Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Two in the Hand ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Sorry it took so long, my computer was cut off because a bill was missed (vweep) But I’m back! Thanks for the review BonC, you’re a dear. Yaoi dude, like promised I give you some lovin’ and I extended it as a sorry to all of you silent or verbal readers. Hope you like it. Fantasy.


Chapter 23.

Hige turned on the stove, placing a pot over it when the coil turned red. Operation: Sleep runt, sleep; Hige picked the name, was under way. The two boys had been downstairs watching television up until Kiba's aunt and uncle went out for a night of grown up fun. As soon as the car was down the street the two boys were in the kitchen. Toboe was staying quiet as he occupied himself in his bed room with whatever was keeping him in there.

"Bring the water to a boil," Hige was saying as though he were a top chef, explaining his latest masterpiece. Kiba cocked a brow like the boy were insane; how hard is it to make a cup of tea? "Then we sit the packet in the water- whala!"

Staring into the steadily bubbling water, Kiba wondered how effective a drug could be in that kind of heat. To him the effects would burn out, right. Like alcohol does when you cook with it. Hige's movement called his attention to the pantry, when the boy emerged from the small room with a bag of sugar Kiba raised his hand to say something.

"What are you gonna do with that?" He asks suspiciously.

"What do you think? I'm gonna put it in afterwards- three should be good." He mutters. Taking out a spoon, he scooped and dumped the sugar into the pot then stuck the spoon in giving it a blow before sipping the taste off. "I like it."

"Eeuww." He frowned at the grotesque action. "How can you do that and think it taste good."

"Do what?" The chipper boys expression was blank. He didn't see what was so wrong with it. "Oh, you mean why didn't I use the coffee pot? I just don't like cleaning stuff out that's a-..."

"No, I mean, how can you put sugar in tea that's disgusting."

Hige stared at Kiba for the longest time before he finally opened his mouth, "You mean, you don't?"

"No. You're not supposed to."

"Bleh! Who can drink this tart crap without sugar?! I'm sorry Kiba," he shakes his head in disapproval. "But your weird."

"You're the one who's weird, does all of Sweden do that?"

It sounded like his voice caught in his throat. "Try all the world!" He held his hands out to show the great lengths of the world. "Don't tell me you're hometown doesn't? I'll call the cops on them right now."

"No, we don't. It's gross."

"Gross my ass," scooping a spoonful for the bizarre male, he blows it off before leaning the spoon toward him. "Now, do you want train noises or a plane?" He asks in a mothers voice.

Chuckling Kiba clamps his mouth shut and through his teeth says. "You're not spiking me with that."

"Spiking you with what? Flavor?!" He moved the hands that the Japanese boy slapped over his mouth. "Come ooon! Taste it! For me!"

"Nnnoooo," he said in a muffle.

Ceasing his assault, Hige changed strategies. "Fine, don't drink it," he shrugged before cutting his eyes at his friend. "But I'll be forced to tell all of Sweden that Japan has a bunch of sugarless babies running around."

"Yeah, I'm shaki-..." He took the gulp that was shoved in his mouth, then dropped his tongue out like he'd been poisoned. "Somehow I knew you were gonna do that," he wiped a hand over his mouth with a sound 'bleh' following it.

"You liked it." Hige shook his head. "Hand me the medicine, nurse Kiba."

"Yes, Doctor." Walking to the frige, he pulled it open and reached for a bottle of some type of medicine he couldn't read the name of, but he knew that it was the right stuff because it said cold/flu right below. "Here."

Uncapping the bottle, Hige poured the measured amount into the pot, giving the concoction a quick stir before recapping the bottle and placing it on the counter. "Cup- you're a quick one, makes me glad I brought what I did."

"What do you mean? What did you bring?" Asks Kiba.

"You'll see later on, hopefully sooner than later." Pouring a good amount into the mug, Hige picked it up and started for the living room with Kiba on his heels.

The two boys head upstairs at an even pace so the drink doesn't spill. The closer they got to the door the louder the music from the television got, and the more Kiba was thinking that spiking his cousin was a bad idea. But then again it is just cold medicine and Cher would have told him to give him some anyway if he woke up groggy in the middle of the night. The boy jumped out of his skin when his door was opened; at first Kiba thought that he might have been slipping his hand in the wrong places, but when he spotted the boys new action figure being retrieved into his hands he let out a breath.

"Hey runt, brought you a drink." Hige said in a convincing salesmen’s voice.

Toboe eyed Hige wondering why the hell he'd drink anything from that jerk, until he saw Hige sit down on his bed, placing a hand to his forehead. "What is it," he asked moving his head away from the motherly hand. "Cause I don't want water."

