Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Reminiscence ❯ Winter's Reminiscence 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Name: Androgene
Website: http://www.angelfire.com/space/noir13
Email: androgene@lycos.com
Title: Winter's Reminiscence - Part 3
Summary: A lingering memory of a single perfect moment of love, to be cherished. When an amnesic Ito Ryo (Kudoh Yohji) meets an old flame in New York, what will happen? YxA, crossover with Bartender, Weiss Side B timeline
Category: drama, romance, crossover (WK x Bartender)
Rating: R (for being yaoi)
Disclaimer: The series Weiss Kreuz and Bartender belong to their individual creators and studios. I do not make any profits or monetary gains from this story. In fact, it's additional contribution to my monthly electricity bill.
Author's Notes:
This is the last part and as usual, I got stuck at writing the lemon scene. I hope it fits the mood of the story. Hell, I hope this part didn't detract much from the overall tone of the story.
I guess I'll take this chance to reply to some of you who have so kindly left me reviews:
(From MediaMiner)
To Amet: Yeah, I've watched `Winter Cicada' as well and I realize this echo a bit of it. At least, in this fanfic, nobody dies. I like `Winter Cicada' a lot - I find it very haunting. A cicada transforming from a larvae to its adult form just as winter approaches is suicidal at best. There is no way a cicada can survive the winter cold as an adult and it aptly describes their love - in the turbulent time of civil war and unrest, their love wasn't given a chance to grow.
MikaSamu: Thank you. I tried my best to give this a beautiful, sad wistful feel.
DC4U: It is interesting, isn't it, with him being married and attracted to Aya at the same time. I haven't got a chance to think about it yet but I suspect it will most likely land him in the same situation he tried to escape from in the first place - guilt.
Roxie Faye: Thank you, thank you. It is a relief to know that I managed to capture the right tone.
Marie: I've got the ending all written here. Hope you enjoy it.
Some of you asked how Aya is feeling in this fanfic. To be honest, I have no idea. This story was meant to be seen through Yohji's eyes, although I tried to put in enough clues and innuendoes, so those who are familiar with Weiss storylines should catch on pretty quickly.
I don't think I would write a sequel to this. It sorta meant to be a stand-alone.

Winter's Reminiscence - Part 3
“Sir?” Sasakura prompts gently when Ito falls silent again.
But Ito does not hear him. His heart and mind are turned inward to his memory of that one perfect day.
Aya was everything I hoped he would be, and more. He was reticent, yes, but his amethyst eyes spoke his heart's longing more clearly than any words could.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from him as he reclined against the plain white pillows and sheets before me. The sight of his nude beauty would be forever burned in my mind: sleek shoulders and a well-defined chest that tapered down to narrow hips and long muscled legs. What startled me were the multiple scars littering his body, marring the pale smoothness of his skin. I had to consciously bite my lip to stop the questions spilling out of me. He had so many scars! And yet, oddly enough, the scars did not ruin his beauty. It simply made him even more breathtaking in my eyes.
Appalled, yet fascinated, I slowly explored the map of scars, from his knee up his thigh, to his washboard stomach and across his chest. He had scars everywhere. Some were long thin lines, some rounded and some I couldn't tell. Many were faded but there were still equally many that were fresh and pink.
I actually recognized some of the scars. Their mirror images were reflected on my own body as well. When I woke from my coma years ago, the doctors had identified the origins of my scars, and therefore I knew the injuries I had received were uncommon. I might not remember but I knew guns and knives simply had no place in an ordinary life. I had to ask, this couldn't be just coincidence.
But when I met his gaze, all my questions died in my throat.
His expression was guarded; beneath his crimson hair, his eyes were carefully neutral and did not quite meet my gaze. He seemed ready to bolt and it struck me how vulnerable he seemed. Beneath my palms, I could feel the wound tension in his body. I could sense his internal fight against his instincts to cover himself from my gaze. Aya had consciously bared himself to my scrutiny, I realized, against his natural inclination to hide.
His courage touched my heart.
Never mind his scars, I just wanted him to be comfortable with me. I leaned forward and kissed him firmly. `Don't worry, I won't ask. But thank you for trusting me.'
