Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ You Like Who? ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 13.

Toboe closed the door to his bedroom as though Kiba were right on his heels. Turning the lock, he winced from a particularly bright flash of lightning shining through his curtains. He didn't care about the storm right now, he just wanted to haul up in his bed and never come out as long as that... that.... hungry cousin of his was in the house! He was shaking a little bit as he dove beneath the covers, pulling them up far enough to cover his head.

"That didn't happen." He informed his self. "I'm scared and-.. and... sleepy- it's midnight! Anyone could have hallucinated at this hour." He declared to no one. But all his confidence sank when he relived the moment Kiba put his lips to his and his cousins hand slid up his shirt. Wetting his lips, he could still taste the toothpaste in Kiba's mouth. He used that funky orange stuff that he brought with him, but right then.... it kind of didn't taste so bad. He snuck a taste of it one night and didn't really care for it but....

"What am I thinking!? He's my Cousin!!" He silenced himself with a finger over his lips. Taking a breather, he pushed the covers from his head and rolled over on his back. "There's just no way he'd pick me.... I... I'm just a kid. Who'd wanna do the nasty with a kid?" The young boys lips formed a pout at the idea of it, but, the more he thought about it the more concern he got. His parents leave for work nearly all morning, which means he'll be alone fending off Kiba for....? He held up his fingers trying to count the hours but the numbers weren't sticking in his head all he could see was Kiba......

I'm not gonna think about this! I'm not gonna be seduced by my own cousin... I'll just tell him that, I'm not interested. Yeah, he should understand that. On a second thought, he bit his lip in wonder of how he was gonna do that. Kiba does understand English well enough but sometimes he asks him what stuff means so he's not too sharp on everything. Darn it... I should ask my mum how to say 'I'm not interested' in Japanese. She'll know, and then there's no way Kiba will get it mistaken. With that as his shelter, he snuggled in under the blanket and closed his eyes.

He shivered as a bang of thunder caused the shutters to tremble. Rolling onto his stomach he pressed his eyes tighter together, as though he could will his mind to sleep with force. But every inch of his mind was consumed to the brink, consumed with.... Kiba. Toboe has always thought his cousin was cool and really trendy, he's never worn anything that Toboe would turn his nose up at. He even makes frumpy winter clothes look like some thing that high fashion magazine people wear. Kiba's also got the sweetest English, he makes you sound like a tool and you've been speaking it longer and pronounce it much better but still.... when he says 'Hello', you smile.

Toboe opened his eyes, if he's gonna think about it he at least doesn't have to mentally see him. What if Kiba fell into some provocative position? Then what?! Toboe was sure he wasn't gay, at least, he liked to look at the naked people on the computer... although, it freaked him out to see two women together. It was much better with a man and a woman, but still.... it was kind of strange that even though he's looking at women, Toboe always wants to see what the man is doing in the picture. He's never been brave enough to make them move, not after what happened the first time when his father's computer shut down on him.

He nearly had a heart attack, but he managed to save himself by a lucky storm that passed by overnight, and when Hubb went to use it the next day he complained that the power went out and shut down his computer. Toboe has been careful about that ever since.

He'd wished he had seen more then two seconds of kissing before the computer decided to crash. Then he would know which part of the shot was making him excited, because all he saw were two people kissing before the man turned around, woman in his arms, and walked over to a table to lay her down on. Shaking his head rapidly, he tried to bury the thoughts as far as he could make them go in his mind, but Kiba seemed to be a powerful force and he just continued to resurface.

Growling, Toboe sat up. "I'm thinking too much about this.... I'm gonna go see him and clear this whole thing up." Slipping out of bed, he stepped into his slippers so that his feet didn't stick to the cold floor. Sneaking carefully down the hall, he slipped into his cousins bedroom again. Taking a breath to relax his nerves he walks over to the bed and climbs in. On his hands and knees he stays a safe distance from Kiba, while studying his sleeping face. "See, nothing so great about him." He swallowed. Than why the heck is my heart beating so hard?

He had once had a thought about Leara that was similar to what he was feeling now, but that was only because someone pointed out that she had boobs coming in and he was curious as to what they looked like without her shirt on. But that was all, he never ever wanted to kiss her or anything like that. He even got his chance to see her breast when she spent the night and asked him to give her a shirt that she'd left on her bed. He walked into the bathroom, like it were no big deal, and handed it to her. She cursed at him for not knocking first, saying that "I could have been naked" so she obviously didn't know he'd seen her top half in the long mirror. In conclusion her body was no longer that secret mystery to him and his imaginary crush on her had ended.

