Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Breakfast At Toboe's ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: How the hell do you spell crème of wheat? Is it cream or crème? I haven’t seen that junk in years. Enjoy the chapter, it’s short but it’s supposed to be that way. Fantasy


Chapter 10.

Kiba had a good dream that night. It was somewhere along the lines of him going home, receiving the best sex ever from his boyfriend. The one they were supposed to have before he was shipped off to a foreign country to be punished for something he wasn't sure he did. Oh yeah..... Groaning, Kiba opens one eye than the other. Light from the window streamed in on his face, making his eyes scrunch.

Could have sworn I closed the curtains last night. Rolling in the direction the curtains weren't, he stares at the closet door instead. A sweet scent caught his nose, he wasn't sure what that smell was. Cinnamon? Maybe Syrup? He could hear that funny language they call Swedish which meant the, whatever Hubb's last name is, family was awake. Better make an appearance before they send the runt to come get me.

Slipping out of bed, he wandered down the hall to the bathroom, scratching his stomach as he went. Luckily the door was wide open and he didn't have to wait or knock to confirm that it is actually empty and someone just closed the door to be cute. After emptying his bladder, he walks back into the bedroom and into the closet. His clothes are still in the suitcase where he left them; Kiba assumed he would put them up later. Picking out a light gray shirt he then snatches a pair of black jeans from under the next layer of clothing.

Once dressed, he dropped his pajamas into the suitcase like they are some kind of trade off for the outfit that he chose. Stretching his arms up over his head, he drops them without a care then walks out into the hall and down the stairs. Just as he thought, the family is running about the kitchen fixing a, what had to be for him, lavish breakfast. There is really fat toast, strawberry in a jar; a puff of steam is coming out which meant its been heated up. Orange juice poured in a glass waits at the table beside each seat and there is also a bowl of what had to be creme of wheat beside each glass.

Toboe is already seated looking over a comic strip in the newspaper laughing about one of the jokes. So, this is what a real family looks like. Mom on the cell, Dad cooking breakfast, and standard little brother laughing over a comic strip... It's nice. Smiling he walks over to the table and sits down across from Toboe.

"Good morning, Kiba!"

"I see you're loud even this early." The boy replies.

Toboe merely laughs before returning to his paper. Hubb turned the stove off just as Cher got off the phone then the two of them sit down. Toboe left his comic strip for dead and began to eat his breakfast as well. Feeling a little out of place, he started in on his cream of wheat. The stuff wasn't bad, it was a little too gruel-like for his taste but in all not bad. Sipping his orange juice, he watched as his cousin snapped up a piece of toast with his fork.

"Get some toast Kiba," he says when he notices he's being watched. "We've got lots of syrup."

"Eeew, who eat syrup on toast." His face scrunches in distaste.

"We do." They all say, though, not at the same time.

"No thanks."

"Oh stop being a baby and eat some," Cher says. With her fork she drops two on a plate for the boy, then slathers it with the strawberry jelly and tops it off with a large glob of whipped cream. "You're a growing boy. You'll love it."

Looking it over, he frowns. He usually has toast with butter and leaves it alone. Not to mention his toast is a lot thinner than this stuff. Is everything big in this country? Big beds, big bathrooms, big food. Well, it probably won't kill me. Cutting a corner, he opens his mouth after a reassuring sigh then takes a bite. Chewing his mouth is quickly brought into heaven.

Toboe laughs, looking at his mother. "I think he likes it."

"Wonderful!" She clasps her hands together. "Get your strength gathered because Hubb and I have work in a little bit and you have to watch your cousin for us."


"Mm hmm, Hubb and I both work."

"Oh... who watches him normally?" He takes another bite of the large toast.

Toboe scoffs, shaking his head. "Some big jerk that I wish would get fired."

"Honey don't say that." His mother warns. "He says those things because he wants to take care of his self. He thinks he's too old for a sitter."

"He's thirteen. I was on my own at seven."


Cher rolled her eyes. "I very much doubt that, you were always with Tsume and your father told me that if you spent time with him, he knew where you were and that someone was watching you."

Ouch. His eye twitched. Talk about a slap in the face. Shaking it off, he shrugs. "Yeah but, by the time I was Toboe's age I-..."

Hubbs eyes widened and he looked as though he were about to have a heart attack. Kiba didn't know what he was so worked up for, he wasn't planning on saying anything about that, the taboo, the untouchable.

"I was out on the streets, buying my own candy and hanging out in town all day."

Cher threw her hands into the air. "I give up. I should have known boys will always take each others side."

"That's not true." Replies the only brunette at the table. "I do think that, I'm a bit more mature than Toboe, so maybe he does still need supervision- but not if he's just spending the day at home."

His aunt seemed to be considering that. Toboe looked thoughtfully at his cousin; Kiba smiled back. It was nice to help people, especially if it meant Hubb would have a heart attack. After all, his father did say give him hell and since he decided to be so blunt about him infecting his cousin, he wouldn't hold back.

"We're going on a tour, mom. I'm gonna show Kiba all the sights."

"How nice, be sure to show him that thousand year old statue in the park." She mentions. "He'll love it."


"Um, Kiba." Hubb says out of the blue.


"You didn't bring any sweaters, did you?"

You know I don't own any damned sweaters. Shaking his head, he answers. "No."

"Well, if you want, you can borrow some of mine until we can go shopping for some." He stands, wipes his mouth with his napkin before placing it over his empty plate, then heads for the sink with it. "I'll go bring some down."

