Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Cat ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Toraneko (Wild Cat)

By: Anna Hibiki

Rating: R, it could go up later.

Disclaimers : Weiss is not mine! Koyasu-sama and other people with much more money than me owns it.

Warnings : Shounen-ai/Yaoi, OCC for Ken, slightly angsty.

Pairings: Aya/Omi at the beggining of the fic (they're not the main charas though), more couples to come later.

Notes : Anything written in Italic are thoughts. Things /written this way/ are mental talk.

This fic can be read in my page, mediaminer.org and ff.net.


Youji drew another cigarette to his lips and lazily adjusted his earpiece. He had to cancel an important date to come to this mission, but at least, he knew that some bastard wasn't going to hurt women anymore. And who knows? He could easily pick one (or more than one) women when they went back to the city if it wasn't too early in the morning.

The blonde took a look around himself. He had heard something. Probably an animal.

They were in the middle of a forest, very near of a mountain. It was a dangerous mission, not because of what they had to do, but for the place they were in.

But even being in a place like that, the bussinessman Takayama Nobuhiro had the entire forest protected with cameras and bodyguards (or at least, that's what they thought), and they knew thay were being followed. What they didn't know was WHO or WHAT was following them.

It was a definitively weird place to hide, but it seemed that Takayama chose a forest to make it harder to find him.

There weren't a lot of bodyguards outside, but he supposed that there would be a lot of them inside the caverns, where the bussinessman was.

But wild animals were definitively worse than a few armed bodyguards. Manx had told them that there were bears and different types of mountain cats they should be very careful of not molesting.

He was hiding behind a tree, waiting for his two teammates to get out of the cavern.

Youji was starting to get impatient. Where were Omi and Aya? They should have arrived there minutes ago.

Yeah, yeah, maybe he wasn't the most punctual of them, but they were in the middle of a mission, and damn it, it wasn't an easy one.

He quickly prepared his wire, someone was near. He could hear the soft sound of feet against the ground, the slow breathing, he could also smell whoever was there. And whoever it was, hadn't taken a shower in ages.

The blonde was surprised when the person (who he couldn't see in the dark) didn't even turn to where he was.

Instead, that person continued forward and entered into the cave. Youji thought about following him, but he was too lazy, and just wasn't in the mood to follow some stinking man.

But he snapped back to reality when he heard Omi scream. Of course, Aya and Omi where into the cave. So whoever he had seen before was there trying to kill his teammates!!

He quickly entered the cave and ran forward. Since it was one of the caves Takayama used it was illuminated inside and he could see perfectly now. He continued running until he heard a weird groan and a sob that was obviously Omi's.

Youji's eyes met Aya's figure and another person, who was holding Omi tightly, it was whoever he'd seen before, held Omi so he couldn't move and Aya wouldn't attack to avoid hurting his boyfriend.

tsu zu ku...

And prologue done!! I know I should be working on another things instead of this, but I wrote this prologue some time ago and wanted to post it.

How was it? Yeah, I know this sucks. Hope ya didn't get a trauma while reading this and you excuse my mistakes. I know my English is bad *angry sigh*.

Just hope ya leave me a comment!! Ya know, criticism, ideas and things like that are always welcome and make this bitch happy for some time.

Nos vemos!