Scrunching his face, he placed the cup onto the side table by the boys bed. "Does water give off steam you little idiot."

"Hige." Kiba said in a scolding tone that made Toboe wince because it sounded waaay to comfortable.

Looking at the cup, he eyed its contents. "Is it apple cinnamon?"

"Only kind down there." Answers Hige.

"Oh," blowing it off, he takes a quick sip. "Thanks." He replies to the gesture when he sees that there's nothing wrong with it: spit, backwash anything like that.

"No problem, now you can't say I never did anything for ya." Hige sits on the bed as well. "Toboe, you won't believe this," jutting a thumb out in Kiba's direction, he goes on. "Kiba here doesn't put sugar in his tea."

Toboe lowered the cup, "Yuck, why not?

"Can we get off that! Tea in Japan is probably better than tea in Sweden because we don't need sugar to make it drinkable."

"Drinkable isn't a word." Teases Hige.

Kiba blushed at that, then kicked the boys foot. "Whatever."

The two teens look at the tv, watching it for a moment. Toboe continues sipping at his tea while eying the two of them. Why the heck were they staying so long anyway? To make sure he drank it or something? Because if they were then they really did do something to his drink.

"What is this?" Asks Hige.

"Search me." Says Kiba.

The two boys watched some big gangly cat chase after some knot headed mouse, until the cat smacked into the wall when the mouse dove into its hole. Both of them scrunched their eyes as if it were the dumbest thing they'd ever seen and yet they couldn't turn away. Toboe decided it was fascination to a cartoon that everyone would admit to seeing at least once in their lives, but apparently not the two of them. But still, he wanted them to leave.

Shaking free of the hold the bright colors had on him, Hige pats Toboe's leg before standing. "I've gotta get out of here before I get to interested and wanna watch it myself."

Kiba stood too, giving Toboe a pat on the shoulder. "Aunt Cher said to get some rest."

"Yeah, bedtime's at eight thirty, tonight."

Toboe downed the rest of his drink, nodding to whatever the two of them were going on about just so they'd leave him alone. He was having a nice time with his blue lit atmosphere and army man until the two of them came in. Older people, whether you like them or not, sure could ruin a good mood by sticking around, making you feel uncomfortable.

Hige took Kiba's hand when they walked down the hall. It was strangely sentimental, something that Tsume would do as a way of saying, 'Fuck what they think, and let them look.' He wondered, for a moment, why he would suddenly think of Tsume? In fact nearly everytime he reached for the fly on his pants, he would think of his albino haired friend and lover. Is it because he misses him, or that maybe he thinks what he's been doing should have only been with him? Kiba didn't know for sure, but the thoughts soon vanished when he noticed that the two of them were downstairs and seated.

Hige placed a hand on Kiba's cheek and pulled him to himself for a kiss; the kiss was plain and simple, no ounce of hunger or urgency, like someone who thought they'd get caught would take. It was pleasant and comforting.

"Hige?" He kissed the boy again when his lips came back to his. Pushing him back, he tried again. "Hige, when do you think the medicine will kick in? You're more used to the cold than I am..." he trailed off uncomfortably.

Hige shrugged. "Not sure... Maybe we should keep checking on him, like every ten minutes until he takes the hint and drops off."

Breaking another kiss, Kiba held the boy back. "I'm just making sure, that's all."

"What are you so nervous for?"

"There are a lot of reasons," he took a deep breath. "I've never done this before, not really anyway. I told you, Tsume and I were caught."

"Yeah but, so what. We won't be." He brushed a hand up Kiba's shirt. "Not by your aunt or uncle or Toboe. It's just gonna be us, I promise. Now," he climbed onto the boys lap and made himself comfortable. "No more worrying, we're gonna have a good time." Lifting the boys shirt over his head, Hige leaned down and kissed him a lot better than a light peck here and there. Kiba could trust him, after all Hige did say he's only really done it twice. So what's to worry about?


Toboe wasn't asleep by eight thirty it seemed like he dropped ten minutes after he finished the cup of tea; Kiba and Hige even did the standard test of raising an arm and dropping it. It was as limp as a noodle. Perfect. So here they are, in Kiba's borrowed room, on his borrowed bed. Kiba half dressed from Hige removing his shirt downstairs, and Hige fully dressed and stripping.

"I brought some things for us."

"The surprise?" Inquires the, now comfortable, teen as he sits indian style like an excited kid ready for a piece of candy after some boring story that his grandfather planned to tell.

"Yup." When the sweater came off, Hige raised his tucked in t-shirt and two- what looked like, fluffy gloves dropped out onto the bed, followed by a wide binding of some kind.

Kiba squinted through the darkness at the three items; picking one up, he smiled. "Did cookie monster suffer much when you decapitated him?"

