Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Two Boys and a Fire Hydrant ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I don’t own Wolf’s Rain characters or anything like that. Heck with the way the writing world is the plot may not even be mine, ya know what I mean hahaha.

Warnings: Nudity, sex, incest, smoking, and language. I try to warn you, but you wouldn’t believe me. Why wouldn’t you believe me?!

………………………R 30;……......


My Cousin, Toboe



Since the age of four, Kiba's had a best friend. Kiba's mother, back when she was alive, had invited all the little kids in the neighborhood to her sons birthday party. Some showed up, others didn't. Among the ones that did were Darcia Magoto and Tsume Hamada.

The mischievous, tan skinned child stuck his hand in the sheet of chocolate cake, eating the fist full he had gotten off of it. Then, when no one was looking he smeared it on Kiba's face and everyone thought that he did it. They thought it was cute that he couldn't wait, so it wasn't like he got in trouble or anything.

Kiba told Tsume off, the best a four year old can, then shoved him. Tsume shoved back. Kiba cried. Tsume said he was sorry and they were friends since. And after that, well, the brunette never cried again. Thought he was too tough, but back then it was fine because he was a kid. But the young, blue eyed, brunette looked up to Tsume. Saying everything he said and doing everything he did.

Which brings us to the boys current activity, ages nine and ten, as they pop the caps from the fire hydrant in the neighborhood, bathing suits on, ready to go.

The sun shined brightly that day over the small city of, Kagoshima prefecture. Kagoshima is Kyushu's southern most, major city and the capital of Kagoshima Prefecture. The city is often compared with its Italian sister city Naples due to a similarly mild climate, palm tree lined streets, relatively hot tempered inhabitants and Sakurajima, Kagoshima's Vesuvius.

Sakurajima is one of Japan's most active volcanoes and the symbol of Kagoshima. It smokes constantly, and minor eruptions take place frequently. Sakurajima's most recent, major eruption occurred in 1960. In a strong 1914 eruption, large amounts of lava transformed the former island into a peninsula. But then you probably knew that.

Moving on with our story. A large spray of water shoots high into the air. Artificial rainbows arching the sky, their bright colors illuminating in the sun, seeming so real you could reach up and grab them. The tidal wave of water stretched up a good few feet into the air making an almost willow tree of wetness above a few kids, dancing, heads.

"Ahahaha!" A child laughs.

His friend, a tone a bit lower laughs as well. Feet sloshed and splashed through the puddles over water forming on the sidewalk and in the street. Passing patrons frowned at the five boys, shaking their heads. Such disrespect for the public and authority as the children, in that particular neighbor, should have known better.

A pale boy with a shag of dripping, brown, hair wrapped his arms around his self as he shivered in the cold of the water that blasted him in the back when he stepped in front of the open hydrant.

A taller boy a few feet in front of him laughs, then rushes over to smack the boy on the back. "Kiba, move if you're cold." He said. Stepping behind his friend, to take some of the pressure of water, the dark skinned male turned to the water opening his mouth. He coughed for a moment, startled by the gross taste.

The boy, Kiba, watched his friend attentively then stood in front of the rushing water to do as he did. Kiba took it much better than his friend, opening and closing his mouth, shooting the water like a fish squirting it at his owner.

"Kiba!" A middle aged man calls from the porch of a rather nice looking house.

Off white paint, big brown door, white wooden porch to match the house. Two stories high, a garage. Nice house.

"Kiba!" He cleared his throat, mostly from agitation. A hand ran through his thick brown hair. His face is old and angry regardless his age of 29. Blue eyes tight and narrow. The man's had hardships, anyone could see that. And as contribution to the world giving him such hardships, he was an ass. "KI-BA! Get your little ass over here! Now!"

Figuring he couldn't ignore his bellowing father any longer, Kiba started to his house his friend at his heals. Kiba was still shivering from the wetness, even though it was one of the hottest days of the year. Cold water, is cold water. The boys tiny body shook, making him walk like a penguin. His best friend could only shake his head, he didn't seem to be cold at all.

