Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Reminiscence ❯ Winter's Reminiscence - 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Name: Androgene
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/space/noir13
Email: androgene@lycos.com
Title: Winter's Reminiscence - Part 2
Summary: A lingering memory of a single perfect moment of love, to be cherished. When an amnesic Ito Ryo (Kudoh Yohji) meets an old flame in New York, what will happen? YxA, crossover with Bartender, Weiss Side B timeline
Category: drama, romance, crossover (WK x Bartender)
Rating: R (for being yaoi)
Disclaimer: The series Weiss Kreuz and Bartender belong to their individual creators and studios. I do not make any profits or monetary gains from this story. In fact, it's additional contribution to my monthly electricity bill.
Author's Notes:
Readers and to those who have left their feedback, thank you very much! Here's the second part. Hopefully, I can wrap everything up in three parts.

Winter's Reminiscence - Part 2
I didn't realize it at first though.
Fujimiya told me since he had stayed in New York before, he could show me around. I eagerly took up his offer. I was happy because it meant that I wouldn't have to be alone and bored out of my mind during my week of free time. It never occurred to me that it might be due to my attraction.
Rockfeller Square, Madison Gardens, Times Square, Empire State Building… I had a grand time in New York, visiting these places and more with my newfound companion. Fujimiya was a good guide. He made sightseeing interesting. He showed me the different aspects of the Big Apple and even explained some of the cultural peculiarities that I didn't understand before. I was also so envious of his fluent grasp of English.
`Where did you learn to speak English so well?'
`I was forced to learn,' he stated. `My flatmates banned Japanese in the house, so I have no choice.'
`They meant well,' Fujimiya quickly defended. `They just want me to fit in and be comfortable as quickly as possible.'
`It worked though. Come, there's a place near here I want to show you.'
Gradually over the days, I found my interest shifting from the sights to him. Be it Tokyo or New York, a city in winter always appeared drab and grey, despite the colorful holiday lights and festive window dressings. For me, Fujimiya was the one vibrant point of beauty that stood out from the somber grey.
It wasn't just his physical looks or the fluid grace of his movements. It was also everything else about him I found irresistible. He was a very composed man, coolly polite to strangers and unusually focused - he noticed things a normal person would never notice. Sometimes his observations were startlingly different, yet extremely enlightening, when he pointed out little things and gave his views to me, views that otherwise would never occur to me. Extremely well-informed, I get the impression that he was very well-traveled. He seemed to understand much of the world around us, especially the darker side of it, and that fascinated me completely. I had already witnessed one accident during my stay in New York, gawking at the massive three cars pileup like most of the passer-bys. When I saw the paramedics finally carrying the injured people, I blanched at the sight of their injuries. But Fujimiya…wasn't fazed, nor did he even comment on the accident. He watched, but he was calm and the look in his eyes…it was hard to describe. Somehow, he gave me the vibe that he was all too familiar with death.
That didn't turn me off, surprisingly enough. Instead, the realization strengthened my attraction to him. I suppose, it was a combination of that vibe with the aura of mystery and strength he wore so comfortably. I don't think he's even aware of it. That oblivion as well made him so attractive that I couldn't stop looking at him.
I was forever staring at him, when he was not looking, mesmerized by his grace and beauty. In a manner, he was so ethereal that I had to battle the temptation to touch him just to assure myself that he was real. The itch was strong and getting stronger with every moment I spent with him. One day, I couldn't resist anymore. I reached out and brushed my hand through his red hair.
Fujimiya stared at me, startled.
`Sorry,' I apologized, feeling my cheeks turned hot. `You had some snow on your hair.'
That was a complete lie and I knew he knew it. I thought he was going to hit me for touching him in such an intimate manner. Instead, Fujimiya blushed and quickly walked away, much to my astonishment.
I stood there on the sidewalk, gaping stupidly like a fish, joy fighting with incredibility. That was the first time I saw his composure faltered. I had truly expected him to be angry. After all, men simply don't do such things to another man unless they were gay. I hadn't expected him to blush. I was so thrilled that he didn't reject my gesture outright.