"Okay." Watching as Hubb exited the kitchen, Kiba turns back to his aunt with a frown. "Aunt Cher, why is he being such an ass to me?" He spoke in Japanese; Kiba was almost positive he wasn't allowed to swear around the precious Toboe, just as much as he isn't allowed to be gay around him.

"You're uncle isn't being an ass." She wipes her mouth as well. "He just has different beliefs than you and me."

"Like what?"

"We're more forgiving and understanding about certain things, he wasn't raised that way."

"I would have thought so."

"Honey, you be as gay as the next man here. I give you my blessings."

"And what about Toboe?"

"Go on dates." She waved a hand as though it were that simple a solution.

"I don't want to 'go on dates'. I'm with Tsume." He confirmed. "I mean, it wasn't officially said or anything, but I'm almost positive he isn't back at home with some guy on his hands and knees."

Cher looked at him, then smiled. "I love that you can be so blunt around you're aunt, but" patting his back, she stands. "There isn't much I can do about beliefs. Just be sneaky about your," leaning close to his ear, she says in a teasing way. "Burning phone sex."

Mortified, Kiba drops his mouth in outright disgust. "Aunt Cher!?"

The woman just laughed, and cleared her dishes as well as her sons. "I have to go now, bye sweetie." Leaning over she kisses her son on the cheek. In the meantime, the syrup from his plate slid onto his lap without her noticing. Toboe merely looked down and fingered it up into his mouth. Bleh.

"Take good care of your cousin and for Gods sake don't let the boy get lost. He'll be a sitting duck."

"I won't, mum. Bye."

She brushes her lips across Kiba's forehead on her way out of the kitchen. "And you don't lose your cousin on purpose. I know how teenagers are. I'm your fathers sister after all."

"I won't lose him." He grabs another piece of toast.

"Here you go." Hubb walked back in, looking over his shoulder at his exiting wife at the front door. "I picked out a black one to match your pants."

"Thank you." Taking a hold of it, he slips it over his head. It's a little big, but at least he wouldn't freeze. The sweater, Kiba thinks, is probably Hubbs way of saying he's sorry. Well it's gonna take a lot more than a bit of warmth to make up for being so rude the other night. And if he wants to corrupt Toboe, he ca-... Last night?

A quick flash of the boy in the spare room went through his mind. He thought he had dreamed it, but, his dream was of Tsume which means... His little cousin was looking at internet porn! Looking at Toboe, who was so innocent right now as he cleaned up his dishes, didn't seem like the curious type at all. Kiba couldn't help but wonder when all that had started exactly. For him and Tsume it was the same way, he saw something and they messed around with it. But Toboe.... Nah, it didn't compute.

"We'll leave when Leara comes over." He says to Kiba. "I'm gonna get dressed."

Kiba almost shouted for the boy not to leave; he did not want to be stuck talking to Hubb alone. Always checking up on what he's been saying or doing. Kiba could tell his uncle was that kind of man.

"Is it comfortable?" Hubb asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, its fine." Turning his nose up a bit, Kiba wondered how his uncle would react if he knew about his sons night activities. Tch. Jerk would probably be happy if anything.

Hubb fidgets a moment; he truly doesn't know how to talk to Kiba. Mostly because he's a teenager and he isn't quite there yet with his son. Another reason is that he thinks the boy hates him, and with the way he shamelessly attacked him he wouldn't be surprised if it were true. "Kiba?"

"Hm?" He's in the process of clearing his plate.

"I... I just wanted to-.. to tell you that... it's okay that you're gay. Really." He swallows hard. "I like you a lot, please don't think otherwise."

Kiba could see it all now; his aunt snatching this man off the street ordering him to be her husband and do everything she says. Hubb is way too much of a pushover for him to have asked her and his aunt is so domineering that he wouldn't stand a chance at life without her. Hn. Maybe I should cut the guy some slack for that department. Turning around to save him, he smiles; it's tiny, but it'll do. "I know... uncle," the words made his tongue burn but he said them. "I was just surprised that's all."


"Yeah, that you would think I would do something to my cousin."

Hubb looked shaken a moment, like he were punched. "I'm sorry." He bowed his head.

"It's okay... don't worry about it." Kiba looked at the ceiling wondering what the hell was taking the boy so long to get dressed. He remembered when he started taking a long time to dress. But there is no way a thirteen year old would be doing that. Or would he?

"I'm here!" He announced. The young boy is dressed in a light sweater and a scarf. Kiba saw no reason for the scarf because it isn't snowing and didn't look as though it planned to. "Leara should be here any minute so-..."

The door bell interrupts him, and he dashes to the door. Kiba followed reluctantly after his cousin to meet this friend of his because he knew he would have to get it over with eventually.

"Have a good day!" Hubb calls after him.

Kiba raised a hand in response, continuing his way out of the kitchen.

"And he really likes french toast." He heres Toboe saying.

"I thought that was Swedish?" He says mostly to himself.

"This is him! Isn't he great!" Toboe was saying before he got up to the two of them.

This girl, Leara, looked him over with awe. She has never seen a boy so handsome. His blue eyes, dark hair, even his height impressed her! Toboe looked like a proud sheep herder that knew he would get a bundle for his wool. "Wow." Was all she could get out.

"Hahaha, say something Kiba."

Rolling his eyes with a sigh, he slips his sneakers on. "Are we leaving or not?"

If possible, Leara's eyes bugged out more. "Wow!"

Hubb watched from the kitchen as the door closed after the happy little threesome. If he knew anything about teenagers and little kids going out together; for Kiba it would be a complete disaster.