Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ My Cousin, Toboe ❯ Mentally Moving On ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N: Thanks for the review Kanna, I’m glad you like my smut. But aheh heh, Fantasy isn’t a little girl. Fantasy is a little boy and a faerie at that but it’s okay, I get girl a lot because I tend to talk like a sissy when I’m excited haha. Enjoy the chapter one more left and an epilog. Fantasy


Chapter 25.

Kiba helped the young boy clean up his messy room before he hopped into the shower. Toboe had a chest full of toys: Army men, army equipment, a couple toys he couldn't identify and a few stuffed animals that could have only come from their grandparents, as Kiba has a few of those as well stored somewhere in his house.

He let out a hefty sigh when starting the shower water; sticking a hand under to make sure it was the right temperature: good and hot; he then made sure the door was secured before stripping down and climbing in. Last thing he wanted was for his pint sized cousin to get some sneaky idea and try to join him in bathing.

Lathering the rag right away, he took its course first over his chest then back up to his neck. He blushed as a small moan escaped his lips when thoughts of last night decided to flash back through his mind in that instant. Why did Hige have to turn out to be such a weirdo? He was really liking the guy, maybe more than he liked IT.

Ha. What kind of sex fiend am I? I leave for a little vacation and next thing I know I'm on my back trying to force some other guy's entire lower region up my ass. The rag dropped lower at the thought of that very place and he sighs again. So much for a rushed shower. He stifled a moan when he grabbed his member, and began stroking it between the soapy rag. Leaning forward, he pressed a hand to the wall to steady himself from falling over as he pumped away his thoughts of Hige.

Downstairs. Toboe heard his mother in the kitchen talking to someone that could only be a close friend because she wasn't using her phone voice. Which meant, he could walk in and ask her something without getting chewed out about it later.

"I know 'Mina, I just bought six of them myself." Cher said. Reaching forward she grabbed an apple from the fruit basket. "Personally I hate the things as is, but they do taste good baked." She smelled it when listening to the other person on the phone speak. "I might make some for dessert; if they come out alright, I'll show you how I did it."

Mina? she must mean, Pashmina, Leara's Mum. Figuring that it was definitely okay to cut into that call, he tugged at his mothers sleeve. "Mum?" He tugged again. "Mum?"

"Hold on," turning to her son, she asked 'what' in her usual 'son' tone.

"Dad's in your shower and I have to use the bathroom," he made it sound as urgent as he could. "Can I use mine."

"I don't care, why would you ask?"

"Because Kiba's in there. I don't wanna bother him without permission."

"As long as you don't flush until after he's done in the shower than I guess you can go." Cher returned to the phone. "Oh, Toboe is going on about something with the bathrooms."

Cocking his head at his mothers blatant lack of respect for him; he ignores it for the moment by trotting upstairs to join his cousin in the bathroom. Giving the door knob a jiggle; a frown positioned itself on his face when he found it locked. Well, his mother did say he could use the bathroom and whether or not he actually does have to go, Kiba is still obligated to let him in. Raising his fist, he wrapped on the door three times, then an additional four.

"What?" Kiba asked in a hushed, breathy tone that sent a chill through Toboe's spine.

"I have to use the bathroom! Mom said you gotta let me in!" Kiba growled, then he heard the sound of wet foot steps coming toward the door. The lock turned over, but when he tried pushing the door open it slammed back shut. "Huh?"

"Wait a second. I want to be back behind that curtain before you come in." Kiba's voice was moving away from the door. "You can come in when I say you can."

It was a couple of seconds only before Kiba said he could come in to use the bathroom. Toboe went over to the toilet but instead of going he leaned over to the sink; easing the water on, he caught some of it in his hands then let it drop into the toilet as loudly as it could to make it seem as though he had really gone to the bathroom. Making a satisfied sound as if to seal the deal that he truly needed to use the bathroom, he ran the sink water over his hands, then took the rest of the, false washing, time to undress.

This'll be the last time. I don't want Kiba to be mad at me. He didn't want Kiba mad at him over this, but at the same time he wanted one last time as something to remember him by, about their special time together.