And it seemed that Fujimiya was truly affected by my touch as well. He didn't see or hear the out-of-control taxi skidding across the icy road towards him.
I did. It jolted me from my shock and I dived madly for him, grabbing and yanking him out of the way. My violent move threw the both of us off-balance and we tumbled down to the sidewalk in a heap, just as the taxi zoomed past us with its honk blaring madly and crashed into a building a block away from us.
My head throbbed. For a long while, I laid on the pavement, stunned.
`Ito-san! Ito-san!'
I couldn't react, staring blankly at the concerned face filling my vision. Up close, I could see the worry and concern swirling in those beautiful amethyst depths. I wasn't sure why I was on the ground.
Then I remembered.
Without thinking, I gently touched his pale beautiful face. `Aya…daijoubu, desu ka?'
Fujimiya's eyes widened. For some reason I didn't know, I managed to render him speechless.
Gingerly, I sat up, wincing at the throbbing pain in my head. Somehow, I had managed to twist our bodies around so Fujimiya wound up landing on top of me and I took the brunt of our fall. I carefully felt the back of my head. To my relief, my fingers came away bloodless.
`You're hurt.'
`I'm fine,' I replied. We stood up, I more slowly than him and carefully checked my body. Everything seemed all right, except for my throbbing head. `What about you?'
`Don't worry about me. You pulled me out of the way.' Aya averted his gaze, seemingly embarrassed. `Thank you.'
I smile. `I'm glad you're all right.'
`We need to get you to a doctor.'
`I'm fine.'
Aya glared at me. `You hit your head. Let the doctor be the judge of it.'
He was so insistent that I decided it would best to humor him. Although I was sure I was all right, it warmed my heart to see the normally composed Aya so concerned for me.
The doctor's verdict came as no surprise. He prescribed me some painkillers and an ointment and told me to admit myself immediately to a hospital if I felt any dizziness or nausea. I suppose, for someone who had been living a sedate and uneventful life, I got off lucky.
Still, the rest of the day was ruined. It was getting late by the time we emerged from the clinic. Neither of us was in the mood for any more sightseeing and we decided to head back to the hotel. Aya's worry had faded; either that or he had it under control. He was back to his composed self again.
For me, I couldn't help but to think back to the afternoon. It had been eventful, but it was not the near-accident that filled my thoughts. But rather, that brief moment when I had tackled him, kept replaying in my mind. His warm body pressing against mine, his elusive but attractive scent filling my nose…that moment had felt so right.
I finally had to admit to myself that I was attracted to him and that was a troubling thought. I didn't know why I felt such a strong attraction to him, didn't know if he truly felt anything for me in return. Was it a crush, an infatuation, a momentary attraction because I was bored and lonely? Hell, I didn't even know I could be attracted to someone of my own gender. Furthermore, I was a married man!
Needless to say, we were both very quiet on our way back to the hotel.
Aya followed me back to my room, presumably to make sure I was still all right. I didn't know what he was thinking, though his somber expression hinted at some inner worries. When he emerged from the bathroom with a glass of water, I made a decision. I needed to determine if my attraction to him was simply out of lust or something more.
When Aya handed me the glass of water and a painkiller, I put them aside instead and stepped close to him. Despite my decision, I was so nervous. My hands were shaking when I gently framed his face in my hands. I didn't dare to look at him, simply concentrated on my fingers tracing the delicate curves of his jaws. His skin was so very smooth to my touch, like warm satin and I could smell his scent again - that irresistible elusive musk that drew me closer.
Finally, I found the courage to look into his eyes. They were wary, bright with turbulent emotions I couldn't understand.
I swallowed. My mouth was very dry for some reason. `Let me do this,' I managed to say. `Please.'
