aya and Yohji fell for this. Especially since Aya and I were involved at the time."

Schuldich just gave him a sympathetic look and went to discuss the news with Crawford and to see where Ken would fit into their group. He wasn't a psychic like the rest of them. Although he was fairly skilled in other areas.

Ken relaxed into Farfarello's body, letting his warmth seep through chilled skin. He couldn't decide which was worse, knowing why his team abandoned him or not knowing. He decided not to think about it any longer.

"I will go with Ken to pick up his things and help him pack. I don't want him to go alone and I don't think he would appreciate anyone else looking through his things." Farfarello told Birman.

"That will be fine as long as you don't create a riot." Birman warned.

"Pity, riots are fun. I especially like the big ones where people start burning things. Burning churches is probably my favorite." He smiled sweetly as if he didn't say anything odd.

"Yeahhhh, ok, well on that note, I have to go. So much paperwork, so little time." She scurried out the door.

Farfarello watched her go with a smirk and languidly licked at Ken's neck. "That was amusing."

Schuldich popped his head around the door. "What did you do? She asked if you forgot to take your medicine today."

"It was nothing. Would you be so kind as to fix my pet something to eat? Preferably not heavy."

"Since when am I your maid? You are entirely too used to being the dom all the time." He looked at the vacant brown eyes of their guest and sighed. "Fine, but you had better fix that."

"It will take time."

~~ @ ~~ @ ~~ @ ~~

Birman opened the door of the flowershop just as it was closing for the day and walked in to the bright interior. Days like this she really hated her job. The boys immediately finished their tasks and filed down the stairs to the mission room.

The darkness of the room reflected their somber mood.

"How is he?" Aya asked, voicing the question they were all wondering.

"He will make a full recovery in a few weeks. His intestines needed to be sewn back together, he was at high risk of infection because of where the bullet hit and he lost a lot of blood. Siberian is dealing with more emotional trauma then the physical. He doesn't want to come back to Weis and I can't say I blame him. Currently he is being assigned to a new unit."

"Will I be able to see him? I need to apologize to him. We had an argument earlier the other day, before the mission and I said some terrible things to him." Omi asked.

"He will be returning sometime next week to pack his things. Until then I doubt his new team will let you see him."

"Oh, Ken's with Schwarz." There was no doubt in his voice when Omi stated his revelation.

"Yes. They went back in and found him and now Crawford is claiming finders, keepers. I can't argue with them about it either. They are the team that he has had the most contact with and he knows how they work." Birman sighed at the disapproving glares of Weis.

"Suck it up. If you guys had trusted him and treated him with respect and consideration to start with we would not even be discussing this now." Birman's anger showed on her face. "I have other things to do, I'm out of here." She stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

"What is it with slamming doors in this building?" Yohji asked.

~~ @ ~~ @ ~~ @ ~~

Over the next week Ken learned the different personalities of Schwarz and tried to cope with the oddness of each of the members. Schuldich was very irritating, always prying into his mind, Nagi was quiet all the time and Crawford seemed to have some kind of superiority complex. In short, he was not comfortable with them as a team. However, they did not treat him like trash either and that was all he was willing to ask for.

Finally, the doctor let him off bed rest, so he and Farfarello made the trip across town to pack his things.

Ken let them in through the back door and the managed to carry several large boxes up to his room, without seeing any of the other members of Weis. They were not to escape notice for long however as the other members of Weis had noticed a van in back of the building and assumed that it was probably Ken.

Omi was at the top of the stairs and rushing to Ken's former room with alacrity. He paused sticking his head inside the door. "Hi."

Ken looked up briefly but didn't say anything to him.

"I want to…" Omi began as he stepped further into the room. "I'm so sorry Ken." Shame etched across his face. "I didn't know that you couldn't get out of the building. I removed my com unit and… Oh God! I would have never left you behind!" Omi cried, tears trailing down his face. "Please talk to me, you're my best friend." Omi sunk to his knees. "I don't want to lose you."

Ken sat beside Omi on the floor and gingerly wrapped his arms around the younger assassin. "I know you wouldn't set me up like that."

"I don't like that you chose Farfarello as your new boyfriend but, if he makes you happy. That's all that matters. He can't treat you any worse than Aya." Omi laughed weakly.

"Farfarello is good to me. I can't really explain our relationship, but he is what I need."

Aya and Yohji slowly entered the room. Yohji waved a white handkerchief tied to a pencil. "Hey, can we call a truce?"

"I suppose." Ken mumbled standing up and moving away from his two former teammates.

"Look, we screwed up. We know it. Someone gave us some evidence that, at the time we thought looked pretty damning. After finding out all the facts from Birman, we went back through all the stuff that the mole had given us and realized that we had acted irrational and stupidly. You were our teammate and we knew better than to believe that crap. There is no excuse for what we did. I only hope that you can forgive us." Yohji spoke for both Aya and himself.

"I honestly don't know if I can. You assholes left me unconscious, bleeding to death, with a huge fire in the building, guards and police swarming the place and another team had to go in and recover me. The worst part is you did it on purpose." Ken turned to look out his window, idly picking up a soccer ball.

Farfarello had been standing in the far corner with his back to the room. He removed clothes from the closet and dresser, neatly packing the items into a box. He did not care for the other boys from Weis and wanted as little to do with them as possible. This was Ken's battle to deal with.

The brunette moved closer to his master wanting emotional comfort, hoping to feel warmed from the bitter cold gripping his heart. The platinum blond pulled him into his body.

Aya growled deep in his throat. "You may not have sold us out, but hooking up with a member of Schwarz is just as bad."

The accused spun around to face his tormentor. "You fucking bastard! The world does not revolve around you." They stepped closer to each other. Shouting in the others face, anger radiating off their skin.

"God, I can't understand what my sister sees in you." Aya hissed between clenched teeth.

"Is that what this is about Ran?" Ken emphasized the name pointedly. "Some twisted thing about your sister?"

"Shut up." Aya's voice chilled to a deadly quiet, his eyes drilling through the other man. "My sister likes you."

"You know that would never work. Besides the fact that I'm gay, I'm also a paid killer, in case you have forgotten."

"No shit."

"Is that why you fucked me, then fucked me over?! Because of your sister?"

Aya twisted around and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Just shut up."

"Truth hurts? So this was some kind of bizarre, psychological, incestuous relationship? You are a sick puppy, Ran." Ken never saw the fist coming. The impact knocked him off his feet. The pain in his gut made him choke down hot bile as his stomach started to heave.

In the blink of an eye Farfarello flipped out a knife and launched himself at Aya's chest.

The room froze. Nagi stood in the doorway. Schuldich was framed behind him. "That was close. Crawford saw it just in time." He pulled out a syringe and pushed it into Farfarello's arm. "Sleepy time Farfie." The blonde's eyes closed and his body went slack.

Ken was lying where he fell, clenching his fists in pain. Blood began to show through his white t-shirt. "Damn, damn, damn." He moaned.

Schuldich looked at Aya. "You should be thankful we decided to intervene. In Crawford's vision you died." We will be taking these two back to our place and making sure that Ken isn't too badly injured. He had to have part of his intestines sewn back together from that bullet wound. As for you, Aya, you need help." Schuldich looked around seeing the half-packed box. "Could you carry that down to the van, Omi?" He pointed. "Someone from Kritker will be by to get the rest of his things. The situation here is to volatile to allow Ken to come back here."

Nagi floated Farfarello into the air, while Schuldich put an arm around Ken to steady him as he walked out to the waiting car.