Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ My life is yours ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A big thanks to Crystal Nadi for her beta-reading.




Part 2


Robin turned her blue green eyes to look into the face she knew all to well. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the fierce glow in her captures eyes.

-        Robin-chan, that is not the kind of language for a lady, said Amon with a taunting voice and took hold of her upper arms and pulled her close.

He could see her eyes sparkle with fury. For how long had he dreamt about drowning her sea green eyes? Ever since the day she disappeared from his life he swore. And now - he had her in a tight grip and he was not letting her get away again.

-     I told you I would find you, he continued.

The irony in his dark voice made Robin tremble a bit. "Well my dear Amon-san, the game is not over yet." She thought and Amon noticed the mischievous tone in her mental voice. He knew he should let her go, but he did not want too. No he was not going to let her disappear from his life again.

Small flames began to dance around the two of them and Amon swallowed hard.

"I am not the kind of girl you met six years ago."she said voiceless.

-     I know, he answered.

"I am not that insecure little girl anymore."

-     I noticed.

-     Then let me go Amon-kun before I defend myself, said Robin hard and cold, shielding her hearts longing voice.

"He loves another."said her brain to her heart who answered with "Then why has he sought you out?" No, she would not get hurt again. She refused to listen to her heart.

-         No Robin-chan. I have been looking for you since the night you disappeared from my life. You have been good at hiding from me, but now that I have found you I will not let you go, hissed Amon and pulled her into a tight embrace.

His breathe tickled her ear and she shivered. Her body wanted to melt into his embrace but she would not allow that to happen. She snorted very unfeminine like and let her eyes roll back into her head. Amon could feel her power pulsate right before it pushed him away. But true to his word, he would not let go of her and she was dragged down beside him. The air was knocked out of his lungs when Robin landed flat on his chest. She gave a small yelp of surprise when she found her face all to close to his. He laughed softly.

-         &n bsp;  I told you I would not let go of you Robin-chan, he said and took a deep whiff of her lovely scent.

Robin wiggled around trying to get out of his grip but it was no use.

-       You are only making things worse, Amon mumbled with a rough voice.

She looked into his eyes, not knowing what he meant until he pushed his hips upward. She blushed deeply when she felt something hard against her stomach."Oh fuck!"

-     Let me go! She pleaded.

-     No,  you and I will have a little chat… a looong little chat, said Amon sternly.

-     I do not wish to hurt you Amon-kun, but I will if you do not let me go. And I promise you - my words are not empty threats.

Her words cut him right where it hurt the most - his heart.

-     You belong to ME, he hissed between his teeth.

     Once perhaps, but not anymore. I have learned to control the craft inside my blood. I belong to no one! she snarled.

Amon growled and flipped them around so he was the one on top. He then pushed her body down with his own. His long black hair tickled her face.

-        You gave your word that you would belong to me little girl.

-         If I would loose control over my powers yes, but until then I belong to no one but myself dear Amon.

Robins green blue eyes glimmered dangerously and Amon could feel her skin glow under his body. She was using her power to make him let her go. He tried to hold on to her but in the end he flew from her with a howl of pain. "I warned you Amon-kun, I said I would defend myself." thought Robin and crawled away a bit before rising onto her feet again. She smirked when she saw the surprised look upon his face. He probably didn't think she was capable of doing it. The little shy and silent Robin was a thing in the past. This Robin was strong willed and she knew what she wanted. She was a wild and free witch.


Amon looked at her black appearance and he cursed his body for responding the way it did. Her soft curves had felt all too good against his hard form. And the only thing he could think of was to have her like that again - without clothes.


Robin could feel the storm of emotions inside Amon and she could not help but wonder what made him feel like that. She tried to distinguish the thoughts around his mind but she could not make out anything. She took of the black cap from her head and let her golden red hair flow down her back. She could feel his dark eyes and she looked at him. He stared with a hypnotized gaze at her long hair and she giggled a bit.


Gods how he wanted to bury his fingers in her hair. She could not have cut one inch of it since the day she disappeared. He was so stunned by her hair that he failed to notice her movements. Before he could blink she mouthed a silent good bye and leaped off the building. His heart stopped and he rushed to the edge of the roof. But the alley down below was empty. He took a deep breathe of relief, she had not been hurt. But she had managed to get away. "Damn you Robin - you know I will look for you and I will not give up until I have you, you know this." he mentally screamed up towards the star filled sky.


Robin heard his desperate call but choose not to answer it. Her heart cried over the fact that she now was running away from the man she loved so deeply. She ran so fast through the towns dark streets. Her steps were silent and her black clothes gave her good camouflage in the darkness of the night. "If I will have a chance to get away from him I must find me a faster transportation." she thought and stopped next to a small black Suzuki. She picked the lock and managed to start the car. "The great witch, reduced to a simple car thief." she thought with self disgust. But she fought away the bitterness as she drove out from the town. Where she were heading she had no idea, just as far away as possible from Amon.


