Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Noise ❯ Tension Relief ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

** I own nothing, no one, nada, zilch…wow, kinda sucks to be me ;_; Well, I do own this story, so no touch! ^_^

Fuck Yohji! Fuck that bastard!! I'm pissed, I'm well and truly pissed. That piece of shit says these things and he's so damn blasé about it! Though I can't say that it's totally a bad thing. I guess it just means I'm good at keeping my ass-staring from his very perceptive eyes. But it's still infuriating when he makes jokes like that. He has no idea how close to the quick they really are. And now that he's put the image of me fucking him into my head, I'd best do something about this tension I'm feeling.

I strip down in the safety of my room, door locked, and walk teasingly slow to my bed. Since I'm up, no pun intended, I wanna make this good. Once I reach the bed, I slip under the covers, the cotton sheets doing wonders for my hard-on as it rubs against it.

Once I'm lying on my back, I close my eyes and am greeted not by the darkness behind my lids, but of Yohji. He's above me, straddling my hips, looking at me with those verdant eyes smoldering with lust. Lust for me. He looks at me and smiles. A smile, not a grin or a smirk. But a teasing smile that makes me realize how full and perfect his mouth is. That perfect perfect mouth leans down and kisses me. Soft, then harder and finally my tongue is caressing his, inviting him to moan. Which he does. He moans softly as my fingers knead up the sides of his spine. Pulling his body into firmer more delicious contact with mine. His hard chest presses against mine and our erections touch.

"Ken. Unn Ken." His voice is liquid, falling over me, sliding against me as much as his body is.

"Yohji. God, I need to be in you." He lifts away from my mouth and reseats himself over my hips. I can see the small look of distress come over his normally careless visage.

"I've, Ken, I don't…I'm not sure what I should do. I mean…" He looks so incredibly arousing that I can't help but smile at him.

"Com'ere. S'okay, I'll prep you. It'll hurt, but I promise to make it as painless as possible." He looks at me and nods with lust and need filtering through his irises. I reach above my head and under my pillow to find a tube of lube, hope springs eternal and all. Bringing it out, I stare into his eyes as I squeeze a liberal amount of the lube onto my palm and fingers. I know I've taken far more than is necessary, but I told him I'd make it as painless as possible, and that is exactly what I plan to do.

He watches me squeeze out the lube and recap it, putting it aside for another time. Possibly another time tonight. Then he watches my slicked up hand disappear behind him. The first touch of a cool, slick finger pressing against the bottom of his tailbone startles him, but he looks at my eyes and smiles. I trail my finger into the crease made by his tight, beautifully muscled ass. Muscles have always been a big draw for me. When I reach his delicate pucker, I circle it with my index finger, letting him get used to my presence, then slowly slide my finger into his hot body.

Unnn, the way his body tightens around my digit makes my already near-bursting cock twitch. I look deeply into his eyes, watching for fear or pain. I see neither and push my finger into him to the second knuckle, still letting him get used to the idea of someone touching him so intimately. He sighs as I begin to move my finger in and out of him slowly, deliberately.

When my finger moves easily inside of him and sweat glistens on every inch of his currently arched frame, I slide in a second finger. Working them in tandem, slightly scissoring and curling them. His back arches and a small cry escapes his lips as I hit him in just the right spot. He's now moving back against my fingers, trying to get them deeper, to touch that spot once again. But I want him begging, writhing and crying out for me. So I tease him, not letting my fingers hit what he so wants me to hit. My other hand has moved to hold his hips steady as I work my fingers into him.

His hands splay over my chest in an attempt to keep himself upright and steady as he rocks gently on my fingers. He's not even aware that his body is now wrapped around three of my fingers.

"Ken, oh god, Ken. Please, I need…I need more. Please..ahnn, Ken!" He cries as I hit his prostate again, rubbing it repeatedly. The supplication falling from his lips makes me hold myself still as the need to flip him over and be in him almost overwhelms me.

"Wait Yohji, wait. I said I wouldn't hurt you and I won't."

"I'm ready! Please, just, oh please please…" His words become slurred as a moan takes precedence. Robbing him of speech and thought. His body is as tight as a bow above me and I know it's time to take him. To be inside of him, to feel his walls caressing my cock, pulling it deeper.

