Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Thoughts= 'this'


Speech= "This"

The next morning, the four members of Schwarz sat in the living room right after breakfast, waiting to interrogate Myst. The wolf was currently out in the woods behind the three story house that served as Schwarz' base. Nagi was out on the deck looking for the giant wolf to come back. The teenager looked up when the other three joined him. "Thought it would be nice if we did the whole question and answer bit out here. Myst will probably enjoy being in the sun after being cooped up inside for a week." Schuldig explained. Nagi nodded as a completely soaked wolf came trotting up unto the deck before shaking himself dry, getting the four assassins soaked.

~Ask what you will. I will answer what I can. Bear in mind though, that there are certain things I cannot answer, secrets that are sacred to my people. If I were to ever mark you as my pack, such things would be made known. However, as of yet, that is something I will not do. What do you wish to know? ~ Myst projected to Schu, who dutifully translated to the rest of the group. After a brief mental conference with the others, the German turned back to the blue-silver animal.

~All we really want to know is what happened last night. I'm linking to the rest for this, so I don't have to translate. ~ Schuldig commented settling himself onto the wooden deck.

~That I can explain. Wolves are the servants of Artemis, Goddess of the Moon, the Hunt, The woodland Goddess, The Lady of Beasts; also called the Mistress of Wild Beasts. Legends now say she hunted with a pack of dogs, but that is not true. She hunted with my ancestors at her side, great wolves, to whom she gave the power of Gods. She did so for all forest creatures. But they are dead now. Anyway, during many of her hunts, members of her wolf pack were wounded, and so, to protect them, and keep her favored servants close when she could not come herself, she bound our kind to the moon, and, whenever a wolf is injured, they need only bask in the light of a full moon and they are healed. It has been that way for generation upon generation. Wolves sing for Her when we hunt, we pray to her; she watches over us, and heals us through the moon. That is how Battle, my huntmate; you would call her a tutor; told it to me, and her huntmate told her when she was a pup. That is how we are taught. An older wolf, will take a pup under their care, and teach the pup the pack ways. Last night, I basked in the moonlight, and Lady Artemis healed me. Now, other matters. I like you lot. You are decent humans. I will stay with you for a while. But if I am to go around this city with you, I must wear a collar, correct? I have spoken with cats that say there are stores that sell those. ~ Myst stood and shook himself lightly before tilting his head at the gob smacked quartet. ~What? Surely you realized wolves act almost solely on instinct? My instincts say I can trust you. So I show this trust by permitting a collar. Now, are we going to visit such a store or not? ~

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Two hours later:

The lone on duty salesgirl of the pet store in the nearby mall looked up as four incredibly hot guys walked in, accompanied by a huge dog, who looked around before wandering over to the pen with the kittens in it. She stared as the dog leaned over the pen's sides and stared eye to eye with lone smoke colored Egyptian Mau of the litter- all the other Mau's were silver. The silverblue dog picked up the kitten by the scruff of the neck and set it outside the pen before lying down. The kitten climbed up onto the canine's back, before the dog stood carefully and walked over to the redhead. 'Staci' turned back to watching the hotties pick out a collar and leash, the youngest holding out various sets until the dog-with kitten still perched on his back- finally tugged one free from the teenager's hand. The group came over to the register, to get a diamond-shaped tag engraved, then bought the tiny kitten as well as the collar. She stared after the odd group, the redhead holding the leash attached to the dog's new collar, the brunette teen cradling the kitten, while the other three looked amused. 'What an odd group of people.' She thought before picking up the trashy romance she'd been reading.

"Why did we buy the kitten again?" Schu asked Myst as they walked down the sidewalk.

~Because, I will not stay forever, and the pup should have some sort of companion. I chose that kitten because it was the most intelligent of the litter, and because she knows. Her breed are sacred to the Goddess Bastet. She has not been taught, yet she knows this instinctively. She knows she is a temple cat. The others were to stupid to think of anything other than being a pet. She is a queen. Her name will be Gypsy Queen, and when I leave, she will stay to keep you lot company. Now, who are these humans? ~ Myst tilted his head as he gazed past Schuldig at a trio of people who were standing there staring at the Schwarz team. In front of them, was Weiss.