Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Noise ❯ Happy Smut of the Mildly Brainless ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Okay, so, I thought to myself, what better way to celebrate the holiday dedicated to the mass genocide of a native peoples than to put my PWP chapter up? Well, then I thought, yeah, that'd distinctly smack of effort. Thus, I didn't. Now I'm trying to put it up, but since it's a process of transcription from my Linguistics notebook to computer, it may be scary and wahh!! So, be warned. Last thing, this is smut, unbridled, pointless, idiotic SMUT. Thank you.


Weiss Kreuz, not mine!! Clifford the Big Red Dog, not mine!! Insanity, stupidity, bad grammar, all mine!!


Also, any and all fetishes mentioned are not fake, nor do I condemn them, they just amuse me. So no offense meant.




I feel myself being herded down this hall toward some destination that I'm relatively sure will hold some kind of horizontal surface. I have some fleeting thought concerning how stupid this is, how bad this is, but that leaves me as I feel BB (Back Boy)'s palms rubbing against my nipple and the Kid's hand is kneading my dick through my leathers. The leather is spreading the sensation down my cock and through my balls, and fuck if it's not amazing.

"Nnnn, good." I hear myself slur out.

Fuck! Is this a wet dream? Do I want to wake up? Do I care?

I think the answer is a resounding `NO' but I'm not sure through the incoherent babbling I'm making outside my head.

Kid's back hits a door, pushing me against his body, and my straining cock against his palm. I feel the sheen of sweat covering his tight mesh clothed chest. Then groan as BB takes his hands out of my shirt and away from my chest. I'm about to protest the loss of his hands, but stop as I realize he's pushed my shirt under my armpits which leaves my, now, naked chest pressed against Kid's mesh covered one.

Before I actually realize what I'm doing, I've crushed my mouth against Kid's, with my hands jammed down the back of his deep blue PVC pants, no underwear, grabbing his ass. The feel of his scrumptiously muscled but yielding flesh is amazing.

Now I think I've been busy with all my kissing and ass grabbing. Wrong! BB has been helping Kid in undoing my pants and sliding them over my ass and around my ankles. In fact, he's such an expert at undressing others, that I didn't even notice that I'm bare-assed until I feel the front of BB's jeans rubbing against my skin.

Hah, so BB is wearing jeans! Yet another tidbit I learn about the invisible man behind me. I was starting to worry I'd just made him up for shits and giggles. Hell, I don't know either of these guys names, ages, or in BB's case, looks.

With this prompting in mind, I pull myself away from nibbling at Kid's lips to turn as much as I can to hopefully get a glimpse of the man massaging my ass and slipping a hand down the cleft to start gently pushing and rubbing at my entrance.

Entrance? Exit, isn't that usually an exit?

Too fast! The alcohol's burned off and I can tell that this is moving a bit too quickly for comfort. Nope, not ready for this yet.

"Wait." I gasp out. I'm pretty sure that was nearly inaudible, so it's of no surprise when they just keep doing their thing. Hell, BB's not only massaging my ass, but sucking on my neck. And Kid, well Kid is…where the hell is Kid?

"Wait, I'm not…" I try again but am cut off by the scorching wet suction that makes my hips snap forward for more.

`Guess I know where Kid went.' My mind adds, very unhelpfully.

My mouth is captured once again by BB, but his fingers have stopped pressing into me. Maybe he did hear my protests as he's now merely and maddeningly rubbing his uhhh large, very large, bulge against my ass.

I whimper into his demanding kiss. It's so strong and aggressive, it reminds me of fire. His tongue sweeps through my mouth, burning out all other kisses that were there before, leaving my mouth…his.

Tonight must be my night for epiphanies because I get another one: I like being dominated. I like someone else taking control. Don't get me wrong, I still wanna be on top, but when there's someone who can control me, fuck that's hot.

Although this epiphany is not long in my mind before I blank out temporarily as Kid swallows, literally, my dick.

A high keening whine fills the air when BB's hand, or at least I think it's his hand - I can't really be sure, wraps itself like a human cock ring around the very base of my dick.

"Shh sweetheart, shh, not yet." BB coos to me.

I almost start laughing as it strikes me hysterical that I still don't know what he looks like. All attempts to see him previously have either been deterred or aborted. But I do know how he sounds. He has a deep, rumbling voice, smooth and rippling and not in the least bit gruff. How odd, usually I think of big guys, ya know, construction worker types, as having grumbly or gravelly voices. For reasons unbeknownst to me, my brain decides that if I had to pick a color for his voice, it'd be forest green and tree bark brown, and some white birch bark mixed in. He sounds earthy.