"Grizzly bear." His friend whispered.

"Tsume." Kiba hissed knowing that they were close enough for his fathers, rather good at hearing, ear to catch what he said.

Tsume shrugged. "What? It's true. Every day that guy shouts at you from the door like a woman." The tanned boy glances at his friends house. "It's embarrassing."

Kiba's father huddled down the stairs, snatching his son by the shoulders toward the house. "Come on boy, I don't have all day."

"What?" Kiba asked, wondering why his father was so bent up. His shaking had stopped a while ago, and now he was just a dripping mess on the wooden porch.

"I have to go to work." His father explained. "I want you indoors while I'm gone."

"But I'm with Tsume, nothing's gonna happen to me." His son protests.

"Yeah Quent, nothing's gonna happen when Kiba's with me." The boy beamed with pride, his white hair glowing in the sun like a Halo over his head.

"Tch. Yeah right." Grouched Quent. "And I thought I told you to call me Mr. Yaiden, I'm not your damn friend."

"Yes sir." But the second the man turned his back, Tsume stuck out his tongue.

"You kids stay in the house while I'm gone."

Tsume blinked hearing that. "You mean I can stay over?"

"Didn't I just say that?" The man asked. His eyes looked down at his watch. Time for work was pressing. "Now get inside, and you two stop taking the damned caps off the fire hydrants. I'm not trying to listen to more shit from this town because the two of you are hot."

"No sir." The two kids chimed.

"Fucking nine and ten year old brats." He grumbles walking off the porch. Opening the garage door, he pressed the lock on his car keys, then climbed inside the automobile. Starting it, he waved a hand to his son before heading down the street. The horn honked at the remaining idiots standing at the hydrant getting in the way of his car.

"Come on, let's go dry off." Kiba said opening the front door of his house.

A large black dog greeted him and Tsume at the door with a bark and wagging his tail. Kiba reached out petting his dog with wet hands, a disgruntled look on his face when he pulled his hand back seeing a patch of black hair tangled between his fingers.

"Eew, dog hair." He mutters to no one in particular, wiping his hand on his wet swim shorts he trots upstairs.

Tsume watched after his friend but remained at the door. Last thing he wanted was to be chewed out by Quent because he- never mind his son- had tracked water on the carpet. The dog looked at him with friendly eyes.

"Ao," Tsume called to the dog. "Go bite Kiba in the butt." No response. "Go bark at him... Do something,"

The black dog turned away as though he weren't trying to listen to anything rude, or insulting about his younger master.

"Tsume!" His friend called down to him. "Come on."

Tsume seemed to think that over, but eventually he dragged his self off the long narrow stairs. Turning the corner into the hall, he looked for his friend. Seeing that the bathroom door was open, he decided that was the best place to look. Sure enough there was Kiba, drying his hair with a large green towel. The white haired child spots a towel on the top of the toilet seat, assuming its his, he takes it then begins to dry his self as well.

The two boys worked quietly until they were sure there wasn't another drop of water on their bodies. The brunette then reached for his swim shorts, slipping them down his hips, tossing them into the dirty clothes basket by the bathroom door. Tsume didn't look, although he had ample opportunity if he wanted to, with the way Kiba chose to walk past him to the door just to slide the basket closer to where they stood.

Leaving the bathroom with a new, dry, towel wrapped around his waist, Kiba travels to his bedroom to find something for the both of them to wear. Tsume might not be able to play off the pant legs of Kiba's shorter body, but he could wear his shorts easily. Maybe with a belt, Tsume is kind of stickly. Choosing a black pair for Tsume and blue pair of jeans for himself, he then snatched two shirts from the hangers a white and purple then walked them to the bathroom.

"Here Tsume." He hands the clothes to his best friend.

"Shorts?" The taller boy questions.

Kiba shrugged then began to dress.

