Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Peeping Yaiden's ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 9.

Kiba scooped onto his plate a helping of thirds. The food is actually good! In fact, he didn't see an end to his binging on it until it actually ran out. Cher was ecstatic; she actually didn't think her favorite nephew would like the food. Growing up in Japan she's eaten many different things but once getting to Sweden and having the menu change it was a bit strange at first but shortly after she found herself loving it just as much as Kiba seems to.

"Do you like it?"

"Totemo oishii-..."

"Kiba! Don't be rude!" His aunt corrects.

"Sorry." Looking to the maker of the food, Kiba comments. "It's very good."

Hubb smiles, humbled by the compliment, though, more than flattered. "Thank you. You can eat as much as you like, I can always make more if we run out."

"Mm hmm, and this is how my son gained fifteen pounds when visiting his uncle when he was younger. I swear he came back a little butter ball."

"No I didn't!" Persist her frazzled son, giving a glance to his cousin to make sure he didn't believe her. "I was my normal weight... I think...? And anyway, uncle Quent gave me a lot of yummy snacks at his house, I couldn't just say no."

"Toboe, what are you so excited for?" Asks his mother. "I'm not gonna embarrass you."


"Anyway, Kiba?"

Looking up, he arches a brow. "Hm?"

"What's this about you being gay?"

Hubb seemed to choke on his glass of water for a moment, once recovered he pokes his wife on the shoulder. "Cher, I thought we weren't going to discuss that in front of-.." he cocks his head at his son.

"Oh, that's right?" Cher nods. "Because if we do our son will catch the sickness."

"What sickness?" Asks Toboe. "Mom, what is gay? Is that in Japanese." He continued to probe her. "Because that's not fair if it is."

"It doesn't matter sweet heart," handing her son the plate of food she ate from she then adds. "Take this to the sink, get yourself a piece of pie and go watch television."

Taking the plate from his mother, Toboe's face reassembles a kicked dog. "You never let me watch tv while I'm eating, you always say 'you're gonna make a mess'."

"Well now I'm saying that you won't." Waving a hand at him, she smiled. "Now go ahead. We'll be in once we clean up."

"Okay... but I'm watching tv in my room."

"Fine. Even better."

Toboe wasn't really sure what was going on, or why all of a sudden his mother was allowing him to eat anywhere other than the kitchen with something that didn't in the least resemble a cookie or a piece of hard candy that would remain in his mouth. But he knew it had something to do with Kiba being 'gay' whatever that is.

"Come up to my room later, okay Kiba?" Taking the plates to the sink, he then gets a slice of marble cake, pours himself a cup of milk then heads by his family into the living room. "You can check out my games."

"Okay." Kiba answers, flatly. He knew what was coming. Something along the lines of 'Keep your faggot habits away from our son' or some other such nonsense. He could handle it, after all he's been waiting for disapproval from someone and since he wasn't getting it from his father- which he still thought was odd- why not receive it from his loving aunt and 'wannabe' uncle.

When Toboe was safely out of ear shot the two adults turned to the teen with faces that said 'Now don't take this the wrong way' which Kiba probably would. But he had yet to hear what it is.

"Kiba, this was completely Hubb talking, I think it's cute that you like boys." His aunt said to save herself.

"I like men Aunt Cher." Corrects the accused. "And not even that, I just like one guy."

"Is it that cute boy Darcia who used to sniff around you and Tsume all the time?" Grabbing her chin, she smiled. "He has the nicest eyes. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, but it's not him. It's Tsume."

"That's even better; best friends falling in love always works out."

Hubb felt like a fifth wheel just trying to hang on as the conversation went from understandable to Japanese. It wasn't that his nephew was being rude, he supposed the boy just couldn't help it. And he could tell his wife was doing it out of habit as well. It took Cher a bit to learn Swedish and he would always slip up when talking to her. But now the woman can be more fluent than a natural speaker.

"I don't mean to cut in but," the two turned their attention to him. It was kind of intimidating. "Uh... I... I don't know how to say this, so I may as well just come right out and say it." Still, he hesitates. Looking at the table while drawing his fingers together he frowns. "It's Toboe,"

"I got that much." Says Kiba in a rude tone.

"We haven't exposed him to... such a life style, thinking that... well, better unsaid so never thought of."

"Uh huh."

"So it took us by surprise that you're.... you know a um-.."


"Homosexual.... I hope you understand, I've been raised this way. It isn't you- I mean, I don't know what things are like in Japan but here... we just don't teach our kids that that sort of behavior is normal."

Cher slaps her husbands arm. "Don't be rude." Looking to her nephew. "Honey, you live however you want but..." she raised a finger to the pained man sitting next to her, who was about to object. "Hubb would rather you didn't put any ideas in Toboe's head."

