Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Say Goodbye ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


"I'm starting to get hot." Complained the younger of the two.

"Deal with it, because when your parents get back we're gonna be in a worse situation than this."

"But Kibaaa, it's too hot!" He flipped the blanket down from over his head. "I think if we're gonna hide from my parents, we should do something a little more practical- like run away."

Kiba made an objectionable sound, mixed with a humorous 'yeah right'. Flipping the blanket from his face as well, he looks at his cousin with mild irritancy. This was all his fault anyway! Joking around like that when he had no right to, what with Hige being downstairs and all.

"We'll of course we have to change our names. I want something Japanese, and you can have something Swedish- what do ya say?"

Kiba blinked, nodded then said. "Yeah, I'll wait here for your parents."


"I'd rather be killed than run away with you and have to live as such from now on."

Crossing his arms, he answered that with a-... "Humph!"

The two sat up from start when they heard the front door open.

"Kiba! Toboe!" Cher called out to them. "Where are those two?" Her voice sounded closer now like she were at the bottom of the stairs.

"Where the hell are you boy, we're going!"

"Dad?" Kiba really sat up now. Sliding his feet to the floor, he stood from the bed and ran to the door.

"What do you mean you're leaving now, you should stay for dinner- haven't you ever heard of jet lag?"

"Not when I could be stuck in a place like this for too long." His father cleared his throat is distaste. "Kiba! Get your ass down here!"

Kiba was in the hall and down the stairs as fast as he could possibly move. He couldn't believe it, his father was three days early, and he thought for sure his life would end today but he ended up being saved by the one person he was sure would throw him to the wolves if they knocked on the door and said 'we wanna raise your son'.

"It's really you!" He said as he came down the last three stairs.

"Of course it's really me, what the hell have they been feeding yo-..." He was stopped when his son tossed his arms around him in a powerful hug. "Geez, you're more of a sissy than when I left you here."

Well, at least he admits to abandoning me. Thought the, happy, Yaiden boy. But I don't care, I need him more than anything right now.

"Isn't that sweet," Says Cher, holding a hand to her chest, and her other arm was slung around her son's shoulders.

"Yuck." He looked away.

Backing away Kiba looked his father over as though he would disappear right at that second and turn into Hige; huge grin plastered to his face as he points at the accused and tells his aunt that they've been diddling each other since about a week after Kiba's arrival. But no, he remained there giving his son an offended look, which made Kiba retract his hands.

"Sorry. But, I'm just surprised to see you...." He thought of what to say next, but right now he just wanted to jump for joy, slap somebody, ANYTHING that would show how happy he is. "When did you get here?"

"Around the time my idiot sister showed up," he points at Cher who turns her nose up at him. "The cab pulled in and dropped me off then I see her climbing out of that clunker your uncle calls a car."

"You're such a shithead, Quent." Letting go of her hold on her son, Cher walks towards the kitchen to, what Kiba could only assume, start dinner. "That's why Mom likes me best."

"And you're the same baby that you've always been." He follows her in. "Tell the cabby to take off, I'm staying."

Kiba looked at the front door, then back at his fathers retreating back. "What about the cab fare?"

Turning around, Quent gave his son a skeptical look. "Did you waste all that money I gave you on junk?"


"Then there's your answer."

Nice to see you too, Dad. And it really was. Slipping into his sneakers, he grabbed his cousin's sweater collar. "Let's go, I need you to get the correct amount for me."

"Okay." He bent down just in time to barely grab a hold of his sneaker and began to put them on. "Kiba stop pulling me."

The two of them walk down the, shoveled, cross walk over to the cab at a slow pace. Kiba bent over a bit, speaking in a hushed tone. "Listen, we may have just gotten our break here, my Dad came to get me which means I'll be going home."

"Yeah thanks, a lot of good that's gonna do me!" He barked in a quiet tone.

"That'll be thirty one, twenty." Says the man in Swedish.

Toboe took his cousin's money and sorted it out, slipping in an extra bill as a tip. The man smiled a 'thank you' and the car was off down the street. The two boys walked at an even slower rate to get to the house then they took to walk away from it.