Turning off the sink, he moved the obstruction that blocked his desired person then stepped inside the shower with him. Kiba seemed to be in his own little world as he washed his body up and down with bored, un-concentrated, sweeps. The young boy wondered what he could be thinking about so hard, when he heard a low panting come from the other boys mouth. Smiling; he took this as an invite to explore his cousins choice of actions by giving him a hand. Wrapping his arms around the others waste, he slid his hands down the soapy path to his groin, giving it a squeeze.

This elicited another moan from Kiba; which means he didn't know that Toboe hasn't left and is now about to give him a hand job. Kiba is lost in thoughts of that night, still letting it take over his actions while he washed. He paused a moment when he thought he brushed over something other than his self, but he was sure it was nothing. Cupping one of his sacs he bit his tongue while rolling it around within the rag. When his hips began to move, Toboe moved his just the same, until an idea struck him. Chances are, that if Kiba truly is lost in thought as deeply as he thinks his cousin is, then maybe he could get more out of this. Maybe Kiba might even-.....

Turning him around, Toboe threw his arms around his cousins neck, kissing him with everything he had; while his hands passed over the taller boys butt and genitals. Kiba broke the kiss, but only to back the younger boy against the wall. He leaned down, kissing his neck up to his ear where he whispered.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh?" Moans the younger boy.

"I said what are you doing?" Kiba walked past him, towel around his waste. "Are you taking the shower, or were you planning to bathe in that puddle of drool by your feet?"

Cursing for having been distracted to the point of just standing there and staring at his dream boat cousin; Toboe wiped his mouth incase he really had been drooling then climbed into the shower so he wouldn't be embarrassed that he had just decided to get undressed for no reason. Last thing he wanted was a shower. He felt clean, so there was no need for one. Soaping his rag, he figured he'd make the best of it and think about Kiba like Kiba was thinking about someone- whom he hoped was himself, or Tsume.


The Lebowsky/Yaiden family left that afternoon for a day out of the city. It was a nice day too. Not nearly as cold as the others, and the sun was out. Always a good thing when you planned to be walking a lot and the mode of transportation you've chosen is trams. Cher said you could get a better feel for the city this way; Kiba just thought you could get a better feel of hypothermia this way. His attention was only on Hige, though, so he didn't care much about what was going on around him until they came to the restaurant to have lunch.

Hubb picked a sandwich place, that made both hot and cold. Cher got turkey, Hubb chose tuna and Toboe got what Kiba picked, of course, which is grilled chicken and bacon sub. His aunt sliced hers in half and took a bit of her sons trading him for a piece of hers. Kiba figured what's the harm and did the same with his only he traded with his uncle. The four of them spoke about this and that; it was so boringly fun, that Kiba was beginning to forget about what he was so upset about and he let himself have a good time.

During their conversation, they pondered on what movie they would see. Cher wanted something with a lot of romance- out! Hubb thought a detective drama would be okay- wrong! Toboe didn't care either way as long as there was no kissing and the plot didn't get too dragged on. Kiba thought an action movie, but couldn't think of anything good that was out- if he could even understand it. He tended to forget he was in a foreign country since he seldom ventured out of his aunts house.

Since no one could agree, they figured a horror should suit everyone's needs because it had nothing that anybody wanted and yet enough of it to keep you entertained. Toboe spoke with some boy he knew from school that had stopped in with his family while they gathered their things from the table and got ready to go.

"Yeah, he's great! I'm almost sad that he has to leave soon." Toboe was saying.

The brown haired boy looked over his friends shoulder at Kiba with an impressed gaze but when the older male glanced his way, mostly to see when his cousin was gonna let them leave already; the boy narrowed his eyes. "What's so great about him anyway? He looks kinda mean."

"Naah, you just need to get to know him." Jutting a thumb at himself, he grinned. "Like I do."

"Hmm??" He blushed seeing that Kiba was coming over, but took a breather when Toboe began walking toward him.

"I'll see you later, Owen."

"Bye Toboe."

"Could you be any slower?" Asks his cousin, but he lacked the cruelty most people would have had.

Toboe couldn't help but feel guilty that he had been trying to seduce him, again, when Kiba told him that they would just be cousins and friends, but nothing more. Had he done that, Kiba might be mad at him and ruining the day by acting like a jerk. The younger boy smiled up at the taller male when he felt his arm come around his shoulders. It is gonna be a nice day. He thinks. Nothing could possibly ruin it.

