Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ And though we shouldn't ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Sorry for the late update but they cut my service off for a while. Meanwhile, something’s up with those first two chapters so if you see an update I just fixed that funky 34r or whatever that popped up and that extra space in the second chapter. Hope your liking it so far. Fantasy.


Chapter 3.

What was it about falling for a person that suddenly made everything they say or do attractive? Kiba wasn't sure but he knew being in his friends house was suddenly making him uncomfortable, and he wished that he had a good enough excuse to go home. Maybe he could say he felt sick! That uhh, the paint fumes were getting to him! Or maybe that... Oh who the hell was he kidding, Tsume would never let him leave.

"Dammit." He slumped down to the floor, calling unwanted attention to his self.

Tsume, who is painting the left portion of his wall, turned around to look at him. "What, dammit?"

"Oh nothing." Sighing, he stands then heads back over to the wall he was just painting.

Tsume cocked his head, unsure that Kiba really was upset over nothing but figured that maybe it was just the paint fumes getting to him. So being the good person that he is, he jerked his window open to let some air in. "I saw Darcia earlier when my mom and me went to get the paint." The white haired boy spoke.

"Oh yeah? Did he shit his self?" His eyes gave a quick dart to Tsume before returning to the wall. "I know I would if I saw one of us coming."

"No, we drove by..." A chuckle came from him. "But I made sure I gave him a good enough glare to get my point across."

"Good." The brush ran up the wall, then came back down again leaving a smooth trail of white over the ugly yellow color it once was. "That guys getting to be a little too much of a loose cannon now a days."

"Loose cannon." The other boy laughs.

"Shut up." Kiba flicked his brush at Tsume's back landing a couple stray drops on his blue shirt. "And anyway, do you have a better word for it?"

"Yeah, he's becoming a real shit who needs his ass kicked."

Kiba laughs this time. "Yeah, that's a lot better."

The two boys work quietly for a moment; the ugly room already starting to look good, considering it was just the two of them and they have zero painting experience. Kiba had taken his time coming over to Tsume's, as he dressed he tried thinking up excuses to get out of it. Then he figured the best way to do it was to ask his father if there were anything he could do around the house. But, and the world surprisingly came to no end when he answered, Kiba's father said, 'No.' In fact, he practically shoved him out when he told him that he was heading over to Tsume's to help him paint. Tch. Some help he can be. Usually when Kiba's actually wanted to go out, Quent had a list a mile long for him before he left now suddenly he wants him gone?

Either Quent was abducted by aliens over night, or something was going on that he didn't know about. Another woman? It might be... He could want some private time to call her and set up dates or something... Nah, his father would never date anyone else. He's too cold, too mean... and why not, he just isn't all that much to look at. So aliens, definitely aliens.

"Hey Kiba,"

The brunette jumped out of his skin as well as his thoughts hearing Tsume so close to him all of a sudden. Snapping his head in his direction, he turned his head up a bit to look at the boy.


"About yesterday,"

So he is thinking about the kiss! Did that mean he liked it too and was thinking the same way Kiba was? Or... Did he just want to say it was gross and an accident so let's never do that again?

"....I... I really wanted to stay over last night but.... you know..."

I think I know... Kiba nods in thought but a confused look is written clear across his face.

Smiling, Tsume took a step closer, as if he could get any closer than he already was and looked down at him. He's becoming so handsome. How did Kiba not notice until now? His features are sharper than when he was a kid with a pug nose and skinny lips. In fact, he managed to gain a bit of meat on him. As well as a bit more height. And his hair! Tsume had done what he had set out to do when he was a kid, which was cut his hair, and boy did he. Kiba could guess Ms. Hamada wasn't happy at all when she saw him the next morning.

His long hair was tied off into a pony tail but, at the top it looked as though Tsume were trying to give himself a 'crew cut' and chickened out at the last minute. But somehow, it suited him.

"Maybe you're thinking about something else."

Smirking, though its nervously, Kiba replied with a rather casual, "What else could I be thinking about?"

"You know... that other thing."

Kiba swallowed visibly hard, nodding.

