Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ A Plan for Romance? ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 21.

Hige has Kiba in a straddle, rocking them back and forth while his lips pressed into Kiba's at a weight hard enough to break teeth, had it not been for his tongue tasting Kiba's mouth every so often. The Yaiden boy bucked his hips upward, hands squeezing at Hige's ass to press him down harder. He wasn't getting nearly enough friction as he would have liked especially considering that he is in pajamas and Hige has on jeans. As their lips broke so Kiba could breathe, he exposed his neck to Hige's mouth and moaned when he felt their heats take little bites on him.

What is wrong with me? Am I really this eager that I'm gonna have sex with this guy right now? He moaned again, a little longer and arched his back from the chair. I must be, how do you go from finding out a guys sex life to kissing him to the point of skin on skin. Kiba could feel Hige's hands searching for the rim of his pajama pants so he could pull them down, but he grabbed the boys hands in order to stop him.

"Wait," he pants. "I can't... Toboe's right upstairs."

"So what, the kids gotta get traumatized at some point in life- why not now." He leaned over and kissed him again.

For a moment Kiba thought about saying 'screw it' to the boy as well, after all, he is just his cousin. What he's doing and whom he's doing it with should be none of his concern. A loud jingling sound caused both the boys to look up to the stairs.

"Don't tell me the brats got a sick bell?" He looked down at Kiba, smiling at the sight of the pinned boy. He looked just like a trapped wolf ready for the hunter to take his claim of him, and in Hige's case it wasn't for teeth or fur.

"Yeah, he does." Trying to sit up he failed twice before he lay there giving Hige a sour look. "Can you get up so I can go check on him?"

Brushing a hand down the boys jaw line, Hige whispered. "Just ignore it; it's like with babies, if they know you aren't coming they'll give up."

"That may be true, but that's beside the point he could really need something. So," he shoved the boy from his hips and re-adjusted his pants before standing. "If you'll excuse me."

Dropping jaw, he held a hand to his forehead in disbelief. "But Kibaaa?!" He groans. But the other boy was already gone. Looking around the living room, he spots a little notepad and a pen beside it. "Hmmm," getting off the chair, he grabs both items and begins to write. "Hige Lowenbraat, 123 Hudiks str. phone 776-435-121. Call me or stop by, I have to go for work." Reading it over, he smiled at his work with a firm nod. "Nothing beats keepsakes." Hearing the thumping from upstairs he wondered if the kid had Kiba running an errand for him, probably ice cream. Who wouldn't want something their parents wouldn't normally let them have when they're sick and said parents aren't at home.

Folding the note, he placed it on the end of the banister. Pulling his coat and gloves from the hanger, he slides them on then looks down at his crotch. "Sorry buddy, maybe later on when we show him how we can tap into the spice channel." Pulling open the front door he weighed the option of calling upstairs that he was leaving, but then that would alert the boy of his presence and that wouldn't be any good for the plan later on at night. Sneaking out as quietly as he could, he yanked the door closed with a quiet thud.

Just as Hige started down the snow covered path to the sidewalk, he heard the door open behind him, looking over his shoulder he thought for a moment that it might be Kiba but frowned when he saw the old man. He hobbled out of his house like a troll waiting for some poor civilian to cross his path so he could ask them a bunch of ridiculous questions and if they got it wrong they'd be cursed to see his face for all eternity. So sparing the old man the embarrassment, Hige raised a hand and said,

"Don't bother! I couldn’t find any lass measuring cup!" Taking off down the street, he laughed when he heard the old man swear right before slamming the front door to his house. Nothing made a day brighter than picking on the elderly- well, the rude ones that got it coming. With any luck his cute little Japanese lover won't change his mind by the time night falls and the two of them can drug the sick boy to sleep and spend the rest of the night learning how to say naughty parts in their native tongues. Stuffing his hands into his pockets he began to whistle on his way to work.

Back in the house Kiba came from the bathroom; he fixed the boys minor problem of dropping the remote on the floor and, Toboe being too tired to lean over and get it had him come all the way upstairs just so he could have the pleasure. Never in all his life has he seen a sick person act so childish- except for on television, but who knew people did it in real life? He had to pee out his frustration and the hard on that was building up in his pants. Maybe he and Hige couldn't do anything right then, but maybe the odd boy was up for a make-out session with him. You couldn't disagree with kissing.

Heading back to his cousins bedroom, he cleared his throat for the boys attention then asked, "is that all?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks Kiba." He smiled sweetly at the older boy. "Could I get some soup for lunch though? Mom always makes it for me- I like clam chowder when I'm sick."

"Sure." He turned away. "I'll bring it to you the minute it's done."

"And some crackers, please?"