His eyes widened briefly in surprise and with a barely audible sigh, he visibly relaxed. I sensed his surrender in every nuance of his pliant body, the tension draining away and all I am left with was a willing lover. His mouth opened to allow me to plunder at will as he yielded completely to me.
Plundered I did, gladly and greedily, exploring the warm moist sweetness of his mouth, swallowing his moans of pleasure as I stroked and caressed his body into heated passion. A nibble at his ear evoked a whimper, quick licking bites along the graceful column of his neck made him gasp. His head fell back, his hands cradling my head, urging me onwards. When my trailing kisses reached the junction between his neck and shoulder, I bit down and was rewarded with a sharp cry of surprised pleasure. He moaned deliciously when I sucked and licked heavily at the love bite and my ardor surged even higher.
I think…I think I might have done this before - making love to a man.
I knew how to encourage him to spread his legs just so, so our arousals met and rubbed against each other incessantly. It seemed natural for me to worship his nipples, tweaking and flicking them with my fingers, and later to suckle and tease with my mouth and tongue. He liked that, little mews of pleasure escaping him as his chest arched up against my mouth.
My hands needed no guidance as I stroked downward and cupped his tight buttocks, squeezing and kneading the twin melons. My mouth trailed downward even further, scattering kisses across his stomach and down to his groin. The skin of his inner thighs was smooth and soft against my hands as I found myself unconsciously hitching his thighs up higher until they were resting over my shoulders. I didn't hesitate to gently grasp his leaking cock in my hands nor did I think twice before licking him from base to the head.
I welcomed the choked cry leaving Aya's throat. A rush of fierce joy filled me as his back arched and he thrust his hips involuntarily up against me. He fell completely apart in my hands, as I took him into my mouth.
I really must have done this sort of thing before.
He bucked hard and I instinctively, quickly held his hips down lest he choked me. Aya didn't last very long. I could feel his body straining and trembling; his cries increasingly loud and urgent until, with one last passionate shout, he spilled himself into my mouth as he came.
I swallowed his cum as quickly as I could, but there was so much of it, I could feel the excess trickling from the corner of my mouth down my chin. He collapsed back against the bed, chest heaving with every pant. He didn't move when I released him and crawled up his sweating flushed body.
I had to smirk at his stunned expression and glazed eyes. I felt inordinately pleased. Though this is my first clear memory of making love to a man, I was quite smug at the result I had wrought. `I take it you enjoyed that.'
Amethyst eyes blinked and finally focused on me. His pale slender hand reached up, a slim finger wiping away the trail of cum from my chin. He seemed pleased, incredulous but pleased. I didn't know why but his reaction made me feel like I was the best.
`Yes,' he answered huskily, `I enjoyed that very much.' His fingertip, damp with his cum, lightly rubbed across my lower lip. `But there's more. I want you in me.'
Oh…dear, for all my rediscovered skills in making love with a man, I drew a complete blank at his request. `Um…' my voice trailed off embarrassedly.
`It's okay. I'll guide you.'
He pulled me down for a deep thorough kiss while his other hand reached down and grasped my erection. I groaned into his mouth as he stroked my arousal with experienced hands. Shoulders hunched as I supported myself on my elbows above him, I broke the kiss and buried my face against his neck, gasping at his every sure stroke.
`Aya…' I shuddered. `Stop…or this…aah!...will end too quickly.'
To my relief, he did. But my torment did not stop there.
I watched riveted as he lifted his hand stained with my pre-cum to his mouth. His smoldering amethyst eyes held my enthralled gaze effortlessly as he daintily licked his fingers. He put one slim finger into his mouth and slowly sucked it clean, thrusting the digit in and out of his mouth suggestively.
I couldn't take it anymore. I lunged forward and pulling his hand away, roughly ravished his mouth. `Aya…' I gasped in between kisses, `I can't…I need to…show me…'
`Lube,' he panted into my searching mouth. `You need lubricant…of some kind.'
Pulling away was agonizingly painful. I stumbled to the bathroom and quickly returned to my lover's side with a bottle of the hotel's complimentary hand lotion. `Will this do?'
