Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Damned if you do, Damned if you don't ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 18

"I've had at least seventeen jobs just this year!" Declared a chipper Hige with a big grin on his face, as though having had that many jobs means something. "You should see my unemployment checks."

Kiba laughs while popping another chocolate covered pretzel into his mouth. He'd gotten his hot chocolate but instead of leaving to give the young, and forgotten girl hers, he stays a while listening to the ranting of a madman. "Why do you get fired so much?"

"Oh didn't I tell you? I tend to eat most of my merchandise. Hahaha."

Lowering the cup, he says. "You should stop working with food."

"Tried that once, but I ended up leaving the place because it was waay too boring." He waves a hand past his nose as though the place stank as well. "How 'bout yourself? You ever had a job- I'll bet your rich? Some spoiled Japanese brat who never knew what it was like to earn a penny."

Kiba shook his head to that. "Geez you talk fast," he mentioned absently. "I've actually never had a job, and yeah, my family does alright but I wouldn't say we're rich."

"If you say so." Tapping his hand to Kiba's, that lay dead on the counter space, he says. "So what's holding you up from getting a job- you didn't finish school or something?"

"No... Actually, I have to go back after the summer but... Hell I don't know, it's never come up. Tsume has a job now though, so I guess I should get one too."

"Who's Tsume? You're brother or something."

Shaking his head, Kiba glances out at the ice then back at Hige. "He's my boyfriend back home."

"Aahhh, the struggling gay couple. I hear ya. Had a boyfriend myself once."


"No. But that's beside the point, I've got experience."

Taking that all in he nods. "So you just sleep around?"

"Sometimes." Shrugging he looks toward a customer. "What can I get you?" He asks in Swedish.

"Three cocoa's and a jelly donut." Replied a burly looking man.

Kiba looked the guy over, fascinated in his appearance. Japan has it's share of husky people but they don't look like other peoples. This guy's hair was long for his size, pulled into a loose ponytail as though ice skating had taken a lot out of him. The blond color was highlighter like his uncles, with curls at the end. The mans beard looked almost brown so there was a chance that blond is not his natural color.

Turning his head, the man smiled at him and said in a friendly manner. "Hello young man."

Kiba only stared at him until he remembered the Swedish word for 'hello'. "Oh. Hi." He replies though he isn't sure whether or not the man may have called him a name of some kind after saying, "hello".

"There you go. Would you like straws?" Offers the chipper brunette.

"No thank you," scooping up the cups the burly man nods to Kiba before walking away to his family.

"What did that guy say to me?" Kiba asks, jutting a thumb in the guys exit.

"He said, "hello young man", no big deal."


"That'll be 2.75 for the whole." He mentions.

"I can't count this money, can you do it for me?" Pulling his wallet free, he hands it over to his new friend.

"Sure, let's see what you've got..... Wow! You are a spoiled rich kid." He thumbs through the large dollar bills. "That or you've got something big on your father." Taking out the exact amount he returns the wallet. Leaning over on the counter he says. "Hey Kiba, you... maybe wanna go out sometime? I know a great place to eat- lots of 'em actually or we could catch a movie?"

Standing while taking the two, half drank and one's probably cold, cocoa's into his hand, Kiba smiles at the boy. "I don't know."

"Come on! I'll just take you for a drive! Like a tour guide, I'm sure you've done nothing but sit around in your Aunt's house watching paint dry- you should come with me."

"Hahaha, okay how 'bout tomorrow?"

"Great tomo-... Tomorrow's no good. I have to baby-sit some brat that I usually watch for extra cash on the weekends."

"It's not the weekend."

"Yeah but the couple's anniversary is tomorrow so they need a sitter while they head out and make love in some random hotel-.."

He was cut off by Kiba's sounds of nausea. "Okay, I'll see Thursday then. Sayonara."

"Sayonara!" He waves a hand. Placing his chin into his palm he watches the boys treck toward the ice. "Maan, I've gotta go to Japan sometime if they all look like him."

"One chocolate please."

"Hm? Oh sure."

Kiba watched his feet as he walked over to the ice. With luck he didn't have to shout for the young natives since they were on their way over to him. Holding the cup out to the girl, he says, "Here."

"Thanks." Taking it in such a way she can't help but brush his fingers she, again, giggled.

"....Yeah. Do you want the rest of mine?" He asks his cousin.

"Tch. No thanks, and besides, I'm kinda cold..." Walking off the ice, he mutters. "I wanna go home now."

"O-kay..." Watching the boy head for the exit, he wonders to himself. What the heck’s gotten into him anyway? I thought we were having a good time. Maybe that idiot Leara said something to upset him.... Looking down at the girl, he blinks. Doesn't seem like she's upset. Maybe I should ask-... Opening his mouth, he began to speak but was cut off.

