Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Like a door knob ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8.

The kitchen, Kiba muses, is the nicest thing he's seen so far. From the living room with all its little statuettes and figurines, not to mention the old furniture which gave it a surprisingly cozy feeling. Kiba found the kitchen to be best. Mostly because of the color of the walls: A, luke warm, blue. The kitchen table is: White painted wood with a matching set of chairs that are seated with a floral cushion for comfort. The table at his house is nothing like this, in fact, the whole kitchen is nothing like this one.

A low tapping called Kiba's attention away from admiring the mini bar in the center of the kitchen, and he sees his cousin tapping the side of a silver tea kettle.

"It's still pretty hot," he turns with a smile as bright as the sun, after the clouds parted from a particularly rainy day. "You want some cocoa?"

Cocoa? He was unsure of what that was in Japanese. So it would take him a minute to answer. Toboe reached into a thin box that had a mug filled with brown liquid drawn onto it. Oh! "Yeah, sure."

"Ha, awesome!" He cheered as though he'd made it his self and was dying for someone to taste his creation. "You'll like this kind, it's really sweet." He moves about the kitchen like a Bee on crack and the whole area is littered with flowers to pollinate. First, he grabs two mugs. Next, he gets out a carton of milk. Then he pours the two of them a drink, returns the milk after pouring it into one cup and on his way back from the refrigerator he gets a bucket of some type of long cookie from the cupboard.

Kiba watches him a moment waiting to see where he would move to next before taking a seat when his cousin set the mugs down on the counter of the mini bar. Pulling up a stool, the Yaiden boy looks down into his drink. Across from him, his smiling cousin is watching his every move, obviously waiting on the answer to his comment about it being 'good'. Lifting the mug, he blows on it a bit watching as the steam drifts across the counter to Toboe. Bringing the rim to his lips he takes a sip, quickly swallowing what has to be the thickest thing he's ever drank in his life.


"It's good.... A little rich for my taste, but good."

"Wow. You and me are so much alike," he slips down from his stool, spinning it so he doesn't bang his legs on the counter base. "I'll get you some milk to thin it out."


Tugging open the left door of the stainless steel refrigerator, Toboe grabs the milk and brings it over to the bar. "Hey Kiba?"

"Hm?" Picking up the carton Kiba pours a good amount of milk into his cocoa until it turns a pale color of brown.

Waiting for his cool, full blood, Japanese cousin to finish he asks. "How do you say 'Milk' in Japanese?"

"Milk?" He blinks. "Gyuu Nyuu. It means, cow's milk."

Slipping the milk back into the fridge, he returns to his seat in front of Kiba. "Awesome... I'll bet you know everything in Japanese."

I should think so, I speak it. What an idiot. Thinks Kiba. As a second thought, he noticed that his cousin has been speaking English since he and his father arrived. Why does he still do it now. "Do you speak any Japanese?"

Toboe licked his mouth, stirring his drink in thought. "Well, I can say some things like, 'Hello' and 'How are you' but...." he shrugs a bony shoulder. "Mom kind of stopped teaching me after she and Dad decided to get married. I don't even hear Japanese unless Mum- I mean, my Mom talks to Uncle Quent." He blushed at his choice of wording, sure that Kiba would laugh if he called his mother, 'Mum', like he usually does.

Kiba seemed not to notice. "So Aunt Cher just tells you to speak Swedish all the time?"

"Not all the time, sometimes we speak English."

"I could have guessed that, yours is a lot better than mine."

That made his day. "You really think so! Cause I think yours is really cool... you've got an accent better than mine." He laughs a second. "I always sound like I've got a stuffy nose."

Is that his explanation for his voice, I thought puberty just went the other way and made him higher. Smirking at his private joke, he takes a sip of cocoa to hide his mouth so Toboe wouldn't ask what was so funny. Bringing the drink down, he sighs. The heat was really comforting and it seemed like he hadn't slept in ages. He can never sleep right sitting up. So on the plane he was awake the entire time.

"Do you still have a dog?" The excitable boy looks around like Ao would just come strolling into the kitchen at mention of his species. "Mom said you have a big dog."

"Yeah, Ao... he's at home with a friend of mine."

"Hm... I guess it wouldn't matter anyway. My Dad's allergic to dog fur."

"Sucks for you, huh."

"Does Ao mean anything?"

"It's a kind of blue..." Kiba runs his finger around the rim of the glass. "My Dad named him that because of his eyes."

"Cool. You know, I have a Japanese name- it's Asei- pretty cool, huh?"

"That's awesome." His voice is monotone, almost bored.

Toboe admires him a bit more while he drinks. "It's so cool... what's Tokyo like?"

Shrugging, Kiba sighs again. It seems like he's about to fall asleep at any second. "I wouldn't know, I've never been."

“But, I thought you said-…”

Chuckling out of humor, he shakes his head. "Japan isn't just Tokyo, it's about 47 different cities and a couple islands on the side... I live on an island, Kagoshima."

"What's it like?"