He nodded and impatiently pushed me onto my back. Straddling my waist, he quickly coated his fingers with the lotion and leaned forward towards me. One hand was braced on my chest, his other hand reached back to his own bottom. From my angle, I couldn't see what he was doing but his expression twisted with explicit pleasure. A long shuddering gasp left him as his eyes fluttered close. I stroked him to full arousal again, feeling each thrusting tremor of his fingers pleasuring himself in the movements of his hips.
Finally, he pulled his fingers free and straightened. Shifting backwards, he reached down to my hard cock and guided it to his prepared opening. Heated purple eyes not breaking my gaze, he slowly and firmly impaled himself onto my erection in one long slow motion, pushing downward until finally, he sat fully on my groin, my hard throbbing cock nestled deep within him.
`Oh God,' I moaned.
I couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He was so tight, so hot, clinging to my cock like a well-fitting glove. I instinctively bucked and Aya threw his head back in pained pleasure.
`Wait,' he gasped out. `I need a minute.'
I forced myself to lie very still, waiting for him to adjust; his hips would be covered with finger-sized bruises from my death grip by the end of the day.
Finally, with a deep shuddering breath, Aya began to ride me - lifting his hips up until I was nearly free from him and then pushing down, taking me back in. Up again, and down again, slowly, I shuddered as his channel clung and stroked my cock like a lover's hand. I fell into the rhythm he set, as he rode me - slowly and steadily at first, then the pace quickened with every heartbeat.
Watching Aya coming unraveled in his passion was the most exhilarating experience I have ever had. It had never felt like this to me before, even when I made love to Asuka. I watched spellbound as his composure shattered and he transformed into an alluring creature of passion as we made love. With every thrust, every sound of pleasure he made, I wanted him more and more until I couldn't control my lust any more.
I lunged upwards and flipped him onto his back, grasping his wrists and pressing them down against the mattress, holding Aya pinioned beneath me. I was free now to move and my thrusts became hard and furious, taking pleasure in his utter submission. His legs wrapped tight around my waist; his gasps were loud in my ears as he matched my passion with every stroke until we cried out our pleasure together as our climax peaked.
Spent, I collapsed fully onto him; my cock still nestled within his warm wet channel. I felt his hands weakly cradling me close and I was pleased. At least he was as drained as I was. We lay entwined for a long time, savoring the peace and closeness between us.
When the haze of passion and lust finally cleared from my mind, I had the vaguest and most disturbing feeling that we both had said the wrong names during our climax.
It hadn't been his name that I called out when I came.
Neither, I realized, did he called out mine.
`Aya?' I asked hesitantly.
`…' I was reluctant to spoil the mood but my curiosity was getting better of me. `Who's Yohji?'
Aya sighed. `Someone I love. He…went away a long time ago.'
He gently stroked my head, his fingers threading through my sweat dampened hair. `Does it bother you?'
`No,' I denied quickly. `Just curious.'
Bracing on my arms, I looked down curiously at his flushed face. To my surprise, he was smiling. It was small and faint but nevertheless, it was still a smile that softened his eyes and made him seemed younger. He wasn't angry at all, I wondered why. And I couldn't be angry at him either. How could I be angry with him, when I made the same verbal blunder as well?
`Aren't you going to say anything, you know, about me calling out…um, her name?'
`No.' His smile only grew wider. My breath caught as he deliberately tightened around my cock, urging me to full arousal again. `We'll do better,' he promised.
And we did.
Ito blinks startled. “Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts again. Where did I stop?”
“You were saying something about Fujimiya-san agreeing to spend a day with you,'” Sasakura prompts gently.
“Oh yes.” Ito smiles at the memory. “We only had one day and we made the most of it. It was the happiest day I ever had. We didn't leave my hotel room. That day, the world beyond the four walls didn't exist for us. We were completely enthralled by each other. Making love, talking, learning and exploring each other's habits and bodies…We were lovers.”
His smile turns wistful.
“But it was just a dream.”
“What happened?” Sasakura inquires softly.
“He was gone the next morning.”
I knew I had fallen asleep with Aya wrapped in my arms.