"Then think nothing of it. If it made you uncomfortable," he backed away from him; and for Kiba the space was more than welcoming. "Just forget about it."

Great, now he thinks I think he's gay while I'm not. Kiba mused over this a moment. He could tell Tsume anything, anything at all! But now... He was biting his tongue wondering if he should just come out with it and take the consequences or just shut up and pretend it never happened.

"Lots of parents hit their kids, seriously. Anyway, you wanna know what I saw last night?" Tsume says out of nowhere. He's been doing a lot of that this morning: Rambling. Maybe Tsume was grasping at straws just as badly as he was to find something to get his mind off of the kiss. Meanwhile, it was a blow to Kiba that Tsume wasn't talking about the kiss. Maybe all this grasping was just his way of pretending it never happened.


"A porno."

"So what? We watch them every weekend when my Dad's gone."

"Yeah but this one was different," sticking his brush into the paint, he drags it across the rim to rid it of excess paint then he slaps it against the wall. "These girls were alone- all of 'em."

"Yeah, so?"

"No." Tsume shakes his head. "See, they showed.... a guy."

Kiba was listening.

"And he was... you know, pulling his dick and everything."

Now this was a switch, Tsume uncomfortable with talking about something. Was this gonna be that point in their lives when they switch roles and Tsume looks up to Kiba for everything he knows and does. Scrunching his nose, Kiba figured, Maybe not.

"So I tried it out,"

Kiba faltered with his brush stroke, pushing the bristles too hard into the wall making them separate and splinter out. Gripping the handle a bit tighter, Kiba looked down at his bare feet then over at Tsume who continued to speak.

"....It was... it didn't feel as good as the guy on tv made it out to be." Tsume dropped his brush, walking to his bed to lay down.

"How can you tell?"

Well painting was a lost cause, neither of them seemed to wanna concentrate much on it now. Dropping his brush into the can, Kiba joined his best friend on his bed. It was small, twin sized, but comfortable for two. Kiba wiped his hands on his jeans to make sure there was no paint on them before he let one rest on the comforter and the other rest on his thigh.

"I did everything the guy did on TV, but I got nothing," he shrugged his shoulder. "Then... I don't know- and don't think I'm weird for it or anything,"


"I thought about a couple hours ago at your house and figured, you know, if you're okay with the whole kissing thing then maybe you wouldn't mind... you know..."

"Nnnooo." It was mostly to the question rather than the proposal. Which Kiba wasn't really sure as to what it was.

Tsume looked at his lap, blushing. "I can show you where to put your hands and you can- you know?"

Kiba's eyes scrunched, then widened as he realized what Tsume was driving at. "Oh..."

"You don't have to if you're uncomfortable." He says quickly. "I was just asking." Slipping from his bed, he strode back to the spot where he was painting. "Sorry for asking."

Kiba couldn't believe his luck! Tsume wants him to touch him. And since his dear friend just thinks of it as experimenting, he wouldn't be offended if Kiba were to saayyy, kiss him again. Tsume would never have to know and he could have his own make believe relationship for a while. "....I'll do it."

Tsume paused with his brush stroke. "You will?" Turning around, he gave him the long side eye. "And you wouldn't like... get all weird on me afterward? Because this is just to test it out, I'm not hitting on you or anything."

"No, of course not!" Kiba stated quickly and a little louder than he would have liked. Lowering his voice, he added. "We're best friends, if we can't do this together than what can we do?"

"Get girl friends," he scoffs.

"Yeah but," the brunette sits up on the bed patting it. "Girls always laugh at guys, talk about them when its over.... it's better to know ahead of time what to do."

Tsume looks at his bedroom door; his mother is right downstairs, they could keep quiet enough. Crossing the, now cleared from its usual junk pile, bedroom. Tsume closed and locked his door. As though all life beyond the door no longer existed, Tsume undid his belt then his pants, dropping them to the floor.

Kiba blushed instantly. Its been a while since they saw each other naked. Kids walk around like bare is the only way to be, but since then clothes have always been left in tact. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

Tsume climbed onto his bed. He lay down on his back, head against the pillow, risen a bit by the head board. "Give me your hands," Kiba looked down at his hands before handing them over to his friend. Tsume placed them on his penis, one at the base and the other at the top. "The guy was squeezing the bottom and..." he thought for a moment. "Rubbing the top with his thumb, I guess."

