Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ More Than Just A Kiss ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1.

"This movie is so lame." Tsume whispers.

The theater was very dark and the movie is so boring it was beginning to put the white haired teen to sleep. How long was this movie anyway? So far, the movie was at some odd scene where the cannon character is looking through a woman's home. She's dead. The man sees a bunch of broken VCR's and other types of video items. Lame.

"Hey Kiba?"

"What?" He took his eyes from the screen.

"I'll bet you I could hit that guy three seats down from us,"

Kiba blushed. Tsume was so close to his ear when he whispered to him, he could feel the warmth of his friend's breath tickling the ends of his hair. Shaking the odd feeling off, he looked three seats down then back at Tsume. "Too easy. Try hitting the guy three seats down in the second row."

"Tch. Give me something heavy."

"Heavy?" Searching through the small bag of candy that they had bought at the snack counter, Kiba came up with the perfect tossing item. A box of Junior Mints. He hated those damn things, too mushy. "Here."

Tsume took the box, straightening from his lax position in his cushioned seat, the teen searches for the right victim. Man? Woman? Whomever was in good view to be hit. "I see one, the tall guy- with the spikes."

Straightening up as well, Kiba sought out the human hedgehog. "I see him.... throw it."

Raising his hand into the air, Tsume rocked the box of candy back and forth as though trying to pick up speed. Then, without warning, he let go of the box. It sailed a good distance and-...

"Hey!" The man with spiky hair touched the top of his head. Turning in his seat, he looks over his shoulder as though the culprit would show himself by laughing and pointing- or by trying to make some type of quick exit. But there was no one. "Who threw that?!" He called out. His rough voice sounding somewhere in his late twenties.

"Ssshhhh!!!" Warned half the theater. Like anyone would really watch this film.

What was this called again? White Volume? Silent White? Some name with White and some type of Noise. Maybe a low one. Eeeh, who really cares.

The two boys snicker into their hands. Tsume slaps Kiba on the shoulder to get his attention. "Here, throw this." A box of Nerds press into his hand.


"Two rows down on the left."

"Slicked back or the skin head."

"The bald guy, he'll feel it better."

Kiba chuckles quietly. "Ok." Aiming the small box, he sharpens his eyes a bit. "Here goes." Launching the box into the air, he managed to hit someone but it wasn't the bald guy. "Dammit."


Tsume burst into a low laugh. "Way to go dead eye."

"Shut up."

The woman that Kiba hit called them some type of dirty name, but turned back in her seat choosing not to give them anymore satisfaction that she was upset. What a loser.

"Try again." He gave the brunette a cup of soda.

"I'm not throwing a drink." Hissed the teen feeling the wetness in his hand before seeing what it was.

Tsume sighed, shaking his head. "Fine, throw this." He hands off some unknown brand of candy. This stuff is shaped like pieces of Sushi and other Japanese foods, but its candy.

"Kiba looked over the risen heads until he found the bald guy. "I'll get him this time." He tossed the candy as swift and as hard as he could.

"Dammit!" The bald man stood up. "Who's doing that?!" He looks around the dark room. "Fucking punk kids!" he didn't know where they were but, he knew they got the message. After all, he said it violently enough, how could they not get the message?

"Fucking losers," Tsume laughed. "All of 'em."

"Got'cha you little shits!" A pair of hands land on their shoulders.

"Ah!" They both shout.

"SSSHHHH!!!!" The crowd was becoming restless with the noise.

"Please sir," Kiba shuddered. "We were just messing around."

The 'man' began to laugh at his pathetic plea. "You guys are so sad."

Wait, Kiba knows that voice. "Darcia?" He moved his arm from the arm rest so it wouldn't accidentally get crushed by the boy climbing over the seat to sit next to him. "When did you get here?"

"About ten minutes before you.... I saw you guys come in." He glances to the seat where he once was. "I came with Serena Akino, you know, the babe from school."

"You mean slut." Chides Tsume.

"Call her what you want, but at least she's here." He raised his legs up onto the back of the chair in front of him, much to the guy sitting in said seats, displeasure. Gesturing with his head. "Where's your dates? Aren't you two a little too old to be coming to the theater alone." A smile crept onto his face. An accusing smile. "What would people say if they knew a sixteen and fifteen year old boys were treating each other to movies."

"They'd say, 'now there go two boys that don't think its gay to be out of female company'."