Shrugging in mock of his friends callus reply, Tsume slipped into the shorts and white t-shirt. It fit alright. Waiting on Kiba who had a pair of boxers to slip on as well, Tsume left the bathroom then walked into his friends bedroom, flopping down on the bed. Tsume always felt a lot more comfortable in the house when Kiba's father was gone. That guy seemed mean to a new level and the last thing he wanted was to get his ten year old brains splattered on the walls. But with Quent gone, Tsume felt he could kick up his dirty heals on his best friends clean and, strangely patterned, blanket. His still slightly damp hair rest against the solid white pillow case.

He always liked Kiba's room better than his own. For one, its clean. Second, everything is well organized and neat. Third... third he supposed was that it had a more homely feeling to it, with the white walls bringing in a bright happy feeling, rather than his yellow walls and prison like, uncomfortable bed, that seemed like it was picked for that particular, gloomy, mood. His parents were mean, not Quent mean mind you but bad tempered when it came to their son. He didn't know what it was, maybe they just hated him because he was a kid. That was fine with him, because in a year he and Kiba are gonna run away together just like they had planned to one year but got held up because, well, it was the holidays.

Kiba finally came into his room, walking straight to the long mirror in the corner. Grabbing a brush from the dresser, he began to brush his short brown locks into a some what manageable fashion.

Tsume frowned at this. "Why do you care so much about your hair? It's just you and me."

Kiba was silent as he busied his self with the task. Then, out of the blue, he says. "Do you like my hair?"

Tsume cocked his head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. I just wanna know." He puts the brush down, running a hand through the shag with a frown.

"It's alright." He shrugged. "Its yours, so of course it looks good on you."

Kiba walked over to his bed, flops down beside his friend then turns his head to look at him. "I was just thinking that it might be cool if I grew it out- like yours."

"Mine?" The ten year old sat up on his elbow looking down at his friend. "Why would you want it like mine? I hate it.... it's long and stringy.... I hate my hair." Laying back on the bed, he sighed looking at the ceiling. "When I'm old enough, I'm gonna change my hair. I might cut it or something." He brushes a hand through his bangs.

Kiba laughs at that. "You'd never cut your hair... your Mom wouldn't let you."

"She won't have a choice... I'll be too old to boss around. Fourteen is a responsible age, you know."

"I know....."

........4 Years later.......

Tsume and Kiba rush upstairs into the boys bedroom, laughing. Kiba closed his door after they were inside then locks it. Tsume was already on his knees, on the floor, lighting up a thin white cigarette with a match stick. The two boys were at the convenience store (Konbini) up the street buying candy and a soda. The two had been in the shop for nearly a half hour just hanging out when they saw a man pulling a cigarette out of a shiny silver case. The man didn't notice when one of them had fallen out of the case and hit the ground ripe for the picking.

Tsume nudges his friend and with a quick swipe of the hand, he snapped the stick up and the two rushed away to Kiba's house. They had always wanted to try smoking since they saw it on tv. But let's face it, no one would sell cigarette's to a fourteen and thirteen year old set of hooligans.

"This is fucking lucky man," Tsume laughs with an almost gleeful manner.

"Ssshhh, my dad is asleep." Kiba hushed, kneeling down beside his best friend. "You want him to wake up and catch us?"

Tsume had already put the stick in his mouth, giving it a quick puff. He coughed, choking, with his fist to his mouth. "S- smooth." He coughs again.

Kiba watched him in awe that he actually did it. Taking the offered stick, bringing it to his lips, the younger boy took a drag from it. He didn't cough like Tsume had but he felt like he was gonna be sick in a minute.

"Here," Tsume reached for it. "Blow it out stupid, you're not supposed to swallow it."

Kiba coughed then as he released the smoke from his mouth.

"What were you doing?" Tsume asks watching the boy recover.

"I was trying..." coughs. "To blow it from my nose." He coughs again.

Shaking his head, his still long hair moving back and forth with the action; he hadn't changed a bit, only now his hair was long enough to pull back into a small ponytail. But Tsume swore that next year, he was cutting it. Kiba's hair had grown out quite a bit too, it was now going down along the back of his neck, but it wasn't nearly as long as he would have liked it.

Tsume smacks his friend on the head. "You really are dumb."

