Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Stockholms Away from Home ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: You like me… you really like me… (Sniffles) Thanks for the reviews Kageko and Vixie_rose you rock! I appreciate the reviews. I can’t leave reviews I think they take cookies now and my computer doesn’t use them. So yay! Enjoy the chapter you guys. Fantasy.

p.s. Don’t think I hate Sweden either because I love that place, my best girl friend lives there.


Chapter 7.

The ride in the cab was quiet. Sure, Quent was on his cell phone but he was mostly doing a lot of listening rather than talking. Which for Kiba is a good thing. That meant his father had on his listening ears and Kiba has A LOT to say. It was any kid- or teens best defense when they knew that they were about to take place in a series of horrible events, and this defense was a good old fashioned: Bitch fest.

The moment they were out of the cab and walking into the airport terminal, Kiba has been complaining. Stating a case that had no real solid ground under it except: Tsume's my boyfriend and I want to get laid. But like any good father, Quent wasn't listening. Or at least it seemed as though he weren't.

There has to be something I can say that'll get through to him... But what? Wetting his lips, he stuck his hands in his pockets. Pulling out a handful of cash he waves it at his father. "I'll give you money!" He pleas with a desperate look about him that would have made any other parent think twice before making their, sweet and innocent, little boy make such a face. But again Quent isn't any other parent.

Snatching the bills from his sons hands the boys father then walked them to the line for bag checks. Recovering from just being robbed Kiba tried again to convince his father why he should stay in Japan and not move to awful, horrible, Sweden.

"Dad... I... I'll clean up the house three times a month... three!" He watches out for a patron coming by. "That's like... three more times than it usually gets cleaned..."

Quent at least acknowledged him this time with a laughing scoff.

"So, you can hear me. Than why won't you say anything?" He crosses his arms. "Are you mad at me? Do you hate me now because of who I choose to be?"

Quent's scoff broke into an actual laugh as they walk down the hall that leads to the large white red and black striped plane.

Great, we're closer to the prison bus. Thinks the miserable brunette as they pass a window. "Dad... Please don't send me away..." Nothing. Grabbing the mans jacket sleeve, he nearly falls on his knees to get his attention. "Pleease don't send me away!"

Giving the flight attendant a show of their tickets, the two walk onto the plane and take their seats. There's still time!

"Daaad... listen to me..." Quent went to cover his ears but Kiba grabbed at the mans right arm tugging it. "No matter how long I'm gone, no matter what cute girls are wandering around Sweden I will NEVER like any of them. I'm not straight! Are you listening to me!?"

"Dammit do you ever turn off!?" Snaps the usually self enraged man. He had reached his breaking point and for a moment Kiba smiled; maybe he was gonna stay after all, but Quent threw him a curve ball that he never saw coming. "I don't give two shits," the man begins to shout until everyone is looking at them. "That I have a GAY SON!"

There are whispers now as the people glare at Kiba with curiosity, tired boredom or anger filled eyes. While others look at Quent, mostly just for making so much noise. It was so embarrassing that Kiba had to slide down in his seat.

"Don't slouch princess, you wanted my attention, now you've got it." Leaning an arm on the arm rest of the chair, Quent flutters his lashes with an adoring look in his eyes. "So honey, tell me more about why you can't go."

"Uh... I um..." Kiba's blue eyes dart to the people on the plane who are now staring at him waiting to hear what the boy was going to say.

"You put on a show all the way in here and now that we've got a crowd you get stage fright?" Quent continues to mock and tease the boy. Kiba doesn't like it one bit. His father has been cruel at times but this was just... mean. Staring at his son a bit longer, Quent finally gave and straightened up.

As if his father ran the momentum of the plane everyone else looked away as well. It made Kiba relax a bit, maybe now he could talk to his father without the whole world listening.

"Dad, I like Tsume in that way... and I wanna be with him... You're just gonna have to accept that" he shakes his head. "When I get back from this trip, I'm going right back to him. Nothing will change; I'll still be your gay son." Sitting back in his seat with crossed arms, the down hearted boy follows it up with. "You can hate me all you want."

"Listen princess," he clears his throat rather loudly. His father does that a lot, Kiba noticed, whenever he's about to say something smart. "You think if I cared about you being a fairy you'd be on this plane right now?"

"What do you mean...?"

"By now you'd of been beaten to a pulp, I will have said you shamed your mother's memory and me then threw your little ass out on the street." Replies the man. "That's what I mean."

Kiba blinked in silence, confusion written clear across his face. "But, you're sending me away."

