Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ A Pair of Sinners! ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Thanks Roxaroni! And for saying that you like my writing style, and don’t think I’m saying it for compliments when I say I think it stinks and I’ve been trying forever to change it but I keep slipping back into my old habits, but eh as long as people like it than I guess it ain’t so bad. Hope you like chapter it’s one of my favorites. See ya! Fantasy.


Chapter 14.

As Kiba ran his hands through his soggy, sudsy mess of brown hair, he mused about what he'd just been through with his cousin. At first he was disturbed by the whole thing, but as the scene came back to him, it was actually pretty funny. In fact, Kiba had laughed through most of his shower remembering how serious the boy had been. He couldn't believe he thought that homosexuality was incest. Can anyone really be that young!? But now he had a problem on his hands and it wasn't just the shampoo about to run into his eyes. Squinting, he slips under the stream of warm water, letting the suds rinse from his hair, at first with the help of his hands and then on its own as he placed his finger to his chin while the other hand landed on his hip.

Poor kid, I had no idea he thought that I hated him.... I mean sure, I think he's a little dweeb, but in actual I don't hate him. He tilts his head back to rinse his face next. But I can't have him thinking that the only way to be close to me is through sex, that's just sick and weird.... So what to do?

Turning off the water, he reaches over for his towel which is slung over the shower door. Wrapping it around his waist he nabs the other towel he got for his hair and began to dry it as he walked about the bathroom letting the cool air in the main part of it dry him. Stepping before the mirror, he runs a hand over it to clear the fog that drifted from the shower and covered it up. Finishing a good amount of his hair, enough so that it doesn't drip down his back, he then unwraps the towel from his waist and continues to dry the rest of himself. Rolling his eyes up, he wonders what time it is? It should be somewhere close to lunch right? Kiba wasn't sure how long he'd been in the shower but he was sure that almost all of them took an hour.

Leaving the bathroom, he cases the hallway with his eyes making sure a certain hungry little cousin of his wasn't roaming around to jump him, especially since he left his clothes in his, borrowed, bedroom. Coast is clear. Sneaking along the hall, he slips into the bedroom intact. Dropping the towel like it weighed a ton, he then heads over to the drawer to grab a pair of boxer briefs to put on. Sitting on the bed, slipping one foot in at a time, it made him recall a particularly nice time he'd had with Tsume after they had taken a 'my father's gone so why not see what, wet, naked fondling is like' shower. Turns out it makes you come a lot faster than dry grinding.

Wonder why that is? Standing, he pulls a shirt from the hanger and slips it on. Next came a pair of dark blue jeans and some socks. Now that he was fully shielded from his cousins gaze, he headed into the hall to find the little runt. "Toboe?" He peeked into the boys bedroom, but he wasn't there. Walking down the hall to the computer room, he smirked with a shake of his head. He really didn't think the kid had enough guts to come back for more after the first time. But again, he wasn't there, though, it appeared that he did come this way because the computer chair was all the way against the wall from where they had left it, which was in front of the computer.

"Toboe?" He called again. "Where the heck are you hiding?" Downstairs he went, knowing the boy would be splayed out on the living room floor watching some of those cartoons he didn't understand. But, like in the other places he looked, Toboe wasn't there either. Not in the bathroom or in the kitchen, a quick glance out the window confirmed that he wasn't outback or in the front yard. Kiba was a little worried now, where the hell could a kid get to in an hour?

Heading back for the stairs, he called out. "Toboe! Are you up there!?" Biting his lip, he thought over any possible place the boy could hide in this house. Maybe he went to the store like Aunt Cher asked?

Just when he reached for his sneakers the sound of a door unlocking caught his ear. Slipping his sneakers back off, force of upbringing never to wear them in the house, Kiba heads up the stairs hoping that the source of the noise was made by his little cousin and not someone who possibly killed him, or raped or- or harmed the boy in some way. Stop freaking out Yaiden, it's Toboe and he's fine. He heard a low cough coming from his aunt's bedroom, a sigh of relief followed his quickened foot steps. Pushing the door open he spots the boy through the dark bedroom. He's sitting on his parents bed, legs straightened before him and arms crossed as he lay slightly leaned over onto the pillows that are propped up on the headboard.

