Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When All Is Said And Done ❯ XIV ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“You're a clever man,” he said. “More clever than you let on. Touko told me about you, and what you've been up to. I won't let you go through with any more of it.”
“Touko,” Zaizen boomed. “This is your chance. The doctors here won't treat Robin, I've already arranged…”
“You're wrong,” Touko said. “They will. And do you know why? Just like you, I've got friends in high places. Robin will get her deserved treatment.” She put pressure on the trigger of the gun. “And so will you.”
“Remember what they did to you,” Zaizen said. “Remember how they hurt you. There was no remorse.”
“Robin…didn't do anything wrong…” Touko said. She sniffed. “I…I was…she was…she didn't do anything, she would never do anything to hurt me!” Amon looked at Touko. “This is why I don't have any friends, dad,” she said. “This is why I'm so alone. You…you've always been there for me, but in the wrong ways. Why couldn't it ever be me who was wrong? Why did the problems in all of my relationships always fall on the other person's shoulder? Why can't I be the one who was wrong, for once?!”
“No daughter of mine,” Zaizen began, “should ever have to stoop to the levels of the worthless creatures around her.”
“You've made me that worthless creature!” she exclaimed. “This is all my fault. I'm the one who caused the problems in every one of my relationships, be they with lovers or just with acquaintances. I'm so empty inside, and it's all your fault! Damnit! Can't you see what you've done to me?”
“Touko, just put the gun down,” Zaizen said. He stepped closer. “Touko…”
“You won't convince me to do anything in your favor anymore,” she said. She pointed the gun at him with her arm completely straight. But tears were inching down her cheeks, and her hand began to shake.
Amon saw this and moved forward to take over when Zaizen rushed at Touko and knocked the gun from her hands. She cried out and slumped to the floor. Zaizen went to reach for the gun, but Amon came forward, lifted his knee with great force until it came into contact with Zaizen's ribs. Zaizen cringed and collapsed to the floor. Amon stepped in front of him.
“The game,” he began, his fists clenching, “is over.” He swiftly kicked Zaizen in the face. Zaizen's body shot back. Amon felt the anger within him rising. This was his time. He remembered back to every time Zaizen ever hit him. He remembered back to his conversation with Michael. He remembered Touko's heartache. And he remembered the sight of Robin as she lay on the grass, helpless and near death. Something within him pulsed and he felt, for a moment, very unlike himself. But he couldn't stop there. He wanted his revenge.
He grabbed Zaizen by the collar and lifted him up, carrying him with one arm to the hospital bed. He laid Zaizen over the edge and straddled him, then began to punch him with both hands, rapidly alternating one after the other with all the power in his being.
“Do you…realize…what you've…done?” he asked Zaizen, never easing the force of his hits. Of course he knew all that he' done, all the pain he'd caused. After so long of not being allowed to be angry, of holding back all forms of retaliation, of sitting by and watching all of Zaizen's abuses, Amon couldn't stop himself.
He grew bored of punching and moved back, letting Zaizen fall to the floor. He began to kick at his ribs, not stopping even after he heard the satisfying crunch of his bones. Zaizen began to pant and wheezing, and cough blood up onto the floor. Amon reached down and grabbed Zaizen by the collar and made him look at him.
“How does it feel?” he asked. “It feels beautiful, doesn't it?” Amon punched him again and let him fall. He backed away and shook his head.
“Amon…” Touko murmured. Amon perked, not expecting to hear her speak. He'd somehow forgotten his surroundings. She was still on the floor, but she had stopped crying. She looked over to him and went to speak, but didn't say anything. Amon went to step closer to her, but as he moved, he felt his body pulse again. He stopped and looked down at his hands. He was shaking. He stood up, but his legs felt weak. He went slowly over to the bed and leaned on it, putting his hand to his head. He felt lightheaded. Had he…overexerted himself? Amon closed his eyes and tried to calm down. He opened them and looked at Zaizen. He pulsed again.
“Damnit…” he murmured.
“What's happening…?” Touko asked. Amon lifted his eyes and looked around. His body continued to pulse as he saw that the lights around the room were blinking on and off.
“I…I don't know,” Amon said. But he knew what was happening. And he had no idea how to avoid it. “Touko…” he said. “Touko…get out…and…go join Michael and Sa…” He choked on his words. Touko stood up slowly.
“Amon, I don't want to leave you alone,” she said. Amon's body hunched as if he was about to throw up. Touko took a step back. “Amon…?” she asked, panic tearing through her voice.