"And crackers." He nods on his way into the hall. Hurrying downstairs, hoping Hige's dream cloud isn't as deflated as his is, he was shocked to see the note on the banister. "I guess he's gone." Flipping the slip of paper open, he looks it over and smirks. "Lowenbraat? That's cute." Folding the paper, he moved to the closet and pulled down the checker game. "At least now I can call him... maybe I should give him my address so he can write to me when I go home." Closing the door, he moved upstairs and into Toboe's bedroom.

"Back so soon? Where's lunch?" He asked seeing no sign of a steaming bowl of anything in his cousin's hand.

"Toboe it's 9:15, but if you're really that hungry I could make it anyway." He placed the game box down on the bed.

"No. I just get a little stir crazy when I don't know what everyone is doing."

"What everyone?, it's just you and me." Answers Kiba sitting down on the other side of the bed, pulling his legs up before opening the game box. "Wanna play?"

Still thinking about what he had said before, he starts to say, "You mean he-... I mean,"

"Yeah, your mom and dad are already gone. I told you that," placing a hand to the young boys forehead he sighed. "Your fever feels fine, but your eyes are still puffy. Maybe you're delirious."

"Yeah, that's it." He thought aside. At least that jerk Hige is gone. I can't believe they got so close after just one day of talking to each other. Unless there were other times that I don't know about... If he thinks he's gonna take Kiba away from me well, he's got another thing coming!

"You're red okay?"

"Huh?" Looking down he nods. "Okay."

Toboe wanted to ask what happened with Hige but decided against it, he didn't want Kiba to think that he was.... well.... checking up on him. He moved his piece on the board, then spaced off again. Kiba seemed to be thinking over his next move like the game were chess, all the while his hand was over his lap as if to cover something. Toboe stared at that hand wondering if what Kiba was hiding is what he thinks it is. If that's the case, he was never gonna speak to him again, what they were doing was something that only they could do and it wasn't fair that Kiba would wanna do it with someone else! It just wasn't!

A stern look on his face and a stiff spine, Toboe reached out for his cousins crotch, shoving Kiba's hand away so he could grab onto his manhood. Kiba couldn't have smacked his hand away fast enough before he stood from the bed. Toboe remained where he was, innocent look on his face with a bit of bitterness.

"What are you doing?" Asks Kiba.

Toboe crossed his arms, turning his pouting face away. He didn't wanna act like a child he wanted to be mature like Kiba, but it was hard when he was telling him that they weren't gonna be close anymore. He could feel the tears start to well up in his eyes, and crying was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... I thought you needed help with that..." His voice shrank. "I wasn't being fresh or anything, and besides you always liked it when we did it before- why not now?"

Kiba really didn't have any other answer other than, 'it was a mistake' but he was sure that would send his sex starved cousin over the deep end. "Toboe... listen,"

"Great," says the boy without even waiting for the rest. "Nothing good ever starts with listen. It just doesn't."

Sitting back down, he pulls the boy into an embrace and rests his head on his. "Toboe, what we did was wrong. I realized that a little too late and now.... now it seems like I'm gonna hurt you because I want it to stop."

"You are."

"And that's not fair to me... I abused you and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me forever but... but you really should not like me the way that you do- it's wrong!"

"You didn't think it was wrong before- why do you think it's wrong now?"

"You don't understand yet, you're still kind of young but when you're older and we see each other again, you're gonna realize what we did was wrong and we'll be uncomfortable with each other instead of hanging out and doing something fun." He brushed the boys hair behind his ear. "Do you understand?"

He nodded. I understand alright; you're trading me in for Hige.

"Isn't this nice.... you and me sitting here like this and hugging." Asks Kiba. "We can watch tv together and I can make us lunch and then we can play for as long as you want. You've been bugging me about this thing and that when I first came here, so how about we do those things."

"I guess so." He hid his face against Kiba's shirt to let the tears fall someplace other than his lap. Feeling something crinkly pressing against the other side, he figured that Hige must have left him a note. He wanted to read it, but he could never get it away from Kiba. But if his cousin took a shower, than he would maybe leave his clothes in the bedroom for him to do a little snooping.

"Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." He answered in a flat, dry tone.

The two of them watched some tv for a while in silence, still holding one another and thank god his erection went down ten minutes later. It would have happened sooner but thoughts of Hige and tonight kept going through his mind, it was driving him crazy!

"Dad put a block on the computer, I tried it last night before I started feeling nauseas."

"Why would he put a block on the computer?"

Toboe shrugged. "I think he might have used it and I forgot to clear the history."

"Or maybe aunt Cher when we went skating."

"Maybe...." They were silent again. Toboe looked up at Kiba continuously, but he couldn't get his self to say what he wanted to say. "Kiba?"


"Are you... mad at me?"


Toboe shrugged again. "I don't know. I've been pestering you... and you don't wanna play with me like that anymore. I just assumed."

Kiba shook his head. "No. I'm fine, we're fine. you didn't do anything- I told you it was me."


