Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ What I Have Lost ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry I've been gone so long but my comp was on the fritz and then school started but I'm back and hope to be updating regularly. I want to thank all those who reviewed, especially Raine84. Here are the answers to your question. Be forewarned Amon will way OOC in this chapter.
1. Does Duatre know that Robin and Amora are witches?
-Yes he does know.
2. Is Duatre also a witch?
- He's not a witch. He is just an accepting person that only cares that Robin is a good person on the inside not that she is a witch.
3. I forget if Amon's power has awakened in your story but did it; will Amon and Duatre fight each other for Robin?
-I haven't really thought about Amon's power awakening but now I will. Even if it doesn't there will definitely be a fight even it is only verbal.
4. Please describe what Robin looks like now that she is all grown.
-This will be in future chapters.
5. Was the fight between Robin and Amora about her impending marriage to Duarte?
-You'll have to read to find out
Well that's all for now. Enjoy!
Chapter Three
Fiancée. Robin had a fiancée.
He couldn't get the words out of his head. How had this happened?
He had actually tough that this was his chance to make things right between them but she already belonged to someone else. He was wondering if Duarte knew she was a witch when a knock sounded at his bedroom door.
“Daddy? Can I come in?” Amora asked. When he didn't answer she pushed the door open. “Daddy, are you okay?” Amon looked at his daughter. “Why didn't you tell me?”
“I was going to but Mom came before I could.”
“I see.” he said. “Does he know that Robin's a witch, that you are?”
“Does he know who I am?”
“Mmm. Well make sure you keep in touch, okay.”
Amora looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you're going to be leaving soon and I don't want to lose touch with you for another fifteen years.” She looked stricken. “So that's it then? You're not gonna fight for her? You're just giving up?”
Amon sighed. “What makes you think that she would even listen to anything that I sat huh? She's spent the last hour not looking at me or trying to touch me.”
“Well duh! Her fiancée is the room Dad! What did you expect?”
“That's my point Amora. Your mother has a fiancée that part of her life is over for her and it is for me too.” Painful understanding dawned in her eyes. “Oh, I see. You won't fight because you don't care. Maybe that's why mom left, you didn't care enough. I see now that I never should have come here.”
“Amora that's not true. I never said I didn't care, never!”
“You didn't have to. Actions speak louder than words and how much louder could you be when you abandoned me all those years ago. You didn't me or mom fifteen years ago and you don't want us now. I'm sorry we couldn't be the family you wanted, I'm sorry I couldn't be the daughter you wanted. Maybe in another fifteen years you'll change your mind but I won't hold my breath.”
“No it's okay.” She mumbled, eyes welling with tears. “I'll just, go now.” She turned to leave. “Wait!” she stopped hand on the door knob.
“Please don't ever think that I don't want you. I was a fool then and I'm a fool now. I was afraid that you'd be hunted and I couldn't handle that. I barely made it through when I was ordered to hunt your mother. I never wanted you to be persecuted because you were different. I do care. I care about you and your mother but she loves this man I can't come in and disrupt her whole life, it would be selfish of me.”
“That's not true.” Amora said. “She doesn't love him. Dad, when she talks about you her eyes light up and she's so happy. I always thought that one day we would find you and become a real family.”
Amon smiled. “Do you really mean that?”
“Of course but before that he came along and ruined it. She may care for him, maybe even love him a little but no one can ever replace you I think she's just tired of being lonely. I was a handful when I younger and on top of that I didn't know how to control my powers, sometimes I still don't but now that Duarte's here they can share the burden. Duarte's nice and sure he'd make a great dad but he'll never understand what it's like to be witch and I already have a dad.”
“Do you really think that I'll understand. I've never even realized my power. It still lies dormant within me.”
“I don't care if you understand I just want my father. Mom wants you too even if she won't admit it.” She looked at him tears shimmering in her eyes. “You want us too don't you Dad? I mean you still love Mom right?”
“Nothing will ever diminish my love for Robin.”
“Then you'll try to win her back and we can be a family. Maybe you can even come to love me too?”
Amon looked amazed and sad at the same time. “Love you too; you're a silly girl.”
Amora looked stricken. He wouldn't even try to love her. “Well,” she began after a deep, painful breath. “If you can only love Mom then that'll be alright.” She said looking down on the floor. “Only love…I didn't mean…” he sighed and shaked his head at her. He got up and crossed the room, enfolding her in a hug as she started to cry. “Shh sweetie, don't cry. I didn't mean that I'd never love you. I meant that I already do, more than words can express.” When he said this she cried even harder.
“I-I love you too Da-Daddy.”
- - - - - - - - -
This was just a little chapter to cement the new-found relationship between Amon and Amora. I know Amon is way out of character but you wouldn't act normal either if you had just met your daughter you hadn't seen in fifteen years so bear with me plus I wanted to put them in a friendly relationship not in a hostile one. More about Robin and Duarte in the next chapter. Remember to review.