"So what the hell is his problem?" Asks the girl.

Kiba wondered when the heck she spoke like that but waved it off. "Search me. I guess we're leaving though. See you around."

"Bye." She waved. Taking a sip from her chocolate she scrunches her face. "This is luke warm!" She calls out.

Kiba almost laughed about that, but he had to go talk to the knuckle head and he wasn't sure what he was gonna say. Locating the boy on a bench, taking off his ice skates, he scoots away when Kiba sits down next to him. "So what's with you?"

"Nothing. I just don't feel so good that's all. I think I might be coming down with a case of the bllleeeh!"

"Whatever that means."

Dropping his skates to the snow with a huff, he slips on his sneakers that rest in a little cubby that they shoved them into on arrival and quickly stuffing his foot into them he tied up his laces. Kiba was a few seconds, maybe a minute or two slower than him in doing the same thing.

"Toboe, wait!" He called when the young boy trotted off. "Wait!" Tying his laces up, he chases after the boy. catching up he slips a hand onto his shoulder just to have it shoved off. "What? What's with you? Did I do something?"

"You know!" The boy said.

"Then what?"

"It's THAN what, stupid."

Taken aback, he continued his probing. "So- than what?"

"You were talking to that guy for an awfully long time," not bothering to move over for someone coming right for him, the boy opted to shove the woman out of the way of his path; Kiba held his shoulder and pulled him closer at his side.

"You mean Hige?" He wonders and blinks in confusion as to why that would be a problem.

"Tah!" Throwing his hands in the air, Toboe stuffed them into his pockets. "So you're on first name with him, I thought you people used last names."

"Hey!" Stepping forward into the boys path, he shoves him to a stop then grabs his coat. "Just because you're a little mad doesn't mean you can insult me! I may let that thing about my english slide but you don't insult my culture!" He let go of the boys coat, muttering, "little shit." Turning away he begins to walk. "And anyway, what difference does it make? It's not like you're my boyfriend or anything- you’re my cousin. Act like it."

Toboe stood where he was, with a look on his face that said he was truly hurting. "Kiba..." he sniffled. "That's the meanest thing you've ever said to me!" Looking around he spoke as he bent over to scoop some snow. "And if I weren't such a nice kid-.."

"Ha!" He called over his shoulder.

"I'd do this!" Tossing it at the back of Kiba's head he crossed his arms in a huff.

Shivering, due to what went down his shirt, Kiba turned around with a look of murder on his face. "You better run!" He called after the retreating boy, scooping up a handful of snow himself. Tossing it, he missed Toboe by a leg but that didn't stop him from trying again. "Come back!" He chased after him until he was close enough to the boy then he tackled him!

"No! Stay away from me you jerk!" Falling forward, he reached out grabbing a handful of Kiba's coat before he tumbled down a hill with Kiba after him.

Both boys were getting covered in snow, so much that it was beginning to soak through their pants and coats. Toboe lost his hat a long time ago and Kiba never had one on. Tumbling over and over; Kiba wondered if this was how a shirt felt in the washer. Reaching the bottom of the 'garage sale' with nearly none of their clothes in tact both boys slid to a stop over the snow. Panting, Kiba crawled over to his cousin and rolled him over.

"You still alive, brat?"

Panting, Toboe broke into a grin then began to laugh while he sat up brushing snow from his hair. "That was fun!" He looked up the hill wondering where it had come from until he saw a few sleighs on their ways down. "Hope none of that was yellow, I think I got some in my mouth."

Kiba punched the boy on the shoulder then stood up, reaching out a hand for him to take. "Come on, let's get your hat, my scarf, your..." he looked to see which one had come off. "Left mitten and go home."

"Yeah," he chuckled once more, remembering the ride down again. His foot slid back down at his first step up the slope. "We'll have to find a low end and walk from there."

"Or we could go back down the way we came and hope to scoop them up."

Thinking it over as the most fun option; Toboe takes the older males hand and runs to the low end of the hill so they could head to the top and roll down all over again.


"Mooooom! We're home!" Shouts the woman's son.

There was a silence about the house that said whomever was there is no longer. Looking at Kiba he shrugs then opens his mouth to shout again just to have it covered by Kiba's hand.

"If she didn't hear you the first time-.."

"She could be sleeping, mother's like to sleep on days off, ya know."

"Actually, I wouldn't." Not having been with his mother long enough, Kiba figured it was a good enough response to the boys statement.

"Hmmm, I wanted her to make us some sou-..." He took in two breaths before sneezing into the air. "ACHOO!"

"Cover your mouth!" Kiba slaps his scarf over his nose and mouth. "I don't wanna catch your germs."

