Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When there`s no explanation ❯ The hunt and its consequences ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The hunt and its consequences
Amon and Tony walked outside the elevator, and went to his car. Amon almost dropped his jaw to the floor when he saw the navy blue Corvette standing in the parking space.
“Wow, nice car”
Tony looked at him, while he placed his sunglasses.
“it wasn't that nice when I started restoring it. I rescued it from a dump, just because its previous owner hit it and decided it wasn't worth the restoration. So, what do you drive back home?”
“A black Honda Civic 2007 (AN: Have you seen that car?? Its so pretty!! My dad has one, but turquoise, and he is teaching me how to drive it, its such a pretty car. My friend Mauricio is so jealous of me that is funny!)”
Tony nodded to him as they walked around and Tony showed Amon all the improvements he made. They were doing that when Anna and Ziva walked out the elevator.
“do you realize that Gibbs ordered us to go to Mizawas location and hunt him?” Ziva said, staring mostly at Tony.
“We were waiting for you!” Tony said, making an excuse to the woman standing in front of him with her arms crossed around her chest, “have I told you how beautiful you look today?” he said as Ziva frowned at him.
“Anthony DiNozzo, get out of here at once!” Gibbs said, walking next to him and smacking him on the head, while Anna, Ziva and Amon tried their best to hold their laugh when they saw Tonys embarrassed face, “And the rest of you move your butts before Mizawa gets tired of waiting for you and decides to leave, if he hasn't already!”
The rest of the agents and hunters got serious again and began to walk to their respective cars and drove off, while Gibbs walked back inside, to get ready for the show, as he liked to say.
Anna and Ziva were standing right outside the back door of Mizawas house, opening the door and slipping inside, while Tony and Amon were on the front one, knocking the door. Ziva took out her gun as Anna placed her glasses on. (AN: I know that in A New Life I didn't mention that Anna wears glasses when she is about to use her craft, but im kinda inferring that, you know, being Robins sister and all)
On the meantime, Amon and Tony stopped knocking.
“I guess he is not here” Tony said and turned around to walk back to his car, but he was stopped by Amon, who hold his shirt by its back.
“Wait” He placed his palm on the wooden door, closed his eyes and began to get the thoughts inside the house. He listened to a voice inside, preparing for battle, but his thoughts were not directed to them, he was staring at Anna and Ziva, and apparently they were unaware that the man was so close to them. Amons craft went a little deeper and it let him see through the mans eyes, in front of him there was a small girly form, with brown hair and a black trench coat. Amon felt that a hand was lifted and held the girl by the throat and began to choke her, while he used his craft to incapacitate someone else he couldn't see. He could feel the life getting away from the girl as he used his craft to finish her. The corpse fell from his hands and rolled, revealing Annas face covered in blood. Amon retreated his hand from the door and almost fell down, feeling weak for using his craft like that. He turned to see Tony.
“We got to go and find Anna and Ziva.”
“What? Whats wrong?” He asked, as Amon began to run towards the backside of the house.
“They are in trouble!”
Anna and Ziva were walking inside the house, being careful so they wouldn't be heard. They entered the living room and scanned the room. The house was pretty big, about three stories high and very old. Big curtains blocked the day light from coming inside, so their eyes haven't still gotten used to the dimness of the place, Ziva was entering a room while Anna watched her back, when she felt someone grabbing her by the throat. Her glasses fell to the floor, while Anna was cursing herself for letting the guy get her. Ziva run back to her side when she heard the struggle. The guy used his craft to stop her from coming. Ziva fell back and hit her head on a hard wooden table, after that she rolled unconscious. Anna began to scram in pain when she felt something like fire inside her and began to cough, still struggling to get free from the hand that held her. Something warm began to roll down the corner of her mouth and a metallic tasted rose to her mouth. Blood, shit he is killing me! Anna started to panic, afraid to use her craft, since the attack would hurt her too. Her head began to feel light when she felt the grip being lifted from her throat. She fell down the floor and fell on hr knees. Lifting up her eyes, she saw Amon using his craft to separate Mizawa from her, while Tony ran next to Ziva and she got up with his help.
