Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When there`s no explanation ❯ A broken heart and a problem solved ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shocking news, a broken heart and the solution to a problem.
“She is a strong woman sir, but im afraid I have bad news”
The words the doctor just spoke lingered in the air, while they were being carved inside everyone's ears. Finally, Gibbs broke the silence.
“What kind of bad news?”
“Miss Sena was expecting a child, sir. The reason she survived was because the baby took most of the shock. What she didn't told me was who was the father”
“She is awake?” Tony said, while he saw that Amon sat with a blank expression on his face.
“Surprisingly she awoke at the moment we placed her in her recovery room. She demanded for an explanation and I have no choice but to tell her the truth. She hasn't spoken since then” The doctor said with a sad look on his eyes.
“I need to see her” Amon finally spoke, rising from the chair. The doctor looked at him, very surprised with the sudden outburst, but quickly recovered.
“Actually she asked to see you once she awoke. Please follow me sir.”
Amon left with the doctor, leaving Gibbs, Tony and Ziva in the waiting room. Gibbs sat on the couch Amon was previously using.
“I never knew that she was pregnant” Ziva said, “if I knew I would have never asked her to come”
“Its not your fault Ziva”, Gibbs said, “i don't think that if she knew it Amon would have let her come. Any father would have protected his child.”
“Amon?” Ziva said, looking at him, “you mean that Amon was the father?”
“He was” Tony said, “I realized when I overheard them once talking. Anna said a single word: Ashiteru. It means “I love you” in Japanese”
“I never knew that you learned Japanese” Gibbs said.
“Its useful if you want to impress a chick at a bar. Learning to say that in different languages melts them down” he started, but soon Gibbs smacked him in the head.
Amon opened the wooden door with the name “A. Sena” written in a piece of paper. When he entered the room, he saw Annas small form curled in bed, sobs shaking her small body. That was all that Amon could take, so he climbed in bed with her and put his arms around her. She turned around and looked at him for a moment, then she buried her head into his chest and kept on crying. Soon Amon felt tears roll down his face.
“Sorry” he heard that Anna said to him, in between the tears. He lifted her face and made her look at him.
“why do you say you are sorry?”
“If I knew that I was pregnant I would have been more careful. It is my fault that the baby is gone.”
“its not your fault Anna. You could have never known that Mizawa was behind you; at least you are still here with me. We still have each other, and I love you no matter what. Remember that, nothing you do could make me stop loving you. You rescued me when I thought that everything was lost, that nothing else mattered. I love you Anna, never forget that”
Amon took her and kissed her as gently as he could. He knew her heart was broken, and so was his. He placed her head on the pillow next to his and caressed her cheeks and her hair. Anna closed her eyes and let him do it, knowing that this was the only thing that could make her feel normal again. They didn't care that they were in a public space, that someone could see them, none of those things mattered. Right now all they wanted was to feel the warmth of each other and try to forget the pain they were feeling.
Gibbs opened the door of the room, considering that Amon has been inside for an hour. What he saw in there was something he expected: Amon was lying on the bed, with Anna curled on top of him. His shirt was wet, obviously from all the tears that she had cried. He entered as quietly as possible, making sure he didn't woke them. He sat on the chair next to the bed and stared at the picture in front of him. This guy really loved the girl. Funny thing, he always considered all the young girls in his team as if they were his daughters. He always liked to look after them, especially Kate and Abby. Kate, he thought as he saw the young asleep girl in front of his eyes, why did Tony never took care of you like this? Maybe you still would be with us. Tony and Kate never had the guts to get together when she was alive. Now this two were together even if their bosses thought it was inappropriate. All he could do was admire them both. Amon was younger than DiNozzo but he already had found someone he loved. They both lived lives that no so much people could stand, but they still had each other.
Amon opened his eyes and felt the proximity of Anna. He saw her with her head lying on his chest, breathing peacefully. He felt someone else in the room and turned his head, seeing Gibbs sitting on the chair next to Anna.
“Morning kiddo” Gibbs said.
Amon used his craft to lift Anna without waking her up and placed her on the bed, while he got up. He placed a blanket on her and turned around.
“So I guess we are busted, huh?” Amon said. Gibbs just nodded.
