Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Stereotypes ❯ Karasuma ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You look at me.
You look at me and think that I must hate it.
That I must hate my power, that it must bring me so much pain.
You are wrong.
My power is beautiful.
It opens my eyes to a mosaic of feelings.
More incredible than the most vivid painting.
It is a painting of emotion, no, a dance of feeling and passion.
It changes with every touch.
A new world, a new picture.
And yes, there are the dark sides.
But every painting must have dark as well as light to achieve its brilliance.
Contrast is what defines our world.
My craft can hurt me, my craft can
Send sickly pain through my body and soul.
But it is beautiful, It is a part of me.
I could no more hate it than I could hate my own flesh.
And I do not.