Kiba felt so embarrassed all of a sudden. "I feel like such an ass."

"Hahaha, you look like one too." Sitting up, Tsume grabbed his friend by the hips and sat him down over his legs just below his member. "That's better."

The embarrassed, yet strangely comfortable, brunette looked away. "Should I take my pants off too or no...?"

"You can if you want to."

Those are tricky words to manage... what if he gets uncomfortable when I do? Kiba bit his bottom lip, as he thought.


He turned his head feeling a soft hand touch his cheek. "Y- yeah?"

"I trust you, take 'em off."

Sliding from the bed, Kiba nervously fumbled with his zipper and belt. Yanking his pants off, he kicks them under the bed then climbs back onto his best friend. Grabbing his flaccid member just as he had showed him before, Kiba began to slip his hands up and down. Tsume shuddered a bit so Kiba assumed he was doing it right. Pulling a bit harder at the base, though, making the hand on top brush over the head a little more gently he was rewarded with a moan from the white haired teen.

Tsume's eyes closed as his mouth parted. Kiba looked down at his friend, smiling in secret. Maybe he could get away with this for a while. Leaning over, he pressed his nose against the other boys tight, mostly from all the activity they do in a day rather then working out, abs scooting his blue shirt up. Tsume's eyes shot open from the action and he looked down. "Kiba?" He starts but quickly shut up when he felt a moist tongue caressing his now bare chest. His eyes closed again as shivers chased each other up and down his spine. At this point, Tsume could only think of one thing: Just feel.

The brunette played with the nub at the top of the tanned chest, biting it, stabbing it with the tip of his tongue and sucking it a bit when he thought he had bitten down too hard. Kiba's hands never faltered as he jerked away at the, now solid as a rock, member in his grasp. Tsume was getting a bit loud though, don't wanna alert his mother to anything. Moving a bit higher, Kiba pulled his best friends lower lip into his mouth and they ravaged each other in a kiss.

This kiss seemed to want to prove something. Maybe a stronger trust, bond... emotion. Something! Neither boy was sure as to what though. They just didn't want to stop. Tsume wrapped his arms around Kiba's shoulders; Kiba, not wanting to be out done, took his hands from Tsume's shaft to grab him on his sides. But that didn't mean the feeling below would stop. Kiba moved his hips up a bit, sitting directly onto his friends member. They ground into each other as though they were the last people on earth and realized they haven't experienced everything.

Cheeks, lips, forehead, neck- just about anywhere their mouths could land the two boys kissed each other. Their moans were light, almost like they didn't have it in them because they were in so much of a head rush to make audible sounds that they are aware of.

A few more circles of the hips, a thumb or two across the chest before the two held tightly to each other watching the whiteness clear into a bunch of vivid colors that made up Tsume's bedroom. They lay there, in each others arms catching their breaths.

"Kiba," Tsume said, fingering the boys brown mess. "You're hairs growing like a weed." his breath was still a little wispy, blowing said hair gently.

"I know... I kind of like it."

They laughed a bit, still holding onto the other. Kiba sighed, pushing himself up he looked into his friends golden eyes.

"We..." Kiba began, though his throat was dryer than a desert. "We can't do this again, can we?"

Tsume shook his head, looking guilty of something.

"Boooys! How are you doing up there!?" Tsume's mother called.

"Shit!" Yanking his shirt over his head, Tsume pushed it between their legs cleaning them up the best he could.

Kiba watched him attentively, before it started to register what was happening. "Shit," sliding from his friends legs he grabbed his jeans and boxers. Then crossed the room to retrieve Tsume's. "Here, hurry up!" He whispered in a hushed tone.

"Like you have to tell me that!" Tsume hissed back.

The two boys worked quickly slipping into their jeans. Tsume snatched up a new shirt from his dresser, kicking the dirty one under the bed. They had just finished adjusting their clothes, when the door thumped from Ms. Hamada bumping into it.