“Please…I….I don't know what's going to happen to me.” Touko nodded and fled from the room. Amon stood up and tried to stand on firm legs. He felt hot again, but even more so now. He took off his jacket as he went over to the window. He leaned out, and tried to catch his breath. The cool air calmed him, and the pulsing ceased. He breathed out sharply, perking when he heard a noise behind him. He turned around.
Zaizen was on the floor, crawling closer to the gun. He looked over, saw that Amon was watching him and lunged towards the gun quickly. Amon came away from the window and reached for the gun. Zaizen's hand grabbed it, and Amon's hand wrapped around his. He hooked his other arm around Zaizen's neck and pulled back. He could feel Zaizen's grip on the gun increase. He fired a stray round.
“Stop it!” Amon growled. “Your target is me!” His body pulsed again and his grip on Zaizen loosened. Zaizen, however, was still too weak to harm Amon with any of his movements. Amon grabbed a hold of the wrist of the hand that held the gun, not wanting to cause Zaizen to fire another shot. Amon tightened his grip around Zaizen's neck and Zaizen began to choke. Amon continued this, hoping to knock him unconscious. Before he could accomplish this however, the door opened. It was Michael.
“I told you to leave!” Amon yelled at him. Michael stood there, stunned.
“Touko said you we—” Pwt! Michael gasped and stumbled backward, then collapsed onto the floor.
“Lee!!” Amon's eyes widened and through his body he felt an inexplicable jarring of his insides. He heaved again, and almost let go of Zaizen. But then he heard Zaizen chuckling, and his entire body flexed with anger. His insides flared with a terrible burning and he felt like he was on fire.
Amon let Zaizen go, and Zaizen hit the floor harshly. The gun fell from his hand and scattered across the floor. Zaizen lifted his head slightly to see its location and began to snake towards it listlessly. Amon felt so dizzy, and so far away. He was frightened the complete lack of self he experienced. His hand reached down towards Zaizen's neck, and without contact, Zaizen's neck began to compress. Amon spread his fingers and stared down at Zaizen, watching as he choked. His neck began to dent in places and he reached up and clawed at it, struggling to breathe.
Amon held his palm flat out to Zaizen and his eyes burned with utter hatred towards him. Zaizen's entire body began to shake, and dent and deflate before completely sinking into itself in a loose heap. Amon let his hand relax, and fell backwards, his weight resting against the bed. He sat there, chest heaving and mouth dry, until his eyes rested on Michael. He was motionless, and there was a small pool of blood on the floor at his left side.
Amon came away from the bed and struggled to go near him, to rouse him, snaking around to avoid Zaizen. The more he moved, the more his entire body felt numb and feverish. His breathing became labored again and he collapsed on the floor next to Zaizen's feet. His outreached hand was a hare's breath away from Michael's. His fingers struggled to touch them, to make contact with them, but as he tried to move just that bit further, his body shut down on him.
“Are you sure?” Sakaki asked. Touko nodded.
“I'll be fine,” she said. “But I'm sure he doesn't want to see me right now. Just go ahead. I'm sure they need your help.” Sakaki nodded and stood up. He walked towards the room that Touko said Amon and Zaizen were in. He felt tired and wondered what time it was. He knew it was late, at a time that might even be considered early. He walked through the halls wondering how Robin was at that moment. He wondered when they would get to see her. And he wondered…
Sakaki's mind was suddenly devoid of thought as he looked up and saw that Michael was lying motionless in the hall. He rushed over to him and kneeled by his side.
“Michael…” he murmured, looking him over. He'd been shot in the stomach. “Sh—shit…” Sakaki touched Michael's shoulder, his hand shaky. Could a guy catch a break? First Robin and now Michael? Sakaki stood up, and went to go inside the room to use the phone. But he then saw Amon laying unconscious on the floor near the remains of Zaizen, laid out on the floor next to him. Sakaki felt the contents of his stomach resurfacing. He held a hand to his stomach and the other to his mouth and jetted towards the other end of the hall. He went up to the nurses' station he saw and grabbed the nearest nurse by her wrist.
“Someone's…someone's been shot. He's in….he's in…he's in the room down the hall. We…can't you…?” Sakaki covered his mouth again and retched.
“Sakuma-san,” the nurse said to the second nurse at the station.
“I'm on it,” Sakuma answered and she left in the direction Sakaki had come from. The first nurse looked down at Sakaki.
“Come with me, young man,” she said to him. “We'll get you help.”