Tsume rolled his eyes. But his friend made a good point. All the boys their age had found women to cling to or add into their group of friends just because they were sixteen now. That isn't the way the two of them work. If they're fine with each others company, then they're fine with it. They don't need some dumb girl to keep up appearances.

"Speaking of which," Tsume spoke. "Where is our resident slut? Perhaps playing Mosses in the bathroom again. I hear she's really good at parting her legs."

Darcia scoffed at that. He didn't care what they said, at least he has a girl. The two of them would probably end up together because they think it's cool. Tch, losers.

The three of them sat quietly for a moment, their attention going to the one thing they were trying to avoid since they arrived. Now it seemed that the man was hearing his wife call out to him but these three black images kept coming between them. After a bit more silence Darcia finally poked Kiba saying,

"Baseball cap, third row, right."

Kiba looks over the crowd.

"I see him." Tsume fished through their snacks selecting a box of Jujube’s. "This should reach him."

"Hit him on the neck, he might not feel it through the hat." Darcia coaxed.

"Ok." Aiming the box, Tsume hurled it into the air landing it right between the mans exposed shoulder blades. He laughed when the guy turned around, but his snickers were silenced when Darcia began to stand.

"It was them sir!" He points.

"Dickhead!" Tsume spat, standing. Yanking Kiba to his feet, he drags the boy out the double doors with him.

"You're in for it you little brats!" Baseball cap shouts. Tripping his way through the row of movie go'ers, he made it into the aisle then chased them through the door.

Tsume held Kiba's hand with a grip worse than death as they hurried out of the theater onto the busy streets. The two boys ran down the sidewalk, shoving away anyone that blocked their path. The enraged man looked in each direction before spotting a group of girls that screamed when they were shoved into a building or other people walking along the sidewalk. That had to be them!

"Is he still behind us?!" Tsume didn't dare look back otherwise he'd lose speed.

Kiba turned his head for just a second, but it was long enough for him to see the large man plowing toward them. "Yeah,"

"Don't worry, my father's store is close." He dodged another patron. "We'll lose him in there."

The two boys dash around a corner and into a tiny building between two larger ones. The store is filled with little items such as cold medicine and sinus pills. Snack cakes and cold drinks. Batteries, newspapers, and other little things. Your basic Convenience Store. It isn't the one he and Kiba usually frequent, but they aren't exactly going in to shop or anything. They just need quick cover.

"Tsume?" The man behind the counter questioned when seeing his son dash through and straight to the bathroom. It wasn't until a rather large man plastered his self to the window looking back and forth did he put one and two together. His son is in trouble..... again. Rolling his eyes, he helped the next customer with their purchase. "Thank you, come again." Was his usual good bye.

"You see two kids come through here?" The man asked. His skin was as red as a beet, nostrils flared and teeth bared. Whatever the kid did must have been serious.

"Kids?" He played innocent.

"Yeah, one with brown hair and another one with bright white hair and tan skin." Cocking his head, the man sneered. "He looks kind of like you."

"Small world." Tsume's father held his hands up in defense. Then he pretends to think. "Only kids that came through here were a group of teens looking for cigarettes, but, I sent them away."

The man grumbled. He didn't care about anyone else but the two fools that threw a box of candy at him.

"Can I ask what these boys did that you're so mad at them?" He glanced at the bathroom door seeing that it cracked open.

"Little shits were throwing candy at the theater."

"That's all?"

"What do you mean, 'that's all'. Those brats need to be taught some manners."

"I'm sure they're long gone by now. Just forget about it." Slapping the mans arm, he smiled. "Big guy like you couldn't possibly have been hurt by a tiny box can-... Hey is that them?" He turned his head so suddenly at the large glass window, the man looked as well.


"They just went across the street." He points at some imaginary set of teenagers.

The angry man in the cap took off out the shop. Tsume's father glared after him, then stepped from behind the counter. Heading toward the bathroom, his son and his sons best friend popped out before he could lay a hand on the door.

"Thank you Mr. Hamada." Said Kiba but was shoved abruptly aside.

Tsume was then snatched up by his shirt collar and dragged back into the bathroom. The mans free hand undoing his belt. "How many times do I have to tell you..." He started saying before the door was closed and locked.