Their next stop was a store that sold cute little items that you could get people as gifts. Small dollar store quality toys, books, candy that you can keep during long travel, inexpensive jewelry. This is the place where Toboe got Kiba his necklace, which he is beyond over-joyed to see his cousin wearing. And he saw that he had on the watch his father got him. Toboe wasn't so sure if the phone would be any place on his cousins person, but you never know.

They browsed over a couple things; Kiba picked out a necklace for someone. It was masculine so it may be for him, it may not. Next the male glanced over a few treats that seemed to catch his eye.

"Aunt Cher?" He called from his place in the store. "How much is this?"

The blonde woman looked it over with a barely there glance then said, "Together, it's 23 bucks."

He seemed to be concentrating on something, then fished out his money. "Can you count this for me?"

Dashing forward, Toboe took the cash. "I'll do it!"

The two of them exchanged exaggerated looks about the enthusiastic boy as he counted the money out loud. Cher returned to her looking around and Hubb went off somewhere making a phone call, something about checking what was out in theaters right now. God forbid the man be spontaneous. Once the three of them paid for their purchases, they exited the store and headed for the theater. Hubb said they had a good movie playing about demons of some kind living in the walls of an old house.

Toboe was already asking himself out loud, if the house looked like theirs and how he hoped not. Kids can be so young. The view to the theater was nice. They passed a park that was covered in snow like a white sheet over a bed, hiding the green fitted sheet that used to be visible. People of every age were out there, playing or sitting on a bench watching children as they played with one another. Another thing they passed was an assortment of shops: glass shops, clothing, another trinkets shop, eateries and a donut place with a smell that would make an anorexics mouth water.

The small family walked the rest of the way to the theater because a woman with a child got on and the baby wailed its head off about something the woman had said, no, to giving him and that was the end of the world as that kid knew it. Kiba wondered if he were like that as a child. He truly never saw his self wanting anything other than someone to play with and the feeling of being free always at his side. He could guess that came from the fact that his mother had the ultimate freedom, and in a sense not being held down by something made him feel close to her.

Shaking off a rush of tears that had somehow formed in his eyes; he stopped just in time to avoid smashing into his uncles back due to them stopping. Kiba looked the theater up and down being impressed by it. The one at his home is very small because it isn't a very big place. The only time he saw an impressively large anything was when his father took him and Tsume on a ferry so they could go hang out in the city for the day.

It's amazing how much you think about home when it feels like your last day somewhere. He thinks while the family heads in. I can't imagine what I'm gonna say to Tsume when I get back. He'll probably hate me if he doesn't already.... It'd be weird to call him now, wouldn't it? I don't think I have an explanation in the world that would be good enough to explain my sudden abandon of him.

"Well look who it is?" Says Cher, dragging her nephew from his thoughts.

Looking up his jaw drops as he sees who's standing behind the snack counter. Hige. Acting casual, he steps behind Toboe as if he could keep the perverts attention from his little cousin if he thought about fantasizing or something.

"Hey Lebowsky's! And Kiba," he added in a low tone. "What are you all doing here- come to spy on me?"

"No, we're just treating my nephew to a movie before he gets ready to leave in a couple of days."

"Oh. How do you like the city?" He asked Kiba, keeping up the: we still only just barely know each other, act.

He shrugged, looking away. "It's alright."

"Cool!" Looking to Hubb he says. "So what can I get you?"

"I'll have popcorn," says the younger of the four. "And a box of dots and whoppers."

"Two large pop corns," Hubb chimes in. "And a pack of strawberry twizzles."

"Twizzles?" Wonders Kiba. Where he comes from there is no such candy, but looking over the pack he notes that they look a lot like strawberry ropes but bound together. "Root beer." He says lamely. He'd be sharing that corn with his cousin anyway. There was no need to get anything more, because they'd be having dinner right after.

Cher helped carry whatever the two men couldn't since she helped herself to this candy bar and that. This family eats a lot of junk; Kiba thinks. But when they started to leave, Hige moved from behind the counter, snagging Kiba's arm and led him away.

"I need to talk to you. Okay?"