"I don't wanna be here all alone when Hige decides to tell my mom and dad that I was looking at your privates."

"Oh don't act so sweet and innocent now, 'privates'." He threw his hands up in the air. "You're a real piece of work, brat."

"Stop calling me that!"

"No, because it's the truth!"

"Shithead!" He says, copying his mother.

"Whatever." He shoved the boys shoulder and Toboe stumbled rocking sideways a bit. "I've got a plan though, maybe we could just keep them from finding out. Maybe Hige won't even bother telling them because he's so disturbed by it.... and he doesn't seem like the type to tell on people- me especially."

"Yeah...? Well he baby-sits for me. And he's a money hungry, tattle telling, bastard who wouldn't hesitate to get me in trouble."

"Then butter your parents up, do something they normally have to force you to do and make sure they know you're doing it."

"I'll just hand myself over now," he replies opening the front door. "There's nothing more suspicious than a kid doing things they have to be told to do."

"Then we'll just act cool and see how this plays out." The two boys stripped from their sneakers and coats, then walk into the kitchen to find their parents still yammering to one another.

"So where's the wife?"

"Hubb gets back in a half an hour." After a second thought the brash woman added. "And he's not my wife."

Quent nods an 'if you say so'. He didn't care either way, he still hates the guy or at least thinks he's a loser. Taking a sip from his coffee, he laughed seeing his son and nephew jump out of there skin when the phone rang. "Hehehe, what's with the two of you?"

"Nothing!" They spat at the same time.

Taking a seat at the kitchen table, they held their breaths when Cher grabbed the phone. Kiba couldn't help but think this was it, not to mention with his father here now, it will be a thousand times worse than he could ever imagine; something to do with being turned into a house slave for the rest of his life, eating nothing but the scraps his father leaves on his plates when he serves him dinner and a few bugs that come his way in the basement. Or worse, he'll flat out disown him, Quent will leave him here in Sweden and drive home laughing at him because the thought of his incest son living on the streets in a foreign place is hilarious.

"Yup, and you won't believe who's here?" She listened a moment. "...No. It's Quent."

The three listening by standers heard the loud groan come from the man on the other end of the phone. Kiba and Toboe relaxed finding out that it was only Hubb and not the death sentencer.

"We're gonna have meatballs tonight, so go to the store and get some ground beef."

"Meatballs?" Quent says in detest. Standing from his seat on the stool at the mini table-counter, he dumps the remainder of his coffee into the sink. "Damn that, I'm eating at the hotel."

"What hotel?" Asks the mans son.

"The one I'm staying at," he fixed his shirt. "You coming with me or not?"


"I wanna come!"

"Sure, boy."

"Alright!" He laughed with joy.

Cher shook her head as she hung up the phone. "Brother, you're not staying in a hotel. You will sleep here on the couch tonight."

"Because that's a lot better." Comments Quent. "You remember my bad back, don't you?"

"I remember you saying something about being in better shape than you have been your entire life." She walked over to the mini counter and she took a seat. "Besides, it would be nice of you to visit with your brother-in-law, it would mean a lot to him and me."

Quent looked as though he were thinking it over then he nodded. "Sure fine. As long as you say mother liked me best."

Sighing, Cher tossed a hand out in a shrug. "Fine, mother liked you best." Though her smile said she was clearing lying.

The rest of the evening dragged out as such: dinner was a hit; Quent ate his fill for someone who doesn't like meatballs, all three of the adults carried out the most of the conversation leaving Toboe and Kiba to ponder on what to do about the phone that had rang three times since 4 to 8 o'clock that night. They were actually feeling pretty confident that Hige wasn't gonna rat them out until the door bell rang.

"I'll get it!" They both shout simultaneously. Glaring at each other, they waved it off and went to the door. Sure enough the chipper brunette stood there with a frown on his face.

"Hey Kiba.... I came to talk."

"O- okay."

"Whose at the door Kiba?!" Hubb called from the kitchen where the adults were having coffee and a piece of cake.

