Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Knock First ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Just an epilog to go. As always enjoy the chapter and thanks for reading! Fantasy


Chapter 26.

Hige lead Kiba to a small hall near the bathroom area. Two males walked by, glancing only briefly at the two, entering the rest room. The Yaiden boy looked at the area with a brow raised. He had never actual been to the bathroom in the theater back home, it's a really comfortable area; almost makes you want to mess around or something else vulgar. Kiba wondered, for a moment, why Hige wasn't saying anything; but just as he started to open his mouth the usually cheerful male spoke.

"So what gives? Why don't you wanna see me anymore?"

"Don't you know." He replies just to be smart.

Hige's face dropped into a 'duh, of course not' expression. "I don't know, that's why I asked.... Kiba.... If I offended you than I'm sorry. I really am."

"Ha." He scoffs.

Hige's posture dropped a bit more. What could have happened since last night and this afternoon that would make Kiba suddenly so cold and objectionable. Sighing, he throws his hands into the air. "Fine. Since I know what it is that I did, than I'm sorry for doing it."

"Don't be so dry about it!" Kiba snapped. "What you did can't just get a 'sorry' pasted to it to make it all better."

Hige was on the verge of pulling out his hair at this mystery thing he did. Could it really be SO bad that he's getting an icy tone and as well a shoulder? "Kibaaaa, please tell me what I did that's so wrong?!" Kiba seemed unmoved by the plead. "Come oooon!"

They silence when a man and his kid come out of the bathroom; the young boy shaking the water on his wet hands all over the floor and walls. Kiba turned his gaze onto Hige and through the scruff of his teeth says, "You forced yourself on my cousin, you dick."

For a second Hige looked dumb-founded, then he looked confused and after that his eyes narrowed and all he could say is-


Crossing his arms, he turned his head away. "You heard me..."

"I know, I heard you, the 'what' was more of a-... What the fuck." Walking around to where his accusing, could be, boyfriend stands; Hige looked him in the eye. "Where would you get an idea like that?"

"From the person you did it to, that's where."

Now it all made sense. That would sicken Hige enough to leave somebody; but the nerve of that little- boy is he gonna be in for it when Kiba leaves and he has to baby-sit again. He'll do something horrible like-... tickle torture or.... Tie him to the legs of the bed by his hands and leave him there. Or maybe he'll just knock some sense into the little idiot about making up disgusting lies like that. Speaking of which, why would Toboe wanna say something like that? Is stealing a brats dessert so bad?

"Kiba," his voice was light as if the whole mistake were laughable- and it is. "I never touched that brat and I wouldn't.... I'm not sure what possessed him to lie about something like that, but it isn't true."

Kiba seemed to be considering that. After all, it wasn't like Toboe isn't a liar since he's done it most of the time he's been here. But something as serious as molesting him, Kiba wasn't sure that was the kind of thing that even Toboe would mess with.

"Come on! You gotta believe me!"

Kiba shakes his head. "I don't know Hige.... You said it yourself that you like sex- and you could barely keep your hands off me when we were just kissing."

They silenced again when another pair of people walked out. This time the man seemed to linger in the hall a bit, fiddling around with his keys for some reason. It was beginning to grow uncomfortable. Finally when he moved away, they began again.

"Kiba, I don't touch guys that aren't my own age and maybe a little older- never younger that's gross." He cocked his head and started rambling to his self. "Don't know why that runt would lie about something like that, what did I ever do to him."

"Seriously Hige... Is Toboe lying?"

"Yeah! And when I get my hands on him-.."

The Japanese teen cut him off by raising a hand. "No. I'll take care of him myself. Hige," he paused for a long time after that. "I'm so-..."

"Forget about it, I already have. Just make sure you hit him once for me."

"Yeah, I will...."

They stood quietly and uncomfortable for a moment. Kiba hated making up with people, it was always so awkward especially when he's the one who was wrong.

"You'd better get back to your job before you get fired again."

"Haha," he slipped a hand behind his head. "I guess I'd better." He started to leave but Kiba stopped him.



"Sorry, just incase you needed to hear it."

Waving a hand, he smiled it off. "Naah, I'm better with a kiss. Unless you still think I'm a pervert."