And I sound like a lunatic. Why the hell wou oh god that's good!

"P…please, please." I'm begging, I …and begging. Yeah, it feels that good and I want, need to come.

I return a bit to sanity to feel that BB is petting my hair with one hand as the other still holds my dick prisoner. I know it's definitely BB's hand holding my cock, because Kid has both his hands steadying my hips as he works his tongue all over my length.

"Just wait honey, don't worry, it's okay." BB continues to talk, murmuring calming words as Kid backs off. I don't know whether I'm relieved or disappointed when that wet heat and tongue leaves me cooling in the air with BB's fingers still preventing me from coming.

"You're sensitive darling." Kid informs me. Well, huh, I wasn't aware of that while I was whimpering and begging! Me, sarcastic? Couldn't be. But I do like his voice. It's lighter in pitch but definitely not the voice of a woman. Somehow his voice reminds me of something fae and magical. Light blues and swirling purples.

Woo, I've gone right off the deep end. Assigning colors to sounds, just check me in doc, I'm gone.

Kid kisses me out of my temporary insanity and shoves me right back into my lust driven insanity. He sure as hell knows how to use his mouth. I back off, realizing I'm still naked from the waist down, well if you don't count the fact that my shirt and net top are up under my arms. If that all is counted, then I'm naked from the pecs down. Anyway, I back off because I'm naked still and we happen to be in the hallway still and although no one's come down and seen us yet, I don't want to tempt fate.

"Wait, I don't even know who you people are." I say, as I back up, or try to, and bump back into BB. Suddenly it strikes me that I've made up names for them and I could tell that those names, and their reactions would be hysterical. Hey, when all the blood is in my dick, I don't tend to think well.

I almost laugh, but think better of it.

"That doesn't matter sweetheart." BB answers.

"Unless we all really have fun tonight." Kid chimes in.

"Yeah, but…"

"No worries, sweetheart. We're clean, you look clean, so just relax." BB tells me. Ah yes, because one can easily spot syphilis a mile away.

I start to object again, but am cut off when Kid opens the door he's been leaning against and drags me in for another quick kiss before BB grabs me. He easily slings me over his shoulder, my bare ass covered by one of his hands as he slaps it then grabs and kneads one cheek for good measure.

Well, I now know what BB is wearing. Tight blue jeans and a plain white tight-as-a-bitch t-shirt. He's got a really tight ass and a helluva broad back. He's gotta be 6 foot something and maybe 200 pounds and it's all fucking muscle.

It's a lucky thing that most, if not all, the alcohol's been burned off. Otherwise, I might be puking down BB's broad, muscley, sculpted back. But, really, I'm just trying to not feel embarrassed about being ass-end up over some guy's shoulder, and not feel turned on about being ass-end up over some guy's shoulder.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I know that my cock is leaking like a faucet and I wonder if BB'll mind that I happen to be leaking all over his shirt.

I'm unceremoniously dumped on a, I do a quick check, queen-sized bed, and find myself stripped of my shoes and pants. The find that Kid is already naked, as in completely naked, as in pressed against my side, playing with my cock an keeping me on the bed as I look at BB approaching us.

He's a big guy. Most definitely not fat, but solid. It's like watching a toned, tanned, bleach-blond (straight and short) refrigerator coming at me., A really sexy refrigerator. Okay, equating biseinen to kitchen appliances, not a turn on. Although there are people who have some fucked up fetishes. I mean, there are people out there turned on by doorknobs. What the hell is sexy about OH my god he's hung! Christ on a cracker, how does Kid fit that in him, my god! That must feel like giving birth or something. Wonder how many women that thing's scared off.

He's uncut and not quite as huge as a horse, maybe a pony? Not that I've ever spent time going to a farm with a tape measure or anything. But I have to assume that that is how hung a pony is…A very large pony.

"Don't worry baby, he's really careful." Kid whispers to me while working my dick with his warm palm. I guess I'd started to go a bit limp.

We both watch as BB crawls onto the bed, cock swinging as he makes his way to where we sit near the headboard. I know I must look like a deer in headlights and I look at him and then down at the beast between his legs.

I come back to myself as Kid makes a twist of his hand that spikes pleasure through me.

"I promise he's gentle as a puppy."

