Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Ghosts of the Past ❯ Double Jepardy ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Eleven- Double Jeopardy

The air of the Tokyo night was hot an muggy for a second night. The usually cooling effect of the sun’s disappearance for the night was not happening, as the heat of the day had literally made the night into a broiler oven. The air was heavy, and to make matters worse, there was no readable breeze to help out the sweltering city.

The air conditioner for their room was broken, along with everyone else in the hotel, and the hotel did not have a free room to move them to because of a large convention in the city that week. The hotel had told Amon that it would be three days until an appropriate room would come available. Amon knew that for right now, they were at least safe, and opted not to leave the hotel just for comfort reasons. No need to change anything at the moment, as long as the witch stays in hiding, or plotting as the case would be.

Robin was laying in bed on this night, unable to sleep a wink in the sauna type of heat in her room. The air around seemed very heavy, as it even was a little hard to breath in the thick air. She was trying hard to keep herself cool, even though she always slept in the nude, but this night it was not really working very well. Laying there with only the thin topsheet of the bed over her bare form, she was finding that even the sheet was too warm for her...she was sweating more than she could remember ever.

As she layed there wanting any relief possible, opening the window earlier solved not a darn thing. Robin hesitated to finally just flip the single sheet off of her, as the surprise that had occurred the night before was still fresh in her mind. The heat finally made that decision for her, as she was forced to flip the sheet off of her and fully exposing herself to the darkness of the room.

Robin laid there for awhile, and soon felt more frustrated as even without the sheet it only gave her a small bit of relief from her sweltering situation. She rolled over on to her side to see if that might help, but all she could feel was the bedsheet under her stick to her as she moved. The girl touched her chest area, and felt how the sweat from her body was making her ivory skin so sticky.

Grimacing a little how her own sweat felt to her, the blond girl was even contemplating going in for as cold of a shower as was possible to get away from this oppressive weather. She decided not to for the time being, as she was still too tired to get up and actually try it.

Being awake had it’s hazzards, and thinking too much was one of them. She was worried about the person who was in the city to hunt her. Robin paralleled this with her hunting of witches in the past, and she now was empathizing with all of the ones she had caught. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the images in her head... as the visions of the trapped witches her and the others found in the factory came to her.
The girl sat up finally, frustrated that sleep was not coming. She just propped herself up against the headboard and went to reach for the light, thinking at a little bit of reading might help her, when the phone started to ring. She jumped when the ringing had started, and then giggled at herself reacting like that.

She picked it up, and answered it surprising that Amon had not done so already. Michael’s voice was on the other end, and he seemed to be shocked when it was her that greeted him.
“ Oh!!” He said, actually giggling underneath his surprise. “ I was not expecting you to be answering the phone this late at night.”
“ Late?” She echoed. “ Why, what time is it?”
“ Almost ten after one in the morning by my clock.” He replied in a quite tired voice. “ Why are you up?”
“ Too hot to sleep.” She bluntly informed. “ I feel like I am laying here and baking.”
“ I can relate to that....” The lad said with a chuckle, then added. “ Good thing the STN has air conditioners.”
“ I hope the Hotel fixes the air conditioners here.” Said the exasperated girl, giggling.

The tech lad suddenly fell silent on the other end, as if pausing for some sort of reason. Robin thought it odd, but waited politely.
“ Is Amon there?” He asked. “ What I need to inform you of, both should be hearing it.”
“ Sounds important.” Said the girl.
“ It is.” Said the youth.
“ You have more information?”
“ Yes... I do..” Said a now very flat voiced Michael.

Robin put down the phone and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.. She grabbed one of the bed covers and wrapped herself in the top blanket for her modesty’s sake. She fluidly stood up and raced out of the room, feeling like she had no time to stop and actually dress, because the boy on the phone sounded so serious..

She found Amon sleeping very soundly on the couch. He was laying there, clad only in blue colored tight fitting sports boxers and not even using a blanket on this hot night. She gulped, as she stared at the nearly naked man.

Eyeing his muscular form, she could not believe how he looked. Her eyes traced him over, as she felt her heart beginning to race at the very sight of his body, and of the sweat that collected on his skin and made ever line of his muscular form seem even more defined. Something was happening to her, as she felt a great desire for the man. A desire that was so strong, but she had never felt something like this before. Robin was sweating, but it was for way more than the heat that hung around her. His body was holding her in a trance like state, her mind abounding with thoughts of her and him naked together.
She snapped herself out of it, confused at the many images that now floated around in her mind. She took a deep breath in and cautiously shook him awake.
“ Amon... Wake up” She said through her rapid breathing, his skin under her touch made her tremble a little
“ Hu... What?” He mumbled, as he awoke.