"No. You only kiss like one." Walking over to him, he leaned over planting a kiss to the boys lips.

"Mmm, sandwich?" He guessed.

"Yeah." Laughing, he popped Hige on the shoulder then he walked past him toward the exit. "I'll see you later tonight right?"

"You got it." He salutes. Watching as the other boy exits, Hige calls out to stop him. "Kiba hold on, I've got a great idea!"


"Where'd you go?" Toboe asks when his cousin finally shows up.

The younger boy must have looked back at the door seventy times and still Kiba hadn't shown up until now. The movie was in the middle already! What did he do, get lost in the bathroom!?

"I was in the bathroom."

"For nearly an hour?" Cher wonders out loud.

Kiba just shrugged. He didn't have to explain himself; Hige just happened to get a little carried away and one thing led to another and next thing he knew, they locked the door and pressed themselves against the nearest wall, joined at the hips. Nothing to get worked up about- well, unless you were waiting for snacks, or to use the bathroom, because since there was only one guy back there now the line kind of piled up a bit.

I hope Hige remembered to wash his hands. Thinks the sneaky teen. Looking at his aunt, he reached for a handful of popcorn with an innocent smile. "I dropped mine." He explained.

Cher didn't seem to care either way, but Toboe was giving his cousin the stink eye the entire rest of the movie. It was pretty boring anyway, something to do with five women being left in a haunted house, a ghost for each of them to suffer with as they tried to get out. Stuuuupid. Though, Kiba did jump once, but that was only because he had started spacing off, thinking about what he would do to make it up to Hige and when his attention finally came back to the screen there was a large demonic looking thing jumping out at them.

One group in the middle seemed to be going overboard with enjoying themselves, screaming every chance they got for no reason. Kiba smiled remembering him and Tsume lobbing candy at people like that and anyone else that was caught in the cross fire. Once the movie was over; Kiba walked out as quickly as he could so that he could say goodbye to Hige before they left for the day. Unfortunately the Swedish boy was with people so he could only wave, but at least Hige waved back.

Toboe quickly latched onto his cousin just to have his hands brushed off. Wondering what that was all about, he stuffed his little hands into his pockets and marched out of the theater after his mother.

The sun had gone down and it was nearing seven o'clock. Hubb said if they still wanted to have dinner it would be better if they ate right now so that it wasn't too late in the night, but no one was really all that hungry after filling up on movie snacks so they skipped it for tonight and figured if they did happen to get hungry later on they'd have a can of soup or something else quick.

At home, they were ready to crash and fall asleep. Kiba remained awake, though, smoking and blowing the clouds out the window into the cold. He hated what Toboe did, and the reason he did it. Does that kid really think the two of them have some kind of future together. He knew one thing for sure, his mother has bad methods to making people feel better. Next time he would just kiss his hand and slap it onto a persons cheek rather than making the mistake of kissing them. Not that it worked out bad with Tsume, but with everyone else, he'd stick with cheeks.

The Japanese boy wasn't surprised that sometime around ten, and three cigarettes later, his cousin would walk into the room. He merely looked at the approaching boy for a second then he turned his attention back out the window, knowing what the brat would say.

"Kiba," his voice sounded quiet and scared.

Good. Thinks Kiba. He should be ashamed of what he's done, I can't believe that I fell for that. I hope it eats away at him for as long as he lives. "Hm?"

Taking a seat beside him, he sighs. "I guess you found out that I lied."

"You guessed right."

The younger boy was quiet. Looking out the window, he wished more than anything a plane would fly right into the house and wipe him out so Kiba wouldn't be so mad at him. But he knew that wouldn't happen so he may as well get his apology over with. "I'm sorry. but you just seemed so into Hige, it made me jealous- and besides, I never really said he did those things. You kind of put the idea into my head and I went with it."

Kiba looked at his cousin. He was right. He never said that Hige did anything to him, but so what he could have said 'No. That's not what I meant', instead of going along with it. "You should have left it at, 'it made me jealous'. You sounded more sincere. Now you just sound like an annoying kid who deserves to be ignored."