Aya stared at me for a moment longer. Then, slowly, his eyes fluttered close and his body language softened, silently giving me permission to proceed. He stood very still in my careful embrace, allowing my fingers to explore his pale cheeks, the strong bridge of his nose, the softness of his lips. I ran my fingers through his silky crimson hair, couldn't resist stroking the shapely curve of his ears or the graceful column of his neck. He had a sensitive neck, I discovered. He quivered when I explored the fine scar line encircling his neck, dragged my fingers down to the hollow in his collar bone.
I was falling…falling headlong into the proverbial rabbit hole.
In the charged silence of my room, I couldn't stop touching him, learning his features and his body with my hands and fingers. I forgot about my wife, and that I really shouldn't be doing this. I forgot everything except him. I was completely enthralled by this beautiful, enigmatic creature.
Slowly, bit by bit, Aya began to relax beneath my caresses. When I stroked his cheek, he leaned into my palm, his soft exhalation leaving a puff of warmth on my wrist. I felt a surge of victory. He was surrendering, I could feel it. Aya wanted me as well. I cupped the back of his head and curled my free arm around his slim waist.
`Aya,' I murmured against his forehead before placing a careful kiss upon it. With the same care, I kissed him on his lips, gently, chastely. Once. Twice.
`Don't,' he whispered against my lips.
I ignored his feeble plea and kissed him again, deeper, my tongue gently seeking entry and he gave it to me. He was sweet, like spiced honey. The taste of him combined with his elusive scent went straight to my head like fine wine, I instantly hungered for more. I kissed him harder and he responded with a sensuality that took my breath away. By the time I broke the kiss for air, I was feeling incredibly hot and hard in my pants. It was all I could do to restrain myself from ravishing him.
Dazedly, hungrily, I stared at Aya's flushed face. His shallow and rapid breathing was a counter rhythm to my own. His eyes were closed and he remained pliant in my arms. My gaze fixated on his reddened swollen lips and I had to kiss him again. Things were spiraling out of control and I was helpless to stop it. Hell, I didn't want to stop.
But caught up in my own desire, I didn't hear his voiced pleas to stop.
The distress, sharp and clear in his voice, stopped me as effectively as a bucket of cold water thrown over me. I quickly released him, confused and conflicted. I realized what I had done, but I didn't want to stop. Seeing him, disheveled and with flushed cheeks, made him even more desirable to me. I had to force myself to keep my distance.
`Aya,' I began awkwardly, `I don't-'
He just shook his head, cutting me off. `I have to go.'
I watched in helpless silence as he headed for the door. `Would I see you tomorrow?'
He paused.
He hesitated and then nodded once before leaving.
Ito pauses and takes a sip of his drink. He looks at the attentive Sasakura. “Maybe we should add another Commandment? Customers should not confess to the bartenders about their sins.”
Sasakura smiles sympathetically and shakes his head. “People come to bars to forget about their troubles, to lighten the weight of their burdens. Customers are not really talking to the bartenders; they are conversing with their hearts.”
“That is a novel way to put it.”
“It's not likely you will remember me after you've left. But your heart will feel lighter and that's all it matters.”
“Thank you, you're very kind. I hope I'm not offending you. It's not everyday you hear this sort of story.”
“Not at all,” Sasakura's smile is serene.
“I couldn't sleep that night. So many things were going through my head. I was troubled when I realized I didn't feel any shame kissing Aya. I had broken my marriage vows but I wouldn't hesitate in kissing Aya again. When I asked myself if it was with someone else other than Aya, I totally balked at the idea. In my mind, I was thinking of him as Aya, no longer as Fujimiya-san. I guess those were the signs that I felt more than just simple lust and attraction for him.
The question was: what am I going to do about it? I love Asuka, but at the same time, I wanted to be closer to Aya. Any decision I make wouldn't be fair to either Asuka or Aya.
I needed answers badly so I decided I would have a heart-to-heart talk with him first thing in the morning.”
“Did you manage to speak to him?” Sasakura gently prompts when Ito remains silent.
“No. I didn't get to see him for two days.”
