Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cat ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Toraneko (Wild Cat)

By: Anna Hibiki

Rating: R, it could go up later.

Disclaimers: Weiss is not mine! Koyasu-sama and other people with much more money than me owns it.

Warnings: Shounen-ai/Yaoi, OCC for Ken, slightly angsty.

Pairings: Aya/Omi at the beginning of the fic (they're not the main charas though), more couples to come later.

Notes: Anything written in Italic are thoughts. Things /written this way/ are mental talk.

This fic can be read in my page, mediaminer.org and ff.net.

Ne! Wanna thank the reviewers for the prologue!! ^^ So, the glomps and thanks go to: Johan Neu (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* hope ya like this chappie!), Kenzan (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* I'm glad ya like it and thank u for your compliments! ^^ And I also think KenKen's absolutely kawaii imitating Omi ^_^), Wildfire2 (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* thank u!^^ and I'm sorry it took me so long to update!), Lady Kickass (Arigato for reviewing!! *glomps* thank u and hope ya update your fics soon! ^^)

Chapter 3

Youji snorted for the nth time that day.

His date had been cancelled, and that was all Aya's fault.

Yeah, Aya's, because he hadn't wanted to drive Omi and Ken to the medical center of Kritiker to get him vaccinated and so the doctors would make a check to see if he had some kind of illness.

That same morning, Manx had appeared at the Koneko with a few bags with new clothes for Ken and told them that they had to go to the medical center that evening.

Since the playboy had a date, he had immediately suggested that Aya drove them there, but the redheaded bastard remembered them that Ken was their responsibility, not his.

So he was at the waiting room, sitting in an uncomfortable chair and reading one of those magazines about famous people while Omi wrote something on his laptop.

Ken was sitting in the chair between them, not causing any problem because he was fascinated with the hair tie the older blonde gave him, rolling it between his fingers and straining it all he could without breaking it (that with the strength the kid had, was rather possible).

"Ne, chibi." He said to get Omi's attention. "When are they going to examine KenKen? We've been here for three hours and they never call for us!"

"I don't know Youji-kun." The younger blonde said for the seventh time. "It won't take too long."

Youji snorted again and threw the magazine at the wooden table in front of him where the other magazines were. "Why don't you stay here with him so I can go out for awhile?"

"For the fourth time Youji-kun, Ken-kun is OUR responsibility, and no matter how much he imitates me, if he goes violent, you will be stronger than I am."

Youji rolled his eyes. "You just want me to keep an eye on him while you chat with Aya."

Omi grinned up at him, but their attention shifted to Ken, who was grunting at his hands.

The taller assassin laughed and ruffled his hair. "See Youji-kun?" Omi said giggling softly. "We can't leave him alone a moment."

Ken pouted at them, a cute blush staining his cheeks as he tried to untangle the hair tie from his hands. He had twisted it so much that he had ended up making tight knots around his fingers.

Youji sighed, still chuckling slightly, and proceeded to free the brunette's hands.

A few minutes later, Ken's hands were free and Youji gave the red hair tie back to him. Ken beamed at him and tugged at Omi's sleeve to show him the tie, that was ready to be played with again.

But he didn't have the time to play anymore, because a nurse approached them and asked them to follow her.

Omi and Youji stood up and Ken imitated the younger boy, obediently following the others when Youji took hold of his wrist.


Once they were there, the doctor started to examine Ken thoroughly, running lots of different tests on him.

Nearly an hour later, the doctor stopped writing and looked up at Omi. "We'll have the results in a few days. It's a good thing that Birman extracted his blood when she first saw him, because we can't do it now."

"But what do you th-"

The doctor cut Omi. "At first sight he looks sane and strong, and I estimate he should be around nineteen years old, but the tests will confirm that. I can't give you any more information until I have the results of the tests. I also recommend you to buy something for the parasites he still has." Youji jumped at that.

"What kind of parasites?"

"PARASITES." The doctor said amused by the playboy's reaction.

"Omi, tomorrow, no, tonight, nobody's going to bed until the whole house and KenKen are absolutely clean, disinfected and free of parasites." That was an order.

The leader of Weiss nodded.

"And now, to finish, I'm going to put four vaccines, his body won't react well with more, so you'll have to come here in the following weeks to continue with it."

The following minutes were pure chaos. The moment Ken saw the needles he panicked and hid behind Omi.

"Ken-kuuun!" the blonde whined. "C'mon let the doctor vaccinate you so we can leave!"

"Oi KenKen." Youji crouched beside him and dragged him towards a chair. "Be quiet and I'll give you another tie." He said tiredly, taking a brown hair tie out of his jeans' pocket.

Ken obviously didn't understand what he had said, but he lightened up when he saw the tie, and the doctor took advantage of that to vaccinate him while he clumsily tangled his fingers on the tie.

When they left, the only problem was that Ken was dizzy and would have fallen if the others hadn't supported him until they reached the car.


Omi threw open the door. "Aya-kuuuuuuuuuuuun!! We're home!!" he called for his boyfriend as he ran into the house.

Ken stopped playing with the brown hair tie (it was easy to keep him entertained) and followed Omi to see what he did.

He blinked when he saw the boy hugging Aya in greeting.

So the brunette… he intended to do the same, but the result was rather different from Omi's.

Ken yelled "Aya!" and ran to repeat the greeting hug Omi had given him, but Aya gave him a glare when he was halfway into the kitchen that Ken did what he did every time he got scared, he hid behind Omi.

But he didn't give up, because he left the kitchen and dragged Youji inside. "Yo-hi!" he pointed to Aya and hugged the blonde like Omi had hugged the redhead as if to show him what he had to do.

Then he pointed at Aya and tried to drag his teammate towards him. "Aya."

Youji had to laugh at the glare the redhead gave them. "No, KenKen, we don't have to hug Aya." Ken blinked at him. "Omi can hug Aya, you and I can't."

The brunette looked pensive for a long moment and then he glared at Youji, imitating Aya's glare. Then he turned that glare to Aya. "Aya." He said in the cold way the swordsman talked.

Youji and Omi doubled over with laughter while Ken gave them a confused look. "Omi?" he asked the boy, not understanding the situation.

Omi was the first one to stop laughing. "I think we should give Ken-kun a bath, have dinner and go to sleep, this has been a long day." He finally sobered at the glare his lover gave him.

"Yeah," Youji said, also calming a little. He took a beer out of the fridge and drank it before they brought Ken to the bathroom.

They just had to hope that the bath and the process of leaving Ken free of parasites wouldn't take too long.

Tsu zu ku…

Oi! I'm sorry this chappie's so short! But since it was taking me so long to update, I couldn't include the bath scene.

In next chapter, Youji and Omi will have to clean KenKen, and our favourite brunette will met a new friend, the television.

Until my next update, remember to leave me a comment with your opinions and ideas or anything ya wanna say, that are always welcome and animate me to update faster!

Hasta luego!