Yeah, Clifford the Big Red Dog was gentle too, but that didn't make his sitting on you any less deadly.

BB reaches us, grabbing my chin and dragging me into an all-encompassing lip lock. The world fades as my mouth is rapaciously taken and I'm pushed back against the bed. I distantly note that the sheets are cotton, easier to clean.

He's pushed me down so that he's now kneeling between my spread thighs, his hands smoothing up and down the insides, making my muscles twitch with each pass.

I think Kid is kissing parts of BB's body, but I really can't be sure, nor do I care at this point.

In the background I hear a cap flip and it registers as probably lube of lotion. I know the basics of anal sex, hell, some girls are adventurous and their asses self-lubricate about as well as my own does. Lube is a universal anal sex staple, as is stretching.

Funny, when did my fingers interlock behind BB's head? When did the backs of my thighs start brushing against the sides of his thighs? Hmmm, back on the bed, arms around his shoulders, legs splayed wide. This is nice. He's got control over this situation, and me, and that is the biggest fucking turn on.

Soon Kid comes back in view and BB leans back. He puts a hand on my chest and gently pushes me down, making it clear that I'm to lie back and stay put. I do.

BB then turns his attentions on Kid, grabbing the back of his head and proceeding to fuck Kid's mouth.

I have no idea how someone can fuck another person's mouth through a kiss, but BB sure as hell is doing just that. I feel my cock twitch as I see Kid submit and moan into BB's mouth while BB slides a hand down between Kid's kneeling legs. So hot. Kid seems to agree as his eyes shoot open, his head falling back when BB bypasses his dick and delves farther between his legs. I can only guess as to where those fingers are.

My hand drifts down to my cock as I watch this beautiful show. Unfortunately, Kid's eyes drift to me just as I get a grip on myself. His slitted eyes narrow further and a grin curls his lips. He leans forward and whispers into BB's ear. At this, BB turns, not taking his hand out from between Kid's leg, and using his other unoccupied hand to grab my wrist, pulling my hand away from myself. All I can really do is whimper and feel my hips try vainly to gain friction by pumping into the air.

BB chuckles and quickly jerks on my captured wrist to pull me forward with his arm immediately wrapping around my waist, trapping me against him in a cinch-like grip. Not painful, but also not breakable.

Kid mumbles something that sounds like "so impatient," and is suddenly kissing me. I feel strung tight as I can feel my tongue plunder through Kid's mouth. I'm delicately hedging two worlds. In one, I am dominant to Kid, he is mine to own. In the other, I am the one dominated. The balancing act is mind numbing and oh so delicious.

While I'm sweeping my tongue in and around Kid's mouth, BB takes the opportunity to slide his hand down my back and slip his fingers into my cleft where he seeks out and finds my entrance.

Wait…when did he put lube on his fing…

"Oh god!"

My body bucks and writhes as one of his long and large fingers sinks quickly and completely into my ass, smashing against something in me that, as far as I'm concerned, pours liquid sex through my body while igniting every nerve and sense in my body. And all I can wonder is, `why haven't I come yet?'

The answer, because Kid is now playing the part of a human cock ring by holding the base of my cock firmly.

Oh, hmmm, seems I've been babbling incoherently all this time. I come back to myself long enough to hear my screams and cries and pleads. Then it's all lost again as BB's finger jabs that thing again.

I actually see a bit of the inside of my head as my eyes roll back, and I think I stop breathing for a moment.

Writhing, I try to push BB's finger…fingers, two now, who knew?, onto that spot again. Moaning and crying, I beg for things. I don't even know what I'm begging for anymore. An end, a rest, more, harder, longer? I don't know. BB's shoulders are being spasmodically clenched and unclenched in my hands, my nails scrabbling at his flesh.

That finger, it. Keeps. Touching. Pushing, pressing, more!!

"Please, please, please." I hear myself chanting to my sadistic god. Though his consort is a bit more humane. The grip on my cock releases and I quickly release as well.

Heat rips through me, swirling red and black behind my eyes as I scream. My body jerks hard, clamping down on those fingers still imbedded in me. Everything is amplified and dulled at the same time.

The sweat trickling off my skin feels like hands running over me. The red and black swirl in the backs of my eyes are mesmerizing lights, and oddly all the blood rushing through my ears us so loud, I can't hear the scream I know I'm making. Then it's all very suddenly a deep dark warmth that folds over me as my body falls lax.




I found him. My kitten, fucking around with a couple of club sluts. No! He's mine and I will be the one to take him!