A month later sat a trashed Amon within the walls of Master Harry's Café. He had been drinking a lot the last couple of weeks. Harry knew what his younger friend suffered from and he felt bad for him. A broken heart could kill a person without mercy.


"Did Robin-chan do this to you Amon-san?"he asked himself and saw Amon gulp down another glass of whisky.

-     The damn witch, the damn fire witch, cursed Amon silently and nodded towards Harry to fill up his glass once more.

"I must try to get hold of Robin-chan somehow. You must sort this thing out with Amon-san, or you will kill him without knowing it."the older man thought and refilled the glass with more golden liquid.


A few hours later Amon was carried upstairs to the small apartment above the café. Harry did his best to make it comfortable for the drunken Amon. He was not aware of the removal of his boots and outer clothing. "I wish I could do something to help you get through this Amon-san." thought Harry and put a blanket over his young friend. "Sleep well."


He was dreaming again. Like always he met up with Robin inside the world of dreams. But this time it was different. She was not acting like she always did in his dreams. This Robin sat on a field of dark purple flowers. The sky above her showed a coming storm, lightning flared over the dark clouds and he shivered a bit.

-     Robin-chan, what are you doing? he asked her as he sat down beside her.

-     Why are you looking for me?

She did not look at him; she only stared to a non-existing point at the horizon.

-     I want you to be with me, he said truthfully. Everyday without you is a eternity in hell. I don't want to feel alone anymore.

-     But you have Michael, Master Harry and the others, said the dream form of Robin.

-     But I don't want to be with them, I want to be with you.

-     Why, you have Touduma….

-     What are you talking about Robin?

Then it hit him, Robin was afraid. She thought he loved another woman. His dream self shook his head and pulled her close.

-         Don't tell me you have been avoided me all these years because of her?? he sighed.

-     But..

-     Not buts my dear Robin, I will never want her the same way I want you, he said with a soft voice and rubbed his nose against hers.

The tears in her eyes could not hide all the emotions of happiness she now showed him. But when he was about to kiss her Amons body choose to wake up. He groaned when his head exploded into a million stars of pain. He rubbed the dream from his eyes and sat up with a low moan. He had too much to drink last night and now he had to pay the price for it. He thought the dream over, it had felt too real, as if she had been there by his side and talked with him. "Could it be the truth? Could it be that she is afraid that I might love another woman and that is why she is hiding from me?"

-         Fuck Robin, don't tell me you never noticed my love for you, he moaned darkly and rose to his feet to go take a shower.

He felt much of the alcohol induced pain remove it self from his head as he stood under the hot water. He found some new clothes on the couch and he looked around to see Master Harry in the small kitchen area.

-         So you have awoken from the dead Amon-san, said Harry and smiled a bit when he gave the younger man a cup of black coffee.

-       Thank you Harry, said Amon and sipped a mouthful of coffee.

-     What were you mumbling about when I got here? asked Harry.

-       Just a weird dream, nothing else, mumbled Amon and took his coffee and went back to the sofa. He sat down and stretched out his legs under the table.

-     Want to talk about it?

-     No, it was just a dream.

"Poor Amon-san, he has it bad."thought Harry and poured some more coffee into a cup.

-     Do you love her Amon-san? asked Harry after a few moments of silence.

But Amon never answered that question, and Harry already knew the answer to that question. He quick look at the watch and he sighed. It was time to open the café for the customers again. He took his cup and went downstairs.



Later that evening...

Master Harry served a couple next to the window and as he turned around to walk back to the bar he saw a black dressed young woman with red golden hair braided into two long braids and he smiled. She had heard his prayer, he did not care how she did it, she was here and that was the only thing that mattered to him.

-     Nice to see you again Robin-chan, said Harry and hugged the young woman.

       it is nice to see you too Master Harry, said the woman with a soft voice. Is he here?

-     Yes, I let him stay at my apartment above the café. He is in a dreadful state and I think he suffers from a broken heart.

Robin felt a small pang of guilt inside her chest and she nodded.

-     Why don't you go up and talk to him? I think both of you need to sort this thing out, if not - you are going to kill him Robin-chan.

She nodded again and walked towards the stairs.


Master Harry watched the couple by the window take their leave and he looked over the room, there was no other customer. He took his jacket and left the café, hoping that it would not burn down after the two youngsters met. He locked the door and began to walk, and he was going to take a long walk.




There, part 2... Hope you all liked it.