"Because of my-... Don't you ever fucking listen to me?" Quents eyes close now. That's his 'now I'm really mad' posture. "I have a business trip to go on. Whether I caught you tubing your, goddamned, boyfriend or not you'd be going."

"So... you don't care that... I'm gay?"

"No, I don't caaaare." He mocks.

"Than... why'd you throw Tsume out?"

Shrugging he replies. "Because I don't like him."

It was as though Kiba were hit by a bus without being anywhere near a street. "You don't like him?"

"I think that boy is a pain in the ass, and I'll bet you he's the one that got you to start smoking last year."

"You.. knew about that?"

"I knew about every thing you two idiots were up to. Why do you think I kept glaring at you when you walked in the damn house."

"I thought you just had a staring problem."

It grew uncomfortably silent. Kiba was soaking up all he learned in those three, maybe, five minutes. He doesn't care that I'm gay... He hates Tsume, but... he doesn't care. That means we can be together! His smile almost shown through his pensive face, but he remained stone faced in thought on the outside, at least, until he heard his father laughing.

[All passengers please fasten your seat belts as the plane is about to take off.]

"I gotta admit though, it made me smile to see you on that jackass instead of the other way around." He chuckles a bit more. "Thought for sure a little princess like you would be on his back."

"Daad!" Kiba glared daggers at the man. Bad enough he hates his boyfriend, but now he's gonna make fun of him by saying he looks like a bottom!

"You deserve it for acting like an idiot on the way in." His father says. "You'll be spending a month with your Aunt and you're gonna like it."

"Yes sir."

"You be nice to Toboe, you know the boy has a bastard father don't make it worse for him by being a smart ass." Clearing his throat for what had to be the fifth time that evening he says, "and as for your uncle... Treat him like shit."

Snickering, Kiba mimics his father, closing his eyes. "Okay." They're silent a moment. "Hey dad?"


He seems too tired to bother but Kiba has to get this off his chest, or he'll never hear the end of it. "Could you lay off the princess thing?"

"Not a chance."

Groaning, Kiba closed his eyes again with a pout on his face. This is gonna be a long two days.


Stockholms Sweden. The beautiful scenery, the fresh smelling air, the lovely people on the nicely swept and washed streets. Yeah a person could grow old and die in a place like this. Kiba especially liked the idea of dying right about now as he still does not wanna be here. Watching all the passing shops and stores pass by out the cab window, Kiba took relief in seeing a McDonalds go by.

At least I won't starve to death. He almost reached for the money he had in his pocket when he realized that his father had confiscated it from him. But on the plus side, his father exchanged it into European money for him. Now if he could just get it back. I wonder how much McDonalds cost here, cause I'm gonna need enough money to last me a month. "Um.."

"Can you believe that? There's eight deli's in one area of the city. What the hell kinda place is this?"

Narrowing his eyes at the man, Kiba pouts. Yeah, you can say that. You don't have to live here for a month. Reaching for his fathers jacket pocket, he jerked his hands back when the man went for said pocket himself. "Here boy." He hands over a wallet. "There's enough money to last you a while, so don't fuck it up buying dumb shit."

"I won't." He snaps up the brown leather money holder.

"Remember what I told you."

"I will."

The cabby looks them over not understanding a word the two of them are saying. Kiba notices this and wonders if this is what it will be like when he gets to his aunts. Nothing but communication problems. Sure she and Toboe speak Japanese, but what about his new uncle? Will he need a translator for when the man talks to him? What if he thinks it's rude of Kiba to ignore him.

"Any chance of us turning around and bolting back to Japan?"

Quents glare said, 'shut the fuck up' and that was the end of it.

You could at least let me call Tsume with your phone. He grouches.

The cabby begins to slow next to a large house. The house is very tall: three stories, possibly, creme colored paint job with French shutters that are a rich burgundy. The house also has a burgundy framing at the top of the house within the triangle that makes the top of the house into a point. It twists and loops in a water like fashion. Also, the house was laced with dead rose bushes due to the cold, but the lawn remained a lushes green color.

Kiba was a little nippy, now that he thought about it, even inside the warm cab; the hairs on his arms are standing on end just thinking about going outside. But when the cab completely stopped moving, reality sunk in and he knew life was over.

"Looks like this is the place." Quent leaned over the seat to look out Kiba's window. He can't help but notice that his father has chosen to wear a jacket on this little trip of theirs and failed to mention that he himself will need one.

Asshole. Thinks the doomed teen. Turning his attention back out the window, he fears what lurks inside the beautiful home.