Amon was relieved when he saw Anna standing on her knees; at least he had made it on time. Mizawa began to struggle to get free from his craft, but Amon applied enough pressure and broke his neck. Mizawa fell down, looking like a broken rug doll, his corpse twisted in a grotesque way. Amon looked at Anna, seeing her collapse and fell down. He ran at her side and saw her face with a trail of blood running freely down from her mouth.
“Gibbs!” He called down at his communicator.
“What? How was it?” The voice replied inside his ear
“Mizawa is dead, but I need an ambulance at his address right now. Anna is hurt!”
“Its already on its way there, it will be there in three minutes”
Amon grabbed Anna and lifted her up the floor, bridal style. Ziva and Tony were outside; as Tony was curing Ziva with a first aid kit he kept on his car. Amon laid her on the grass and checked her vital signs. Her pulse was faint, and so was her breath. He began to do CPR to her, but he was alarmed to see that when he pressed her chest, more blood come out of her mouth.
“Dammed Anna, fight it!” He said, as frustration rose to his eyes and tears fell from them, “You are stronger than this, don't let that bastard get away with what he did!”
Sirens were heard close by, so Amon lifted her and walked to the white vehicle as it slowed down. The paramedics jumped out of it and took Anna from Amons arms, placing her in a bed (AN: I don't remember the word for that thingy right now, so you all know what im talking about, the bed with wheels an ambulance has). They placed an IV on her arm and pulled her back into the ambulance. Amon felt a hand on his back, and it turned out to be Tonys.
“Go with her.”
Amon hopped into the ambulance and the doors were closed. The ambulance drove away, leaving Tony and Ziva standing behind it.
The metallic doors of the ER room opened and Anna was being carried, while nurses and doctors ran al around her. Amon was following them, while he held Annas hand, but suddenly a doctor held him from going any further. Amon turned around, mad that someone was getting him away from her.
“What do you want?” he practically shouted at the man.
“You cant go with her sir, she is being taken to the surgery room.” He said, trying to calm him down, “You are gonna have to stay here until the surgeon is over”
“She is gonna make it, right?” He asked very anxiously.
“We have to determinate if the amount of damage done. But if she was conscious after the attacker let her go, there are big chances for her.”
Amon nodded and walked to the waiting room. The hospital was on Solomons payroll, so they were used to treat victims of witch attacks. He sat on a big couch and closed his eyes. She is gonna make it, she is gonna make it he repeated in his mind like a mantra, as if that could keep her alive.
“Amon” a faint voice was heard inside his head
Amon opened his eyes, surprised to hear that.
“Anna, is that you?”
“Yeah.” Her voice sounded weak, as if she was about to faint, “I don't feel right. What happened?”
“Mizawa attacked you behind you. He used his craft on you, but I stopped him.”
“Hmmmm.” Anna said, “I feel so tired”
“Fight it Anna. You are not gonna let him win, are you?”
“No, I am not. I feel that someone is putting me a needle on my arm. Where am I?”
“We are at the hospital. I think they are preparing you for surgery.”
Then the voice was gone. Anna was asleep on the other room, while the nurses hovered around her.
Gibbs walked to the waiting room of the hospital, followed by Tony and Ziva. He walked to the front desk.
“I need to find a patient” He said to the blonde nurse at the desk
“Adrianna Sena”
“She is in surgery right now, if you want you can go to the waiting room. The man that came with her is already there”
Gibbs thanked the lady and walked to the waiting room. In there Amon was sitting on a couch, with his head on his hands.
“Hey kiddo” Gibbs said to him, so he lifted his eyes and looked at him
“How is she?” Tony said, sitting in front of him.
“She is strong, I just hope that Mizawa didn't used his draft on her for too long.”
The hours passed by and they all waited there, sitting or pacing around. After 10 hours in the surgery room, the surgeon walked to the waiting room, unnoticed by them.
“Are you the family of miss Adrianna Sena?”
Four heads turned to see him but only Amon and Gibbs rose.
“Is she ok?” Amon asked
“She is a strong woman sir, she is gonna be fine, but im afraid I have bad news”
HAHAHAHA!! OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACES!!! This is not the end, but I am so hungry right now that I felt like doing a little joke in here! SO cliffhanger!! Wait till next chapter to see the bad news on Anna!!!