Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cat ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Toraneko (Wild Cat)

By: Anna Hibiki

Rating: R, it could go up later.

Disclaimers: Weiss is not mine! Koyasu-sama and other people with much more money than me owns it.

Warnings: Shounen-ai/Yaoi, OCC for Ken, slightly angsty.

Pairings: Aya/Omi at the beginning of the fic (they're not the main charas though), more couples to come later.

Notes: Anything written in Italic are thoughts. Things /written this way/ are mental talk.

This fic can be read in my page, mediaminer.org and ff.net.

Ne! Wanna thank the reviewers for the prologue!! ^^ So, the glomps and thanks go to: KyraEnsui (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* Glad you like the fic! I'm sorry the chappies aren't long, but I would never update if they were longer. Thank u and hope you enjoy this chappie [that it's the longest so far]! ^^), Kenzan (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* ^^ it's funny when I started writing the fic didn't thought it would get so cute, but then again, nothing has happened yet. *kicks Aya and hugs Ken* [I just like to hurt Aya] Omi and Youji don't look like they're going to get tired of Ken anytime soon [looks like they find him a little too cute for that], but don't worry, if I see they get tired of him I'll tell you! ^__^ I'm sorry I couldn't update before, but hope you like this chappie! The bubble scene… it gave me an idea, and I tried to make it fit into the chappie, but it couldn't be, but it might happen in future baths… KenKen wa honto ni kawaii!! ^^), Katt (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* I'm glad you like it!! I'm sorry the updates don't come as fast as I would like them to, but hope you like this chapter and I can update soon!!), Kitsune-sama (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* I hope ya like the new chappie! ^^)

Chapter 4

Omi put on a pair of latex gloves and took out of the box another pair he handed Youji, who was currently undressing Ken because they hadn't taught him to do it alone yet. "The water is ready Youji-kun." He announced.

"Okay." He answered. "You ready KenKen?" he asked the brunette.

Ken, since it couldn't happen in any other way, blinked up at him, having no idea of what the playboy had just said.

"Yeah, you are." He motioned him towards the bathtub and sat on the floor next to it.

The boy stared at the bubbles the soap had created and then turned his gaze to Omi, who would be eyeing him curiously if Aya hadn't been covering his eyes. "Aya-kuuun!" He whined. "I can't do anything if you don't let me see!"


Youji gave an exasperated sigh. "C'mon KenKen, I'm going to show you the water while Aya prevents Omitchi from looking at the hentai stuff."


Ken turned his gaze to the blonde and sat down next to him, waiting to know what was going to happen next.

The playboy rolled his sleeves up and reached out to take a few white bubbles in his hand. He took his hand away from the soapy water and kept it up in front of Ken's face.

The brunette looked at his hand curiously and leaned forward a little to smell it. After a while he put back and searched for the older man's eyes. "Yo-hi?"

"C'mon, touch it." He offered his hand.

Ken looked thoughtful for a moment and then hesitantly touched the white bubbles, taking his hand away instantly.

"Youji-kun?" Omi, who still had his eyes covered by his boyfriend's hands, asked. "Is he scared of the bubbles?"

"I have no idea." He admitted. "C'mon KenKen, it's late and we have a lot to do yet." He tried to rush the boy, who was actually ignoring him and had all his attention directed to the blonde's soapy hand again.

A look of determination crossed his boyish features as he reached out with his hand and touched the soap on Youji's. He gave a soft mew and frowned at the weird feeling of the bubbles. He closed his fingers over the other's and let them get all the soap they could and mewed happily when he realized the soap wasn't going to hurt him.

Youji laughed and took his hand away from Ken's.

"Oiii!!" Omi whined. "What has Ken-kun done now? I always miss everything! Aya-kuuu-"

"Shut up." His lover ordered.

"Ayan, Ayan… It's a very bad thing to cover the chibi's eyes but you keep on watching."

"I'm not a pervert." He simply stated.

"Aya-kun! Are you saying I'm a pervert?!" Omi asked, his voice taking a dangerous edge.

The redhead decided to ignore his boyfriend and continued covering his eyes while Youji helped a rather scared Ken to enter into the bathtub.

First one foot, then the other. The new member of Weiss almost jumped out of the bathtub when the bubbles and the warm water made contact with his skin. He tried to get out with a scared mew but was forced to sit down.

He looked down to the soap and watched it covering his arms and chest.

"C'mon Aya, let Omi watch already, I need help in here." Youji told his teammate as he took the showerhead and turned the water on, testing the temperature with his hand before he placed the spray over Ken's head.