"It's Hige!" He replied, though, never takes his eyes from said male.

"Tell him we don't need a sitter tonight." Hubb then adds.

"He's here for me," he said not loud enough to be heard by his uncle. "Come on." He grabs his coat; slips his sneakers on, then heads outside with the boy. Toboe watched in horror, wondering what Hige was gonna say but he was also a little relieved that he wanted to talk outside to do it.

The two of them left the comforting warmth of the heated house for the cold outside that whipped at whatever ounce of skin you had showing. Kiba could hardly notice because he was burning up from nervousness at what Hige was planning to say. He hoped it was good new, whatever it was.

".....So I've been thinking," the light haired boy began. "You're hot, if I were related to you, I'd want you too."


He raised his hand to keep speaking. "But, I'm sure what I saw was just a mistake like you said."


Hige nodded. "So, I'm gonna give you another chance- that is, if you're not too mad at me for calling you a cousin fucker."

Kiba blinked. "You didn't say that."

"I must have just thought it."

Kiba nodded uncomfortably. The two of them remained silent for a bit, but Hige couldn't help but ask.

"So what were you two doing?"

"I was getting dressed, and Toboe came in saying something about his zipper was caught in his hair and he needed help getting it out" Hige seemed to be following along with that. Why wouldn't he though, it really is the truth. "But then he saw that my pants were down, asked if he would ever get that big and he approached me so fast for a better look, I fell back. Little weirdo."

"I'll say. But it's good that you're not like.... doing each other or anything- it'd be too weird."

"Yeah it would." He laughed nervously.

"But hey! I've got a great Halloween costume now, because I know I've never seen anything so scary."

Kiba laughed at that. Looking back at the house, he frowned. "Hige, I'm going home tomorrow, no doubt bright and early if my father has anything to say about it."

"Oh yeah! I thought you had three more days or something."

"He told me at dinner to think of it as a late birthday present." He, sadly, kicked a pile of snow. "I'm happy to go home but... I don't think you and me got to really get anywhere."

"Haha, we got somewhere alright, and if you're ever in the neighborhood again drop me a line."

"What does that mean?"

"Call me."

"I threw your number away."

"Right. Well.... I should be going now, before my parents realize their rouge son is on the loose and call the cops again or something."


Hige started away but he turned around and said. "I still have the number for your house in Japan by the way, so I'll call you and give you mine again."


The other boy waved a hand, then continued home.

"Hige wait!"

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul!" He called from across the street.

Thank God.... Hige really is one of the good ones. He smiled. Walking back to the house Toboe opened the door for him and he stepped inside. Kiba told Toboe that Hige didn't ever plan on telling Hubb or Cher what he had seen; Toboe could have cried. He sat at the end of Kiba's bed, saying good bye to him, since in the morning it would be too sad to get words out. Kiba said goodbye as well and that he would call him, or write- whichever he remembered first. They hugged.

"Kiba.... I'm sorry for everything." The young boy said. "But it really was fun hanging out with you... with or without the other stuff."


Sighing, he gave his cousin one last hug before standing up to leave. But instead of walking out like a normal person, he attempted to swish his hips like a girl, then he turned around and winked. Kiba grabbed his pillow and hurled it over at him. He can be such a little pest. * * *

The next day. The Yaiden/Lewbosky family had a breakfast of toast and eggs with a side of sausage because every meal needs meat to wash it down. Quent complained that they should get a pull out if they ever expected to get anywhere with more than one guest and Cher complained that she didn't get enough time with her nephew as she would have liked, Toboe talked about petty things like hanging out with Leara and wondering out loud with hope that he would get the toy he desired. Hubb was as silent as Kiba just wanting to finish breakfast and get through the tearful goodbye.

The blond male started the car; puffs of cold air coming up from the heat under the hood. He agreed to take them to the airport as soon as they were ready to go and Quent couldn't have been out the door fast enough. Kiba loaded his things into the car, making sure to do a mental check so that he didn't forget anything when he heard a voice clearing behind him.