"I understand."

"Oh, Kiba-..."

He stands, lifting a hand to silence the woman. "It's okay, really. I didn't come here to meet people." He looks to his 'uncle' "And with no one to meet, there's no need for me to expose your holy son to my lifestyle." Looking to his aunt, he smiles politely. "May I be excused?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." Walking around to her side of the table, he kisses his aunt on the cheek. "I wish I'd gotten you something before we came out."

"It's okay. Just you being here is enough." She gives him a quick hug. "Now, go play with your cousin."

Nodding, he walks out of the kitchen hearing his uncle say something like 'he hates me' in his native tongue. Not sure what he said he just kept on going. When Kiba got upstairs he looked around for Toboe. The boy was laughing so hard it was more than easy to locate him in his bedroom.

Knocking first, he let his self in knowing that his over eccentric cousin would be more than happy that he finally came upstairs to play with him. As expected Toboe was on his feet the moment he saw who was at his door.

"Kiba!" He always greets him as though he can't remember that he's at his house. "You... you wanna play video games with me? I have a lot of good ones."

"Sure." He tried to put on his best smile. What Hubb said bothered him a little bit. It made him wonder if the man has a hatred for all gay people and if so does that mean that he doesn't like him and will treat him like dirt whenever his aunt isn't around. Maybe he was making too big a deal out of it. The guy seems like a traditional family man, which means if he has a kid he expects grandchildren. Typical.

"How 'bout this one?" He picks out a cd casing, showing it to him. "This ones really fun. It even has the word party in it, so you know it's fun."

"Okay." Sitting down beside the boy, he grabs a controller. He remembers video games, barely, him and Tsume kind of grew away from them since they had better things to do outdoors, and once they did decide to come in it was always too late to enjoy it any further than sleep. His father forgave a lot when it came to the time Kiba came home, but that only applied when he got older. He thinks it's a boys right to show up at home late. Kiba can't help but wonder how things would be if his mother were still around. But that's another story.

The game began kind of slow, Kiba continually forgot which button did what for this particular game and then just when he got things going Toboe killed him. The game itself is rather simple; place a bomb down and hope to ice someone in the process. But, you also had the option to blow up some of the siding in order to get to your opponent and on the way you could pick up things to make your little psycho bomber, whatever it is, stronger.

"Oh my god, I won!" Kiba shouted. He couldn't believe it! After all that whining he was about to do, not to mention unplug the twerps controller, he finally managed to win all by his self. "Let's play again." Starting it over in a new area, this place was a little harder, there was some freaky train that road around the tracks and killed the little guy if he were standing in the way. Kiba watched out for that but he also noticed that anytime the train hit a bomb it would explode. He knew how to win this one.

Toboe hid his bomber in the corner behind a block, but he didn't realize that Kiba wasn't going to aim for that block. Just as Kiba's blue bomber went to put his plan into action, Toboe dropped a bomb, turning his man around once the guy picked it up then he tossed it over the wall! The bomb landed right on Kiba's head, knocking out nearly all the items he had picked up along the way.

"You're cheating!"

"I'm not cheating!" Protest the boy. "If you didn't know he could do that-..."

"It's so easy to say that when you know about everything in the game, and I don't." Snaps the older male.

Toboe narrowed his eyes at his cousin. "I... I don't wanna play anymore." Leaning over he turns off the game, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout.

Mimicking the boys position, he looks over at his desk. "You have a phone?" He asks.

"Yeah!" He pipes up, all his anger from before washed away. "My mom figures since I call Leara so much, I might as well get my own line."

"You're lucky for thirteen." The two of them were quiet a minute. "Can I use it?"

"Wow... it's pretty cool to have people asking me to use things. I feel kind of... grown up." Smiling, triumphantly he crawls over to his desk and drags the phone back with him. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Kiba couldn't help but think that having a cousin, well an older cousin wouldn't be so bad after all. At least until the boy put his chin on his shoulder as though he planned on listening to the entire conversation. Instead of saying something, he shrugged his shoulder to 'shoo' him away.

The phone rings several times before he finally gets an answer on the other end. "What is it?" Barks Tsume in his usual tone when he isn't sure of who's calling him.

"It's me."

"Me who?"

Kiba scoffs. "Me, who?"

"Tsume, don't tel-..."

"I know who you are!" Rolling his eyes through a sigh, he speaks again. "I was just beginning to think that you weren't gonna call, it's been two days already- nearly three."

"I didn't think I'd be missed so much." Teases the brunette. "Besides give a guy some plane time, dinner time... it's late here."

"How late? What time is it?"

Looking at the wall clock; Toboe doing the same, he replies. "7:40 pm."

