X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 13

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title:  Origins, ch 13
Author:  Jukebox
Pairing:  Logan/Remy/Logan
Feedback:  Always appreciated to jukebox_csi@yahoo.com
Rating:  R for now, may go up later
Archive:  If you think it's worthy, then absolutely!  Permission granted.  Just let me know where so my fragile ego will be stroked
Disclaimers:  Doing this only for therapeutic value.  Not making any money off it.  All the familiar characters in this fic belong to Marvel & Stan Lee.  I'm broke, so sueing me would be like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip.
Notes:  This is an AU because empathy and spatial awareness are just too cool for Remy not to have.  I want to thank my betas, LoganBerry and Lex, for making this story better than I ever hoped it could be.
Summary:  An AU version of Remy's introduction and subsequent joining of the X-Men
Warnings:  I don't know French or Cajun French, so my apologies to people of those areas if I butchered the language in this fic.  If I put any in this fic, it came from online translators and La library archives.  Because this is an AU, some of the characters in this story may seem OOC.
Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic
CH 13
The meditation session was an unmitigated disaster as far as Logan was concerned.  Not only had the boy not concentrated on his focal point, he also fidgeted the entire session; the tiny movements proving to be a major distraction for the both of them.  Logan scowled at nothing in particular, frustrated with himself.  The teacher was no better than the student, he mused.  He had been unable to relax and enter any kind of trance-like state with all of his senses hyperaware of the Cajun spice sitting behind him.  He could still smell the musky scent of arousal on the younger mutant; setting his blood on fire with the heady intoxication.  He could hear the ragged breathing of the boy, the sounds sending aching sensations straight to his groin.  He remembered the taste of the kid on his lips, in his mouth, on his tongue.  It took all of Logan's willpower not to turn around and grab Remy in a bone crushing embrace and plaster that beautiful face with possessive kisses.  When he finally declared an end to what he decided was some form of torture session, Remy had fled the room in a near run, disappearing from the feral's presence like his life depended on it.  To make matters worse, he had not shown up for breakfast with the others, leaving Logan to shrug off any questions from the Professor and Storm regarding the newest member of the school.
He decided to give the boy some space.  At first, he thought last night's kiss had been a mistake, the surroundings and the alcohol allowing inhibitions to be lowered just enough to permit something that would not normally have occurred.  But, after walking into the Cajun's bedroom this morning and observing first-hand that the attraction was mutual, he wanted to know if there could be more between them; perhaps even the long-term relationship that had always seemed to elude him. 
Logan threw the wrench away from him, listening to the metallic clank as it hit the concrete and skittered away.  “What the hell am I thinking?” he whispered to himself as he ran his oily fingers through his tousled tufts.  He was at a complete loss as to why he was suddenly considering a relationship with someone he had only just met and a man at that!  Not that Logan had any real qualms when it came to gender - after all he could appreciate beauty in all its forms - it was more the mystery and the surprise of such an immediate and powerful attraction.  Logan was not one to normally succumb to his hormones like a love-struck teenager.  He had better control over himself than that.
There were no hopes held out for seeing the boy at lunch.  The noon day meal was usually a free for all, where everyone came and went as they pleased in the drive to satisfy their stomachs.  So he spent most of the day taking care of little repair jobs about the mansion, constantly on the look-out for the Cajun and hoping that the kid would show up for dinner.
For his part, Remy found it relatively easy to avoid the older mutant.  The mansion complex with its several floors - that he knew about - provided ample space for a skilled thief to lose himself.  Part of his mind railed at him for his cowardice, having latched onto the dream that the other man could be someone special and meaningful in his life.  But a larger part, the ruthless and rational side that had kept him alive all these years, told him such a person didn't exist and that following any path other than the survival skills, that were now second nature to him, would lead to much familiar pain.  No, it was best not to become involved with anyone willingly.  His tactile nature had long since been cowed into submission, easily ignored after all his experiences in favor of isolation; in the name of self-preservation. 