"There you are; do you know how freaked out I was?" He walks over to the bed and sits down, receiving a cold shoulder from the boy. "Hey, what's with the cold shoulder, huh?"


"You're not still mad at me are you?" Leaning over on his side so that he can glance at the younger boys face, he smiled. "You can't be mad at me.... friends don't get mad at each other over embarrassing things."

"That doesn't even make sense."

Straightening up, he spreads his legs out as well, folding his hands over each other in his lap and looking straight ahead as he speaks. "So... how long do you plan to be mad at me?"

"As long as I want." He answered in a tight, practiced, voice. Kiba could tell Toboe wanted to be found so he could show him that he was mad.

"I'm sorry Toboe."

"No you're not."

Looking down at him, he frowns. "Yes, I am." Wetting his lips, he reached out and tapped the boy on the arm. "I should have been clearer on what I told you... Maybe I shouldn't have told you at all, but you felt so bad, I couldn't lie to you."

"You never had a problem with it before." Toboe sounded like he were trying not to cry now. It was breaking Kiba's heart.

"When?" He couldn't recall anytime when he was particularly mean to the boy.

"Everyday!" Sniffling, he sits up and turns his head to look at Kiba. The tears in his eyes would stop a cold hearted bastard, that beats his wife, dead in his tracks to ask the boy what was wrong. "You pretend to be nice to me, when you really don't mean it. I heard some of the stuff you said to Tsume and I looked it up, how's about "Kowapa", you called me a brat or... something like it."

"I'm sorry. I don't really mean it though, that's just the way older kids are with younger ones. We think they're all brats."

Toboe seemed to be thinking that over. "Well, what about my Dad?"

"What about him?" Kiba didn't think the boy could possibly be crying because he was a little mean to Hubb, what was the big deal.

"You never call him uncle, and I know Uncle Quent just as well as you know my Dad. Then you're always biting your tongue before you say something to him." He wipes his eyes with his sleeve. "If you hate it here so much than you should just go home then!"

"Wish I could." Kiba said in all honesty. Wrapping his arms around the younger boy, he sighs. "Toboe... I don't mean any of the things I do... I just... I mean, you'd feel the same way if you ever came to my house and you didn't know a lick of Japanese. It's different for me being here than anywhere else and... I'm sorry. Okay."

Toboe just shrugged.

"Are you gonna be mad at me forever over this?"

Toboe turned his nose up.

"Come on.... one smile and you'll feel better."

"Yeah right."

Kiba turned the wheels in his head. He knew nothing about jokes but... maybe he could translate something for the boy to understand. "I bet I can make you smile." Clearing his throat he began. "What do you get when you take one banana and another banana and.... No that's not right." He thought a little harder.

His cousin rolled his large, orange colored eyes in a circle.

"What happens when..."

Growling in frustration Toboe blurts out, "It's what do you get when you have two banana's and they fall to the floor?!" He paused for like a second before he went on shouting. "A pair of slippers!"

Kiba tried to hold it back, but a snicker slipped from his mouth into a full laugh. It wasn't so much the joke as it was the way Toboe said it, so much anger in that bellowing little voice. It's hilarious. Toboe sat there, pout on his face listening to Kiba laugh. Without meaning to, he felt a laugh come from himself, he could have held it but Kiba leaned over on him for support and that little nudge made it feel as though he shoved the laugh right out of him.

"See? Aren't we better this way?" Says Kiba, giving the boy a good guy shake of the shoulders. "We don't have to sleep together just to be close."

Toboe blinked hearing that. "I don't... I mean, I don't wanna sleep with you if that's what you thought I meant.... I just thought that..." he blushed.