So what does that mean, I have to see Kiba naked or something? Can't be. He's a boy, his body is just like mine, so I don't need to see that. In his mind he knew that he was thinking mostly of the kiss, Kiba's soft lips pressed upon his. It was enough to make him wet them before leaning over to do what he's about to do. Just one quick press, and I'm gone. Just an inch or two away and.... He scrunched his eyes when he felt contact. He was sure he wasn't going to like it, or that it wouldn't be the same as before, but whatever he felt, he was glad he was feeling it while his cousin lay asleep.

He pressed his face into him as hard as he could to get the most out of it, so that he would never want it again, but it wasn't like before. It wouldn't be because he has no experience in kissing. Just as he gave up and began to pull away, a warm hand came up to his cheek, bringing him back down to Kiba's face. His breathing stilled and he was sure the loud thumping in his chest was gonna wake Kiba from whatever sexy dream he seemed to be having. Braving himself to pull away again, he nearly had a heart attack again, for the second time in life as Kiba spoke.... directly to him, eyes open, and very much paying attention to whom he was with.

"If you're gonna kiss somebody," he said in a low heated tone. "Do it like you want it." Leaning up the necessary distance to the young boys face, the Japanese boy licked Toboe's lips causing him to gasp, which left a wide enough space in his mouth so Kiba could continue to explore it with his tongue.

Toboe's tongue lay flat in his mouth, trembling, while trying not to move. The young boy was beginning to feel light headed because he was unknowingly holding his breath. Swallowing to catch it, his eyes fluttered as a taste of Kiba's tongue brushed his in such a way he thought he would fly right to the ceiling and out of the house.

Kiba's gentle laugh snapped the boy up from his sleep as he realized he was sucking on his pillow. It was good and moist too. "Bleh!" He let it fall from his mouth, shaking his head rapidly to get the taste down. "Bleh! I wish I'd known I was asleep, then maybe I wouldn't be so..." He gasped feeling the wetness in the front of his pajamas. "Uh-oh!" Getting out of bed, he hurried to the door. It pulled open and Kiba was going by, dazed look on his face and sleepy hand rubbing at his tired eyes.

"Morning Squirt." He muttered on the way by.

"Ah!" Slamming the door shut as quickly as he could he pressed his back to it. Toboe could just see Kiba standing on the other side, looking at it as though he had lost his mind. When it was Kiba who had lost it. Kissing him like that, he's not gay, really! At least, he's never been attracted to his uncle that he could ever recall. No wonder his parents didn't want him to hear about it, this was wrong in the worst way. But then why was the idea of Kiba kissing him still running through his mind, and why does the wetness in his pants feel kind of good brushing against his flaccid penis when he moves.

"I can't believe I peed the bed." He whispered. Although, it doesn't feel like pee. I wonder if it's that stuff that I read about on that one site. Girl covered in... what was it, something with a 'C' I'm sure of it. Biting his nails, he frowns. Why didn't my dad let me take sex ed. in school? I can't ask him about all these feelings, he'll get mad at Kiba because he'll think it's his fault. Scared or not, he would never tell on his cousin. Maybe Kiba doesn't even know what happened. It was late and he slept the rest of the night... so yeah, maybe I'm off the hook.

Regaining himself, he opens the bedroom door again then steps out into the hall. Kiba isn't in the bathroom like Toboe thought he would be, so he must have gone down to breakfast. It was around seven so breakfast must be on the table by now. Hurrying to the bathroom, he quickly strips his self of his sullied underwear and goes to the toilet to pee. Cleaning himself up, he then takes his pants to the shower and turns it on. Hhmm, if mom asks how my pants got so wet, I'll tell her I went to take a shower and forgot to take them off. Smiling, he recalled the first time he had ever actually done that. He was stripped from head to toe, at least he thought he was, because when he stepped into the shower, his socks got soaked from the water, but his mother got a big kick out of it. He cried, sure that she was gonna be mad because they were brand new, but she really didn't care. After all it was just water.

"There." Squeezing them out, he dipped his head under the water to let it get wet, just to confirm that he had actually gotten in the shower. Shaking the wetness off, he totters from the bathroom and into his bedroom to get some new underpants.

Toboe walked into the kitchen, jeans on and sweater tucked into them so he wouldn't entice any thoughts from his cousin, who is hair deep in a plate of eggs. Why does he eat like he's depressed, thinks the young boy as he takes his usual seat at the table.

"Here you are dear." His mother says, dropping a plate off in front of him.

"Where's Dad?" He asked taking a bite of his toast. Scrunching his nose, he reaches for the butter to give it a little more.

Cher glanced at him from the counter table, then back down at her papers. "Your father's at work already, he had to go in early."

Making a sound of an 'oh' he continued breakfast in silence. Sneakily, he looked at his cousin from under his lashes. He had to know what Kiba was thinking. Sending a look his way that made it seem as though he were using some type of telekinetic powers, he blushed fiercely when Kiba looked up at him.

