Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ 104 degrees of anger ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Geez, someone is hungry. All I’ve got is a veggie meal, if you want beef you’ll have to wait until the next chapter which will be sooner than later because the other fic I’m working on is boring me right now so I’ll update this one again probably by Friday. Enjoy the chapter and thanks for the review you’re sweet chicky and dude… well, thanks. Hahaha. Fantasy.


Chapter 20.

"And it's great Kiba!"

His little cousin is sitting in bed, eyes bright and glee radar off the scale because he got sick. Kiba's never in his life seen someone happy to be ill. This kid apparently had more problems then Kiba could have imagined. But he was glad that Toboe is well enough to be this happy early in the morning.

"Dad said he was gonna bring me something to play with since I have to stay in my room." He did a little bounce off the bed. "I hope it's that new army guy that I wanted."

"I had no idea that you play with dolls,"

That earned him a stern look and near bashing to the head. "It's NOT a doll.... it's a respectable action figure."

Kiba shrugged. "It doesn't have any genitals, so it's a doll."

Toboe pouted at that; eyes narrowing. "Get out." He said in mock anger. It would have made Kiba laugh had his cousin not coughed right after. It took him a while to settle himself again, but once he regained his composure, he said. "You can cover your nose and everything, I don't mind."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you hold your breath when I started coughing." He wiped his hand on the blanket until he was sure all the germs were gone.

Kiba still felt like his getting sick was his fault. He still felt like Toboe was sticking it to him to make him feel bad. May as well just come out and say it. No sense in wondering. Clearing his throat from any high pitched stutters or other odd sounds that would come out he says in a voice that's teasing. "So where do you get off faking sickness for attention? Huh, brat?"

Toboe blinked at that. "Is that what you think I'm doing?"

Shrugging, Kiba asked. "Aren't you?"

"No.... The snow soaked right through my sweater. It was like wearing a thin wet sheet on the way home."

Now that Kiba remembered the boy was shivering on his way home, he didn't know how bad it was that the kid had cold in his chest. Great. Now he felt like a complete ass for accusing him of something. Better make it up to him.

"Forget about it; if I were you, I might have thought the same thing." Taking Kiba's hand he placed the palm on his forehead. "See my fevers down. It was a whole 140, did my dad tell you?"

"104, you nerd."

"Whichever." He shrugged.

Kiba chuckled softly then looked past him to where his breakfast tray sat. "You finished with that?"

"Yeah," dipping the spoon into the bowl he took one last spoonful before handing the bowl over to his cousin. "Did mom and dad leave yet?"

"Just on their way out, so probably."

"Good....." there was an awkward silence. "Kiba?"


"I was wondering, do you think-..."

"No Toboe!" He stood from the bed. "You're sick- and besides, I told you we weren't gonna do that anymore."

"That's not what I was gonna say!" His voice had gotten scratchy towards the end of the sentence so he cleared his throat. "I was gonna say you don't have to stay in here, I'll be fine and I've always got my sick bell for when I need something."

"...Oh... Sorry."

"Kiba.... you've gotta relax."

"Yeah well, how should I act when you've been pushing up on me so badly." He walked over to the door pulling it open.

"I'm not so desperate for sex,"

"All right, I believe you. Enjoy your alone time."

"I will!" Crawling to the end of the bed, he grabbed the remote. "And Kiba?"


Bringing his hand up to his mouth, he gave it a kiss before blowing it to his cousin. Breaking into a fit of laughter at Kiba's blush, the young boy earned 'the finger' in response to that and he closed the door on his way out.

Little brat. He sure is cute though. Sighing, he looked down the hall to the stairs. What the hell am I gonna do today? Maybe I could go find that guy Hige. Snapping his fingers, he walked down the hall and descended the stairs. Surely Hige's number was in the phone book. Searching the living room for the item he just remembered, he didn't know the guy's last name. Well if that isn't something out of a soap opera... wonder what's on tv? Sitting on the couch, he set his feet up on the coffee table and grabbed the remote. This was gonna be one uneventful day.

* * *

Hige adjusts his jacket with a few shrugs of his shoulders to give it more height to keep his uncovered cheeks warm. He wondered for a minute if he should have just screwed the plan and waited until tomorrow to go out with this guy as planned. No. When someone is that cute and is only visiting, then time is of the essence. And he was sure they would understand, after all, you can't have a wedding anniversary without acknowledging what happened after the honeymoon, right?