He looked at the girl with sleepy interest, as his eyes had spotted her bare legs under the covering she held. He smiled at many thoughts that were rounding in his head. He suddenly realized what he was thinking and quashed them as quickly.
“ What is it, Robin..” He said calmly, hoping that she did not see him eyeing her bared legs.
“ Michael is on the phone right now.” She said, pulling the blanket around her tight, despite the overbearing heat. “ He said we should both hear whatever he has for us.”

He nodded and sat up, grabbing the phone that he had set on the floor beside the sofa. Robin hurried to the other phone in the bedroom, anxious to here what the lad on the phone needed to say.

When she picked up the receiver, the two were already talking.
“ We have not found the Witch that arrived here yet, but there was an informant for SOLOMON HQ that has told us that another witch has joined him. That has been confirmed by SOLOMON.”
“ Another Witch has joined him?” Amon asked. “ What the fuck??”
“ Hrato Yokohama is the name of the one that joined Haru Kall. SOLOMON had just put his family on the red watch list, because his late father was a witch.” Michael said flat like. “ That alert came to us only a week ago, but no body saw this coming.”
“ Do we have on file just what his power is?” Asked Robin, breaking in.
“ Nothing on Yokohama, just a old picture of him when he was eight years old.” Explained the lad. “ He’s now twenty three, and no recent pictures to go on. We need some updating as soon as HQ can get it, but SOLOMON has promised to gather that up for us quickly.”

Robin heard Amon sigh over the phone.
“ Are these two going to be like a team on the hunt for Robin, or what?” Butted in the Long haired man,
“ That is not clear right now.” The young computer wizard said. “ It is a very big possibility though, since they have been seen once in the city together. We are trying to ascertain that, and whether the same people are paying them as did the other assassins.”
“ Then I take it, the fingerprints on the money found in the other witch’s possession did not pan out to show that?” Amon surmised.
“ Only the dead witch’s prints were on it... although we have a line of the account where this money was drawn on.” Informed Michael.
“ We have a name to go on then?” Amon asked, seemingly excited with this news.
“ Not exactly...” Hesitantly replied the youth. “ The account is from a company, which does not exist, a shell for something or someone... we are attempting to track that down that right now. Karasuma and Haruto are doing that as we speak.”

Amon just heaved a long sigh on the phone.
“ I’m going to dress and join them.” Decided the man. “ It will make things faster, giving the witches’s plans less time.”
“ Who is going to keep an eye on Robin?”
“ I have already figured that out...” Thought the man aloud, as he hung up the phone.

Robin put the phone down, after hearing the new revelations. She felt a fresh wave of fear come over her, as she mind realized that she now had two killers after her at the same time. She clutched the blanket around her unclothed form as that sent a cold chill through her, a chill that did not relive the physical heat.

Amon came in to the room, already dressed in the minuted between the phone call’s end and coming in. The girl looked up at the man and forced a small smile out, noting that he had his cell phone in his hand.
“ I guess you overheard that I am going to meet Karasuma and Haruto to help out with the investigation..” He said.
“ I’ll dress and go with you.” She said, beginning to stand up from her seat on the edge of the bed..
“ No, your staying here...” Amon said with authority, turning and beginning to leave the room. “ That would be best right now.”

Robin was perplexed, as she had been told that she was to be left alone? That was not Amon’s way usually. The man looked back at the girl.
“ It’s best you stay here... Get some sleep if you can.” He said, with a little compassion coloring his speech. “ I have already phoned Nagira to come and stay with you until I return. He will arrive very soon.”
“ Will you be long?” She asked the man

He just smiled a little softly, looking at her with his deep gaze. He could see that her mind was working overtime behind those amazing eyes.
“ I am not sure how long I am going to be...” He said, turning his head back to the room. “ With Nagira staying with you, you’ll be fine until I return.”

Robin felt a little put out by his decision, hating the fact that she was not being allowed to help out the situation. It almost felt like he was treating her like a child, but she knew that all he was doing was protecting her the only way that it could be done. The girl was able to settle it with herself as she reminded herself that Amon does things that are for the best, and always does.

Pushing down her emotions, she nodded as she hesitantly had to agree to his plan. She was trying not to show the hurt from being made to stay while he did what he had to do, but she new she could not hid anything from the more observant man. She was glad of the fact that he seemed to know exactly what needed to be don, when it needed to be done.
He smiled at her for a moment, almost as if he was trying to calm her without using words, then headed to the bedroom door. He closed it softly behind himself, leaving the girl alone in the room

Robin unwrapped herself from the blanket and laid on the bed again. She listened to the noises from the other room of Amon readying to leave. She was starting to feel sleepy finally, and was sort of glad now that she did not have to leave.

She pulled the sheet still left on the bed over herself and closed her eyes, hoping that when she awoke in the morning, Amon would be back. Her sleep then overtook her, but the news that had been delivered to her penetrated her dreams for the rest of the overheated night.