The brunette crumpled his nose cutely when the water plastered his hair to his forehead and streamed down his face and shoulders. Then he put his arms up, trying to block the water, but only succeeding in getting the soap in his eyes.

"Oi Ken-kun!" Omi scolded, holding Ken's arms down while Youji gently wiped the soap off the uncivilized boy's eyes. "How do we do it Youji-kun?"

The playboy was about to say something, but Aya was faster. "Omi, you wash his hair. Kudou, you take care of his body."

"Aya-kun, you make it sound like we are going to kill poor Ken-kun!" his lover yelled as he opened the bottle of shampoo that was going to help them get rid of Ken's parasites. He looked at Youji looking for support, but the blonde was busy pouring a generous amount of Omi's nice strawberry scented shower gel on the sponge.

Omi sighed, squeezed some shampoo out of the bottle and bent forward slightly to start to scrub at Ken's scalp, careful not to disturb the brunette too much.

Meanwhile, Youji worked the sponge on Ken's shoulders, slowly spreading the soap onto the tan skin of his back while his free hand played with the bubbles, splashing water and bubbles at the younger boy.

Ken mewed playfully and started splashing water too, soaking both Youji and Omi with the bubbles.

"Youji-kuuun!" the youngest assassin whined. "Please stop playing with Ken-kun and finish already, it's late and we have a lot to do!"

"Yeah, whatever…" the blonde murmured, sinking a hand into the water and grabbing Ken's leg to scrub at it with the sponge.

When he was done he did the same with the other leg and Ken's chest (while he did that Omi had been scrubbing at Ken's hair, whining every time a parasite clung to his hand, but Aya handed him a washbasin with water and he cleared his hands there when that happened). "C'mon KenKen, YOU clean yourself in there." The playboy said pointing to the water.

Ken blinked at him stupidly. "Yo-ji?"

The tall blonde frowned. "Give me your hand." At the confused mew he got, he took the brunette's hand in his. "Hand." He said loud and clear trying to make the boy understand what he said. Then he placed the sponge there, curled the calloused fingers over the soapy sponge and let go of Ken's hand to grab his forearm, intending to guide him without having to actually touch anything. "And that is-"


The older man rolled his eyes. "Just joking baka." He murmured as he guided Ken's arm for a few seconds. "That's all KenKen, we don't want you to enjoy this too much, ne?" He teased with a smirk as he tugged Ken's arm out of the water and took the sponge from his hands.

"YOUJI-KUN!!!!!! Don't start perverting our poor Ken-kun!"

Well, their poor Ken-kun looked from one to the other with a huge sweatdrop rolling down the back of his head as he turned to give Aya a helpless look.

Omi ignored everybody and took out the plug of the bathtub so the water started leaving it.

Ken drew his knees to his chest when he realized the water was being sucked out, scared. Omi ruffled his hair. "Daijobu Ken-kun!"

There was no need for Omi to distract his new friend because Ken's fear disappeared soon and became whining when there were only bubbles and he obviously wanted to continue playing with the soap, but Youji had dropped the sponge and helped him get to his feet.

"AYA-KUUUUUUUN!!!" Omi complained when his lover covered his eyes again.

Ken giggled, amusement and curiosity gleaming in his brown eyes. "Aya!" he called the swordsman. "Ayaaaaaaaa!" he was obviously expecting him to cover his eyes like he had covered the little blonde's.

It was a good thing that Youji had been testing the water meanwhile so he distracted the brunette before Aya's glare would kill him (he and Omi were used to it, but Ken wasn't). "Ne, KenKen! Let's get you clean, kay?"

Ken turned to look at him questioningly.

The playboy placed his free hand against Ken's forehead to block the stream of water and dirty soap to fall into his eyes. "Don't move!"

"Need help Youji-kun?"

"No, I'm already done." He answered the kid before he turned the water off. He took a big fluffy white towel and draped it around Ken's shoulders, covering him before he could get cold. "Chibi? Where is the small towel you prepared?"

"Dunno Youji-kun, Aya-kun won't let me look."

"Do I always have to do everything?!" The playboy asked angrily as he helped the boy get out of the bathtub. "Wait a moment KenKen." He looked around in the room and finally spotted a smaller towel he took and used it to dry Ken's face and once that was done he wrapped it around the brunette's head. "Look, if you aren't going to help me in here, then go clean the house while I finish with him. I want to go to sleep sometime."

"Okay… Aya-kun?"

The redhead snorted but let go of his boyfriend and left the bathroom.

"Etoo… Youji-kun, I think it'll be better if I start cleaning now, but before I'll prepare the futon for Ken-kun.. I just hope Aya-kun doesn't kill him during the night." He cringed at the mental image of his lover screaming 'Shi-ne' as he stabbed a snoring Ken with his katana in the middle of the night.