I couldn't find him at the breakfast buffet the next morning. Called his hotel room and there was no answer, nor did he left me any messages. I couldn't get through his cell phone either. You can imagine how disappointed I felt. So many questions kept plaguing me, so many `what-if' scenarios running through my head that I got a constant headache. I had no one to talk to. Discussing this with my wife was simply out of the question and the person I most wanted to see had disappeared. By the second day, I had completely given up. I was due to leave the next day and he still hadn't showed. I was convinced I had offended him and he wanted nothing more to do with me.
So when he did show up again at my hotel room door, I was caught completely unprepared.
`Konnichiwa, Ito-san.'
I gaped at him for the longest moment.
`May I come in?' Aya asked politely.
`Y-yes!' I stammered hurriedly.
After two days of not seeing him, his presence hit me again like a truck. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Dressed entirely in white, he looked really good. A little tired. Yet the dark circles under his eyes didn't detract from his beauty. I was overjoyed, nervous and curious.
`Where were you for the last two days?' I blurted out. `I couldn't reach you at all. Were you avoiding me?'
`I was called away on business. Some problems had cropped up that needed my attention. I didn't have time to let you know.'
I heaved a sigh of relief. `Business, huh? I felt so bad about what happened that day. I thought I had offended you.'
`No, I wasn't offended. To be honest, I-I didn't stay away purely because of business. I needed some time alone to think.'
The silence between us was uncomfortable. I was keenly aware of the attraction between us and all the problems I was now facing, and yet for all my rehearsals and planned speeches, I hadn't the slightest idea how to broach the subject.
`Aya, was that your first time with a man?' I asked hesitantly.
He shook his head. `I had a lover once.'
`Ah,' my voice trailed off awkwardly. So it wasn't the gender factor, I was relieved to find out. I took a deep breath and decided to just plunge into it. `I like you, Aya. I never thought I would feel like this for anyone else, especially a man. But I like you. I think I could even be falling in love with you. Spending the last couple of days with you, I was very happy. I really want to be closer to you, to get to know you better. That is, if you are interested in me.'
`What about your wife?'
`I-I-' I was at a complete loss for words.
Aya closed his eyes, pain written clear on his face. `You can't give her up, can you?'
He was right. I couldn't give Asuka up. She was my anchor to reality. Five years ago, when I woke up in the hospital with no memory, she was the only one who cared and helped me to build a new life. I love her, I really do, but I want Aya badly.
`I'm sorry,' I said wretchedly, feeling as though I was scum. `I'm too greedy. I can't give Asuka up. But I want you too.'
He turned his back to me. `You can't have it both ways. Besides, we just met.'
`But you can't deny there's something between us.'
`Aya,' I continued desperately. Somehow I got the wildest feeling that he was going to reject me. `At least stay with me till tomorrow.'
`Forget about our lives, my wife, your troubles, everything till tomorrow. Take this as a…a fling, a temporary escape, I don't care. Just stay with me.' Daringly, I stepped forward and clasped my hands on his shoulders. I continued to say quietly, `I'm leaving tomorrow, back to my life. In all likelihood, I won't get to see you again. So this, whatever it is between us, it probably won't work out. Please…spend this day with me. Let me have a memory to bring home.'
`Memory, desu ka?'
`Hai, memory.'
`You won't…regret this?'
Aya slowly turned around, his gaze lowered and expression serious. `You honestly won't regret this?'
`I won't,' I promised firmly.
`This is a one-time thing, it ends tomorrow. Don't ask me anything, don't press for answers. If we do meet again, I won't acknowledge you. And you will not acknowledge me either.'
`I understand.'
`Even so, you won't regret this?'
`Yes. But I won't forget you,' I had to add.
An odd expression crossed Aya's face before he nodded. `Very well, I accept.'
I broke out in a wide smile. `Thank you, Aya.'
I leaned down and gently kissed him. This time, he did not hesitant and responded. I felt his arms encircling my neck, his slim body pressing against me and I tightened my grip about him.
One day.
I was determined to make it one of my best days ever.