Kiba didn't need to listen to know what was gonna happen next. That's the way Tsume's father is. He wants respect from his son, good grades, good behavior. But he seems to think the only way to knock sense into his adolescent son, is by knocking him around a bit. Moving away from the bathroom, Kiba walked up and down the aisle, staring into the glass case with the baked goods. It made him sick to hear his friends cries of pain. Whatever happened to a good fist to the mouth- or cheek? His father was cruel after his mother died, but he would never raise a hand to Kiba. Where as Tsume's father, after the divorce, hit him constantly.

The bell over the door rang calling Kiba's attention. He smiled at the young woman that walked in. She smiles in return, then walked to the freezers in the back to select a drink. The brown haired teen watched her, wondering for a moment if she heard what was going on in the bathroom. The woman didn't seem to notice, but she could have easily been ignoring it.

"Excuse me?" She says suddenly.

"Huh? Yeah?"

"Is the owner in? I'm running a little late and I need to pay for this now."

Glancing at the bathroom door, Kiba looks back to the woman. "I can ring it up for you." Turning, he goes to the counter behind the register.

The woman looked skeptical, at first, but the boy seemed to be level headed. She felt she could trust him. "Here you are."

"Lemonade. That's my favorite too." He made small talk like he has seen Tsume's father do. "That'll be a dollar seventy five."

"Here you are." She hands him the money. "You're a good cashier, you should try for a job here."

Kiba had to laugh at that. He would NEVER want to work here. But, so not to hurt the woman's feelings he replied. "Maybe next summer."

The bathroom door swung open and the two walk out. Tsume holding his cheek, while the blood from his split lip dribbled down his chin. His father walked tall as though he were a bigger man for beating on a kid that is a good deal smaller than he is.

"Hello." The woman waves before walking out of the store.

"Kiba get from behind the register." Mr. Hamada said with an almost whiny tone.

Kiba walked slowly from behind the register to his best friends side. A hand came up to his back giving it a quick, comforting rub. "Are you ok?" He whispers.

Tsume kept his eyes to the floor. "Let's just go."

"Make sure you go home, directly. I don't want your mother calling me again asking if I've kidnapped you." He looked through the register to make sure no money was taken. Like Kiba would.

The two boys walk out of the store, down the street back to their homes. Silence was over them the whole time. Tsume had nothing to say; Kiba didn't know what to say. So they just kept their mouths shut until they did.

A dog barked in the shadows from somewhere when they reached their neighborhood. They weren't worried, chances are they knew the dog anyway so they were in no danger of being chased or mauled by the animal.

Seeing his house up ahead, a street light glows down on it making it look old and uninviting, Kiba chuckled nudging his friend on the side. "I think he's getting soft, your dad," he explains. "Usually your whole face is swollen by now. But it looks like you managed to just get a bruised cheek." He walks up the stairs of the porch.

"Ha, yeah." Tsume followed him up to the door.

"Well...." Doing it quickly so that he wouldn't chicken out, Kiba plants his lips to Tsume's. He sucked in the upper lip, feeling Tsume clamp his bottom one between his teeth. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but it was there and that was it. Pulling back, Kiba wiped away the little drop of blood that touched his lip. "Good night."

"Wait a minute," Tsume grabbed his arm.

Dammit. Kiba was hoping that Tsume would just take it and leave it alone. Now he was gonna have to explain himself. "Wait what?" It didn't mean he couldn't stall.

"What was that?"

Kiba turned around to face his best friend. "I uh...." He shrugs. "I just thought I'd make you feel better."

"By kissing me?"

"Don't question it, my Mom used to kiss me when I was hurt....." The brunette looked uncomfortably at his feet.

"Oh...." Holding Kiba's hand, he pulls the boy to him, planting a kiss on his best friend in return. This one was much better though. Like everything they did, Tsume always seemed to know what to do and how much better to do it. When Kiba opened his mouth to suck in some air, his best friend captured his tongue giving it a quick suck before he moved away. "Mmm, popcorn."

"Shut up... What was that for?" Kiba asked after a second thought then shoved the tan jerk on the shoulder, regretting it when he saw Tsume raise his hand to hold it. "I'm so-..."

"Forget it." He raised a hand to silence him. "I kissed you because you're hurting because I'm hurt." Tsume shrugged. "No big deal."

Silence. Kiba wanted to ask Tsume to stay over, but after that kiss he wasn't really sure how well that request would go over. After all, they had never kissed before. Never touched each other in any way other than playfully, whether on a private place or not. Are things gonna change now. He wonders. Is Darcia right about us?