Meeting with the Professor was another issue.  The telepath had picked up on the tension rolling off the Cajun, but Remy refused to talk about what was bothering him.  Instead, they focused again on determining how and when the loss of his powers take place, as well as attempting again to discuss more delicate topics.  Remy knew at some point in time, for the sake of the mission, he would need to tell the Professor about his family, or loss thereof, as well as his childhood experiences.  It was obvious to the thief that the older man had seen more in his mind that first time than he wanted to admit, whether intentional or not.  And as much as he wanted to deny it, the possibility that the Professor might actually be able to carry out his declaration and help him heal from the wounds of the past was as tempting as a siren's song.  Remy could feel his walls beginning to crumble, wanting desperately to trust these people.  His abilities were telling him that they spoke the truth, or at least their belief in what they were preaching felt genuine.  Of course, this brought about its own issues.  He had a job to do, one that would be incredibly difficult for him to complete if what he had been told about these X-men was a lie.  To steal information from terrorists and criminals was one thing.  To do so from legitimate researchers attempting to help mutant kind was another. 
Remy set about snooping, looking for a fairly private access point that would allow him entry to the computer system.  At first, he had considered the office several doors down from the Professor.  It belonged to the individual the others had identified as Scott Summers, the team leader.  But he ruled that out quickly because of the close proximity of the telepath and because it was in a main corridor; it would effectively sabotage his attempts at avoiding the feral.  Instead, he made his way down to the lower level where that shifting room was located that they tested him in when he first arrived.  The lower level was tunnel like, since it was constructed underground, and pin wheeled out in three directions from the elevator.  All three pathways were dark.  At first, he caught himself searching the walls around the elevator doors for a light switch, until he remembered that the hallways illuminated a section at a time as you walked down them.
The shifting room they called the Danger room he recalled was to the left.  Unfortunately, they had not given him individual access to the room yet, preferring to wait until he was fully trained in its use.  He imagined it had something to do with the specialized equipment and the Professor's extreme protectiveness over it.  What had the man said before?  That there was nothing else like it on Earth?  Shrugging it off, Remy turned his crimson orbs to the other two hallways leading away from the elevator.  One went straight ahead of him as he stepped out of the doors, and the other led to the right.  Biting his lower lip, he decided to take the right hallway and meandered down the path.      
It was a short distance with the lights fading on as he stepped forward, then off as he left a section, lending an almost eerie quality to the hallway.  Obviously some sort of heat or motion detectors were in place to automatically flip the switches, an inventive way to conserve electricity, but it still made Remy feel like he was being watched.  The first two doors he saw were facing each other on opposite walls.  A quick perusal showed the rooms contained within to be locker and shower rooms, one for each gender.  Continuing down the hall, it ended with two large frosted glass doors that swished open when he was within a foot of the entry.  Remy paused a moment, searching for any type of silent alarm that would notify someone of his unauthorized entrance, then stepped over the threshold into what he suddenly realized was the medical ward.  The room was large, but not overwhelming, smelling of sterility and antiseptic.  For a moment, the past blurred with the present, and Remy almost started to hyperventilate.  It took him several deep breaths to bring his errant thoughts under control.  Foolish to live in memories, he thought. 
There were several glass divisions about the room separating it into partitions.  Some partitions contained hospital type beds, while one other partition looked like some form of operating room.  He shuddered at that, eyes moving away quickly to the next partition.  A research area was set-up here, all types of equipment to make any biologist drool in delight.  There were also several cabinets, some of which were locked.  Moving to this area, a quick scan of the unlocked storage bins yielded medicines of various types.  That might prove useful for the clan. 