"What is this anyway?"

"Invisible child."

Cocking a brow, Kiba detached himself from the smaller boy. "I'm gonna go make lunch."


Heading to the door, he looked back and said. "Really, it isn't you."

"I know."

Leaving the room, he pulled the paper from his pocket and dropped it off in his room under a pair of boxer shorts. This was gonna be a long day.

* * *

Cher made a simple dinner of spinach and chicken with rice and soup for Toboe. She just got done cleaning up half the mess of dinner when the door bell rang around six o'clock. Kiba, who was upstairs when he heard the sound, told Toboe he was going to the bathroom. Hige actually couldn't have come at a better time, after two lifetime movies and some weird cartoon with three rich cats, he was ready to throw himself out the window.

Opening the door, she looked surprised before asking. "Hige! What are you doing here?"

Kiba appeared at the top of the stairs, looking down over his aunts head at Hige who glanced up at him for a second before he went into explaining his reason for being there. "I came here to baby-sit Toboe. You guys usually go out on your anniversary, and besides you called me last week about it."

Cher cocked a brow before snapping her fingers. "You're right. I forgot." She shook her head. "Toboe got sick last night and... It completely slipped my mind."

"That's okay." Says Hige, tone brimming with confidence. "I can still watch him, right? Just think of this as one of those times when you get to put all those emergency numbers to the test." He stomped his feet out on the mat. "You guys go have a good time. You can trust me."

"I don't doubt that." Cher backs away when the boy enters. "Hubb!"

"Mmmm," he sniffs. "What smells good?" He asks already on his way to the kitchen.

"I was just cleaning up," she says to the gluttonus boy who's about to make her do another thing of cleaning. "Hu-! Oh, hi Kiba."

He only waved when he realized he was caught. Seeing that he was being flagged down the stairs, he came at a moderate pace when he actually wanted to run. "What is it?"

"I want you to meet someone," Leading him into the kitchen, she sighs seeing the sitter picking a piece of chicken from the pile of fried meat. "Hige?"

"Whaat?" He made a face of surprise. "Oh cool! I get to meet your basement kid." Dropping the wing off onto the tray, he wiped his hand down his pants and held it out. "Nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you." Kiba replies, shaking the, greasy, offered hand.

"Hige, this is my nephew, Kiba."

"Nephew?" He thought for a moment. "I forgot you have a brother- he's that grouchy looking guy in the picture, right?"

"That's Quent, yeah. This is his son."

"Wow. Can't believe someone would sleep with that guy." He cocked his head from side to side. "You're lucky, you don't look a thing like him- except maybe for this," he rubbed the place between Kiba's eyebrows causing the Yaiden boy to blush from the extreme close up. "You got that same, mean, crinkle going for ya."

"You call me, dear?" Asks Hubb showing up 30 seconds late.

"Yes. Hige is here, says he wants to baby-sit tonight."

Hubb looked to the boy, frowning at his huge grin. "I'm afraid Toboe's sick. I thought we'd stay home to watch him."

"Again with the sick kid. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of the ill."

Kiba listened to Hige smooth talk his uncle in their native language, which they hadn't realized they had slipped into. So he wondered what they were saying, exactly. Whatever it was, Hubb seemed to be wavering from his first thought of staying at home, until eventually he nodded his head.

"I guess we can trust you to watch him." He said in English.

Kiba would have smiled granted no one see him. But he couldn't believe that Hige actually got an 'in'. Maybe he wouldn't be so bored tonight after all.

"I guess we should go get ready." Says Cher taking out the bun she had as a hairstyle. "Kiba, can you finish cleaning this up for me?"

"Uh huh." Snatching her husband the two of them went upstairs to get ready to go. Walking closer to the boy, Kiba asked. "What did you say to them?"

"It was nothing." He waved a hand. Doing a bit of charging himself, Hige pressed Kiba to the counter. "But they said I have to go by nine when the brat goes to bed. Something about you should be fine after that."

"So they're not coming back tonight?"

"Search me, they never usually do- and they might not now if they think I'm going home later on."

"Which means," he smiles.

"You and me can mess around for a while." He gave Kiba a quick kiss before moving away from him. "I just hope Toboe doesn't realize when we spike his tea."

"What tea?" He follows him.

"The tea that we're gonna bring up to him." Flopping down on the couch, he grabs the remote and starts flipping channels. "All we have to do is put some Nyquil in there and whalla, brats out cold for at least three hours and that's all we'll need."

"Do you always move this fast with everyone you meet?" Taking a seat next to the boy, but far enough away so it doesn't look suspicious, he picked at his nails again. He didn't know what it was about Hige that made him feel so anxious but he knew it wasn't bad, it was almost exciting- like something BIG was gonna happen. And for once in his life there isn't anything in this world that's gonna stop it.