"Gonna march myself up to that door, look them straight in the eye and tell them- the brat can watch himself, he's old enough." The chipper boy was saying to no one in particular. "I wanna see the world, have a life, and date people from another country." He turned the corner of the empty, slushy, street and headed over to the sidewalk opposite where he was walking. "And as they stand there laughing at me, maybe they'll feel sympathy for their stressed out sitter who just wants a little action."

The man next door was taking out his trash when Hige was close enough to the house where he worked; he gave the young teen the shifty eye but went about his business until he came close enough to hear him speak. "Ahuh!" He cleared his throat noisily for attention.

Turning his head at the sound, Hige smiled a wave. "Hey old timer, bet your glad it's snowing." He pointed up at his hair. "It takes some of the age out because it seems like every bodies doing it."

The old man wrinkled a brow and raised a fist to shake, when he remembered what he was gonna say. "Boy, you going in there?" He meant the house where Hige had stopped.

"Yyyup. Gonna cancel the work load. Why?" He raised his fist to knock but held it in the air as he spoke.

"Listen youngen, the man over there he borrowed something from me not long ago and damn it all I never got it back." It looked like the old guy was gonna cross the grass to give Hige the 'old person death grip' while he spoke, but he looked at the un-shoveled path and decided against the broken hip. "It's a -lass measuring cup."

"A lass?"

"GLASS boy, clean your ears out."

"Uuh, okay. I'll see what I can do." He lied.

The old man smiled showing yellow teeth trying to cling to even that color to avoid showing bits of black from the dead teeth beside them. Waving a hand, he huddled his clothes higher up before mumbling about the brunette's earlier comment then he went inside.

Rolling his eyes. "I am never getting old." Returning to his previous task, he knocked steadily at the door. Looking to the right, he wondered if anyone was at home right now. They couldn't have left for work this early? Then again, his parents were night workers, so who really knew from the daytime. Waiting a moment, he turned around and kicked some snow from the front step. Wonder how much they'd pay to have this shoveled? Just when he was gonna knock again the door pulled open and his jaw dropped. "Kiba!"

"Hige! What are-... How did you find out where I'm staying?"

"Never mind that, how did you find out where I work?" He marched in place to remove the snow from his sneakers as he came inside the house. "More importantly why didn't you tell me this is where you were staying?"

Kiba closed the door after Hige walked in, still in shock that Toboe is the 'brat' he was talking about from before. He didn't peg the kid as the type to need a sitter but then again, he's only thirteen. This was huge! It was bigger than that actually; to have just been thinking about Hige and have him show up- this really was like a soap opera.

Finding his voice, he asked again. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious," he stiffened his back and stance. "I came to cancel my job for tonight so that I may take my lady around town." He then took a bow like a prince.



"Oh... Well, Aunt Cher isn't here, neither is Hubb. You just missed them."

"Dammit. I knew I shouldn't have stopped for the donut and cocoa." He crossed his arms and twisted his lips as he thought. "Do you know when they'll be back?"

"Usually around four," Kiba began to play with his fingers as though they were the filthiest things in the world, he picked at them until he was sure the dirt was gone. When he looked up Hige was staring at him. "What?"

"I was just thinking how perfect this is," says the fast talking male, crossing the room to where Kiba stands. Dropping a hand on his shoulder, he gives it a hard pat. "You're staying here with your Aunt, whom I work for!"

"Yeeah? Aand?"

"I can come over tonight, make like a stranger and you can say that I can stay to watch the brat because... I don't know, think of something you wanna do that he can't be a part of."

".....I don't know. There isn't much a guy like me can do in a place where people can only understand half of what I'm saying when I speak English." He shrugs. "It won't work."

Hige looked at Kiba like he were a Martian. "Haven't you ever had a caper?"

"They won't believe it!" He ignored the word he didn't know, but he assumed it had something to do with, being in a troublesome situation. "And besides, the brat's sick. He caught a chest cold yesterday. He threw up most of it last night."

"Well alright! That works out better!"

"How so?"

"Obviously. Who better to have around when your kid is sick than the babysitter who can call the hospital should the boy get worse in the care of the," he put his arm around his shoulder. "No offense, foreign cousin who doesn't know the lingo."