"It's only 4 o'clock over here."


Toboe listened attentively but he could only understand some of what is being said. But since Kiba looked at the time, he could guess that he mentioned something about that.

"Are you surrounded right now, or can we talk freely."

"Why?" He smirks mischievously. "You planning on saying something fresh that my aunt might hear me respond to."

"Maybe." He had the same flirtatious tone, only his sounded a bit more natural toned than Kiba's. "You won't believe what my parents wanted to meet for."


He was silent. It sounded as though he were getting something from somewhere in his bedroom then he picked up the phone again. "I have to get a job at my dad's worthless ass store. Can you believe it?" He snaps the paper over the receiver of the phone as though it's proof that he isn't lying. "Not only that, the old man wants me to live with him from now on. As if that's gonna keep me from being bad!"

"Wow.... Sorry."

"Tch. Yeah right." Though Tsume knew his friends sympathy was genuine. "Life is getting so fucking screwed up... but you know what the worst part of it is?"


"That you and me are separated." Kiba's heart fell into his stomach. That fact hasn't even hit him yet and Tsume sounded well into the stages of first time loss. "I mean, even if all this shit came up right now, I could get over it because you were here... and now you're thousands of, fucking, miles away."

Poor Tsume, I mean, sure- the guy's my cousin and she's my aunt and Hubb, well... he's Hubb. But they're family and people I can talk to. Tsume has no one but Darcia and the two of them don't really see eye to eye without me there as ref. "I'll call you everyday." That was the best he could do. He wasn't sure if his aunt had a computer and even if she did, Tsume doesn't so what would be the point.

"I don't think so pal, I said 'I miss you' not like I'm a basket case that needs babying." Retorts his pale haired friend. "Call me once a week. Do you know how long you're staying there?"

"Dad says a month."

"Good. Than you can call me once a week."


They seemed fine with that. Kiba thought that Tsume was ready to hang up, but he spoke again. "How is the runt? He giving you trouble yet?"

"Toboe? Ha... you remember him, and hasn't he always given us trouble?"

"Yeah. I remember when he came to visit, you told him we'd go for ice cream and you locked him in that chest of yours."

"Hahaha. I don't think it was like that, but pretty close."

"Listen. I'm leaving. I'm gonna sulk some more before I have to start my new job."

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow, of course. Old man runs a tight schedule and he can't wait to boss me around." The sound of paper ripping is in the background. "I'll hear from you. Bye."

"Bye." Hanging up, he looked at his cousin who is staring back. "What?"

"I heard my name, what did you say?"

"I said, that you're... the only good thing about this trip aaand, that we had fun."


He stands. "Yeah.... I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"But it's only seven! And you just took a nap not too long ago."

Popping the boy on the head, he messes up the perfectly groomed head of hair. "You know nothing about jet lag, it weighs on you."


"Good night."

"Good night."

The young boy watches his cousin walking out the door. He didn't want to, but he had to ask. "Hey Kiba,"


"How do you say-...?"

"Oyasumi nasai."

Smiling, he nods. "Thanks. You're the best."

"Whatever you say." Closing the door, he takes a breather. Kid is such a pain.


Kiba lay in bed tossing and turning. It isn't that he can't sleep, he's been doing that for hours now. It was that he had somehow managed to wake up in the middle of the night and in the midst of trying to fall back to sleep he realized that he had to pee.

Getting out of bed, he tugs on his clothes. It isn't his fault that hearing Tsume's voice flicked his members on switch, it was just... a passing activity to get him a little more tired, after all eight o'clock is hardly a suitable time to fall asleep when you get to be Kiba's age.

Walking out into the hall, he looks left than right. Now which way is the bathroom. Tip toeing left, he peeks into an open door. Closet. Going to the next door, he tried the knob but it was locked. Aunt Cher's room. Turning around, he goes back the other way. Uncarpeted floor, short distance type feeling, dripping faucet. Bingo.

Stepping into the bathroom he leaves off the light. When he was a boy, he could remember his father getting pissed at him for 'waking his sensitive eyes' by turning on the bathroom light. He figured the same would go with this house. It was a short relief regardless the sleep it tried to take from him. Now to slip back to my room undetected. Just as he made his way down the hall a gentle sound of clicking caught his ear. Hm?

Stepping closer to the door, he peeked into a cracked door and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He saw his, little, thirteen year old cousin sitting at a desk before a glowing computer monitor. It wasn't so much that that Kiba found eye popping. It's the fact that the boy has his hand in his pants making a motion that any teenaged boy knows very well. When he heard the boy stifle a moan, he backed out without a sound and crept back to his bedroom. That was all he needed was to be creeped out the rest of the time there.... worst of all- never get another hard-on again.