Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Stereotypes ❯ Kosaka ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You look at me.
You look at me and think that I am just a burnt out, annoying cop.
That I am just the same as middle-management anywhere else around the globe.
You maybe think I'm irritable, you may think I eat too much
Consumed by the ravages of an unhappy middle age.
You are wrong.
I am stronger than you can see.
I stand between my team and the forces which seek to destroy them all.
I protect each of them like they are my own children.
I would put myself before any of them.
Sacrifice myself to save any of them.
Caught in a web of intrigue they barely sense
But I feel, all the time.
Like a spiders web, or a tightrope
Always protecting them from the greater forces that would destroy us all.
For loyalty does not matter to the global forces of SOLOMON.
They do not protect their own like their children, they have no loyalty except to the fight.
And even that is questionable, sometimes, but I would never tell my team.
Though maybe it is a secret my jaded nature sometimes betrays.
But I will.
I will protect them.
It is all I can do, for
I still care
Does that surprise you?
The idea that I care
This a dangerous task, people can be lost
People have been lost.
The futility of their loss could make a man stop caring
But not me
Not me.