`Calm down, calm down' I tell myself as I pace the room, glancing at the scene every pass I make.

My Yohji is unconscious on one side of the bed, naked and vulnerable. Although this in of itself is a wonderful sight, it is not pleasant when accompanied by the two other men lying in a tangle next to him. Oh, when I first came in the door after hearing my pet crying out for someone other than me, both men were still rubbing and groping his body. Hands running all over him as he was slumped forward over the behemoth's shoulder. And one of the behemoth's hands? Inside of my MY pet!

Well, they're not a problem now. It would've been nicer had I not lost my shit and fried their minds, but I did.

At least I can find amusement in thee big empty stare of the two still tangled men. No, they won't be a problem every again. I wonder if anyone needs two perfectly good organ donors?

My kitten has yet to regain consciousness and his naked form s tempting me. He'd never know if it had been me or his club sluts. He'll already have a stretched feeling from that mammoth's finger when he wakes up. But no, that's the point. He wouldn't know it was me. I want him looking at me, screaming my name, I want him to know who's fucking him. Besides, I still have to get little Kenken to help me separate Yohji from his litter.

I move toward the bed, picking up clothes that look like my kitten's and cover Yohji's mind in a deep blanket of sleep. Can't have him waking to find his "friends" staring blankly and drooling, now can we.

After I make sure he's deeply asleep, and partially dressed in his too tight pants, I lift him and make my way to my car. Dressing, or half-dressing, an unconscious body is a very difficult thing indeed. But oh well. Once he's comfy-cozy in the backseat, I return to the clubs room with the two brain dead shits. I clean the place up a bit, hopefully get most traces of Yohji out of there, and take my leave. The bodies still are splayed on the bed. It will look like they're the unfortunate victims of some stroke. I'm not really worried about repercussions of police looking too hard into this, after all, this is a gay club and gay scene, the police tend to not delve deep into these things. And considering how often the room is used, forensics, if they even think to use them, won't be much help either.

As I get back into my car, I'm thankful I stole a car with a nice backseat. This way, I fit, kitten fits and all without bothering each other. I figure I should at least make him a little comfortable before I make his friend rape him.


Maybe I'd like some front row seats to that show.

Maybe I'll look out of soccer boy's eyes when he's fucking Yohji. I take a moment to smirk as I hear an angry honking and lovely thoughts about me from the driver I just cut off. Maybe I should make him take Yohji out where I can watch.

No, that wouldn't work as well. When Kenken takes Yohji, I want it to be in a place Yohji feels safe, just to cement the deal. If Kenken takes Yohji in his room or in the shop, Yohji'll run from the place…and if he doesn't, I can always convince my kitten that he should run.

Either way, my kitten will run, and I will be there to catch him.

I feel a grin, Crawford once called it a Cheshire grin, take hold of my lips, curving just the edges of my mouth. It's good to be me.

I turn onto Kitty in the House's street and park at the end of the block. Somehow doubt everyone is a sound sleeper and won't notice me, my car, or an armful of unconscious Kudoh. So, I get out of my side and make my way toward getting kitten out of the back.

Guess I'll have to settle for the distant voyeurism through the window. In fact, if I'm in soccer boy's head as he fucks kitten, then maybe his littermates will try to blame me, thinking Kenken could never do such a thing on his own free will. And if I'm as little involved as possible, the guilt of knowing it was all him will shred Kenken's already somewhat unstable foundations. Luckily, the redhead already seems to be questioning soccer boy and his actions.

My kitten truly tests my willpower as he makes a soft moan when I start to shift him out of the car and into my arms. He shifts slightly, moving his face into the crook of my neck. He's pushing me something fierce.

I rummage him until I carry him across his upper back and beneath his knees. Although he's light, he's also irritatingly tall, making it somewhat difficult to move easily with him.

Fortunately, I'm strong and he seems to be cuddling up against me, making him just a bit less awkward to carry.

Slowly I make my way to the shop and side door in the resident alley. Now a new quandary: Do I take him to his room, or do I leave him on the stairs going up to the apartment?

Well, his littermates are used to him passed out on the stairs, or so I have gleaned. That option is safest. It would also be far less tempting than lying my kitten on his bed. Yes, best to just leave him to be found in the morning. Then, that will help seal the deal as to why his car is not here. Of course Yohji-kun was just toooo drunk to drive home, so he either walked or got a cab. How smart of Yohji-kun. Yeah, sure.