Patting his sons shoulder to get his attention, Quent slips from the cab to get their bags. The cabby watches them hoping that the foreigners don't decide to run for the hills and not pay him the fair. But, after snatching their bags from the back seat, the Japanese man strolls over to the front window dropping a few bills on the mans lap. Counting out the money, he smiles at the man, then drives away.

Kiba remained outside. Last thing he wanted was to go in the house alone and unarmed.

"Let's go boy, you shit yourself or something?" Pushing his son on the back, he continues by. "Move."

"I see them! I see them!" A voice calls from beyond the house.

And they were watching us the whole time from the window... great. He just now sees the curtain move back over the large window. Taking a few deep breathes he tries calming his self down. I can do this... I can do this... I just have to find something that keeps me happy and this vacation won't be so bad. Thinking back, maybe he'd prefer it if his father was mad at him Swear a little, smack him around then throw him out. Not bad at all he'd say.

The front door opened before either he or Quent could knock on it and there before them stood the loving family of three. Aunt Cher, cousin Toboe and... whatever the hell this guys name is. But the thing that made father and sons jaw drop was not the gorgeous interior of the home, but the fact that his once brunette and lovely aunt was now a lovely blonde!

His father, never being one to just shut up and roll with it, spoke up. "What the hell you do to your hair woman!?"

Narrowing her eyes at her brother, she replies. "What business is it of yours, Quent?" Looking at Kiba; who has a half pint boy tugging at his clothes while looking him over, she asks with a light touch to it with her hand. "Do you like it, Kiba? It's really fresh isn't it."


The blond man next to his aunt blinked, confused at what he had said. He was like a sad little, harmless alien among humans that paid him no mind at all.

"Oooh! I knew you would." Grabbing his face. "Look at him, he's so cute!"

Aunt Cher is his fathers female counter part, only difference is she treats Kiba like a prince while her brother takes all the mock and insults. Its things like that, that make you love family.

"Are you cold?" The blond man speaks up in tight English.

Kiba has only been shuddering since he left the cab and yet they're all standing outside like it's freaking summer- which it is. So why the hell is it so cold here?

"Huh?" His father says, his own English coming out. His father speaks perfect English. Kiba's is not so great. "Weell, the old man finally speaks."

"Oh, this is Hubb by the way." Cher says to Kiba.

"K-kon'nichi wa." He says with a hand out.

Kiba shakes the mans hand. "Hello."

This time is was Kiba's turn to be gawked at. His English is a lot lighter than his normal tone, and it was positively adorable!

"Oh," Hubb lets out a breath. "You speak English?"

"Just little bits." Says Kiba.

"Cool!" Shouts his little cousin.

Everyone smiled at the boy and his youthful antics. But Kiba just thought the weird kid was annoying.

"So, where's Toboe? I thought he would come see me."

"Well he's standing right here." Says Cher.

"Him? Isn't Toboe younger?"

Everyone laughed at that but Toboe didn't think it was so funny.

"I guess he would look rather different, after all, you two met when he wasn't even old enough to use the bathroom without me coming in for the follow up." She makes a gesture with her hand like she's helping a small child wipe themselves after making a doodie.


Yup, she's definitely my Dad's sister. Embarrass your kid and praise another. Thinks Kiba. He almost felt kind of bad for the little squirt. Not even Quent would say something like that to other people. Which is why it was no real surprise to Kiba why his father would choose to say this,

"That's nothing," thumbing toward his son. "This guys a goddamned queer."

"Kiba, you're gay?" Cher asks looking at him differently. Looking to Quent who was snickering, she reached for her nephews face giving it a shake. "The things they teach these kids now a days." Smiling at him. "But you're still cute as a button."

"And still cold as an ice cube." He pulls his face away.

"Oh, right. Come in, come in." She moves aside. "Drop your things anywhere, Toboe will bring them to your bedroom."

"Mom made hot chocolate for you guys." Toboe was saying while hoisting his cousins suitcase under his arm. "It's in the kitchen, I'll show you."

"Cher, I'd hate to say smart ass things and run but," he shows her his watch. "You owe me a ride to the airport. Let's go woman."

"Right." She grabs her jacket from a hook beside the door. "Come on Hubb, you know where the airport is better than me." She says in Swedish.

"Let me get my coat." The man says the first normal sentence all day, since it was in his native tongue.

"And the two of you can get better acquainted on the ride over." Craning her neck so that the two in the kitchen could hear her she shouts. "Toboe, make your cousin feel welcomed, I'm gonna take your uncle to the airport with Daddy, okay?"

"Yes mom!" A faint voice replied from beyond the kitchen.

"He's a gem but a little slow. Come on boys."

The front door closes leaving the two boys alone.