"Uh.... Um... Good eggs, huh?"

Kiba shrugged, "I guess."

"What day is it?" Asks his mother, looking around for her day planner.

"The ninth."

"Really?" Cher blinks. "Damn. Your father and me have that dinner party tonight. Guess I'd better call the sitt-...." She gets up from her seat throwing her arms around Kiba's shoulders. "Nephew! You are so cute and nice." She then makes a sound a lot like an 'aaawww' before rubbing her cheek against his.

"Thanks aunt Cher," he seemed to be trying to move out of it. "Thanks alot.... Can I have my cheek back?" He nearly fell from his seat when the woman released him.

A finger in the air, she made her thoughts out loud. "Veeery nice!"

"Uh huh, what do want?"

"Iiii want you to watch your little cousin for us, just for tonight! It'll last until.... maybe midnight and I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Mom! I'm not some dumb kid that's gonna spit up on him." Whines her son.

Rolling her eyes, she says. "Whatever."

"Yeah, I'll watch him."

"Aaaww," Cher put her hand to her heart. "My little nephew is growing up."

Kiba finished his breakfast then took his plate to the sink, rinsed it then headed off to the living room. "I don't want anything," he was saying as he departed. "Just forget about it."

Cher looked taken aback, then looked over at her son with a point of her thumb. "So what's with him?"

"Beats me. I think he may have slept wrong." Tilting the plate toward his mouth, the nervous boy shoveled his eggs down then polished off his bacon. "Thanks for breakfast Mum.... Um... I... kinda did something bad."

Cher looked at her son, slipping her glasses on making her seem more intimidating. "What did you do?"

"I uh... eh heh heh, I kinda got in the shower with my underwear on."


"Uh-huh... Can I put them in the washer?"

"Oh Toboe, you're thirteen years old, you don't have to ask me for things." Sitting at the table, she slips her shoes on. "You can do anything you want just as long as it doesn't make your father and me look like idiots."

Toboe cocked a brow. "I just wanna wash my underwear. I don't wanna start a food fight at a super market or anything."

His mother laughed, leaning over she placed a smear free lipstick kiss to his cheek. "Speaking of the market, here." She hands him a few bills. "Get cake mix and things, maybe some ice cream for your cousin." Looking over her shoulder, she then turns back around and whispers. "Don't let him see you doing it, but get him a gift too."

"Okay." He smiles at the idea of what to get him. "But why?"

"I'm gonna get his gift on my way home from work." Standing, she brushes a hand down her jacket.

"Mm? Why do I have to buy a cake?" He asked again.

"Because your cousin's birthday is on the twelfth. Bye sweetheart."


As she passes through the living room, Toboe can hear his mother saying goodbye to Kiba, who answered with a dry "Yeah". Clearing his dishes, he's long since forgotten about the incident last night because all he can think about is sinking his teeth into a nice hunk of cake. He wondered if Kiba would let Leara come over for the party? Probably not, he got a vibe from his cousin that his best friend wasn't exactly his favorite person. That was okay, just as long as they didn't fight with each other.

Walking into the living room, he flops down on the arm chair and sighs. "I really won't be a problem. I'll just stay in my room, it'll be like you have the whole place to yourself." He laughed nervously. Reaching under the cushy chair, he pulls out a sketch pad and markers then flips through it to a blank page. "Hmm hmm hmmm hmmm," he begins to draw a picture of a bus full of people- the best he can anyway.

Kiba glanced at him then at the tv. Clearing his throat, he looks back at his cousin and asks. "So Toboe,"


"What were you doing in my room last night?"

The marker dropped from the boys hand, rolling across the paper until it hit his lap. "Your room?"

"Uh huh."

"Last night?"

"That's what I said."

Toboe swallowed hard, he didn't know what to say and boy did he wish he was a good liar. Biting his lip, he casually picks up his dropped marker and begins coloring with it again. "The storm scared me.... that's all. I wasn't doing anything."

"Uh huh...." Kiba seemed to be hiding a smirk beneath his nonchalant voice, which is probably why he followed up his careless words with. "You know Toboe, it's okay to be curious about some things, but you should really be trying them with someone that isn't related to you."

This time Toboe nearly snapped the marker in half. He had no idea that Kiba.... He worried his lips nearly to bleeding thinking of what to say. But wait... "Heey, you're the one who kissed me! You're gay!"

"What are you talking about?"

Uh oh! Did I say something wrong, assuming he was talking about that? Knocking the sketch pad from his lap, the young boy scrunched into a nervous little hug session with his knees. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you kissing me, yeah, but why would you throw being gay in my face? Because you're straight?" Kiba dropped the remote, then scooted over closer to Toboe.