"Ha ha ha, they're white thank you." Taking the glove from the boy, he dropped it back on the bed beside it's friend before he continued with his stripping until he was completely naked. Looking at Kiba he cocked his head. "Well come on, strip."

Grinning, he says in a sly tone. "I was just enjoying the show." He swats at Hige's intruding hands near his groin, that planned to pinch his inner thigh through his jeans. Laughing, he parted his legs to the sides of the bed, then grabbed the zipper. "You want it slow?"

"I think that should be my line after you get undressed."

Intrigued now, Kiba pulled himself free of his pants and boxers in one slide. Hige smiled down at the boys lap; sliding a hand over the boys buttocks he leaned over and kissed him. "It's times like this I wish people had twins and didn't mind incest."

"What?" He asked in a sighed breath.

Giving the Japanese boy a quick kiss, Hige moved away, much to Kiba's dismay, and slapped the boy on the hip. "To the top of the bed!" He coached.

Kiba wasn't one to argue with someone who had experience, so crawling to the head of the bed, he lay his head down on the pillow. "Like this?"

"Wait," grabbing the blind fold he wrapped it around Kiba's eyes, tying it loosely but tight enough so that it wouldn't slip down the foreign boys face, Hige grinned at his handy work. "Would you mind if I tied your hands up?" He asked already in the process of doing so with Kiba's long sleeved shirt.

The Yaiden boy gave his hands a quick jerk once the bind was done, and guessed that he was tied to the funky little egg shaped piece of wood that's positioned in the center of the headboard. Turning his head to the sounds in the room, he felt the cold breeze rush in from outside. The cold encased the room as if the warmth from inside the house had been taunting it all day and it couldn't wait to get inside and show it who's boss.

Kiba felt Hige's weight climb onto the bed, and then as if he weren't there it was just Kiba on the bed. He thought the boy had left him, but when a pair of light, warm, fluffy clouds parted his legs, he had to catch his breath when a hot wet trail slid up the joint of his right leg at the same time. The lick happened just as lightly as the feeling of, what Kiba could guess were, the fuzzy gloves.

The movement on the bed without the weight of Hige actually laying on him, but rather just making his body sway a bit in the direction he was crawling, made the Yaiden boy shiver. Parting his mouth to whisper the boys name, he was cut off by a generous amount of the boys apple cinnamon flavored tongue going into his mouth. Even Hige's face was a ghost during their tango'd kiss. But just above him he could feel the Swedish boys body heat.

Arching his back in attempt to reach that heat and something meatier, he was shocked to feel a hot finger slide between his crack; fuzz from the glove tickling his hole on the way by. His whole body shivered with heat in the cold climate room, and his hips now moved down, sad to find that the finger was missing.

"Mmmm," he moaned at Hige's move to his neck, the little nips and licks here and there creating waves of pleasure through out his body. His legs wanted to wrap around the Swedish dream boat but it was as if Hige were suddenly psychic because his legs trembled to a still when a wave of furry heat ran up them. The waves of pleasure ran from his groin, up his spine to the, nibbled on, back of his neck. The first rub was just an airbrushed tease compared to when Hige's covered hands gripped his parted legs and slid up them to his balls, where the thumbs of the gloves pressed heavily into his groin before leaving him again.

The quick return of cold down there made Kiba's member spring to life, bumping against Hige's which told him that the male was dangling just above him. Hige gasped at the feeling; shifting on the bed so that they weren't touching in anyway; lowering his head, he could suck on the boys taut nipples. Kiba arched into the warm sensation of Hige's mouth wanting more warmth to surround him.

The bed rattled when Kiba's hands jerked to get free from the binding, he wanted Hige! He wanted him bad! Even if it looked desperate he wanted to force the boy down on him, he wanted him inside of him. He wanted to feel the heat over run the cold air in the room.

He hissed when he felt Hige's teeth graze the soft nub before moving on to give treatment to the other one. His attention on his chest, Kiba thought he would go blind any minute when the heating gloves cupped his balls giving them a quick squeeze like a wet sponge; the light haired brunette's thumb applying pressure in the dip right before his member started. Kiba's upper half shuddered at Hige's departure; the bed rocked again as the boy moved around him. Kiba was holding back his moans in order to stay quiet so that Toboe wouldn't wake up and catch them, but he couldn't hold back the languid moan that escaped him when the gloves wrapped around his neck like a scarf, fingers digging into his spine, thumbs caressing his jaw line. Kiba felt like his head was in the oven while his body remained in the freezer.

Hige's body heat was closer to him again, he felt it lowering, finally to his waist, but what he didn't expect was for his cock to slide completely into the boy's body. Every inch of Hige's inner lining becoming a reality as the heat from his head ceased to exist and he only felt the growing burn around his erection. Hige's hands landed somewhere near his sides, he felt, but that didn't matter now that the boy was bucking up and down over him.