But when I woke up in the morning, he was gone. All his clothes, his shoes, his elusive scent, everything that he brought with him were gone. Even his half of the bed was cold to my touch.
I was…disappointed. I had looked forward to waking up with him, maybe even spending one more morning with him, but he had left. I didn't even know when.
So I called his room. There was no answer.
I called the concierge and they told me that he had already checked out hours ago.
I didn't know what to make of it. I was stunned; I felt played, cheated. If he had checked out hours ago, it meant that he had left me some time during the night. He had not chosen to spend the full night with me.
I was left with nothing but the memory of that one perfect day for me to remember him by.
“To this day, I still do not understand why,” Ito continues, “he chooses to leave me like a thief in the night. Was it to avoid an awkward parting? I don't know and I couldn't find him to find out.”
Ito sighs aloud. “So I came back to Japan and a full year passed, and tonight I sit here in a bar I've never ventured in before, remembering…I've not forgotten him or that one perfect day we were lovers but today, the memory haunts me. I was complete that day, whole again. I've never felt like that before and I don't believe I would ever experience it again.”
Ito sighs and drains his glass. “Do you know I have not spoken of it to anyone ever since I came back? You're the first.”
Sasakura gazes at his despondent blond customer sympathetically. He recognizes love when he sees it and his blond customer has clearly left a piece of his heart with the mysterious red-haired man, though he may not know it. He also recognizes guilt for a perceived sin and that is something Sasakura feels the man should not suffer from.
“It may be presumptuous of me to say this, as I do not know your friend nor have I ever had such an experience, so I hope you wouldn't mind my intrusion. Although your memory of that perfect day is like the snow - a dream or a vision that vanishes when held close - nevertheless it has a strength that snow does not have. It has the strength to keep you going. You may rue it but I can tell that it puts warmth in your heart whenever you think about it. On a bad day, such memory can comfort you and lift your spirit.”
Even as he speaks, Sasakura is building a different cocktail in a highball glass: 3cl gin, 1cl pisang ambon, 7cl sprite, 1cl lime juice and topped with 1/2cl grenadine.
“Such happy memory is hard to come by. And sometimes, such memory is the only way to love someone without being torn between two people.” Discreetly, elegantly, he pushes the completed cocktail to his blond customer.
“What is this?”
“Red Velvet.”
Ito stares at the bartender and then at the drink. Cautiously, he took a sip and an expression of complete surprise crossed his face. “This…this reminds me of him…How did you-?”
Sasakura smiles gently. “Nobody would blame you for cherishing a precious memory.”
There is a long moment of silence before Ito returns his smile, visibly moved. “Thank you. Your assurance is more than I expected.”
Finally, Sasakura could sense the loneliness within his blond customer dissipating. “It's my pleasure.”
In companionable silence, Ito finishes his drink and rises to leave. “I will not forget what you have done for me, despite your earlier claim. Thanks to you, I don't feel so guilty anymore. Thank you again.”
“You're welcomed,” Sasakura escorts his blond customer to the door. “It's still snowing pretty heavily. Please, be careful on your way home.”
“I will.” Ito pauses at the foyer and looks up at the night sky. “I think I'll make an early New Year resolution.”
“Right now?”
“Hai. When or if I do see Aya again, I must apologize to him.”
“Because I lied to him. That night when we made love, it wasn't my wife's name I called out.”
Sasakura cocks his head curiously. “If I may ask, whose name was it?”
“I don't know,” Ito sighs. “At least I don't think I know anyone who goes by the name of `Ran'.”
Ito turned up the collar of his coat and stepped out into the falling snow. “Good night, master.”
“Good night, sir.”
Many years will pass, many different faces will cross and leave the threshold of Eden Hall, and though he never sees the blond customer of that winter night again, Sasakura will never forget him.
He will hear many stories, many tales from many ordinary mundane people, but he will never encounter another customer with an experience quite like the blond customer's strange love story.
And on certain winter nights, when the snow falls softly and thickly, blanketing the city in a white glittering blanket, Sasakura sometimes pause in his duties to look out at the night sky.
Sasakura will never know the blond customer's fate, but he will often pray that somehow, he has met his mysterious redhead man again and regain the happiness of his perfect day.