Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Caught With Your Pants Down ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Waaahhh!! I’m sorry for the late update, my computer was cut off. So please take me back!!! Waaahhh!!! Hahaha. Enjoy the chapter! Fantasy.


Chapter 5.

The next morning, during breakfast; Kiba sliced another piece of banana into his oatmeal. He hates oatmeal, but he figured he could stomach it if there were a few pieces of fruit with it. Quent is sitting across from him, looking through the morning paper. He's quiet for whatever reason, but that's alright with his son. Last thing Kiba wants to do is get the man going... which is strange considering what his mouth decides to say next.


The paper rustles a bit to show Kiba that he's listening.

"....Mom, right,"

"What about her?" His tone was biting.

"It's nothing bad!" He waved a hand to quickly dismiss his fathers rage. "I just... wanted to know if she were the only person you dated- that's all."

Smiling, Quent lowered his paper putting his full; completely unwanted by Kiba, attention on his son. "Weelll now, here's a subject to talk about." His smile grew broader as he spoke. "There a girl out there that caught your eye, but you want a little fling on the side."

"No." Says Kiba in a flat tone. "I was just curious about you, that's all."

"Uh huh.... Well no, your mother wasn't the only woman I've been with."

That was a relief. Kiba relaxed his shoulders a bit. Last thing he wanted was to ask this question and know that his father was talking about his mother. The image could leave scars. "So... How old were you when you first had sex?"

"Thinking about having a one night stand?" He picked up his paper again, clearing his throat. "Heh heh, I don't have any problems with that."

"Can we please stop talking about me for a minute."

"Well what's with all the damned questions then? Unless you're just interested in hearing about my sex life, in which case, I think you're sick boy."

This was getting him nowhere fast. Better just get it out there. "What I'm asking is 'how old were you' so that if I wanted to... you know- have sex- you wouldn't flip out on me and give me some big lecture."

"Oh." He returned his paper to his gaze having lost interest in what the boy was saying. "I was fourteen."

Kiba had to regurgitate his bite hearing that one. He bent over the table hacking up bits of oats that no longer- if they had in the first place- resembled food. "Fourteen! You were fourteen!? Who was it?! What girl would be that despere-?"

"Watch it boy!" Quent snaps.

"I'm sorry, it's just that.... fourteen!?" He shakes his head, disbelief covering his every feature. "Who thinks about sex at that age?"

"It was the old times, back when kids were curious and didn't have much parental attention." He shrugs. "So what."

Kiba was speechless. I mean really, what woman much less human would let his father have sex with them at that age? Or any age- his mother excluded.

"Her name is Ayame... she was beautiful... big brown eyes, cute smile-..."

"Daaad." Groans the teen.

"A great butt... heh heh, you could get lost holding an ass like that."


Quent flicked a hand at him. "Come on, what's your girls name?"


"The girl you wanna nail. What's her name?"

"Shizume." A lie.

Quent seemed to take that in. "Pretty name. She cute?"

"Yeah.... She's a real... babe."

Quent laughed before returning to his paper. "There are condoms in my room, in the dresser, you take two."

Kiba felt the air rush out of him from nausea. He did NOT want to know why his father would still have condoms or if it would fit him.

"I wonder what ever happened to that girl....?" The man seemed to be in his own little world now. "Did I mention she was older than me, three years.... Her knockers were out to here." He motioned with his hands spreading forward. Then he grins cheekily. "Bet you didn't know your old man was such a looker back then. Heh, I'd give a kid like you a run for his mommy."

"Sure." He practically bowed his head into his breakfast.

"Actually, I'm glad that you brought the subject up." For whatever reason, Quent wasn't gonna let this go. "I've never seen you with any girls a day in my damn life."

"You aren't always home."

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Whenever I call Hamada's house, I'm hoping that one day that skank of a mother he has will say 'Kiba isn't here and he hasn't come by', but unlike some lucky parents, my son is actually where he says he'll be."

Kiba raised his head, a brow following its actions. "And that's a problem?"

"Fuck yeah it's a problem!" He slammed the paper to the table. "Boys your age should be sneaking around behind my back not fucking around with your dumbass friend."

Kiba nearly choked on his breakfast for the second time that morning. Maybe it was time to call it quits on eating.

"I was beginning to think you were a damned queer."

Thankfully the phone chose that time to ring. Kiba jumped from the table and practically flew into the living room to answer it. "Yeah, I can come!" He was quiet a moment. "Right now is perfect!" Hanging up, he hurried to the door. "I'm going out now!" The door slammed shut seconds after that.

"Teenagers." Sliding the boys bowl over to him, he pushed away the spit back food deciding to finish what his son didn't want.


Tsume tilts his head back, laughing heartily over what Kiba's telling him. It's beginning to wear on the Yaiden boys nerves.

"Tsume, it's not funny."