As much as he wanted to explore the room and see what items could conveniently disappear under his experienced hand, time was of the essence.  The computer in the corner was powered up and he began the arduous process of hacking into the system.  Remy prided himself on being a master thief, but the world of electronics was a universe all on its own.  He could make his way reasonably well around most systems, leaving scant traces of his invasion, but there were some security programs that posed an insurmountable challenge for him.  This one appeared to be such a system.  He had never seen anything like it.  Every new pathway he chose, the dreaded `access denied' screen would stop him cold.  Worse yet, he was fairly sure that he was leaving fingerprints of himself within the system, not something a novice would notice, but a well-versed security programmer would find it with relative ease and perhaps laugh at the poor attempt to hide the trail.  Not for the first time did Remy wish he was a better hacker, maybe like that little ghost girl that his master had a file on, Kitty something-or-other.  He sighed and brought his hand up to rub at the tension headache that was taking root.
A few more keystrokes and he stopped to stare at the screen.  His name?  Why was his name there?  Blinking a few times, he managed to get into the file marked `LeBeau' and saw some of the notes the Professor had been keeping of their sessions.  Furrowing his brow, he read everything listed as well as speculations and possible treatment options.  It looked like the telepath truly wanted to help him, something that had the corners of his mouth curving slightly in a genuine smile.  It also seemed the older man was right on target with some of his thoughts on the situation.
/Hmm…dat's a little scary/  At the end of the file, Remy noticed a flag indicating that the doctor would need to obtain a blood sample from him upon the team's return.  The purpose of said sample would be to analyze genetic code and identify mutant DNA.  Remy leaned back in the chair, crossed his arms and brought one hand up to rub his jaw, dwelling on this last tidbit.  He was already having a difficult time hiding his third mutation from them, thanks to his master's insistence on removing the blocks.  But, if they discovered it on their own by analyzing his genes, that might bring an end to this mission before he managed to get the information his boss required.  Not a pleasant thought.
Remy was about to continue his attempts to crack the barrier leading to what he was sure was the research information he needed to steal, when a feeling of calm and peace poured over him, causing him to close his eyes and lean his head back at the feelings.  It lasted only a moment when his eyes snapped open, realizing where the feeling came from.  Quickly, he started backing out of everything, praying he could shut it all down before he was discovered.
Storm stepped out of the elevator and was about to make her way to the Danger room when she noticed the light at the other end of the hallway leading to the med lab.  Confused, she made her way towards the doors, the hallway lights transitioning on and off as she passed.  As the door to the ward swished open, she glanced around and saw the Cajun peeking through cabinets.
“What are you doing down here?” She queried, curiosity and a bit of wariness adorning her features.
For his part, Remy pretended to be startled, jumping slightly at the question and turning wide eyes toward the weather goddess.  “Oh chere, you scare po' Remy.  Don't be sneaking up on people like dat.”  He turned on the charm, flashing a disarming grin.  “Just looking for a little ibuprofen.  My head hurts.”  It wasn't completely a lie.  The tension headache was throbbing quite nicely, painfully squeezing everything within his skull like a vice-grip turned once too often.
She moved towards another cabinet and opened it to reveal various analgesics.  Handing him the bottle, she crossed her arms and watched him take a couple without the aid of water.  “I am sorry you are not feeling well.  Perhaps you should return to your room and lie down for a while?”
“Non, chere.  I'll be fine once dese pills take effect.”
“Is there anything bothering you that you want to talk about?  I'm a very good listener, or so I've been told.”  She smiled warmly at him when he finally focused his gaze on her.  He shook his head, causing her to sigh.  It was expected.  She had been at this school long enough to recognize that there are some who open up in their own time.  “Well, if you ever do, I'm here.”  She walked forward and touched his arm.  “We are all here to help.”  Not sure exactly what possessed her, she leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek before turning to leave. 