"That's not fair!" He stands, hands on his hips, glaring bullets. "Nobody deserves to be ignored! Nobody, not even bad people..... it hurts Kiba." His eyes watered, and his face scrunched. "You probably wouldn't know anything about it because you've got people lining up to be your friend. I'm usually the one asking."

"Not my problem."

Fighting not to audibly voice his tears, he sniffles loudly then heads for the door. "Fine! Be mad! But you don't have to be rude to me!"

Kiba watched the boy exit and winced hearing the door click, not loud enough to disturb anyone sleeping, hard enough to show that he was upset. Kiba really didn't see why he should comfort the little pest what he did was bad and he had no right to say those things about someone as nice as Hige; even though, technically, he was the one who brought it up.... Toboe did just.... Growling, he shook the thoughts from his head. Taking another slow draw from his thinking mechanism, he blew the air out in a large thought bubble. He could see Toboe sitting in his bedroom, feeling completely hated and left out. He hated it, but Kiba knew what he had to do.

Dabbing his cig' out on a patch of ice on the windowsill, he then dropped the thing out of it into the snow. Going to the door, he walked into the hall and found he didn't have to go far because Toboe was sitting on the floor, curled in on himself, tears still silently falling down his cheeks.

".....You wanna... Sleep in here with me?"

Toboe shook his head, causing a sob to escape. Kiba knew this was probably another trick, but something pulled at him because of it. He hated making his cousin cry. He really did like the idiot, it's just damn hard to be nice to someone who's so infuriating. Kneeling a bit, he put his hands under the boys arms and hoisted him to his feet. Walking back into his room, he closed the door, then steered them both over to the bed.

"Come on, it'll be like a sleep over." Says Kiba, using a sweet tone. "You can have the blanket if you're cold." Heading for the window, he closed it, locked it then returned to his bed and lay down. Wrapping his arms around the boy, he lay his head onto the younger boys shoulder and sighed in content.

"Why are you doing this?" Asks Toboe. "You don't think this is gonna lead me on."

"Hahaha, you've got some vocabulary for someone so innocent."

"My father thinks so.... But I'm not stupid, I know a lot of stuff and now that I know the truth about myself, I think I should know more."

Kiba was quiet a moment. "I get that.... I really do. But I'm the wrong person to get it from.... I'm your cousin."

"I know but.... I don't wanna be hurt, so I thought for sure that it'd be okay if you and me did things because you care about me. You always tell me so."


"So I just wanna make sure that.... I don't know."

"You can't be jealous because I give attention to someone else. My heart doesn't exactly belong to any one person but if push came to shove, I'd choose Tsume." Kiba said in all honesty.

"And what about Hige?" He turned his head to look at the brunette.

"I guess I'm just using him.... but I like him too, so mentally I feel better about it, but at the end of the day...." He paused due to swallowing. "I know I'm wrong for messing with him too."

Toboe snuggled downward so that the two of them are face to face. He pouted a bit then said quietly. "I get it. You love me, and you love him, but you love Tsume."

"Yeah.... And I plan to leave Hige alone as well, but you admit that making your body feel good is nice, that's why it's so hard to stop after go."

Toboe's brows furrowed. It was really hard to understand Kiba sometimes, but he got what he was saying. Just because it feels good doesn't mean that it's right- or something like that. Who cares, he gets to spend the night with Kiba and that to him is good enough. "Goodnight Kiba."


They closed their eyes, but Kiba opened his again seconds after. "Toboe?"


"Just out of curiosity," he rolled over onto his back. "You did understand everything I said, right?"

"Uh huh."

"Than get your hand out of my pants."

Toboe just started to laugh; Kiba picked up his pillow and socked the boy as hard as he could. * * *

The next day was dreadfully dull and Kiba continued to fidgit. He had already played four games of chess and two games of color code, the two of them battled six rounds of street fighter before they got tired of the same chosen characters winning and losing to certain people; and at the end of it all Kiba wanted to beat his head in with a brick. He and Toboe are sitting in the kitchen downing as many bowls of soup as they can just to have something to do.

"Will you stop slurping, please." Says the younger boy to his obnoxious cousin.

Placing his bowl down, he gave him a questionable look. "What do you mean?"

"You keep going, Ssssssslsllllllllllllurp!" Placing his cheek to his hand, he leaned on it and declared. "It's really annoying."