"Are you kidding me?" He wipes a tear. "I thought I'd die laughing when he mentioned that ass holding thing." The tanned boy laughed a bit more. "And what did he call her boobs? Knockers?"

Kiba shoved his friend on the shoulder. Why couldn't he have chosen someone else to explore these new feelings with? Maybe Darcia was right. There goes that urge to commit suicide again. Frowning, his eyes softened a bit. Kiba reached out a hand touching Tsume's back. "Let's talk about something else, huh?"

"Like what?" His golden eyes flirted with Kiba's a moment.

"I don't know.... anything."

They were silent a moment. The two boys were walking along the street as they spoke; Ao following beside them as he tagged along with his master. The sky was somewhat blotted with dark clouds alerting you that eventually it would rain. Neither of them had an umbrella, it wasn't really important. Regardless the weather, though, the air remains sticky and hot.

"My dad called last night." Tsume mentions as though he dropped the words on accident.

"What did he say?"

"He asked where Mom was.... they talked.... next thing I know she's going on about how she has a date with him."

"That's great! Do you think they're gonna get back together?"

"Are you shitting me? Again with this?" Tsume bit his tongue. "Whenever my parents actually wanna be in the same room together it's usually bad news for me.... Remember?"

"Maybe not this time." Kiba remained optimistic.

Tsume didn't care what his friend thought. He knew the truth. They were either gonna ship him off somewhere, or they were gonna nail him for drinking and smoking. You never know what your parents know about you until they decide to bring it up. But at least they'll never know the BIG secret about his... well, whatever it is that he and Kiba are doing.

The two sit down on a near by bench, not as close as they'd like to be, but not as far as they usually are. Just enough apart so that their fingers could linger together behind the bench out of eye shot. Kiba smirked but quickly turned it off. Last thing he needed was for his horny little friend to get any ideas of bushes and parks full of passers by. But Tsume, being Tsume, was already a step ahead of him, smirk or not.

"No Tsume!" Kiba put out a hand to stop the boy in his scoot closer to him.

"Come ooon, it'll look like we're just whispering to each other," he cooed.

"Ha! In whose eyes?"

"Anybodies... Couldn't we just go to your house if we're gonna fool around?"

Tsume shook his head. His lips plant little kisses along Kiba's jaw as he listens to the brunette trying to get out of making a public scene. The dog wanders indifferently back and forth as if it were pacing away the time the two of them would be joined together.

"Come on Kiba...." His fingers walk lazily along the boys crotch. Tsume's finger traced up and down the boys zipper.

Kiba shuddered under the slight vibration from the action; it's pressed right against his bulge. Hm? Maybe it would be kind of kinky to do something out here. He parts his lips letting Tsume trace his tongue around the outside before going in. And anyway, anyone against gays would take one look at us and reconsider.

The heated boy spread his legs a bit more when the albino haired male took the zipper down and began to stroke him beneath his boxers. Resting his head to Tsume's shoulder Kiba let out a moan.

"Harder." His eyes tighten shut.

A low laugh dances in his ear as Tsume moves his hand between his friends boxers. But as luck would have it, a storm did creep up. Nearly out of nowhere since the two had taken their eyes from the sky. The down pour soaked them both as they scrambled to their feet; Kiba readjusting his clothes while Tsume looked up into the rain silently cursing the sky. Once settled into his boxer, painfully, but settled in; Kiba looked to Tsume.

"At least we have tonight!" He called over the storm. "My dad's still going out! The place will be all ours!"

Tsume looked down at him as though he had no clue what his friend was talking about, that or he couldn't really hear him to well.

Taking a step closer to him, Kiba smirks. "We can do it anywhere!"

Grinning, Tsume leaned over kissing Kiba on the lips. "I have to go home! My mom is gonna chew my head off for leaving the bathroom a mess!"

"That's encoura-..." Thunder ate the rest of his words.


"I said that's encouraging!"

Popping his friend over the head, Tsume waved a hand before dashing off towards his block. Kiba looked after him a moment, then grabbed his dogs collar and trotted off for home before the two of them got too wet. * * *  

"I'm Home!" Kiba shook his clothes off onto the floor. Stepping out of them which, in his house as long as you plan on getting a towel, was okay. "Dad! Phone!" There was silence. That was odd, he hadn't been out with Tsume that long, his father should still be at home. No matter, the phone was trying its hardest to get his attention so why not give it. Picking up the receiver he answers with a dry. "Hello?"

It was quiet.

"Hello?" He tried again. Still it was quiet. "If no one is there, I'm hanging up."

"Can you believe it." A monotone voice says finally just as the phone was removed from Kiba's ear. As usual, that could only be the annoying habit of one person. Darcia.

"What do you want- and where the hell is my wallet?"

"It's about Serena... We got the test done- and don't worry so much about material things, I'll give your dumb wallet back tomorrow."