"Yohji." I sigh as I pull my fingers out of him. He looks at me with a whimper as the pressure of my fingers leave his body. Leave him abandoned.

"Yohji, are you sure?"

"Never been more sure in my life." That devil-my-care grin makes its appearance as he looks at me.

"Good." I smile up at him and take hold of raging hard-on and stroke the lube over myself. Then take hold of the root of my cock and hold it as I watch him place his hands on either side of my ribs on the sheets and slowly, so slowly begin to lower himself onto me. My hand twitches around my cock as I watch his body come closer and closer to the tip. My other hand still holding his hip.

After what seems like eternity, his body pushes down on me and I watch as my cock starts disappearing into him. It gets me harder than I've ever been in my life to watch how his body is pulling me into his. Feeling the tight ring of his sphincter spasm at the unfamiliar intrusion.

Yohji stops at the first spasm. I know he's in pain, but due to the thorough stretching I gave him, it's far less than what his tight ass would be feeling otherwise.

"It's okay Yohji, it'll get better, I promise. It's okay." I keep repeating my words of encouragement and comfort quietly as he continues to lower himself on to me. To help him, I take my hand from his hip and move to rub the tip of his nearly-purple erection with my thumb as the rest of my hand curls around his shaft. At this touch he tightens around me and moans. I nearly push those few last several centimeters into him, but make myself wait, wait for Yohji, to let him know that he can trust me. That he won't be hurt by me. It's almost torture to see that, if only I pushed, I could be fully seated in him, surrounded by the tight heat his body promises.

What seems like years to me, is only seconds, as he finally is sitting on me. His body having accepted the inevitable and now waiting for me to make my move. I continue to tease his cock with gentle, barely-there strokes. When his back finally loosens enough for his face to come back into my view, I see small tears prickling the corners of his eyes. It hurts still. He's too tight for it not to hurt. Seeing those tears both excites and humbles me. I want to make them tears of exquisite pleasure, not pain.

I move. Holding his hips with both hands I move so that I'm pressed right against his prostate. Right against unbound pleasure. And he moves with me. He wants it, needs it so badly that pain doesn't matter anymore. There is no pain, only the burning need for completion.

"Yesss, uhhnn, Ken, more. Give me more!" He's grabbing at the sheets to either side of me as he leans over me, riding me as much as my firm grasp on his hips will allow. He's so beautiful. I want to push deeper than deep, to be wrapped and caressed by him for eternity. I push deeper, harder, needing this, wanting this. His cries get louder as I am soon slamming into him, ramming his prostate with almost violent thrusts. My hips switching forward without my being conscious of the movement. The only thing I know is his body spasmodically squeezing me, pulling me deeper, dragged hitched breaths and ragged moans from my lips.

And Yohji. Oh, Yohji. Rocking and bouncing on me. I can't stand it any longer and I surge up and wrap my arms around his back as he now is pressed against me, sitting in my lap. I push my hips up as his arms reciprocate and move to grab and scratch at my back, searching for a grounding purchase and finding none.

I move my arms up his back until my palms are pressing down on his shoulders, pulling him down onto me. But not too much, no, not yet. I let his strong thighs lift him until he's almost not surrounding me anymore, then I slam him back down onto my shaft. Oh god! His scream of intense ecstasy drowns me for a moment as I continue to move inside of him.

He comes so hard that the entirety of his body is quivering with the shock of it. He's mumbling incoherently as I continue to pound into him, pulling him down savagely.

"Oh god, oh shit, fuck, oh god!!" He whimpers, tears streaming down his face as he continues to feel intense pleasure washing over him. His cock only now starting to soften after his climax.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, so good." I tell him as I fight to keep from succumbing to the amazing ripples and quivers of his muscles around me. It's a battle I'm only too happy to lose. As I come I sink my teeth into his shoulder. The tang of blood exciting me further. Taking me to a new level of bliss.

As I lay back, no thoughts cross my mind. I'm blank, white, gone. So amazing. If only there were devices that could record our imaginations. Then I could watch that over and over again. This is not the first, nor will it be the last time, I have this particular thought. I finally open my eyes and go to wash up and bandage my profusely bleeding lip.