"Well it beats," he picks up his spoon to give an example. Dropping it into the bowl, being sure to make a very loud clanking sound, he pulls it back out and with a hungry little noise he shoved the spoon into his mouth. "Slurp, mmmmm."

Toboe eyed him just about ready to toss said soup onto his cousin's head when he hears the door bell. "I'll get it!" Dropping to the floor from his elevated height on the stool, he hurried into the living room, praying that the person at the door was Leara and not Hige. He understood what Kiba was getting at and he respected his decision but if he wasn't going to let him touch him than Hige couldn't either. Turning the knob, he jerked the door open quickly, plastering a smile to his face before it dropped.

"Oh, it's you." Gesturing his hand outward, he turned his head and shouted. "Kiba, it's Hige!" Looking at the undressing, babysitter, he thought. Come tell him to get lost. He added with his original statement.

"Nope, I came to talk to you runt."

"Me? What for?"

"Where the hell do you get off saying that I molested you?!" He spat out. "Are you sick or something?! Weak in the head?!"


"Than what?!" He closed the front door. "What reason could you possibly have to wanna say something like that?"

"No reason, I just-...." a thought accord to him as he was about to finish that sentence. What would sicken Hige into never bothering Kiba again than to tell him that we're fooling around with each other? I know that would back me off.... But then again, he might tell my parents and that would get Kiba into trouble... not to mention what would happen to me! No. I'd better not say anything.

Hige watched the boy mentally talk to himself about something; pushing the boy on the head he walked over to the approaching Kiba. "Hey, you wanna go do something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know, something."

"Only if Toboe can come too."

That snapped him out of it and he smiled warmly at his cousin. Maybe Kiba wouldn't go back to ignoring him after all.

"No way! That little liar deserves to be alone for a while."

"Hige, leave him alone."

"What?" He couldn't believe his ears. What happened to popping the brat one, like he said he would the other day. "What happened to popping the kid one like you said you would?" He really had to stop thinking about what he was going to say before he said it, it was too creepy.

Kiba shrugged. "I felt bad for him, he had a good enough reason, so let's just leave it at that."

"Leave at..." he had to laugh because it was too comical. Why on earth would they wanna hang out with a kid that had such sick ideas? It just made no sense. But if that's what it would take to get Kiba to hang out with him he might as well go along with it. "Fine, get dressed and we'll go."

Toboe beamed with glee. Older people always have more money and are willing to spend it on you if you look innocently enough at a high priced item. Kiba watched his cousin head upstairs, then looked back at Hige.

"I better get dressed too."

"It would help," comments the other boy. "I don't see how people can spend half a day in their night clothes, once I'm dressed I'm in my sneakers and gone."

Kiba laughed to himself. "I don't know my way around here, Hige." His voice started to disappear. "I'd get lost."

"So get lost! It's more fun that way!"

Hige waited downstairs for the two cousin's to dress and come down but they were taking some amount of time to just slap on a sweater and some jeans. Chances are, Kiba's gonna change his boxers, which meeeans, free show. Climbing the stairs, he plants a nice fat smile on his face at the thought of some finger grabbing fun, but when he pushed the door open the sight he saw was enough to blind and mentally scar for life. Kiba sitting on his bed, pants removed with his cousin before his lap.

"Oh man... Y- you're sick..." He stammered out.

The two boys turned their attention to the door. Kiba looked mortified; Toboe looked as though he were surprised, though, there was a hint of smug satisfaction there as well, Hige wasn't sure and he didn't care, but he had to get out of that house.

"Hige?" Kiba pulled his pants up, knocking Toboe out of the way. He couldn't believe that idiot had decided; of all times, to joke with him in that way. "Hige, wait!"

"Forget it!" He said already out the door, still tugging on his winter clothes. "It makes sense now ya know why Toboe would say something like that and why you would suddenly change your mind about punishing him, the two of you are fucking each other!" He shouted loud enough for the world to hear.

"Keep your voice down!" Warns the Yaiden boy.

"No! You're sick Kiba! Sick!"

Kiba closed his eyes wishing that he could turn back time but it was pointless and he just knew what was gonna happen next. BIG trouble.