"It was just a superficial sneeze... I'm not sick." No sooner had he finished his sentence, does he sneeze again- this time with his hand over his mouth.

"Looks like you caught a chill... you go upstairs and get in the tub. I'll make you some soup."

"This from the guy who can't even order pizza," he dodges a hand coming his way. "The soup's in the pantry on the third shelf; I like chicken noodle, okay."

"Mm hmm." He removes his scarf, jacket and gloves, then steps out of his soaked sneakers, shivering when his wet sock hit the floor. Maybe I should take a bath too. I can still feel the wind cutting through my wet clothes. Looking down when he heard the sound of a SPLAT, he frowns at the sight of his naked cousin standing before him.

"I'm gonna use lots of hot water," shouts the boy as he heads upstairs.

Something about that made him smile as he recalled Tsume and himself, playing with the hydrants outside, stripping to butt naked because his father was gone. It was a wonder the two of them hadn't started anything sooner as many times as they have seen each other naked.

"Thanks in advanced for lunch!" Toboe said from somewhere upstairs.

"Hn. Brat could have at least dropped off his wet clothes in the laundry room." Scooping them up, he figured he should take his off too, why make two trips? Releasing the clothes, he began to strip, praying that aunt Cher really was gone and not just sleeping or sitting somewhere out of earshot- if that were possible with as loud as Toboe was calling for her. Pulling off the sweater and pants, he removed his boxers and felt a chill run up his back. Fighting a sneeze, he took the pile of clothes into the kitchen and dumped them into the laundry room.

The pantry was his next trip as he grabbed two big sized cans of soup to put on, just incase Aunt Cher wanted some as well when she got back or incase the two of them wanted extra. Using the electric can opener, he turned on the stove and retrieved a stainless steal pot from beside the sink in the lower cabinet. Once the cans were opened he dumped their, less than flattering when uncooked, contents into the pot then walked out of the kitchen. He could hear the sounds of Toboe's feet thumping against the floor as the boy walked around. Making it to the top of the stairs, he peeked into his bedroom spotting a towel and washrag on the bed for him.

If that isn't an obvious invite.... Though... I really shouldn't.... Picking up the towel and washrag, he rummaged for a nice pair of boxers to put on and a pair of pajama pants with a comfortable t-shirt. It seemed like a clothes free kind of day today. It would be easier if we both took a bath together, after all, why should we eat alone when eating together is better- not to mention the soup won't need a reheat. He wished he hadn't been thinking all this while stepping into the filling tub that had a rise of bubbles on top trying not to drown by getting sucked under the rushing water at the faucet. Kiba really does think what they're doing is wrong, that's why he accepted the date with Hige- to break off this thing they have going before something bad happens. Or Toboe dies of jealousy. He couldn't believe the boy was jealous! He couldn't imagine how he'd react if and when he finds out about-....

He sighed when he felt Toboe climb onto his lap; his lips lowered to Kiba's right nipple giving it a lazy little sucking. His chest rose and fell in heavy pants due to the boys body heat, the sucking and the rising water drifting his hardening cock up and down between the boys butt. Toboe had to be feeling it as well since he started rocking his hips. Kiba wanted nothing more than to stick his member inside of him- but again, he fought the urge to do so and settled for his middle finger instead.

Titling the boys chin upward, he leaned down and kissed him, while reaching for the soap in the dish beside them so that he could lube up his fingers. He hoped the soap didn't hurt in there, he himself didn't really know, he's never tried it; but there's a good chance that if diluted with enough water it wouldn't be too bad. Placing the soap back down, he rubbed the entrance of the boys butt with his fingers, getting it nice and foamy. Dipping his fingers into the water, he brought it back up between his crack circling the entrance before going inside.

Toboe arched his back, then leaned forward to moan into Kiba's chest. He held his cousin tightly while he finger fucked him, and when it began to feel comfortable he started to move his hips over top of it. The water was waist level now and rising making Toboe's tunnel an easy little slope to get in and out of as he added another finger.

"Ah!" His hip movement became more erratic when Kiba hit a place inside of him that made his already bent knees wanna turn into jelly. He was so close now when-....

"Kiba! Toboe!"

The two separated like they had been electrocuted, they could only look to one another wondering what the hell to do. She would know they were in together!

"Who's burning the soup!" She called from the kitchen!

That was a good enough distance, Kiba climbed from the tub wrapped his towel around himself then hurried into his bedroom before the woman could get upstairs. He just got through slipping into his pant legs when she opened the door.

"There you are, do you know that your lunch almost got burned," she held the pot out. "What were you doing?"


"Oh.. where's Toboe?"

"Bath.... He's still filling the water."

"Oh, okay as long as your clothes are in the hamper-.."