"It's... I don't know, an island." He thinks a bit more. "It's always hot there, not like here. It's practically freezing. Is the weather always like this?"

"No. Sometimes it rains a lot." The young boy finished the last of his cocoa. "But mostly the weather is really nice, you just caught us on a cold front."

"Lucky me."

"Hey you wanna see your bedroom. Mum got it all made up for you."

"Sure... I do feel kind of tired."

"Cool." He hops from the stool then trots into the living room, on the way by, he scoops up his cousins suit case taking it up the stairs. "You're really gonna like it, we use it as one of our guest rooms. And it has the most privacy."

That's good. Because with the way things are going, I'm gonna need a lot of it. Shockingly, the heat from the cocoa relaxed his body, so much so that he was beginning to get hard. Last thing he wanted to do was strut around fully erect in front of his young cousin, his aunt and... some weird Swedish guy who's supposed to be his uncle.

"Hey Kiba?"

"What?" He rolls his eyes. Here we go with the twenty questions.

"How do you say, 'fun' in Japanese?" One step at a time they trudge up the narrow stairs.

"Tanoshii." He's becoming more bored with every word he knows the boy is going to say.

"Than how do you saaayyy?" Turning a corner, he asks. "Cousin."

Why does he ask me like I wouldn't know? Rolling his eyes, he replies. "Itoko."

"How about-?"

"Toboe, enough!" Rubbing his eyes, he lowers his voice. He can almost feel the boys sadness. God, he hates dealing with little kids, that's why he only sticks with people around his own age. Less apologies and best of all: No crying. "I'm sorry... I can't answer your many questions right now, I'm feeling a little tired. Okay. Nothing personal."

"Oh... okay." He cheers up again. "I'll show you your room and leave you alone. My parents'll probably be back by the time you get up."

Walking down the hall, Kiba has little time to glance into the bedrooms when his cousin makes an abrupt halt in front of a room. Stumbling so that he wouldn't crash into him, he hears the boy chuckle making him more annoyed.

"Here we are!" He announced as though Kiba couldn't see that.

"Thanks." Taking the suit case from the scrawny boys hands, he walks into the room. It's big! A lot bigger than his own bedroom at home, actually. The walls are colored in the same blue as the kitchen, the carpet is a dark blue and the bed spreads are a soft white with a quilt on top of everything. Eat your heart out, 'Sound of Music'.

"Just let me know if you need anything and I'll-...." The door is closed in his face. "Alright, see you later, Cousin Kiba."

When Toboe's foot steps were long gone, Kiba let himself relax a bit more. And now that my stalker is safely tucked into whatever corner of the house he sleeps in. I can relieve myself. Dropping the suit case to the floor, he pops it open and fishes through the clothes for a small, not even really the size of eye drops, bottle of lubricant. He had to get it as small as it came so his father wouldn't find it laying around his bedroom when he was out of the house or something. Not only that, but to ensure that he wouldn't catch on that he ripped the label off, so to the naked eye it really did resemble a bottle of eye drops.

Seeing to it that the door is locked, he then unzipped his jeans dropping them to the bed. He didn't have to worry about his sneakers since he took them off when they first walked in out of force of habit. Sitting on the bed, he squeezes a good amount of liquid into his hands then gets to work. It isn't long before he's laying across the bed, stifling a moan or two as he works his self out of a hard-on. Rolling onto his side so that he can press his mouth into the mattress, he shuts his eyes tight and thinks about the guy back home and what they should have been basking in before his father so rudely interrupted them. Talk about teenage drama.

His strokes become more rapid as his heart and breathing pick up. He can see Tsume so clearly, it's almost like he's right here with him. His warm, wet mouth lowering over his member... Just like... he shot off before he even realized that he was going to. Panting, he let his self calm down before restoring his clothing to the way they once were. From beyond the door he heard his little cousin saying something. It sounded like he may be talking to the TV but he isn't sure. But as tired as he is, he really didn't care, actually.

Fixing his clothes, he grabs a rag that he brought with him and cleaned his self off. Moving his suit case to the floor, he lay down across the bed, zipping up his clothes and buttoning the fly on his jeans. Letting his breathing return to normal, he closes his eyes. This bed is really comfy, actually. And before he knew it, he was fast asleep.


"He's so cool Leara! You should see him." Toboe says to his friend over the phone.

"He's really there already?" The girl says. "Toboe, does he have those eyes? You know the ones."

He can imagine his best friend taking her index finger and sliding one eye over to make it a slit. Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes. "It's not like that, he's so cool... I think you should come over and meet him tomorrow, right now he seems too tired to be with people."

"That's okay anyway, because my Mum is making short cakes tonight."

"Save me one for tomorrow."

"I will."

He listens to her speak about her day, although, he really would rather talk about his own. Sure, Kiba wasn't here for very long but he felt like he had gotten so much from him already and he couldn't wait to pass on the cool new words he knows.

"And so Muishi jumped right on papa's head!"

"Yeah that's great Leara, but guess what I know!"


"How to say, Cousin, in Japanese."

"So, what? Your cousin is Japanese, of course he'd call you that."