Turning around, he grinned seeing the chipper male standing behind him, a suspicious looking piece of paper in his hand. "I wrote down my address and number again, incase calling is too much of a hassle for you."

"Thanks." He took the paper looking it over. "I'll miss you."

"Me too."

He thought about hugging the boy but what with his father just walking out of the house, he thought it best if he didn't. Quent may not care that his son is gay, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't go out of his way to humiliate him either. As luck would have it, Hige didn't care and he yanked the teen into his arms.

"I'll never forget a character like you, Japan."

"Me either, Sweden."

"Break it up, princess." Says his father, closing the car door. "You've got another frog prince waiting for your ass at home. And let me tell you, he don't seem happy."

"Yeah.... Later."

Climbing into the car, Hubb drove it down the street and off to the airport. Kiba is finally going home.

The neighborhood looked the same. The feel of the hot weather felt the same. The only thing different was the feeling Kiba had inside of him, he felt... older somehow. It was weird. He hoped Tsume was the same though, he was looking forward to that and when the cab arrived at his house he wasn't surprised to see his best friend sitting on the porch with Ao, waiting for him. The two boys said nothing while in front of Kiba's house but when they walked far enough away Tsume began to talk.

"You look well, I see your hand isn't broken."

"About that-..." Kiba tried to explain but Tsume cut him off with a laugh. His boyfriend slid his hands around his neck and gave him a quick kiss.

"Forget about it," he released him with a laziness in the simple task. "Just tell me who it was and maybe I won't have to hurt them too much." He had a sly smile on his face as he began to walk.

Kiba smiled weakly. "What makes you think that I met someone?"

Stopping in his tracks, he places his hands on his hips and shakes his head. "There are only two things that keep a person from doing a task that they're supposed to do: they were either having too much fun and it slipped their mind, or, they met someone." He puts his fingers down. "I seriously doubt hanging out with a relative that doesn't speak in your native tongue could be all that fun; not to mention, when it's Toboe we're talking about, which means you met someone."

Kiba looked guilty; like a cat in a fish market and there's suddenly a tuna missing. He should tell Tsume, after all, he may have done the same thing with any number of the people they know around here. "What about you?"

Tsume just began to laugh; his steps starting again. "Guy must have been cute for you to try to turn the question around on me." He pats the black dog on the head. "What's his name?"

Giving up on covering his ass, he clears his throat and says. "It's Hige."

"Sounds hairy." He says referring to the fact that Hige means facial hair in their tongue.

"He did have an odd hairstyle.... Tsume... I'm sorry."

"Like I said, forget about it." He shrugged. "It's unimportant; I'm just glad that you're back."

"Oh yeah, am I that miss able?"

"Ha. No. It would just be nice to have someone to blame the most of my trouble on."

Kiba laughed a moment, at least until he saw the cast on his friends wrist. "Did your father do that?!"

"What do you think?" Was his friends only reply. "But it's okay, it actually happened right around the time some fat cop decided to come into the store for a box of donuts."

"So your father's in jail?"

"Yyup. Three months." He trailed off.

"So where are you living now?" Asks Kiba. "With your mom, again."

"Mmhmm, she's got a new boyfriend by the way. Haha, two guesses who it is."

"You know I'll never get it- so come on, give me a clue." He nudges the other male with his elbow.

"I'll give you a big clue.... If we're gonna continue this relationship... we're gonna have to be a lot more sneaky about it."

Kiba thought that over, he really couldn't think of anyon-.... No. No she wouldn't.... Why would she? "You don't mean?" He shook his head, hoping to get a 'no'.

Tsume only laughed to that, deciding not to say a word. "Come on, Ao." He said taking off for the park.

"Tsume, come on!" He called after him. "Tell me!" He took off after his running boyfriend.



A.N: Thanks to everyone who read, and everyone who reviewed aaand thanks to all who have reviewed and I couldn’t say ‘thanks’ because the fic is done aaaand…. Nope that’s it. Hope you enjoyed the fic you can see the next one some time Feb or Jan depends on when my next one ends. See you until then! Fantasy