Kiba thought about that. His mind said no. But his other brain told him, sick brat equals good time with cute babysitter while he rests. He liked those odds. Grinning, he turned to Hige and said. "Alright, I'm in."

"Ya see! I knew right away you were different from the wimps I used to know. You're a man of action and you don't take 'Hard' as a wall to stop you." He took off his coat and gloves.

"That's presumptuous of you." Noticing the boys actions, his happy expression drops. "What are you doing?"

"Staying a while, what's it look like?"

"Well you can't." He grabbed the other boys things from the coat wrack. "I don't know their policy of people being over without them here."

Shocked by this he defends himself by saying. "They have a babysitter, they obviously don't care that someone is in there house without them- and besides, they know me." Taking his things back, he slips them back onto the hook. "You can just tell them the runt called me because you wanted to know something."

"Uh huh, and what exactly is it that I wanted to know?"

Scratching his head in thought, he ponders a moment then snaps his fingers. "You wanted to know directions to the hospital!"

Kiba was skeptical. That would never fly as an excuse. But then again, what would his aunt and uncle think of it anyway. They don't know Hige swings that way, clearly, or his homophobic uncle wouldn't have hired Hige. "You can stay for a while, but at three you've gotta go.... it would kind of ruin the plan if you were already here."

Holding a hand up to show he understood, Hige replies. "No need to tell me that, I've gotta be at work today anyway."

"Same place or were you fired again?" He walked to the couch and took a seat.

"Same place. It's surprisingly easy to sell hot chocolate and snacks." He joins him, sitting suspiciously close. "But working outside kind of blows so maybe I should get fired."

Well, there was one thing Kiba knew about this day; it wouldn't be as quiet a morning as he first thought. Hige could talk enough for a crowd of people Kiba guessed. Which was fine with him because he liked to listen to the boy speak. He has the cutest accent and he says 'yes' funny. It kind of sounds like 'yaah' sometimes.

"So, Japan, tell me about yourself? Where you live, who you see, things like that." He touched Kiba's thigh.

Drawn a blank by the gesture Kiba then shakes his head. "Um, I was born and raised in Kagoshima.... I'm dating a really great guy name Tsume.... I like all kinds of things.... I smoke occasionally and,"

"You smoke?!" He got out of his relaxed position into a straight backed lean into the other boys space.


"That is so coool... I've never known anybody that smokes." He grinned as he fell back against the seat. "Man, a guy who smokes. You're a one in a million to me."

Blushing, Kiba muttered. "Thanks, I guess."

"So do you drink?"

"Used to. I tried it at... fourteen with Tsume but I didn't really like it too much." He turned his gaze on the other boy. "He does it all the time if you wanna talk to him about it."

"I might." Hige blushed at the sight of Kiba's perfect eyes, the color just grabbed him, it was insane! People tell him his eyes are pretty nice and he agrees but to make simple color like blue look as though it were sterling silver was just amazing.

"What about you? You said you sleep around, so who- how many have you been with?"

"Ahaha, already on to sex questions. I like that Kiba, it shows promise." He cleared his throat and thought; one finger going up as he counted the bodies he's rolled around with. When he was done he looked back at Kiba and said. "About two."

Kiba burst out laughing, slapping the boy on his shoulder. "It took you that long to count two? What are they teaching you in these schools,"

"Plenty! I just don't consider it sex when all you're giving out is hand jobs."

"Okay, so include hand jobs. How many?"


"Fourteen?" He sighed. "That's a lot... looks like you could really teach me something when it comes to sex."

Hige smiled at that. "Is that an invite?"

"You're the one who said I don't have much time here."

"I said that?"

"Maybe I thought it, who knows, but it's true." Touching the sleeve of the other boys sweater, he looked him in the eyes. "We might as well make the most of our time together. Since I'll be going home in a week."

Leaning toward the Japanese teen, he whispered. "I hear ya."

As the two of them joined in a heated little kiss; over their heads was a very pissed Toboe. Storming back to his bedroom, he closed the door with a low click then he hopped onto his bed and began punching his pillow.

"I can't let the two of them be alone tonight... but how can I keep Hige away?" He turned his eyes left and right as though reading ideas off of revolving slips of paper. "I know. I can just tell Mom and Dad that I'm feeling worse than I am, then they'll cancel any plans they made." A smile curled at the corner of the boys face, he knew that was the perfect plan.