“And we are in trouble?”
“Only if you are not planning on marrying her soon.” Gibbs said with a half smile on his face.
Amon looked down. “I wish I could but I can't. Hunters can't date.”
“That's exactly what the book of yours says?” it was Amons turn to nod.
“It says “date”, it doesn't say anything about marriage! If you two turned to be married, there is nothing they could do about it”
“What are you two planning?” A girl's voice was heard and they both turned to see Anna, lying on the bed, wide awake.
“Nothing, kid” Gibbs said as he walked to her side, “now rest, I don't want you to over do yourself”
“Im fine.”
“You almost died 12 hours ago, don't come to me with all the “im ok” crap. You need to rest!”
“I heal fast! Amon, tell him!”
Gibbs turned to see him and Amon moved his head up and down pretty convincing.
“Witch thing?”
“Yep, Anna is a fast healer once the danger has passed”
Gibbs was about to add something else, when the doctor entered the room.
“Miss Sena, please come with me, so we can do you some analysis”
Anna tried to get down the bed, but her legs were too weak, so she fell into Amons arms, who caught her easily. He lifted her and sat her on the wheelchair.
“Now go, we will be waiting for you right here.” Amon said to her as he placed a light kiss on her lips. Anna smiled and let the doctor take her outside the room.
Two days later Anna was released from the hospital. Still she was a little sad for the loss of her baby, but she felt a lot much stronger, knowing that Amon would stand there by her side. What she didn't know was the surprise that awaited her. Amon drove Anna to the NCIS headquarters, while everyone at there got busy with the welcome party.
Once they arrived to their destination, Anna went with Amon inside the elevator.
“What are we doing here?” Anna asked him
“I thought that you might wanna say goodbye to your friends.” He said as the elevator doors opened and they entered into a darkened room.
“uhmmm… Amon?” Anna said, “where is everybody?” but then the lights went on and they all jumped out their hiding places screaming “Happy engagement day!”
“Engagement day?” Anna said very surprised, “who is getting engaged?”
Then her eyes grew wide as Amon got down in one knee and opened a little box. Inside there was a small ring with a single pink diamond on it.
“Adrianna Marie Sena (AN: I don't know why I put that Marie in there, I guess it makes a cute second name for Anna), would you marry me?”
Anna began to cry as her smile grew wider. Jumping over Amon, she kissed him laughing really hard, while all the NCIS crew stood there, smiling when they saw the scene before them. Once Amon managed to get up, holding Anna's hand lifting her up, Gibbs approached the couple.
“Here” he said as he handed them a white envelope, “inside there is the address of the hangar where a private jet is waiting for you to take you to Italy.”
“Italy?” Anna asked him
“Your grandfather wants to be the one to marry you, Anna. I called him yesterday and he said that he will be waiting for you on the same church where your mom married your dad” Ziva said to her.
Anna smiled at her friend and hugged her hard. On the meantime, Tony walked to Amon.
“Take good care of her, big guy”
Amon nodded, smiling at his former rival.
“I will, Tony, I will”
“And remember to name the first kid after me!” He added as Gibbs slapped him on the head.
“I don't want that kid to have such an awful name!” Gibbs practically shouted at him.
“Besides its gonna be a girl and they are naming her Abby!” Abby said to them, like a kid fighting her older brother.
Amon walked next to Anna, that was busy looking at the argument in front of her, and hugged her from behind, putting his hands around her waist.
“I think we should go.” He whispered at her.
She turned to face him, still locked inside his embrace.
“I think you are right. Besides, my grandpa is waiting for us.”
They walked to the elevator, unnoticed by the entire crowd. Abby and Tony were fighting each other, while Gibbs and McGee tried to pull them apart. Ziva was just there, enjoying the show, but then saw two figures walking to the elevator, so she followed them. She tapped on Anna's shoulder and they both turned around.
“Running away, aren't we?”
“Hey, you guys gave us what we needed, so we are leaving” Anna said, “besides I have some catching up to do here” she added pointing at Amon, “if you know what I mean”
“Urgh, leave right now!” Ziva said, disgusted by the dirty talk they were doing.
And they both did so.