"Well, actually, I had to ask him. He's speaking English to me-... well, barely. Sometimes he starts speaking Japanese again, and he talks really fast. I can't understand half of it."

"That stinks. But, at least you know some of what he's saying." The girl adds thoughtfully.

"Yeah... Too bad My mum had to stop teaching me- did you know-...?"

"Yes, I know that you spoke it up until you were six. Good for you." Leara was silent a moment; Toboe could tell she is listening to a far off voice. "That's my mum. I have to go. See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Leara."

"Bye." Hanging up the phone. Toboe does the same.

Hm? I wonder if Kiba knows how to play video games...? Cocking his brow, he looks at his bedroom door. A flash of his wonderful cousin goes through his mind. He's sitting beside him, and the two of them are playing games together, laughing and having a nice time just like cousins are supposed to. I hope he isn't still asleep. Standing, he leaves the room.

It's only been fifteen minutes. Toboe has never been on a plane- at least, he can't remember if he had been, so he knew nothing about jet lag. But its his opinion that sleeping off trips only took a little while, maybe four- five minutes. "Hey Kiba!?" He knocks on the door. "Kiba!?" Tugging at the knob, he frowns that he can't get in. "Hey Kiba, why'd you lock the door?" He knocks again. When there's no answer, he sighs then returns to his bedroom.

"That's funny. Why the heck would Kiba lock me out?" Slumping down on his bed, he looks at the ceiling. "Boring." He declares to no one. "When the heck is that guy gonna wake up...." The young boy had been planning things to do with his cousin since he heard that he would be staying with his family for a while. Things like, riding on a Tram so they could sight see, and eating an ice cream at his favorite parlor- well, a hot fudge sundae since it's cold out.

Rolling on his side, he sighs. I wonder how you say 'wake up' in Japanese? Overcome with joy, he begins to laugh. "Boy, we're gonna have a great time."

"Toboe!" His mothers voice calls. "Kiba!"

"Coming Mum!" Hopping up from his bed, the young boy skips down the hall, downstairs and into the living room.


Slowly, one eye at a time Kiba began to wake up. He'd only be asleep for ten minutes, the rest of the time he was laying in bed wondering when he should make an appearance downstairs to get the traditional 'New guy in the house, let's all leer at him routine'. And that was something nobody wants to go through. In the time he listened to the family talk he learned two things: His Aunt Cher is a complete control freak. Toboe is her obedient lap dog. And Hubb is the leader of the pack when it comes to lap dogs. The man must either have no back bone or he loves his aunt that much.

Kiba hoped the woman didn't have a leash for him as well because he doesn't intend to wear it. The teen may not know his way around but that's what exploring is for... You go out, get yourself lost and if worse comes to worse you won't have to go home to a family of relatives all trying to get you to bond with a stranger.

"Kibaaa! Dinneeeerrr!!!" His Aunt called up the stairs.

"I think he might still be sleeping," Toboe comments beside her, though his voice is a lot fainter than his mothers. "I'll go get him."

Kiba wondered what the boy had said since he spoke Swedish to his mother. Chances were he would speak it around his father as well... Tch. Dinners gonna be real fun if we don't figure out the language barrier. My English isn't exactly outstanding and ten to one they're gonna look at me funny if I speak Japanese. Rolling over onto his side, he sighs hearing the stairs. Maybe Aunt Cher can translate for me, she likes to talk and since I am, regardless being her only, favorite nephew, she shouldn't have a problem with it.

Sitting, he slides from the bed with a low groan as his bones adjust to the new position. The bed really is the coziest thing he's ever slept on- which is probably why he aches so much. Going to the door, he opens it just as his cousin reaches for the knob.... Both boys eyes went wide when Toboe's, still moving, hand continues its path for the door and lands, not on the door knob but Kiba's bulge! And like the door knob, he gave it a squeeze and a turn.

Kiba's eyes fluttered a moment before exhaling a sigh, but quickly shaking it off he swats at Toboe's hand, but his little cousin already pulled back as though a snake were aiming to strike him.

Stuttering, the boy tried to explain. "I'm um... and.. Dinner was ready- that's.... And Mum told me to- I mean, Mom...." His head lowered when Kiba cocked his brow at him. "I'm sorry, it was an accident."

"I know." He decided to quickly dismiss the matter. It really was an accident and mostly his fault since he couldn't just let the boy open the door. "So dinner's ready, right? What're we having?"

Glad Kiba wasn't disgusted or planned to yell at him, Toboe lets out a sigh and cheers up with a bright smile. "We weren't sure what you'd like so my Dad made some Chicken Tetrizini." He's already on his way down the hall to the stairs.

"Chicken what?" Running a hand through his hair, he sighs. "That kid really is on crack." Following his cousin down the hall, he prepares his stomach for what could be the grossest thing he's ever tasted. I mean, sure people of Japan eat a lot of things that other cultures would consider weird. But at least they don't eat brains! Or is that French? Kiba wasn't sure, but he knew one thing he wouldn't like whatever it is.