Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 7

Thoughts= 'this'


Speech= "this"

For the next two months things were much the same at the Schwartz base. Myst spent most of his time with either Farfarello or Schuldig, and Gypsy was almost always nearby. The kitten proved to be everything Myst had predicted, as where Nagi went, Gypsy Queen found a way to follow. Jobs came in regularly, either bodyguard assignments or assassinations. If it was a bodyguard assignment, Myst would tag along, always an imposing figure. Each time Myst accompanied a different team member, and his 'rest' position was different for each one. If Crawford held the leash, he was always standing, alert, ready to attack at a moment's notice. If it was Nagi, he would sit, still alert, ears constantly flicking back and forth. With Schuldig, he would lay at the telepath's feet, watching the precedings with glittering goldgreen eyes. If Myst accompanied Farfie, he would curl up at the Irishman's feet, and feign sleep, occasionally opening an eye to glance around. The business adversaries of those they guarded always stopped when they saw the team, accompanied by the unnaturally huge beast, and were always nervous through the entire proceedings. Myst found it hilarious, and would often bar his fangs just to watch the reactions.

It was a full moon that night. Myst, Schuldig, and Farfarello were out on the deck stargazing when Myst sighed. ~It is time for me to leave, you know.~

"What? But, why? I thought…" Schu hesitated. "I thought you were happy here with us."

~I am. That is why I am so reluctant to do this. I do not want to leave. But it is time. You all knew I could not stay forever. I am a wolf, and we are nomads. My wanderlust has returned, and I must obey its call. But, you all are mine, and… I am yours as well. So I will keep the collar, and I will continue to wear it, until we meet again. And, I will do one more thing before I leave. I will sing packsong for you. Something I have not done since I lost the pack.~ Myst stood, his coat glowing in the moonlight, as Nagi and Crawford came out onto the deck, Gypsy perched on Nagi's shoulder. The four young men watched in awe and listened, as Myst flung his head back and howled, the sound rising and falling as the wolf sung a song he hadn't sung in years, the song of the pack, and not the lone wolf.

When the song finally died down, the wolf dropped his head to meet the eyes of Gypsy. Take good care of them kitten. I will be watching. Myst growled in the language of beasts, before he whirled and leapt off the deck, racing off into the woods. Just before he vanished into the shadows, the wolf turned and looked back, once more, before disappearing.