"What then?"

"I thought that we would just kiss or whatever. My mom kisses me and it's no big deal, my Dad used to but now adays he just gives me a pat on the shoulder or head." Running his hand across his nose, he sighs. "I figured since you're my cousin it wouldn't bother you too much if we kissed."

"Oh... but Toboe, that's parents. What you mean is you think you and I should make out, there's a difference."

"There is?"

Readjusting his self on the bed he bites his bottom lip trying to figure a way to explain it. "Making out is something you do with someone you're in love with, and a kiss is some thing that someone gives you when they care about you."

Toboe looked even more confused now. "Isn't that what I've been saying?"

Kiba shakes his head, bits of water from his shower made the wet parts of his hair cool in the action. "Just forget about it." Changing subjects, which he was so glad that he had one, Kiba stands. "How about we go to the store and get that cake aunt Cher was talking about?"

"You heard that?"

"Of course I did, we Yaiden's have excellent hearing." He smiled as he brushed a hand across the boys hair.

"Can we get lunch too?" His cousin slides from the bed. Turning around, he smoothes the wrinkles he'd caused on it. Satisfied with the job he's done, he follows Kiba out the door.

"Hey Toboe, why were you in your parents room anyway?" The older boy asks in their departure.

"It's got better thinking light." He explains simply enough.


Kiba picked up the phone from the base and dialed the number for the pizza guy from the phone book. He didn't feel like cooking, Toboe didn't really know how so they were left with the option of some fast food. Yay. Toboe is in the kitchen putting away the cake and frosting they had just bought. The two decided on a marble since they couldn't agree on vanilla or chocolate, the icing was a decided lemon because it wouldn't be fair to pick an icing that would favor the other persons choice of cake batter.

"Hello?" He listened to the man speak to him in quick Swedish. "What?" He asked, plugging an ear as though that would suddenly act as a Swedish to Japanese translator he tried again. "I would like to order a large..."

The man went on and on in what sounded like a slur of angry profanities.

"Um... hold on..." Kiba paused his words thinking for a moment. He knew how to say this, because he had heard Hubb say it to his aunt when she was about to walk out the door one morning. "Ga-... or was it... Hegi- Dammit! Toboe!?"

"What!?" He called from the kitchen seeming as though he didn't plan to come in and see what the problem was.

"Come here, I need you." When his cousin appeared, he looked as though he were about to ask "what" again when he spots the phone being offered to him.

Taking it, he holds it to his ear. "Leara?"

"No, it's pizza. Tell him we want a large sausage and ham."

"Yuck." Speaking quickly into the phone, he then says his address before handing the phone back to Kiba. "They said it'll be here within the half hour." Walking over, he plops down onto the couch beside the confused brunette. "You really like ham on pizza?"

"Sure, who doesn't."

"I doesn't... it's gross enough on it's own but then to add it to sauce like that, bleh." Crossing his arms, he looks at the tv for a bit.

Kiba looks at the tv as well. It's some strange show with lots of people dressing up and playing restaurant or something like that. "What are they saying?"

"See that guy," he points. "He just told a joke."

"What was the joke?"

"Some grown up joke. I don't get it." Grabbing the remote, he flips the channel. "This is a good show."

"What is it?"


"Hahaha, you've got to be joking. Kids don't watch soap opera's."

Toboe sat up, with a serious look in his eyes. "I do! My mom used to leave them on while I sat with her. I ignored them at first but then she told me to record them because she had to work then I got hooked. Is that so bad?"

Kiba took a moment since his cousin had spoken too quickly for him to translate but then he replied with a teasing little, "It's fine, if you wear curlers and eat chocolates."

"Well maybe I do!" Toboe teased back, poking a finger to his cousins shoulder.

Kiba gave him a little shove. Toboe shoved back. The two laughed about it then went back to watching the soap. It was actually pretty interesting considering it made no sense. But then again, soaps are a universal language so even if they were speaking gibberish you'd understand it somewhat.