"Um... Look, I got in bed with you and you wrapped your arms around me and kissed me... I just assumed you did it because we're cousin's and that's why my Dad would get mad if I knew what Gay was." He blurted it out so quickly he had to sigh just to catch his breath. "Are you mad?"

Kiba frowned. "Confused, but not mad."


"Toboe," he seemed to be thinking of a way to say what he wanted to say but it wasn't coming out.

"Should I just avoid you so we won't be uncomfortable?"

Kiba cleared his throat, then stood up. "Come on, I wanna show you something."

"Uh," he began to protest but he followed his cousin upstairs anyway. "Where are we going?"

Kiba turned off into the computer room. When Toboe arrived in the room, Kiba already had the thing lighting up the dark room with its illuminating glow. It was times like this the plucky little thing wished the curtains were naturally open. He didn't think he liked being alone in the dark with an angry Kiba.

"Have a seat," he says in a voice that isn't portraying any hint of anger. It sounds more like tired or bored. "Look." He types something into the computer then a page comes up, he clicks on the first link, then a site follows shortly after.

Toboe blushed fiercely and covered his eyes. Kiba grabbed the boys hands and pulled them away. "See, this is gay. Two guys who, mind you, aren't related having sex."

Toboe's eyes grew large as they gazed at two large men one built a bit smaller than the other in a suggestive position on each other. The only difference between this and the normal people he peeped at was that, well... he could see the guy parts. Try as he might, he couldn't dispel the image that was popping up in his head. The heavier built one the man who is sitting on the couch became Kiba in the young boys mind, and the one on his lap became his self. He drew in a sharp breath at the thought of Kiba holding his... that way.

Kiba was watching his cousin hard, then he cocked his head. "Toboe?" He waved a hand in front of his face. "You alright?" He thought that Toboe was gonna say 'yes', but then he began to cry. "Hey, hey don't do that. What's with you?"

Toboe sniffles then shakes his head. "Nothing... I just thought that... you know, I was special or something." His tears became actual sobs.

"Why?" Kiba looked at the screen before closing it. "Because you like girls?" Toboe wasn't making any sense to him and he was beginning to think that Hubb was right about not telling him.

"It's just that.... I mean, I was scared at first but then when I really started to think about it last night I thought that I was special because out of everyone in the family you chose me." He cried.

Spinning the chair around so that Toboe is facing him he asks, "Chose you for what?"

"For... for being gay with."

At first Kiba didn't understand, but then his face cracked a smile and he began to laugh. "Toboe, that's gross. The only reason I kissed you is because it was an accident. I would never do it normally and you shouldn't want me to." Standing, he looks down at the weeping boy. "Toboe, I'm in love with Tsume... you remember him, right?"

"Yeah. He's a jerk. He made you be mean to me."

Kiba shrugged. "Yeah but, truthfully, you were a little pest because you were younger than us." Brushing the kids hair, he knelt back down. "Listen, stop crying.... I'm sure you'll find somebody too. Like you said, there's a lot of guys out there, go pick one."

"No!" He cried harder.

"And anyway I thought you were straight?! Why look at all those girls like you do if you aren't?"

Toboe just rubbed his eyes from the burn of the tears. "Leave me alone Kiba, you're mean and I hate you!" Standing he tried to run but Kiba had a hand on his arm.

Pulling the struggling boy into an embrace, he held him there until he stopped moving. "I'm sorry you got the wrong idea about me.... but I don't do that sort of thing- no one does! It's weird! But... please stop crying. Chances are, you really will find somebody out there for you- girl or boy- it's your choice."

Toboe continued to cry until Kiba leaned up and kissed him on the forehead. "What- what was that for?"

Shrugging, Kiba answers. "My mother always does that whenever I can't stop crying." Ruffling the boys hair, he smiles. "Calm down now. Go color a picture or something- call your friend Leara over... I'm gonna go take a shower now. See you in a bit."

"Okay." He brushed the tears away and frowned as his cousin left the room. He wasn't even sure himself why he freaked out like that. Kiba made sense and he kind of filled in the blanks of why he had freaked out in the first place. But he seriously was becoming used to the idea of being that near to Kiba.... it was like being picked as someone special, not just some bratty kid. I can't believe I made an idiot of myself.... and now he knows that I sort of liked him... Everything is gonna be ruined and he'll never look at me the same again. Looking at the computer, the image flashed through his mind again.

"Maybe I should call Leara." Exiting the computer room, he takes one last look over his shoulder, then touches his forehead. "I might as well just forget about the whole thing and do like my friends do. I'm sure, eventually Leara and me might fall in love."