"Asshole." Remarks his friend swatting back.

The two boys puffed on the cigarette passing it between them in silence. Both boys seemed entranced in something they were thinking about. Neither breaking the long silence as four then ten minutes ticked by.

It wasn't until a little scratching at his bedroom door did either of them slip back into reality. Standing, Kiba went over to his bedroom door, he looked over his shoulder at Tsume who was opening the window, fanning his hands outward. Unlocking the door, opening it a crack, the brunette sighed seeing his dog on the other end. "Get in here boy," he opened the door wide enough for the dog to get in and hopefully no smoke to get out.

Ao walked in, tail wagging with hopes of getting a pet or a treat. Seeing that he wasn't getting either, the dog climbed up on his masters bed and lay down.

"Hey Tsume?" Kiba closed the door back, locking it.


Kiba sat on his bed, petting his dog unconsciously. "Do you wanna go to the movies with me Saturday?"

"What are we gonna see?"

"A foreign movie, with Japanese subs on it."

Tsume always took Kiba to places with him, the younger boy figured it was time for him to treat his friend to something. He would have made it spur of the moment. But ever since they were little, little kids, Kiba has sought out the boys thoughts and permission on everything they did.

Tsume turned his head, his gaze settling upon his best friends face. "I don't know... is it like.... a date or anything?"

Kiba scrunched his face. "A date? We're too young to date.... Besides, I haven't found anybody that I like."

"No stupid, I meant between us?"


Silence. Tsume shifted a bit then walked to the bed, sitting on the other side of Ao. "I wouldn't mind if we went on a date, cause.... you're my best friend."

"Really?" He meant about the dating.

"Sure." Tsume sat up to look at the boy. "Besides, girls are gross. I want my first date with my best friend."

Kiba laughed at that. "Me too."

Tsume looked serious suddenly, holding out his hand he spit into it. "We have to spit on it. Our first date, will be with each other."

Kiba stopped petting the dog- much to the dogs disliking- and spit in his hand as well. The two shook with moist hands between them. "Deal."

"Cool." He laid down, legs dangling off the side of the bed though touching the floor. Tsume had always been tall and thin. It was like a curse to him. He swore that if he didn't stop growing he would have to leave his home because he can't fit through the door comfortably anymore. Kiba said he was nuts but what did he know, he was short!

Either way, the two boys lay in comfortable silence, that was easy for them, just to relax and enjoy each others company.

"Kiba! What the hell is that smell?!" Quent called from his bedroom.

"Shit," the brunette swore. Getting off the bed, he snatches the cigarette from his friends mouth, hurried to the window then flicked it out onto the front lawn.

His bedroom door opened not long after that, his father stood before them looking in with a sneer. "What the hell is that smell?"

"It's Mr. Chou's wife, she's smoking with some friends outback." He lied easily.

Quent let that register. Then backing from the room he mutters, "Old buzzard needs to take that shit inside."

Tsume laughs with a shake of his head. "You rock man."

"Yeah," He blushed from the approval. The two held each other on a pedestal and it would never change. No one and nothing could come between them.

When the two boys reached that curious stage of sex, they spared no expense to explore the idea of it with each other. In fact, the feelings came about after the two boys went on their promised first date at sixteen and fifteen......

……………………&# 8230;…

A.N: Can you believe what they make you do? Just like FF.Net, someone is, once again, out to get me and my writing partner so we have to be oh so careful otherwise our butt’s are gone. Tch. Beh! A side note for this fic, Kiba has a dog named ‘Ao’ which yes, is ‘Blue’. But it is NOT the blue from the show, as this Blue is male.

I would never put someone in a fic that I didn’t like, and I don’t like her. I liked her best when I thought she was a boy. Oh, and I will get back to “Stolen Moments’ for anyone who was reading, granted it will be drastically changed cause when I was writing it I was depressed. But I’m better now and can do a great job. So until I can sort that out I give you this story. We need a few more Kiba Toboe fics. I hope you enjoy it! Review if you like. Fantasy.