"It's not so much the wallet but the money you took from it." Kiba's tone was leaning somewhere towards cruel tolerance. After all, things like this went on in these necks of the woods so why make such a fuss.

Darcia chuckled a bit. "Don't worry cry baby, I plan on paying you back."

"Good. And sooner than later."

"Yeah yeah...." They were silent a moment. "Well..." Darcia breaks the talk less moment first.

"Well, what?"

"Aren't you gonna ask me how the test went?"

"How did it go?"

"Kid ain't mine."

He could almost hear the other males smile from his end of the phone. "That's good. Does that mean you're kicking her to the curb?"

"I'm not sure.... Maybe... But who knows."

Kiba felt a chill up his spine. He really needed to get dry. "Listen I have to-..."

"So what's going on with you and Shinta?"

"Oh, things are fine... I told him we'd just be friends."

"Uh huh, you like Tsume don't you, Kiba?"

His eyes widen. "What makes you say that?"

"Your friends name was Keiji."

Damn! "I..."

Darcia wasn't listening to whatever lame brain excuse Kiba was trying to cook up. Regardless rumors, he wasn't as dumb as people made him out to be. "Hey, it's cool. I won't tell anyone."

Rolling his eyes, Kiba knew what was coming. "Name your price."

"Nothing... seriously... I think its kind of... cute."

This was different. Usually Darcia was the first to cry out 'eeeuuuwww' when he sees two guys kissing. So what's with the about face all of a sudden. "You do?"

"Sure! And hey, if you're ever in my neck of the woods-... Kiba?"

He hung up on him. He didn't have time to make special request for people. After all, he was sure that Tsume was the only guy for him. Maybe Darcia could make him stand at attention but Tsume was really the only one to give him more than that.

Shivering, he turned to the source of the little spats of water landing on his back. The dog just gave his self a good shaking before walking into the kitchen for his food dish. "Nice." Walking to the stairs, Kiba climbed them two at a time until he reached the top. Snagging a towel from the bathroom, he wraps it around his waist then enters his bed room. He trembles for a different reason than cold as he remembers some of the things he and Tsume have done in his room.

Tonight would almost kill him, surely, as he has never been more excited in his whole life. He's certainly never wanted anything this badly before. He wondered, a moment, what it would be like to have something shoved there. It would hurt... It had to hurt... After all, he's seen Tsume naked and it was... well it was gonna hurt, definitely.

Drying his self, he decides to just leave on his pajamas and 'slum it'. That's what he has dubbed spending the day in night clothes. Maybe he would just sit in his room and watch a movie, wait until Tsume calls- or when he can call him so that he could come over and they can get down to....

How am I gonna do it if I can't even think it. He wonders absently. Hopping onto his bed, he turns on the television then flips through the channels. There of course was nothing on. So, deciding to just press any two buttons down, he falls on a cartoon station. A few hours of mindless anime wouldn't hurt him. Kiba went from sitting, to laying down on his stomach then on his back, leaning over the edge of the bed upside down until he was once again sitting up at the top of the bed.

Looking at the clock on the wall, restlessly he frowns. 2:00. Slipping off the bed, he checked out his window. What the hell am I waiting around for. If Dad left already why not get it over with. The phone was nearly crushed in his grip as he dialed Tsume on the speed dail then awaited his answer.

"What?" A bitter voice spoke. He must think it's someone else.

"Tsume, are you ready to come over?"

"What about the slave driver?"

"He went out already. So come on, we might not have much time left." He could hear the boys movement from his bed.

"I'm on my way." Dial tone.


The two boys shed their clothes like their bodies weren't strong enough to hold them up anymore and seconds later they were plastered to the Yaiden boys bed, grinding their hips, panting like a couple of dogs in serious heat. They had to agree that it was really cool the way the headboard beat against the wall like they'd seen in all the porno’s they watched. It felt... believable.

Their positions switched from Tsume on top to Kiba on the bottom and vice versa, the two boys wound up on their sides before the big question popped into mind. "I want you to do it." Tsume says.

"You do?" He pants hard. "Are you sure... because you could do me if you want to."

"Yeah... I figure... if shit happens," he shrugs. "You're more likely to get into worse shit than me."

Couldn't argue with that. "Roll over." Kiba instructs moving onto his hands and knees.

Tsume complied doing the same. He had to admit he was a little nervous, and with the way his heart was beating he wasn't so sure that his decision to be on the bottom was the best choice of action. Kiba leaned over his back and pressed a kiss to the tanned boys cheek.

"I'll be careful. I promise."

"Ha. Just do it." Arrogance written in his voice though his eyes said 'thanks'.

Rubbing a good amount of soapy water into his palms- they had no lube so they had to work with what they had- then he stroked himself thoroughly until he was coated with the white foam. Positioning his member to Tsume's entrance he began to move in.

"Aaa," Tsume half cried out in pain mixed with a bit of pleasure.

"Goddammit!" A voice by the door yelled.