Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Thoughts= 'this'

Telepathy= ~This~

Speech= "This"


Darkstar51- thank you! I try to update as fast as I can! It helps that I have the story mostly planned out already. As for Farfarello stargazing… I am of the opinion that while insane, Farfie is NOT stupid, and that, yes, he CAN act human. Besides, call it character development. Farfie's smart. Keep reading and see what I mean.

Bloodrose: again, thank you! Yes, I agree- Schu/Yotan is one of MY favorite pairings as well. More lovely twists coming up! I try to please my readers! Leave your email on your next review; I'd love to talk with you more!

Tigermink- I'm glad you like it! Hopefully this chapter will answer your question!

Chapter 8

Yohji/Myst slipped through the streets, making his way to the small apartment he kept hidden. 'Let's see. I should probably spend a week or so at the apartment, just to throw off any suspicion. But how the HELL do I explain being missing for two months to everyone! I guess I'll just say I was injured really bad, and that an old friend fixed me up, and that I stuck around until I was better. Let's see, a broken leg would be in a cast for six weeks or so, so that should work, and no one needs to no WHO fixed me up, but if asked, I can be honest and say it was an old female friend, by the name of Artemis. That should work.' Myst thought as he shifted back to Yohji in an alleyway by the apartment building. He glanced down at his bloodstained mission clothes. 'I'd better change, too.' He quietly slipped up the stairs and entered his apartment. In the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror, fingering the collar that had stayed with him after the shift back to human. "Well, Yotan, looks like you got a new piece of jewelry." He murmured to himself, adjusting the leather collar so that the plaque with the name 'Myst' inscribed and an address rested against his skin. No point raising unnecessary questions after all.

After a shower and dressing in black boxers and a pair of baggy black jeans, Yohji wandered into the kitchen to grab some food. He ate quickly, then retreated to the living room to meditate. 'Staying in wolf form for any amount of time always plays havoc with my shields.' The empath thought as he painstakingly repaired the mental shields that blocked out the emotions of strangers. Yohji definitely understood Schuldig; the telepath had the same type of problem. Where Schuldig heard the thoughts of everyone in his vicinity if he didn't keep his shields up, Yohji felt emotions. 'Not to mention it's more difficult for empaths, because feeling other's emotions is like a permanent roller coaster!' Balinese thought with a snort.

Three weeks later, two weeks after Yohji had returned to the flowershop, he was out front watering the flowers in the big pots, enjoying the fact that the fangirls were all in school. He looked down when a soft meow was heard from the vicinity of his ankles. 'Shit!' He knelt down in front of the little smoke-colored Egyptian Mau known as Gypsy Queen. Don't sell me out, little one. I didn't want to leave, but how could I stay, when the one I wish for a mate saw me as little more than a friend and companion? He whispered in beast language. Gypsy glared. I would not do that to you, wolfbrother. They all miss you though. Yohji smiled before he picked up the kitten, spreading his empathy out, quickly locating Nagi and Schuldig heading his way. He winked at Gypsy before he started talking.

"Well, hello little one! Aren't you a pretty thing?" He crooned. "Where's your owner huh?"

"Gypsy!" Nagi cried, slowing when he saw who held his much beloved pet. Schuldig tensed up slightly behind him.

"Prodigy. Mastermind." Yohji greeted the two Schwarz members civilly. "I take it this little sweetheart is yours, then?" When Nagi replied in the affirmative, Yohji grinned. He quickly stepped over to where the two stood, about five feet away, and handed the cat back to the teenager. "Take good care of her, okay? Don't want to piss off Bastet now do ya? See ya, pretty kitty." He lightly scratched Gypsy behind her ears then sauntered back inside the flowershop, leaving behind two rather stunned assassins.