"Oi chibi! Are you even listening to me?"

"Uh.. nani?"

"Nothing." He murmured and continued rubbing at Ken's arms with the towel. "Just do something useful."

Omi blinked stupidly at the lazy man's words, it had just sounded like something Aya or he himself would say. "H-hai Youji-kun!" he stopped at the doorframe. "Youji-kun, do you really think it's safe to leave Ken-kun with Aya-kun?"

"I hope it is, and if it's not… well, then bye bye KenKen, ne?"

Omi rolled his eyes and left the other two in there, after all, he had a lot to do.

"Believe me KenKen, those guys are scary." He told the younger man, turning around to grab a pair of boxers and helped him to put them on.


"You'll understand it when you grow up."

"Gro' up?" he asked lifting his arms so the playboy could put the tee shirt on him, careful of not moving the towel around Ken's air.

"Yeah, exactly that. Your leg."


Youji sighed. He bent down to grab Ken's foot and helped him put on the slacks. "You're lucky I'm around here," he muttered as he rummaged around into the bag containing all the anti-parasite stuff they had bought and finally taking a little white comb out. "Life with the lovebirds is scary and boring." He said taking another small towel and the basin Omi had used before, now filled with clean water.

"Borin'." Ken repeated like that was the most important thing he had ever said.

The tall blonde laughed. "Yeah, really boring, KenKen. Come here." He said patting the floor after he sat down.

The brunette mewed and tilted his head slightly to the side but sat down obediently in front of the older man.

Youji spread the towel over his lap and motioned Ken to move closer. He took the towel off the brunette's hear and examined it. Making a face in distaste, he took all the parasites he found and threw them into the basin. "Kami-sama! Where have you been all these years? You have a fucking jungle in there! Hnn… Don't blink at me like that, what I say it's true."

The wire-wielding assassin started to comb chocolate brown locks of hair, pausing every now and then to clean it.

"Youji-kun?" Omi's was by the doorway.

"What's it chibi?" he didn't look at him because he was finishing with the comb.

Ken turned to look at the smaller blonde and smiled brightly. "Omiiiii!" he greeted him.

"Yeah, it's me Ken-kun." He looked at Youji again. "The futon is already set for Ken-kun in Aya-kun's room, and Aya-kun and I are cleaning all the rooms Ken-kun has been in." He snickered softly. "He's afraid that he could catch something weird from Ken-kun."

"That'd be funny." The older man joked.

Ken looked at them without understanding a thing and hung his head slightly. Youji took advantage of that, grabbing his head and placing it over the towel on his lap.

Omi narrowed his eyes. "You say that because you don't have to sleep with him."

Youji mock-glared at him. "Chibi! That's an image I didn't want in my head!"

The archer stuck his tongue out at him. "You asked for it Youji-kun!" he said cheerfully.


"Etoo… Aya-kun's calling for me, I better go!" he said nervously and left to help his lover.

Youji looked down at Ken. "Told ya. They're scary." He said with a grin. "And now," the grin disappeared "it's time to get all that shit out of your cute head KenKen. So don't move too much."

The brunette purred softly as nimble fingers moved surely through chestnut locks as emerald eyes examined the head lying onto his lap, looking for anything the comb had missed.

Around thirty minutes later he was done and poured some anti-parasites cologne onto his gloved hand and massaged Ken's hair.

He passed the comb again and it wasn't until then that he realized Ken had fallen asleep. He sighed tiredly. "Okay, and now the kid has fallen asleep on me. What next? Ken wake up!" He scowled at the soft snore he received. "You're lucky I'm so nice." He muttered lifting Ken's head up a little to take the towel away. "Don't get used to this 'cause I'm not carrying you again."

The playboy secured his arms under Ken's legs and picked him up. Then he headed for Aya's room and lowered the brunette into the futon. He put the blanked Omi had left there over Ken's body and went downstairs to help the others disinfect the house.

When they were done, it was so late they didn't even have dinner, the three assassins headed for their respective bedrooms and went to sleep immediately.

It had been a long day, but next would be even longer.

Tsu zu ku…

It's taken me some time but here's a new chappie!! *glares at herself cuz she should be working in "Obsession Confession"*

At the end I had to leave the tv scene out of the chappie, gomen ne! Anyway, did you like the chapter?

In the next chappie, our cute little KenKen will meet the tv AND the fangirls of the Koneko, and he will acquire a new fear. Want to discover? Then wait for the new chappie!

Until my next update, leave me comments with your ideas, opinions, or anything you wanna say to me, ya know it will always be welcome!! ^^

Hasta luego!