"Boys, you locked the door." She sounds a bit drunk.

"Um... yeah, we didn't want the fumes to go downstairs." Tsume shrugged seeing the face Kiba shot him.

"Oh, don't worry about me." The woman said. "Come on, open up. I wanna see how it looks."

Opening the door, Tsume stepped back so his mother could come in.

"It's nice... though personally, I would rather you have picked a nicer color like blue maybe."

"I don't think so."

There was silence for sometime. Until finally Kiba cleared his throat to get to the exit that the tall woman blocked. "Excuse me."

"Oh, bye dear."

"Bye Ms. Hamada," a quick glance in his friends direction, Kiba mutters. "Bye Tsume."

"See ya."

Kiba would run if he didn't think he was being watched by both mother and son. But the moment he hit the corner he took off. The way he felt only moments ago was still with him. It would be for a while. It was the first time, regardless being sixteen, watching porn and joking about, Kiba had ever felt any type of sexual feeling. It was both a little scary and exciting. Did everyone go through this? Darcia has sex. Maybe he could give him a break and not beat his ass for nearly getting his and Tsume's teeth knocked out by that guy at the theater. After all, they'd probably have done the same thing to him anyway.

I'll ask him next time I see him... But I won't mention Tsume. He decided right away. I'll tell him it's some girl I met. He'll believe that if I tell him she lives in the next town. Kiba opened the front door to his house. Looking around, he located his father in the kitchen on the phone. Maybe he does have a girlfriend?

"Not at all, he'll love it there."

Love it where? He approached the kitchen slowly.

"Hahaha, here he comes right now." Holding the phone out to him, Kiba took it with suspicion. "It's your aunt Cher."

"Aunt Cher?" He wondered a moment why she would be calling him. But he had said he'd write to her, maybe his father was making him make up for lost time. "Hello?"

"Kiba, you sound so old now!" Was the first thing she spat out. Cher is a Yaiden, his mother had no brothers or sisters. "When I knew you, you were barely hitting puberty. How are you?"

"I'm fine aunt Cher. Nothing new with me."

"Are you still getting in trouble with that friend of yours?" She paused a moment. "What was his name?"


"Yes, that's right."

"Sometimes, but not recently." He lied. They had sorta gotten in trouble just last night.

"My but time does fly," Cher went on. "Your cousin talks about you all the time. He adores you Kiba, you must have had some impact on him when we came to visit you seven years ago."

Kiba sighed. "Yeah, we had lots of fun." He rolled his eyes. By 'lots of fun' he meant stuffing the six year old runt into his toy chest and leaving him there.

"I would love it if you came to visit me sometime. You've never been to Sweden before have you?"

You know I haven't. He was biting on his tongue now. "No, not recently- wait, you live where?"

"Sweden. Didn't Quent tell you?" Cher sounded a bit annoyed but brushed it off in her next sentence. "I got married over the spring to the man I had your cousin with. He was always away, but he finally managed to settle down with me. Your uncle can't wait to meet you."

"Yeah, sounds great. I might consider that sometime." Lying through his teeth now.

"Wonderful!" She was practically blinding him through the phone she was beaming so brightly. "Put Quent back on, I still need to talk with him."

Kiba let the phone dangle in his hand. Quent took it pushing him from the kitchen for being a smart ass to his sister. Kiba didn't care, he had better things to think about, things like... the next time he could get alone with Tsume- hell, Tsume in general. He had so many things he wanted to ask. Could they be each others first? Did they have sex just then or was there more to it. Kiba was pretty sure there was supposed to be a connection somewhere, unless that was just with women. How do two men have sex together? Surely Tsume must know, he knows everything. But then again, both sex and homosexuality are new to them.

Kiba's heard this and that about a couple from one town, but not much. And anyway it's two women. What about men?

If I ask Tsume, he'll get the wrong idea about me for sure- even if it is true... I think I'd better stick to asking Darcia about sex, and maybe search the net for the rest. With that plan in mind, he headed upstairs to his bedroom to gather showering supplies. It's better to eat when you're clean and not about to smell like yours and someone else’s passion.