Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Princess Kiba ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 6.

Quent stepped out of the shower, the towel wrapped firmly around his waist as he dried his hair with another. He needed that in the worst way; work was killing him. And now, he had to take some stupid trip someplace. At least he could be sure his dope of a son would be safe and what not. Speaking of his idiot son, what the hell was he doing in that room of his. There was an annoying banging on the wall for what had to have been twenty something minutes. He first wanted to bang back but then something dawned on him, what that sound was. It could only be one thing.

"Heh heeh, that son of mine." Shaking his head, he begins to dress. That boy was asking so many damned questions because he wanted to bring someone over here. As he yanks out a pair of boxers the condoms in the drawer were tugged free with them. "That damn brat. What's he trying to do, get her pregnant?" Swiping up one of the packets, he strolled down the hall. "I'll just slip it under the door, maybe they didn't do anything yet and he'll see it.

"Roll over." He heard his son through the door. That raised a brow.

It was quiet a moment, then he heard it... a moan. A masculine moan that wasn't his son.

Shoving the unlocked door open, he saw a sight that made him sick on contact. But the only thing he could say was. "Goddammit!" A voice by the door yelled.

The two boys looked like deer caught in head lights. Eyes big as saucers, mouths dropped; they couldn't believe that Quent was home, not to mention standing right there in Kiba's doorway. At first, after the initial swear, it was quiet. Then, with the hardest gripping of the door knob his father could muster, he pulled it shut as he says,

"Get your asses dressed then come downstairs." The door slams. "You got three minutes." Quent yells from the other side. His foots steps are heard a bit after that in his departure.

Tch." Scoffs the Hamada child. "Who needs three minutes to get dressed."

Kiba slid away carefully. Wetting his mouth, he then drops to the floor to gather his clothes. He's never seen that look in his fathers eyes before. He knew that, at best, he wouldn't be able to hold a thought longer than 2 seconds after today, because his father was going to slam a hammer into his head. But that was just for him, Kiba didn't know what Quent planned to do to poor Tsume.

"I'll take the blame for everything." He slides a leg into his pants. Tsume remained on the bed, he seemed to be recovering or something. "You should just get dressed and go out the window."

"No, thanks." Tsume sits up. "If you're gonna get chewed out, I might as well get chewed out with you.... Hand me my pants."

After three minutes- well, two minutes because they were too afraid to waist anymore time going over a story to tell, the two boys walked downstairs. Their heads are lowered, and they both look as guilty as a cat in a fish market.

Quent glared at them. first Tsume then his son. "Hamada, get out!"

"But Dad!?"

"Get out!"

Tsume looked at the man, trying to hold his ground, but one sharp growl from Quent made him bolt for the door. "Later Kiba."

"There isn't gonna be a damned later..." Turning to his son, Quent stomped over to him. "Shizume, huh?" He grips the boys shoulder. "Get your ass back upstairs and pack, you're leaving."

"Huh?" Spinning on his heals to watch his father leave for the kitchen, Kiba began to follow after him until Quent turned around.

"Damn it, boy! Move!"

"Yes sir." Rushing upstairs, he slams the door once in his bedroom. For a bit he wonders if he could just lock himself in. He didn't want to be shipped away. He would... he would run away before that happens, yeah. That would show his father. But even Kiba knew that that was a dumb idea and Quent would basically have no son, because he would kill him.

Dammit, this is all my fault. I should have checked the house first. Kiba clenched his fist, trying to get a little pain to settle his shaking nerves. If I'm good, maybe he'll change his mind about shipping me away.... I mean, how long has he been planning this? How long did he think I'd fly right before he had to ship me to some military school like a bad seed that needed some dickhead yelling at him all day. His eyes scanned the room, spotting his suit case peeking at him from the closet like it wanted to be used, Kiba strolled over to it yanking it free. Just play along, make it look like I'm listening then when things calm down I can talk to him about it.

First he folded up some jeans that he wanted to take. A couple shirts that were ok to wear a lot, then a pair of socks, boxers and a couple candy bars. You never know, they may deprive him of real food. Closing the suit case, he leaves it in his room on the bed then totters downstairs to the kitchen.

"You packed, boy?" Asks Quent, when his son entered the room.

"Yeah... I packed." He sits at the table, thumbs twiddling. He watches as his father makes a sandwich for lunch; figuring that he's well distracted, he decides to speak up. "More male male fucking goes on in a military school than in your own home." He swallows his nerves. "So... if you think that I won't be this way anymore, than you're wrong. I'll leave and come back more gay." His fist bangs the table.

Quent mumbled something incoherent, but continued making his sandwich. Once done, he cleaned his things up, sat back down at the table and began to eat it.

Kiba knew this was the calm before the storm. His dad probably wants to gather his strength so that his whacking arm is ripe for the pounding. Great. Pouting, he stands. Might as well gather my strength for the blow. Taking out the lunch meats and cheese, Kiba makes his self a sandwich as well, then sits down at the table to eat it. Two can play at this quiet game.

Once Quent was done with his lunch, he folded his hands together like a pyramid and he looked at his son. Clearing his throat rather loudly, he stares Kiba straight in the eye. "First of all you watch your damn mouth when your speaking to your father, secondly, I'm not sending you to military school. Do you know how much that shit cost?"

Kiba could only blink at that.

"Third, I have a business trip that I need to go on and thanks to your little display back there, you're going to your Aunts house for supervision."


"Did I say you could speak?"

Kiba was going to say something else but chose to stay silent.

"I made the arrangements last week, so you're going. Cher already knows and she fixed up the guest room for you."

"But... Aunt Cher lives in Sweden! I don't speak Swedish..."