So far a pregnant woman was tripped in the alley way of a large building, though, the show made it seem as though she had tripped on her own but knowing any soap they'll reveal that someone tripped her when the person that did it- Yup, here comes the flash back of what the tripper did. Somewhere between the woman is going to lose this baby and a couple stripping themselves to the nude which showed a lot more than most soaps the boys pizza had arrived.

Toboe picked away the ham at first but after about three slices he ate them as though he had always loved it. With a little left over the two cleaned up their mess then did their own things for a little while until Cher walked into the front door with Hubb coming in shortly after her. The two didn't say much to the boys as they chattered to each other about who would shower first and what would be cooked while the other person was showering.

Kiba watched the two of them work as some kind of understanding unit and for a moment he really missed having his mother around, what he could remember of her anyway. Toboe was in the kitchen with his mother, who had lost on getting the shower first, since she was a woman and they tended to take longer than men. Cher decided the best thing to have was hot dogs- or at least that's what Kiba thought it was, the color wasn't like the ones he'd seen in the international aisle at the supermarket back home, these ones are bigger and kind of gray. But the food here has been good so far so chances are even if it looked weird it would taste good.

Things were done pretty quickly and while Cher chattered about when they'd be back and Toboe not getting to have two desserts, she said that bed time was ten o'clock and it couldn't be changed. Toboe didn't seem to mind though, he colored one last thing in his notepad before sitting down at the table, a plate of dogs and chips before him. Kiba found out that in Sweden 'fries' are 'chips'. Isn't that the weirdest thing you've ever heard? But then again, maybe it was he who is wrong about what they're called. His teacher once told him that the things aren't even from France.

With dinner set they all ate as Cher took her shower and got ready to leave for this dinner thing Hubb is having with his boss. As the two adults went out the door, Cher gave each of the boys a kiss to the forehead and a stern finger that said 'don't blow anything up you two'. Kiba thought about turning in early but Toboe wanted to watch a video with him, so deciding that it wouldn't be so bad to be nice to the kid since his little 'fit' this afternoon, Kiba went upstairs to slip on his pajamas then he came down to watch the movie. Not one to be left out of things, Toboe went off to nab his pajamas as well.

The movie was something scary; it's about a guy who falls into a well and ends up in some freaky world full of demons and other weird looking things. The make-up job was really well done, Kiba thought for sure that something like this could have really happened- minus the freaky dimension part- because nothing should be that realistic. By the time the movie was coming to an end, it was getting late. Time for little boys to brush their teeth and get to bed. But upon moving from the couch, one little boy had collapsed into the place he was previously sitting.

Hmm? Looking at him with question he smiled. I won't tell that you skipped out on brushing. I just hope you're not heavy or all bets are off squirt. Leaning over, he picks the young boy up bridal style and carries him off to his bed with ease. Placing him in the bed, he pulls the blanket up to his shoulders then leans over to kiss him goodnight. Upon this kiss to the cheek the boy sucked in a breath of air, parting his lips to do so.

Kiba wasn't sure why, but.... Leaning over again, he gave the boy a kiss on the lips. It tasted of chocolate chip cookie and a little milk. Not bad. Not bad? I must really be tired.... But... Looking at his sleeping cousin again, he couldn't help but think- Oh well.....

Placing his mouth over the young boys he gave him a slightly deeper, though, not enough to be a full on make out kiss. And Kiba wasn't exactly sure, but it felt like his little cousin had kissed back, in fact when he moved away Toboe's eyes were slightly open.

"Uh... I..." he stutters.

Toboe smiled as though he had some little secret going on, but then his eyes drifted back off to sleep and he muttered. "It's okay Kiba.. I wanted to kiss you again too."

Kiba, quite confused by what he was feeling a mix of lust and repulse, he backed out of the boys bedroom and closed the door with a light click.