"Aaah!" His butt slammed into the mattress after a brief rise from Hige lifting his hips; the strength of the soft mattress caught him off guard as Hige used him as a trampoline. His hips moved up and down like waves crashing on the beach right before a storm. Up.... down... up.... down... then in a fast pound it just went down, down, down. Hige's weight lightened when he brought his hips upward and his inner walls moved like a better blowjob, quick, sudden jerks before his hips came back down in a slow and hard swivel.

Kiba's body jerked and writhed in attempt to get free again, but it did no good. He was stuck there as the boys riding post. Hige's breathing was becoming audibly ragged the faster he got. The Yaiden boy arched in to the gloves heat running around at his nipples in circles like he were being waxed. The combination of the Lowenbraats hips beating him like a drum while his hands used his chest as a turn table was too much for Kiba as he arched from the bed in a yell spilling inside of them both. Hige's hands slid to his hips as he arched himself in desperate attempt not to climax.

His pants hard and concentrated, he fell to the bed between Kiba's bent legs, hissing when the other boy slid from inside of him. Waiting for the shakes in his body to stop, Hige ran a hand through his sweaty bangs, then checked the red digital clock beside the bed. Ten fifteen, not bad considering they started at eight fifty. When the cold air in the room became noticeable, he sat up, leaned over and untied Kiba's blindfold, but not his hands.

"Hige that was-..."

"We're not done yet." Whispered the boy in the cold stillness. Taking Kiba's hips, he rolled him over onto his stomach, then with his gloved hands parted the boys cheeks. The thumb of the heating glove tracing the inside of his crack, brushing tingles across his hole then they left him running up his spine to his neck in a strong, bone breaking massage. When his hands reached the top, Hige pushed at the back of the foreign boys head so that he pressed his forehead into the mattress. Leaning over, he nipped at the blade of the boys neck, tasting the soft hair at the line to the full of his hair.

Hige's fuzzy hands parted Kiba again; the Yaiden boy expected that the gloves would come off and the lubed fingers would go in but much to his surprise he felt something larger than a finger pressing for attention. He hoped Hige had some restraint and wasn't just gonna plow into him like that- it's his first time!

But when the head stretched it's way past the front gate and a little semen came out with it, he blushed. Another inch and another squirt, it went on like this... slowly; something stopped Hige's invasion but after a painful give, he went on through until the boy was completely inside of him, his flaccid penis snuggled within his body along with a sticky substance, he shifted his hips a moment then stopped when it felt comfortable.

"You ready?" Asks Hige in a voice that couldn't be the puberty cracked tone he was used to hearing.

With a curt nod, he felt Hige slip from within him until nothing but the head was inside, then seconds later he slid back in, a quick thrust; the semen providing enough lube to aid it's path. Every languid rock pulsed through Kiba until he could no longer just sit there in that slow and killing pace. Shoving his hips back, he yelped into the mattress as an aspect of his body was hit from with in and caused a torrent of shivers, thrusting back again, his eyes went into his head when he and Hige met in the middle with there thrust hitting his prostate over and over again.

A breath caught itself within that breath, and he whispered half heard, "Faster." Moaning when the boy complied, he prayed this night would never end as a trail of pleasure balls rolled around his body to the base of his spine gathering at his tailbone like an unstoppable force. Kiba knew he wouldn't last much longer with that feeling inside of him and a hand cupping his sacks.

Toboe had awoken sometime ago to use the bathroom when he heard the two boys in the bedroom. The young boy couldn't help but plant himself on the floor, drop his pants and join in. This was nothing new to the boy, he has been watching men and women on the internet all the time, but this was kind of different, since he couldn't see them, he had to guess which boy was which and though he was angry, he couldn't help but feel a little turned on at the sound.

He heard a stray name, and whispered Kiba's. Slouching over, he jerked faster and faster until he and his cousin came. Unfortunately he popped his head on the wall when trying to make a graceful exit. Biting back his yelp, he scrambled to his bedroom before either boy could come to investigate the sound. But with the way they were panting they may not have heard him. So he would chew Kiba out tomorrow, that was okay and chances are, Hige wasn't so great anyway, right?

Shakily climbing into bed, he calmed his heavy breathing as he thought. He still had a week with Kiba, he could change his mind by then and maybe the two of them could do that together this time with entering. He had to say yes... it wouldn't be fair, he never agreed to share and he isn't going to. His lids tucked him in from his angry thoughts as he drifted off to sleep, eyebrows still nit in and angry caterpillar. Tomorrow would be better for him, it had to.