Quent gave the boy another look that told him to be quiet and listen. "Consider it a culture shock. Maybe you'll learn something for a change, instead of where the fuck to stick it."

I'll tell you where to stick it. Kiba rolled his eyes.

"What did I say about that damned mouth?" Standing, Quent cleared his plate then heads for the living room. "We're leaving after dinner. So princess, you'd better say your good bye's within that time, because the two of you won't see each other for a while."

Kiba sat there.... mouth agape in pure shock. How could his father do this to him? Just when he found out about himself, and Tsume! Just when.... Fuck!

Leaving the table, Kiba wandered upstairs to continue packing. He planned to call Tsume shortly after that.


"So what did he say?" Asks Tsume in a low tone. His mother is at home and he didn't want her over hearing as he spoke to Kiba about what happened earlier. "Did your old man give you a concussion or anything?"

"You almost sound like you want him to." Kiba replies. His voice is equally low, though, not because he thinks his father may be listening, after all, he is the one who said to call Tsume; Kiba was quiet because he was thinking of his next plan of action. He does not want to go to Europe by any means necessary. He would cry if he had to... No. That's too extreme, he'll just stick with the usual fit.

"No. I'm just saying it sounds better than sending you to military camp or somewhere."

"I'm not going to military school. Get this," he glances cautiously at his open door then back at the wall. "He's sending me to Sweden."

"Sweden?!" Tsume was just as shocked as Kiba had been when he found out. "What the hell is in Sweden?"

"How the hell should I know... But I'm going." Shrugging impassively, he frowns. "My aunts there.... I guess, in a way, I should have seen this coming. I got a call from her a couple weeks back and she was so cheerful about me seeing my idiot cousin."

"God, I hate relatives."

"Me too. Especially foreign ones; couldn't she have just stayed in Japan like normal women who wanna get married? No," he shakes his head, his brown mess of a do shifts back and forth across his forehead. "She has to go out and find herself a foreigner to wanna take her home with him."

"I didn't even know your Dad and her were talking to each other anymore."

"They are- barely.... I wish they still weren't, though."

They were silent a minute. They knew they wanted to say their goodbye's but neither wanted to go first.

"They weren't married you know."


"My aunt and who ever this guy is that's my uncle."

Tsume made a sound to indicate that he was listening and was also glad that the uncomfortable silence was over. Kiba went on.

"He knocked her up and left for some reason, a while later he comes back and marries her, then "tada" they have a kid." He trailed off.

"I'll miss you, dumbass." He heard the smile in Tsume's voice. And returned it with his own.

"I'll miss you too."

Tsume paused, waiting for Kiba to go on.

"Sorry, I'm too choked up to think of anything."

That made him laugh. "You're nothing but a bottom, Yaiden."

"You offered."

"I was helping you!"

Kiba pulled the phone away, laughing silently, a few wispy sounds came out every now and then. It wasn't fair. His father knew what he was doing; send him away, make him meet foreign people that speak a language he doesn't understand, then by chance he would meet some cute little Swedish girl and they would fall in love and screw for all eternity. Yuck!

"Kiba!" His father called from downstairs. "Let's go boy!"

"I have to go." He tells Tsume. "We're eating dinner than we're out of here."

"When are you coming back?"

"I don't know. I'll call you though, as soon as we land."

"You'd better or I'll kick your ass."

Kiba smiled to himself. "Okay." They were quiet a moment, then he whispered. "Goodbye Tsume."


Hanging up, Kiba let out a sigh of.... well, he was just sighing for sake or something to keep him from crying. Heading downstairs, he thought once more about a hissy-fit but knew that it would never work. Might as well face the music.

Dinner was quiet. No one wanted to say anything. There wasn't really much to say. But once it was over, Quent was on the cell calling a cab for them. A cab meant that he planned to go with Kiba all the way to Sweden incase the boy found a way out of it without daddy being their to supervise.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Looking out the kitchen window, Kiba expected to see rain drops on the window but the orange sky projected no drops of water. So where was it.... Standing, he walked into the living room. First thing he saw through the window was Tsume peeking into the house. He waved a hand at him, gesturing for him to come outside.

The front door opened and no sooner had Kiba closed it behind him did he get scooped into a kiss. When they pulled away for a breath, Tsume planted another kiss to the boys cheek. "Didn't think I'd let you go without one last kiss to remember me by."

"Hahaha. Not really." He pressed his pale nose to the tanned one before him. "I just....."

The front door pulled open. The two of them felt like this was pretty much the end but Quent merely cleared his throat stepping past them. "I'm glad you’re here, girl."

Tsume blinked, confused, then his eyes narrowed as he realized Quent meant him. "Hey I-..."

"I want you to watch Ao while we're gone." He hands the dogs leash over to him with a quick shove. "Here," he began to scribble something on a sheet of paper from his day planner. "is a list," he was speaking slowly and loud as though Tsume were beyond retarded. "of instructions needed for the dog!" The paper was the next thing shoved into his hand. "Follow them and I might not come back here and kick your ass."

"Ye-.. yes sir."

The cab pulled up. The driver honked his horn.

"Let's go, princess."

The sky was getting darker, it was almost hard to tell if you were still on solid ground or not. As the grass seemed to eat the darkness looking a lot like a black hole in the world. Kiba was gonna miss this place, he was gonna miss Tsume. What the hell is in Sweden anyway? He hands his luggage to his father who holds out a hand to him. Waving one last hand, Kiba climbs into the cab with his father and they're driven away.

"Hn." Looking down at his new charge, Tsume frowns. "I've got a baaad feeling about this Ao." He looks after the cab.