Remy blinked, then blushed as he raised a hand to touch the spot.  It was confusing to him.  He knew it was nothing but a friendly gesture, but it was something he rarely received from anyone and it chipped at something hard in his heart allowing something to escape that he was not ready to acknowledge with these people.  He needed to leave this place for a little while, give himself some time to rein in his errant emotions.  After the doors closed behind her, he logged back onto the computer quickly and adjusted the inventory list he had discovered earlier.  After shutting down again, he gathered some of the medicines and left the room.  A quick stop in the kitchen to gather a few supplies and he was soon on his way to the city.
<><><><><><><><>& lt;><><> 
Logan cleaned up and made his way to the dining area for the evening meal.  He wanted to corner the kid and talk to him.  The sooner they aired this thing out between them, the better off they both would be.  As he entered the room, however, only the Professor and Ororo were there.
Acting as unconcerned as possible, he piled his plate with food and casually asked, “Where's the kid?”
“He has gone into the city for dinner.”  Storm passed him a bowl of mashed potatoes from her side of the table.
Logan paused mid-scoop.  “Gone to the city?”  He turned an accusatory glance towards Xavier.  “And you let him?”
The Professor blinked and pursed his lips before answering.  “He is not under house arrest Logan.  He can come and go as he pleases within the rules.” 
Though the man was right, it just didn't sit well with the feral, or was it that he was just disappointed not to see him?  Logan shook the thought from his mind.  The Professor studied Logan for a moment before sending a mental message to Ororo.  She raised her head to look at them both before making an excuse.  “Well, if you two will excuse me.  I think I will take this last night of peace and enjoy my meal in front of the television.  It is not often that I have control of the remote.”  She smiled and gathered her meal before making her way out of the room. 
Once she was gone, Logan dropped his fork and stared at his food.  He suddenly lost his appetite and waited for the other man to ask his question.  “Logan…”
“Can it, Chuck.  I don't wanna hear it.”  He interrupted.
The telepath continued as if scolding a child.  “Tell me what has happened between the two of you in such a short amount of time.”
Logan sighed.  “I dunno know what the hell.  I just…”  Suddenly he pushed away from the table and stood up, moving to the window and keeping his back to the Professor.  “He's affectin' me.  When I'm around him, I feel like I`m losin' control.  It's like he's gettin' under m' skin or somethin'.”  Logan placed one hand on his hip and leaned against the other splayed flat against the wall.  “There's somethin' about him that I can't put m' finger on.  I ain't felt this way about someone since…since….”
“Since Jean?” the Professor finished for him.
Logan's head snapped around sharply, anger flashing in his eyes.  “She made her choice an' I respect that.  I ain't ever pushed.  And now that she's pregnant, it's different.  I don't feel…dammit yer killing me here.  I can't talk about this shit with you.”  He turned away again, staring into the night outside the glass pane.
Xavier waited, knowing that the older mutant would continue in his own time.  It was several tense minutes later when he saw the shoulders slump.  “It's stronger with him.  I wanna get close, crawl inside him, figure out how he ticks.  It just don't feel right fer me to take to someone like this, ya know?  It scares the hell outta me.  And I think it's scaring the hell outta him.”  He slowly turned to face the telepath and the rage that had been in his eyes was replaced with so much emotion that Xavier almost gasped.  “I can't stand it no more Chuck.”
Xavier moved his chair forward until he was next to Logan.  He carefully reached out and clasped the feral's forearm.  “I can not tell you what to do, my friend.  It is something you will have to work out for yourself.  But, know this.  You are a trusted member of this team and, despite your worries, I know you will do the right thing.  You proved as much with Jean.  If anyone deserves to be happy, it's you.  Don't let fear of the unknown turn your friendship sour.”       
Xavier patted his arm then turned his chair to leave.  He paused at the door and glanced back.  “I urge you to be careful with the young man Logan.  There are things that have happened to that boy that may cause him not to believe your sincerity.  Trust your instincts to be your guide.”
As Logan watched him glide out of the room, he rubbed the back of his neck.  “That may be easier said than done.” He muttered to himself.
End ch 13