Tsume's laugh broke through the boys thoughts. Looking at him, he frowns. "What's so funny?"

"You always dart your eyes to the side when you're thinking too hard... so what were you thinking about?"

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to stay over." He looks down, as his feet have become the most popular thing on the porch again.

"Kiba, you whore. It was just one kiss and already you wanna bring me upstairs." He laughs teasingly.

"Tsume don't make it worse." He meant his embarrassment as he was already blushing.

"I'm sorry..." Turning away, he sighs. "I can't stay over. Remember what my old man said 'go home so your mother doesn't think I kidnapped you'. Like she would want me."

"She's gonna be mad when she sees you like that."

Tsume waved him off. "Naah, she takes one look at me and feels bad for what my dad did. Next thing you know I get something I've always been asking for." He laughed again. "It's actually not a bad set up. When one beats me the other gets me something."

"Yeah but Tsume,"

"Hey, guilt is becoming kind to my people." He winks at the concerned brunette. "Besides, the bear would never let me stay over."


"Night, Kiba."

Realizing that arguing was pointless, he waves to him. "Good night." Watching from the stairs he waited until Tsume was no longer visible before going inside. "Tsume...." He whispers a hand touching his mouth where just moments ago his friend had been. He thinks my fathers yelling at him is worse than his parents beating him... He starts up the stairs. He's been getting hit for so long he thinks what I get is abnormal.... He opens his bedroom door, walks in and flops down on the bed. Someday, we really are gonna run away together. Then maybe when we're alone we can sort out how we really feel about each other. Snuggling into his pillow sleep came over him quickly and that night he had a very unusual dream.

He and Tsume are laying in his bed. Tsume rips his night clothes away, then tears Kiba's off. Grabbing his legs, Tsume slips them around his shoulders then lowers his head down over him. It was better than he would have thought. Normally, when he had wet dreams, he was just pleasuring himself as he had never had anyone in mind when he thought about sex or anything. But tonight, Tsume is there doing the things his hands would usually do to himself but with his mouth.

Where his palm would be tightly pressed is Tsume's tongue, sliding up his member, lips enclosed securely around it. Kiba moans. This was so much better than a hand. Speaking of hands, Tsume's fingers pinched and brushed at his hardened nipples causing him to arch his back off the bed. His breathing picks up, his legs tighten around the taller boys back. "Oh Tsume," he breathes into the air.

His friends mouth left his member, and he came up to his face. He kissed him everywhere, from his eyes to his cheeks then chin. Then oddly enough he licked him, rather sloppily. In the background something was ringing. Scrunching his eyes, they snap open and he looks around. The room is pitch black still, with a little light showing through the curtains. Is it morning? A whimper beside him explained the licking. But what about the ringing? Of course, the phone!

Sitting up, Kiba grabs his phone. "Eeeuw, Ao." Wiping the slobber from his cheek, he held the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"What I tell ya, mom took one look at me goes off on some rant about Dad being a shit head and now," he pauses for effect. "I get to paint my room."


"Don't you get it? No more ugly yellow walls or, gloomy green curtains...." It sounded as though he was frowning because Kiba didn't understand how major this was to him. "I can get my room to look nice like yours."

"Oh." He faked enthusiasm. "I'm... happy for you."

"Yeah right," he could tell the boy rolled his eyes. "Get your ass over here at ten, you're gonna help me."

"Ten? What time is it now?"

"Five thirty-...."

Dial tone. Kiba threw his self back onto the bed, an arm draped over his forehead. "Asshole." But he smiled. It was things like that that showed him that Tsume was effected by little things, and he isn't going to grow up hating the world. But he doesn't have to choose to show him his happiness at five in the morning.

That dream..... Having a dream like that.... it means that... what Darcia said is true. I am falling for Tsume....He felt like the worst friend in the world right then. Tsume would probably sock him if he ever found out, and then he'd call him a 'fag' and that would be the end of that. Kiba didn't think he could be alone. Not after so many years of having Tsume there for him. He let him cry on his shoulder when his mom died. He let him stay over when his father was a drunken swearing maniac a week after that and most of all, he was just there. He didn't care that Kiba could be a little goofy sometimes, or that he tended to say something stupid or not understand things.

Ha. It's all ruined now. All of it....